Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'
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03-29-2013, 05:44 PM
The Scene opens to Another Static screen..but this time, it's titled..
"You Wouldn't Get Far...Far...Far.."
Then it shows John inside a Hotel in England, he speaks in front of a camera.
" Hello All, I'm in some simple Hotel away from Madison and training for Sunday, I've known what to except out of this match. I honestly thought it was going to be me and "Angie" in that ring, but no some guy named Luca decided to join in the party. Luca, i wanted to dedicate this promo to you and your words, but I'll do that plan later. For now, I'll share my opinions about you Luca.
Your a tough guy who been gaining creditability for having your name known, i respect that about you man. Yes, my name is used as joke only because of the late Lexi's stunt that made me who i am today in the Shove It Locker room. Who am I today you ask?, A tampon eating, slaving over Madison, getting beatings and verbal abuse type of a man.
So, Luca, you think that i suck right? Well, sorry to inform you that when you arrived, I've been losing or your term "sucking" the whole locker off in matches that you would not want to be in. Lets start a list then, I was dropped in a tub full of dried tampons, hanged by the Grand Wizard, smashed through glass tables, and almost ended up in the Bay. By your standards Luca, your right I DO SUCK, but i at least i did more in this company THEN you could ever do. No offense!
Luca, I DARE you to put your reputation on the line this Sunday, because you'll understand my pain and going to receive my humility at the same time. If i don't get my hands on you, just let your favorite man named "Angie" do the job.
To be honest, i don't care if i don't get the X-Terme title or not, it's not like THEY would want me to BE the X-Treme champion at all. All i want to do in that PPV, is to kick some ass and have my fans give me some props and what not. Like i stated in my last message, THEIR WILL BE RIOT!...
But anyways, let me turn off this camera to go out to see Big Ben. See you all at the PPV, until next time, I'm out.
The scene cuts off into Static...Until this song plays...That Relates to the title.
OOC: It's Repetitive, but good beat though.
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