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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Trick or Treat!
Author Message
LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

10-31-2014, 02:16 PM

LH Harrison hears the doorbell to his house on Halloween evening. LH stands up, picks up his bowl of sugary sweets. He walks over to the door and opens it.

'Trick or Treat!'

Three little girls are standing before him with their pumpkin buckets held out with big smiles on their faces. The girl on the left is wearing what appears to be a Katniss Everdeen outfit from The Hunger Games. The center child is wearing a princess outfit with big pink wings. The girl on the right is dressed up as a banana. Yeah, really unique bunch. Behind them you can see a goth teenager typing away on her cell phone looking incredibly bored. LH fills the young girls' buckets with chocolates and other sweets. He turns around and closes the door. He goes to sit down, but is interrupted by yet another ring of the doorbell. He opens the door and is frightened to see Evertrust standing before his very door step with his hands outstretched.

He says nothing, but his eyes stare icily into the hazel eyes of LH.

The very reality begins altering as the house turns into a haunted house with Evertrust's form turning into that of Mike Myers. The intense theme song begins to play in the back recess of the mind of LH.

LH turns around to run as large mousetraps bigger than him begin snapping at him from both sides. He gets to the end of the stretched hallway he was running in. He opens the door at the end of the hall and closes it behind him. He takes a moment to breath a sigh of relief. As he does so, a blade comes through the door missing him by mere millimeters. LH jumps away from the door and finds a candle stick. Evertrust breaks down the door as he stands there ominously. LH rushes up to him and begins brutalizing him with the candle stick until Evertrust drops his knife. LH lifts the knife over his head and brings it down slashing the very timeline there were experiencing as it approached Evertrust. By the time it reached him, a bright white light filled the space. LH covers his eyes to avoid the harsh sight. LH begins blinking as the scene shows Evertrust lying on the floor in a peaceful manner. LH is gripping the bucket of candy tightly as candy is strewn out across the floor. LH looks at the bucket and looks at Evertrust. He hears a noise at the door and notices his neighbor Jack Parker and his daughter standing there. Jack is a local football referee and his daughter is wearing a referee outfit just like his. LH chuckles at the irony and motions for them to come in.

LH flops down on top of Evertrust as the father and his daughter count the pin in unison!



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⤤⇝ℰⱱεℛℑȓųšƬ⇜⤣ Offline
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-31-2014, 05:25 PM

On a night like this there seems to be no limit to reality's imagination and no rules for its twisted sister, fantasy's, grasp on the perception of all placement and time. Rips in the continuum begin to ooze with milky, sluggish discharge; pieces of candy morph into blood-rusted railroad spikes, and this guy shows up just in time to slash the throats of the father and daughter referee duo, stopping their count indefinitely.

[Image: 2n6by2q.png]

Ironically enough he used the sharpened end of a dried pumpkin stem to carve obnoxiously large smiles right into their throats as LH Harrison looked on in shock, allowing Evertrust to easily kick out.

Evertrust winks at Harrison and shackles immediately soar through the air, slamming into Harrison's wrists and ankles, continuing on their way toward the wall with Harrison's body being dragged along. They slam into the wall and a snake slithers out from a hole behind Harrison, wrapping itself around his throat.

" Merry Christmas, my good fellow. Santa, please wipe that look of incertitude off of your face and give Mr. Harrison his present—he's been a very good boy this year. Oh, and one other thing; be sure the gift jibes with the situation at hand. Something… awe inspiring. "

Evertrust leaves Harrison alone with the pumpkin headed man he referred to as Santa and takes the cameraman with him; a necessary step to spare us from finding out just what that man gave to Harrison that made his shrieks of horror span so far and wide across the land, or why those shrieks soon changed into garbled, inaudible cries of distress.

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