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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Active Roster » XWF Roster Pages / Move Lists
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XWF Classic: Here for the memories! Roger
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Roger Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Green as Grass

(sloppy in the ring; botches moves regularly; shows up when fans are hoping for anyone else)

06-20-2023, 01:16 PM


[Image: ?ref_=ext_shr_lnk]

Wrestler's Real Name: Roger

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: 29 February 1984

Height: 5 foot 7

Weight: 141 pounds

Hometown: i go to sleep in a wee little town called london

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): i have one face and two heels

Pic Base: this is a hard question to answer because i have been told it changes depending on what angle you look at me from for example from the front i have been told i look like hilarious english comedian james acaster but from the back i have been told i look like hilarious english comedian james acaster but from the side i have been told i look like oh my god what the heck is that hey darryl can you come and squash this bug with your flip flop its disgusting oh wait don't hit it that's just Roger mummy loves you dear i hope you had fun at the park

Backstory/Important Character Details: i learned how to wrestle

Strengths: i can solve a rubic's cube with only six googles for help

Weaknesses: dairy

youtube code - ojULkWEUsPs

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version): i like that one song that asks about letting the dogs out because it takes me back to that time in my life where somebody let the dogs out and it was a great mystery

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing): i am brave and heroic now so i no longer get spooked when the sparkly sparklers go off behind me while i have a walk to the ring

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): i can have a wrestle with anybody but if i had to pick my most favouritist style it would have to be thumb wrestling

10 or More Standard Moves:
1. left
2. right
3. forward
4. backward
5. diagonal forward and a bit to the left
6. diagonal forward and a bit to the right
7. diagonal backward and a bit to the left
8. diagonal backward and a bit to the left
9. down
10. up (i don't really like moving this way though)

Trademark Move Name(s): skidding
Description(s): whenever i enter a room with wooden floors i like to have a bit of a run up and then skid along the floor in my socks and whenever i do all of my friends and family say oh that's just Roger he loves to have a skid so i guess that could be my trademark where i have a bit of a skid at my enemies but i haven't applied for the trademark yet does anybody have a good lawyer

Finishing Move Name(s): this is my new devastating maneuvre
Description(s): nobody can destroy me if they cannot master my mind so i will throw my head at them when they are down and out and weak to my trickery and maybe sometimes i will have a climb of the first rope but not go too high because i am not drunk but i could have a throw of my head at my enemy from slightly higher off the ground to really destroy them

Finishing Move Name(s): i can do a bit of a school boy to win
Description(s): i have a really good school boy costume because it is the uniform i wore as a child in foggy london so i can put that on and have a go at rolling up any of my enemies 

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: i think purple spots are pretty hardcore because they take a lot of bravery to pull off and that's something that i am working on for myself but sometimes i have also heard that when i have a swing of the gigantic warhammer that my friend Prince Ibrahim of vainglorious Niger gave me that it looks pretty hardcore too

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): i would never go in the water because that's where the fish pee and sleep and i always got in trouble as a wild and crazy fifteen year old for peeing where i slept so i haven't figured out why the fish aren't being told off for it by their mums which means they probably have some sort of secret that they are holding and i think it's just best not to rock the boat a little bit because i might fall out into the pee bed and my mum will be cross with me
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