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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Reflections & Resurrections, P1
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Peter Vaughn Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-18-2022, 08:46 PM

The Road So Far:

A Secret War Is Brewing, P1

A Secret War Is Brewing, P2

A Secret War Is Brewing, P3

Civil (Servants) War, P1

Civil (Servants) War, P2

Civil (Servants) War, P3

Connections Through Time, P1

Connections Through Time, P2

Connections Through Time, P3

[Image: executive-summary.jpg]

Over the last few months, Peter Vaughn has been leading his army into a brutal war. A war between two powerful factions that help the waking world continue to succeed in their everyday affairs.

Vaughn, as the Head Custodian of the Custodial Coalition, has been able to block or stop multiple assaults from the Maintenance Mafia, led by the sinister Bernardo. He stopped a traitor in his midst, even though Vaughn doesn't even remember this (due to the laws of time travel). He has basically blocked the Mafia on every level possible. Vaughn has since led counterattacks, with the Coalition managing to take a few key locations in the Civil (Servants) War. But there have been losses on both sides. Vaughn has had to see several younger custodians give their lives in the war for their technological freedom.

For the Mafia has made no attempt to hide their main goal: the seize all of the incredible VR technology, among other assets, that the Coalition has created over the years. They believe that VR is the future, that everyone will eventually be living in an Augmented Reality, and they want to have control of such a fascinating creation. Rumor has it they've wanted to join it with another, previously unknown technology under their control. Vaughn has made it his goal to deny them this union, and to stop Bernardo once and for all.

Today might be the day that he succeeds...

October 18th, 2022

~The shot opens up focused on the front entrance to a very familiar home improvement store.~

[Image: 960x0.jpg]

~The camera moves through the big, red doors and into the building, where we see a bustling business taking place. There are helpful workers pointing confused DIY'ers in the right directions, pushing them to complete the large (and expensive) projects they've begun. The camera moves forward, focusing on one particular couple, who seem to be arguing over a paint color for their new house.~

Woman: Look, honey, I don't think you're understanding this. The only color that will work for us is this Pearly White! It will fit the fixtures perfectly!

Man: You may think so, darling, but you're just not picturing the stark difference in those two colors. The only one that will work is this Alabaster shade!

Employee: Actually, both of those are very similar. There's really not much difference...

Woman: SWEETHEART... you need to face your own limitations. You know you have a bit of color blindness, and it's showing here. It HAS to be Pearly White!

Man: SNUGGLEMUFFIN... I'm not the one experiencing a disturbing shift in vision right now. Alabaster is what we need!

Employee: Well, uhh, just to consider a compromise, you could always consider this shade of Antique White...

~Both the man and woman turn incredulously towards the young man, who's just trying to be helpful and avoid conflict. He missed badly on both counts.~


Man: How the HELL did you ever get hired on here? Antique White?? Are you SERIOUS??

Employee: I... I... I...

~The couple steps towards him, finally a united front due to their shared hatred of Antique White. The employee tenses, preparing to run. Suddenly, an explosion rips through the store! All three stop in shock, looking around at what's happened. Another blast comes their direction, hitting the stack of paint cans nearby. Paint of all colors, well, all WHITE colors, go flying into the air, coating all three of them.~


Man: Don't worry, it was just the Alabaster, you look beautiful in it!!

Woman: ... I'm going to KILL YOU...

~Another loud explosion is heard, stopping the woman in her paint-covered tracks. They look back over in the direction of the fighting, which seems to be coming closer.~

Man: It's got to be terrorists!

Woman: Why would terrorists be attacking a True Value??

Man: Maybe they don't like Pearly White either...

Woman: It's the PERFECT... look, we'll settle this paint color later. These guys are getting too close. Run for it!!

~The couple runs off, suddenly fine with each other as the man holds the woman's hand. They slide slightly at the turn, but manage to get around it, disappearing deeper into the store. The employee, meanwhile, takes a seat near the spilled paint, shaking his head.~

Employee: Thank God...

~He slowly crawls away, keeping his head low, as the camera turns to where the action is taking place. It's a full-on assault of True Value, with customers running frantically in every direction as the troops storm in. Leading them, holding a large plasma gun, is Peter Vaughn. He points towards the back, signaling his men & women forward.~

Peter Vaughn: Push on, soldiers! This is it! This is what all our custodial sacrifices have been about! We take this building, and we can win the war tonight!!

~There's a roar of approval from the other custodians, as they continue to move forward. The Mafia have managed to start regrouping, though, with some of them holding the line with a series of nail guns, shooting wildly at the custodial front. A few are hit, dropping to the ground and trying to pull the nails out of their arms and legs. But others fire back, disintegrating any barricades in their way, as the Coalition moves forward. Vaughn stops at one hallway corner, closer to the back entrance of the store. He puts a finger to his ear, triggering the signal device there.~

Peter Vaughn: We're almost to the main door, Bill. Any updates on the security locks?

~The image splits, showing us Bill and Luke out inside a large container truck parked in the lot. Luke is typing furiously, sweat running down his forehead, as Bill maintains their access point.~

Bill Sykes: We've about got it. But our tricks will only work for about 10-20 seconds max, so don't waste time!

Peter Vaughn: We're ready to move on your mark. Glad you were able to find a way into this system, Bill. Damn good work!

~Bill looks guilty for a second, as he thinks about WHY he was able to access this network so easily, but he doesn't mention anything to Peter or Luke. It's a secret that he hopes to take to his grave. Instead, he locks in the last commands on his end and turns to Luke.~

Bill Sykes: I'm set.

Luke Thompkins: Then let's rock and roll!

~Luke fires off a command, and we see the program immediately begin to work. It probably doesn't need to show a Matrix-style coding run on the screen, but Luke's always been about adding some flair to everything he does. Inside the building, Vaughn watches as the doors suddenly spring open on their own accord, surprising a few of the defenders, who turn to look at it. Vaughn doesn't hesitate. He immediately takes the shot, blasting two of them away, and begins running for the door.~

Peter Vaughn: Everybody move! Now! This is our one chance!

~Several soldiers/custodians follow Vaughn through, while others branch off to the left and right to fend off the desperate attempt from the Mafia members to stop them. We see brooms and mops face off against hammers and wrenches, in some furious battles, but these are just the opening skirmishes. We're here for the main event. Vaughn manages to get through, charging into the more sophisticated backrooms of the True Value. It looks like a much larger space than it should be, but Vaughn doesn't care. He grins, reloading his plasma gun.~

Peter Vaughn: I know you're here, Bernardo. Tonight... we finish this...

~Vaughn rushes forward, checking the corners, as a small squad follows behind him. They all appear to be professionals, knowing exactly what they need to do to bring the Maintenance Mafia to their knees for the final time. We cut away.~

It's been a long time coming.

It was near the beginning of the year that Charlie Nickles started challenging me. It was after I made the improbable rise to the top, smashing my way through multiple competitors and then defeating Jim Caedus for the Universal Title. Maybe Chuckles saw me as a weak champion, someone he could actually beat to gain the gold he'd always wanted. Maybe he just felt compelled to demand a match against me, just as he did so many others.

But that obsession didn't go so well for ol' Charles.

When I lost the title to ALIAS, one of the greatest wrestlers around, Charlie couldn't handle it. Even though ALIAS had handed him his ass before, Charlie still went forward, demanding the opportunity at the Universal Title. He got it at Leap of Faith 2022, and boy, did that go badly. It was after that when Chamie really started to struggle. He had lost focus on his best friend, the Television Title, which was now being defended and wrestled for by other men and women, leaving him behind.

He would challenge for the Tag-Team Titles with Marf, again demanding an opportunity, only to have Flynn & NKWC smack them down. He would try again for the Universal Title, this time having it snatched away from his grasp by Raion Kido. And that one truly hurt, didn't it, Chuck? Seeing ALIAS finally fall, only it wasn't at your hands.

I think at that point, things got a little bleak, didn't they? You made a few appearances with the Bastards, but you skipped both War Games and Relentless, two of the bigger events of the year for the XWF. It must have felt like you'd fallen out of gear and couldn't get anything moving, right? So how to fix all of that? How to get the motor running again?

By looking back to where it all started: challenging me.

You got a nice, albeit tiny, win over Finn last Warfare, and I guess that gave you the courage to once again demand a shot against me. Well, you're finally getting what you wanted, Chuckie. You're getting to face me as a champion. But they always say, be careful what you wish for, because while you've been blowing shot after shot over the last several months, I've become a dominant Supercontinental Champion.

I blew through the Supercontinental Title Tournament, taking down one of the current Tag Champs, Vita Valenteen, and then flooring a legend in Mac Bane. I squashed the threat of Calypso multiple times, teaching him that he doesn't belong in my division. Ned Kaye rose up with a lot of righteous anger, wanting to be the one to end my reign. He didn't even come close, as I destroyed him at Relentless. I proved a lot of doubters wrong that night, I believe, although there will always be some who can't read the writing no matter how large you make it.

Still, a victory over you will likely just cement my dominance in everyone's minds. You'll be a showcase on the list, maybe not as respected as ol' Ned Kaye, but a beautiful name, nonetheless. I'll be able to point to your name and say I beat up a Bastard and continued on my way towards the record reign of Corey's. By the time we meet, I'll have held this championship for 150 days. You certainly won't be the one stopping that reign, boyo.

You're going to come in cocky and with a lot of bravado, I'm sure. You're going to say the same things that everyone else says, about how I'm a fluke and don't deserve the belt, and that you're going to dethrone me and finally right the chaos in your life. You probably think that you'll be able to annihilate me. And yet, in the end, you're going to find yourself squashed and defeated as I walk away the winner, holding my championship up high once again.

And once again, you'll have found yourself denied the gold. You'll find yourself wondering where to go next. But don't worry. I'm sure there are other champions left that you can still demand a shot against. Maybe you can ask Thunder Knuckles to give you another go at the tag champs. I think you might stand a chance against the Midnight Dolls, with his help.

You can still be a champion again, Charlie. Just not on this night.

On Warfare, you will be faced with the reality that, after all these months, you really should never have challenged me. Ever.

~The doors fall inwards, apparently rusted off their hinges by another special gadget of the Custodial Coalition. After all, with as much work as janitors do to remove rust, you'd have to pick up some tips on how to spread it. The first two custodians run in, firing. One takes a shot to the side and falls, while the other is able to dive into cover. Vaughn then appears in the doorway, firing two Clean Guns simultaneously. The blast of soapy, acidic suds moves like a wave over the two custodians and hits the Mafia members, who scream and fall backwards, trying to wipe off the suds. It never does anything but spread them, though, and they fall to the floor, silenced forever... but far cleaner than before. Vaughn barely gives them a second glance.~

Peter Vaughn: Neither of them Bernardo. Where is that son of a bitch? Was our intel wrong?

~Vaughn shakes his head, as more move in to claim ownership of the room. It appears to be a security room of some kind, which catches Vaughn's eyes. He moves to one computer screen, quickly clicking on the security monitors icon. The computer beeps... then flashes "Access Denied". Vaughn grumbles.~

Peter Vaughn: Bill, Luke, I need another high-tech intervention. I need a way to see these cameras.

~Bill and Luke are shown in a split-screen, exchanging a helpless look with each other.~

Bill Sykes: I'm sorry, boss, but the cameras are on an interior grid. They're not on the net, so we can't access them from here. We already tried.

Luke Thompkins: Besides, I'm sure the security there requires an eye check or fingerprint verification, anyways. Did you happen to take anyone prisoner there?

~Vaughn quickly looks around the room at the slowly dissolving Mafia members. He steps over to one, quickly snapping down a kick on the decaying man's wrist. The hand snaps off, getting it away from the toxic liquids. Vaughn wipes his shoe on the mat, clearing it of debris, before picking up the hand. He checks it, and it looks like maybe three fingers still remain fully intact. He shrugs.~

Peter Vaughn: I might have one that'll be cooperative.

~Vaughn places the 'hand' on the sensor board, holding it steady enough so that the scan can take place. It seems to struggle over the missing fingers, but that kind of issue appears built into the system, as the computer beeps... and flashes "Access Granted". Vaughn smiles, looking back at a fellow custodian and tossing him the hand. The custodian holds it for a second by the middle finger, then quickly drops it, horrified.~

Peter Vaughn: Butterfingers...

~Vaughn goes back to the keyboard, once again requesting security monitor access. This time, the camera shots begin popping up in the various windows. Vaughn glances through each one, knowing exactly what he's looking for. About seven angles in, he stops scrolling, staring at the man just standing there in the hallway. Bernardo is just looking up at the camera, a wide smile on his face.~

Peter Vaughn: There you are. Time for us to finish our last conversation...

~Vaughn turns and nods to the still-shaken custodian.~

Peter Vaughn: You guys mop up here. And by that, I mean lock everything down and get it secure, not, y'know, clean up. I'm going to go cut off the head and end this once and for all.

~Vaughn turns and runs off, as the camera focuses on the smiling Bernardo again. He doesn't seem to have moved at all. We jump into the hallway, as we see Vaughn on the run, knowing exactly where he's going now. He turns a corner... then suddenly slides, moving forward on his knees as a silver blade suddenly flies overhead, nearly taking off his scalp. Vaughn then rolls into the slide, doing a flip, as another blade pops up from the ground. He lands on his feet, looking back for a second and smirking.~

Peter Vaughn: Someone's been watching too much Indiana Jones...

~Vaughn turns and steps forward... triggering a switch that slides downwards. He realizes it, immediately looking behind him, as an extremely large metal ball bearing starts rolling down from the ceiling. Vaughn takes a few rapid steps forward, seeing the door in front of him starting to slide shut. He dives through, sliding, and makes it out, and he didn't even have to go back for his hat. The bearing slams into the door, almost buckling it, but the door holds. On the other side, Vaughn gets to his feet, shaking his head.~

Peter Vaughn: That's just a ridiculous thing to have in your headquarters...

~After a few seconds, Vaughn triggers his earpiece again.~

Peter Vaughn: Hey, Bill, make a note. Let's look into a ball bearing sabotage for HQ, okay?

Bill Sykes: .... What?

Peter Vaughn: ... Nevermind. We'll talk later.

~Vaughn continues on, now more cautious about boobytraps. He turns the corner... and Bernardo is there, raising up a machine gun!! Vaughn darts back around the corner as the slugs land in the wall next to him, with Bernardo's laughter heard over the gunfire.~

Bill Sykes: What's happening? Boss??

Peter Vaughn: Send reinforcements to the second sub-basement, east side. I think I've got Bernardo trapped, but damn, he's got a lot of bullets!

~As Bill goes to alert more custodians, Vaughn waits for the shooting to stop. He leans against the wall, protecting himself, as he waits for help to come.~

Peter Vaughn: Still not a big fun of the gadget guns, eh, Bernardo? You always did love your bullets. I'm afraid the fight is over, though. We have your headquarters. We have you. So if you want a chance of coming out of this still breathing, now's your opportunity to surrender.

~Vaughn waits, not really expecting the shooting to stop. Strangely, though, it does. A second later, Vaughn hears the clatter of a machine gun falling to the ground. Confused, Vaughn inches out, taking a quick peek around the corner. He then looks again, longer this time, before finally stepping out. In front of him, we can see Bernardo's machine gun on the ground... but there is no Bernardo. Just a mirrored hallway, ending in a view of Vaughn himself. He walks forward, quickly tapping at the glass on either side, looking for a trapdoor, but not finding it.~

Peter Vaughn: You clever bastard. You always have an escape plan, don't you? What is this, the entry into your funhouse? Is that a maintenance worker trait? I would have said more circus workers, but then, I guess some of them do work on keeping the rides and all going. Damn it, you're not going to answer me, are you?

~There's no sound, so Vaughn shakes his head, losing his brief hope for a hint. He gets to the end of the hallway, where it's sealed off by another mirror. Vaughn looks at himself for a moment, looking frustrated, before reaching out to tap the last piece of glass. His hand immediately goes right through it, in a strange liquid-type of movement! Vaughn startled, starts to pull his hand back, but he can't. He tries again, with no luck.~

Peter Vaughn: Ah, SHI-

~Suddenly, Vaughn is pulled violently forward, disappearing inside the mirror!! It waves and wiggles like a Jello mold for a moment, before becoming still again. The only noise left is the clattering of Vaughn's gun on the floor. It apparently couldn't make the trip. After a few more seconds, we hear the stomping of feet, and a squad of four custodians comes around the corner. They train their weapons around, with no idea what's happened.~

Bill Sykes: Boss? Your reinforcements are there. Boss? Peter?

~There is no response. There are just mirror images, all looking exactly like the custodians would expect.~

Sometimes you have to reflect back on the past in order to see the future.

I know I talked a lot about your recent struggles, Charles, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I really do think you're a dangerous wrestler, given the right circumstances. After all, you were the man to take down North Korean War Criminal in a singles match. I mean, that's pretty huge. And you also got Mark Flynn in a tag-team match, too.

I took down Flynn just recently, pinning him in the WGWF soon after he became the current XWF Universal Champion. So, y'know, that's one thing we do have in common.

Really, it's obvious that the talent is in there... hidden... somewhere... waiting to come out. The question is, I suppose... which Charlie will show up? Will it be the cold, ruthless son of a bitch who beat NKWC single-handedly? Or will it be the tagalong we've seen a few times in the last few months, the guy who needs to rely too heavily on the Bastards for a chance to win?

I wonder, Nicks. I really wonder.

I mean, I've been there. I won plenty of matches when I ran with the Exiles, using their aid to 'steal' away victories. And you know what? I never got respect for those wins. Part of the reason the Exiles quietly disbanded was because, after destroying Apex, the group just didn't seem necessary anymore.

I had outgrown them. I could do it all on my own.

But can you, Chuck? I really don't know. I think you might already be thinking, "This guy is too damn good. I have to have Thunder Knuckles and Bobby Bourbon bail my ass out again and give me a chance." I mean, maybe I'm wrong... but why should I take the risk? I feel like this should definitely be a one-on-one affair.

Unless Bam Miller decides to show up, and then I guess all bets are off. Hey, not like I can control the guy. He just pops up with a brick now and again.

But maybe we can do something to isolate that, Dimes. Maybe we can have ourselves a match that works to my strengths... but also blocks out any advantages. And maybe we can even venture in to a few fears of yours at the same time, do some multi-tasking to help you out. So here's what I'm proposing for our match stipulation:

An Acrophobia/Claustrophobia Match.

We will do battle inside of a open-ceiling steel cage, which should help deter much of the riff-raff from being able to get quickly involved. It will keep you contained, unable to head into the stands for a new weapon... or a beer, unless someone throws it to you. But the objective won't be to escape. The Supercontinental Championship will be hanging high above the cage, secured by the usual clip to keep it just out of reach. I can hear you asking, a Ladder match? Nope, afraid not, Chum. We will just have two planks crisscrossing the top of the cage, creating a very tiny platform, no bigger than the size of my feet.

So maybe slightly larger than yours. I don't know, your bio doesn't have shoe sizes, but I'm just guessing you're rocking like, what, a 6? 7? Do you have shoe lifts in there to make you taller? Just wondering.

Anyhow, it should be pretty obvious to you what we'll have to do, but just in case, let me spell it out for you. Once I've knocked you out in the middle of the ring, maybe after a Plunge from the top of the cage, I'll make my way up to that small, small plank and start balancing my way across. When I reach the center, I grab the championship and reclaim it, sealing another successful defense for myself.

Or, y'know, maybe you make the climb. Maybe. It's hard to picture, though, isn't it?

You wanted this title shot, Charles. You wanted to face me with my stipulation. I'm sure you're thinking, hey, I'm hardcore as hell, I'll easily beat him down and get the title. But you have to have the complete package. You have to be hardcore, sure, but you also have to be fast, be athletic, and have a great sense of balance.

In other words... you're screwed.

Peter Vaughn: ... -IT!!!

~Vaughn stumbles forward, falling hard onto his knees. For a few seconds, he pulls the Family Guy card, grabbing at one knee and breathing heavily as he gets through the pain. He then straightens up and gets to his feet, looking around. It looks almost exactly like the same hallway he was just in. He glances back behind him, seeing the mirror still looking back at him.~

Peter Vaughn: That... was a trip...

~Vaughn walks over, tapping at the mirror once again to see if the same effect happens, but this time, it's just like regular glass. He pats on it a few times to make sure, seemingly considering trying to punch it. But as a man who's cut up his hands before, Vaughn opts not to take that drastic step just yet. Instead, Vaughn shakes his head and backs away.~

Peter Vaughn: I don't remember getting hit in the head. Then again, I usually don't remember getting hit in the head, so...

~With a shrug, the wrestler turns and looks around the floor for his weapon. He doesn't see it anywhere, which confuses him for a moment. He steps to the side of the wall, cautious now, focusing on every detail for the sign of where his plasma gun went. He happens to glance to the side, then does a double-take, focusing on the fire alarm there. It looks just like you would expect... only... ~

[Image: firereverse.png]

~Vaughn stares at the backwards lettering, rubbing at his head and neck as if looking for a wound. There is no blood forthcoming, as he checks his hands, but he doesn't appear to believe it, checking again.~

Peter Vaughn: Okay, so head injury. Cool. Wonder when I start seeing little Tweety birds flying around my head?

Bernardo: Just as droll as always, Peter. No, you don't have brain damage, you culicagado.

~The wrestler spins, looking to his side, where Bernardo is currently standing with a big smile on his face. That smile falters as he sees Vaughn rushing immediately towards him, his fists clenched.~

Bernardo: Whoa! Hang on, you...

~A right cross sends Bernardo banging against the wall. A left hook then smacks him back the other way. Bernardo falls to the ground, stunned, as Vaughn stands over him, fuming.~

Peter Vaughn: You thought because I don't have a weapon, you were safe? Moron. I beat people up for a living! Now, time to do what I should have done a long time ago...

~Vaughn leans over, prepared to deal out a ton of damage that will probably make even die-hard XWF fans squeamish. Bernardo raises up both hands, suddenly terrified.~

Bernardo: Wait! WAIT!! Don't you want to get home??

~Vaughn stops for a second, staring down at the man. He grabs Bernardo by the collar, yanking him upwards.~

Peter Vaughn: What are you talking about? Home? My headquarters?

Bernardo: Hah! You still think you're in our home reality? Think again! You saw the fire alarm, didn't you?

~Confused, Vaughn shoves Bernardo back down, allowing him to quickly crab-crawl away from him. He looks back at the backwards alarm.~

Peter Vaughn: So someone installed that one wrong. So what?

Bernardo: Not wrong, Peter. Just reversed.

~Bernardo drags himself to his feet, wiping away a bloody mouth on his sleeve. Vaughn looks ready to jump him again, so Bernardo starts putting distance between them, while starting to explain.~

Bernardo: You thought the Coalition had all the technology, didn't you? You thought you were the only innovators due to your Virtual Reality tech. Can you really be that naive? You didn't think that, because we went down a different path, we wouldn't have ANYTHING to show for it?

Peter Vaughn: I mean... most of your 'tech' was just nail guns and staple guns, so...

Bernardo: That's because we didn't focus on weaponry. We focused on exploring, on ways to use the universe to our advantage. And that's how we came to find this place... the place on the other side of the reflection.

Peter Vaughn: Wait, hold on...

~Vaughn stops for a second, glancing around in every direction.~

Peter Vaughn: Are you saying... we're in the Upside Down?

Bernardo: No. Hell no! That would be copyrighted, we couldn't use that. No, Peter... it's better than that... welcome... to the Inside Out!

~Bernardo looks extremely proud of the name. Vaughn's eyes narrow.~

Peter Vaughn: Wouldn't Disney or Pixar have a copyright on that one?

Bernardo: I... no, it's not even remotely the same thing! We're not inside a person, we're in another reality!

Peter Vaughn: You want to go against the Disney lawyers on that one?

~After a grimace, Bernardo shakes his head. Nobody wants to fight Disney, not even the Custodial Coalition and the Maintenance Mafia.~

Bernardo: Fine. Welcome to... The Mirror Dimension!!

Peter Vaughn: Oh, like that place Star Trek has visited for decades?

Bernardo: .... Shut up! We'll worry about the name later! Suffice to say, you're in a whole new universe, Peter, and you don't have a clue how to escape!

Peter Vaughn: Huh. Yeah, that sounds like a problem, I gotta admit... but I'll deal with that after I've cracked your skull open.

~Vaughn says this so casually that Bernardo doesn't react at first. But he does notice that Vaughn is beginning to charge him again.~


~Bernardo winces, ducking down, as Vaughn grabs him. But after a moment, Vaughn controls himself, pulling Bernardo up.~

Peter Vaughn: So you're the key to get out of here? Do I only need part of you with me, or all of you?

~Vaughn seems to be considering Bernardo's right wrist. Bernardo gulps, then does the only thing he can think of... he knees Vaughn in the groin. Vaughn slumps to the side, gasping, feeling the pain just like any other wrestler, as Bernardo pulls away and starts running down the hall.~

Bernardo: Time's not on your side, Peter! You'll never catch me!

~Bernardo hurries off. After a few deep breaths, Vaughn gives chase, trying to ignore the burning down below from the strike he just took. He has no intention of letting Bernardo get away, and strand him in this unknown universe. They both run off, disappearing from our sight.~

Whatever angle you look at this from, it's not good for you, Chuck.

You're coming into this contest at a point when I'm on one of my strongest runs in the company. I haven't been beaten since War Games. I've defeated some of the best wrestlers in the world today at various feds around the world. I'm truly on a streak that all should be admiring.

You're coming into this one at a major disadvantage, since you're going to struggle at climbing up that cage, and you're truly going to struggle making the slow crawl across those planks. It completely works against your body-build, and I know, it's rather unfair of me, but hell, considering what others have put me through, I'm not really feeling that damn sympathetic.

You're coming into this one when almost every set of eyes are going to be on you. We're a two-match show, which means that this one truly has to deliver for the money-paying crowd. Theo and Atticus will be supremely pissed if you lose quickly, due to my superior climbing skills. Honestly, I might even have to handicap myself a little to make this interesting. Should we make it three times up the cage and touching the title to win?

Nah, that'd just be boring for the fans, watching me ascend that many times with no effort.

All-in-all, I'd say almost everything is stacked against you, Chuckles. You're going to have to find a way in that deranged mind of yours to somehow match me in strategy, skill, and violence. It's a potent combination, my friend, and I tend to excel in all three. It's hard for me even to picture a scenario where you're able to match that.

But I want you to try. I want you to bring everything you've got to this fight. Leave it all out there, even if it ends with you lying in a man-made crater inside the ring. I never want a cakewalk, Chompers. I always want to see the best out of my opponents, so that everyone says "Wow. Peter Vaughn took down another at his best."

I always strive to avoid the Caedus Effect. A victory means nothing if there's nothing gained out of it. So don't let me down, Knuckles.

Fight to your very last. Just like Ned Kaye did. Try to steal the show. Just like Calypso did. Prove yourself worthy. Like so many before you haven't. And show the world that you're damn good on occasion... just not good enough.

And after that's all over, and you've made a sizable impression?

Make sure you enjoy the Plunge.

~The screen has gone completely black. But just as it feels like we'll be moving on to something else, there's suddenly a voice in the darkness.~

Voice: Master! MASTER!

~The video slowly comes up, showing up what looks like a sort of throne room. It's straight out of something like the Game of Thrones... or maybe the Crown. I don't know, I never watched that one. Okay, maybe a little. We see a few scattered individuals laying around on the ground, not moving. It's hard to tell if they're alive or dead. There is a man sitting up on the throne, with a cloak up, covering his face. The head slowly turns to face where the shouting is coming from.~

Voice: MASTER!!

~The figure comes skidding into the picture, looking like he's been through a tornado. At the very least, his clothes have seen better days. The man scrambles up the steps towards the cloaked figure, kneeling briefly in front of him. Nothing else in the room has moved.~

Cloaked Man: Cease your shouting and speak your mind, Odranerb, before you annoy me.

~The man looks up, frightened, and we get the first good look at his face. If we ignore a large scar that crosses his right cheek, it's almost a picture-perfect image of Bernardo. He bows again, not wanting to make his master angry.~

Odranerb: It's happened, Master, just as you said it would. He's here! The reverser has brought him HERE!!

~For a few seconds, the cloaked man doesn't react. He finally stands up, walking down the steps towards Odranerb, who backs away while staying downwards. It's an impressive skill. The cloaked man stands over him, staring downwards, before pulling his cloak back, revealing himself.~

[Image: goateethrone.jpg]

~The face is more weathered, as if having gone through some extreme times and events. The goatee is a noticeable difference, mostly changing the man's looks. But there is no mistaking the eyes of Peter Vaughn, no matter what dimension you find them in, even if we've flipped the image. He looks down at Odranerb, and a slow grin begins to appear on his face.~

Nhguav Retep: This is very good news, Odranerb. Very good news, indeed.

~The man steps away from a prone Odranerb, walking towards the doorway, already intent on his next move. Odranerb doesn't move until Nhguav is gone. He then slowly looks up, an expression of pure hate on his face. We slowly fade out.~

[Image: mechanicposter.jpg]

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