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Dolly Waters Online

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-19-2022, 07:57 PM

Dolly hasn’t been sleeping well. If the burnt out look of crust and glaze circling her eyes is any indication, she hasn’t been sleeping well for a long time. On her best days she’s jittering through a caffeine binge, forcing her eyelids open through core and cardio training. The grimace of her knee keeps her alert. Everything and everybody buzzing around her like splotchy glares from a camera. She’ll, at best, autopilot through jobs on the commune and chainsmoked cartons of cigarettes.

At her worst, Dollys like she is now, sleepless and dreamless, crumbled up here in this little diner in Spokane. Only a bartop blocking Dolly’s upper body from folding up into a fetal position. Her hands are pulling back at the scarred flesh on her forehead in such a way that her thumbs are resting on the outer cartilage of her ears. Lapsing in and out of a sleep deprived delirium, she presses the cartilage to and from her skull, trying to differentiate what she’s hearing, from what she thinks she’s hearing. What she hopes she’s hearing.

From behind her black hood, in the boiling of summertime mind you, she peers out at the diners patrons. Pressing her thumbs, listening to their mild conversations submerge into her flesh. She’s trying to hear something, an old familiar sound. It’s gentle like a stroking breeze, a blooming bud, and the relapsing waters pulling to the waves offshore. The sounds of dreams. The dreams that’ve been so short lived and fleeting. They brought her serenity and calm, and a candid acceptance of the future.

But the dreams have been nowhere. Only weariness and discomfort. A masked far cry from a young woman who recently believed herself to be spiritually settled. Even now, hours away from her steel cage confrontation with Reggie Estrada, Dolly has found nothing like the relaxation she thought this road trip would bring. Dolly thought she’d be escaping from the noises of her career, but they’ve only begun screeching now. She thought that old dream might creep back in, bringing her reprieve, but she’s only been flung further into muddle and caprice.

“Coffees gone cold, dear” Dolly releases the flesh from her earholes long enough to hear the waitress behind the bar make a passing comment. She takes the coffee and replaces it with a fresh, steamy pour from the pot. Dolly keeps her thumbs planted near her ears, still slouched over the bar top, leaning her face forward but catching it’s fall with her fingertips. Her eyes watch the dark liquid splash into the cup, while taking a quiet but deep whiff of the roasted aroma. It’s then that she hears something different,

”So, have you made up your mind yet?”

Not R.L. Edgar who’s just returned from the diner bathroom and sat next to his niece at the bar. She hears something else. It sounds girthy, and beats like a pulse, and it sounds like it’s calling out to her from the coffee pouring into the mug. The sound swells and then pops. Dolly jerks into an upright position and turns to run her eyes over Edgar,

I don’t…

She’s interrupted by her own thoughts, an airy and vapid expression smoothing her features while she pulls her eyes from Edgar. She settles them onto a little girl being helped into a booth by her father. And there it comes again. Just as it does every time before she slips away, everytime before she thinks she hears the dream. It’s crackling, and seering. Burning images and drowning voices fill through her senses yet leave her empty and wanting.

You don’t remember?


Lying a charred piece of paper down, she turns from the vanity in her commune bunker to face her friend, The War Winner.

He’s clutching the precious babe who’d been exploding with colicky cries only moments ago. The babe was left in Dolly’s care while The War Winner checked on their ailing mutual friend, Corey Smith. And while Corey’s condition was critical, and one that deserved attention, The War Winner couldn’t help but notice that something amiss with Dolly. The trance on Dolly’s face as he walked into her holding the screaming babe was one like he’d spotted after

Mayday. Fire. That’s all I remember.

That’s where I found it… in his ashes.

I couldn’t see it…

I could see you.

She walks from the vanity passing by her friend, and looks through the open windows to the bunker's balcony. She looks down on the commune grounds, where the ring was placed that night at Mayday.

Will you tell me again?

When you handed me the case I turned away to celebrate. The crowd were rushing the ring, and hoisted me up over their heads. That’s when I saw the flash, the burning. I could even smell it…
What did it smell like?

Death. And there you were, on your knees. Weeping into his ashes in your hands.

I used to be able to see him.

The War Winner moves behind Dolly, and takes a deliberate step toward the vanity, looking down at,

[Image: BmCx6sa.png]

The man in the photograph?

Yes. In my dreams. He’d guide me up to the mountain where I could see everything.

Yet you didn’t see the photograph at all. You stood from his pile of ashes in the ring and looked out beyond all of those fans.

The War Winner continues recalling the events after Mayday At Ye’ Ole’ Commune went off the air. The night he slayed the king. The night he began his track to eating the world. The night that propelled him to mastering the universe.

You looked like you were somewhere else. Things fell silent, and you just dusted the ashes from your hands and stepped through the ropes. Fans swarmed behind you and trampled over poor Louis’ charred body…

The War Winner lifts the burnt up photo from the vanity. It was clearly already that of vintage quality, but most hardcopy photos were these days anyway. This one must’ve been at least circa 1960.

The flames ate through a portion of the man’s face and charred along the young woman sitting with him on an apartment staircase. But despite the flames and damage, The War Winner could see that the couple in the photo was unmistakably happy. And for as little as he understood what he was looking at, or how mysteriously it appeared in the ring that night, he knew the photo served a purpose.

That’s when I spotted it…

[Image: 0NuvIRL.jpg]

He flips the photo over to the back, where scribblings of burnt ink are faded into the surface.

It reads something like:

Congratulations on your
[burn]ency, my darling.
O[burn]el will
be so proud to
know wha[burn]
man her[burn]

Love you, for always…

...I knew somehow it belonged to you.

He lays the photo over her turned shoulder. Dolly reaches up and grips The War Winner’s hand and squeezes briefly while grabbing the photo. I ain’t really slept right since then.


...I don’t… I don’t know.

I personally think it’s a great opportunity.

Dolly snaps back into the diner in Spokane, sitting next to R.L. Edgar, watching the little girl be helped into a booth by her father, and just catching the smiling eye contact from the waitress behind the bar refreshing her coffee. Hours away from facing Reggie Estrada on Savage. A confrontation with ALIAS, Kido and Charlie Nickels for the Universal Championship on the horizon. And a most suspicious offer on the table.

He says he doesn’t even think you should take this Universal Championship match now-

Edgar reminds Dolly, sliding a business card on the bartop in her line of sight.

It reads: Paul Heyman

-he thinks he can negotiate with Theo to get you pulled until you’re ready.

Dolly’s head whips up from her slouched state, and her eyes slash into her uncles,

Who says I ain’t ready now?!

Look, all I’m saying is he managed you when your career started. He knows you, he led you to dominance when you were just a kid. Imagine what he could do for you now. Now that you’re older, stronger, smarter.

Dolly reflects on her time with Paul Heyman managing her career. The memories burned in and out similarly to her episode with ALIAS she just rewatched. Dolly undoubtedly learned a lot from Heyman, he brought her opportunities and resources that a teenage wrestler wouldn’t have had access to in those days. In fact, with Dolly, Heyman had the first of a type of child wrestler in the XWF.

Where prior to Dolly Waters any kid stepping through the ropes was treated like a freakshow skit, under Paul Heyman’s guidance Dolly became the first child wrestler to threaten for championship gold. And she did more than threaten. She captured the Television Championship in her first ever match, and was named XWF Star of the Month in her first thirty days under contract.

But despite the success stories, Dolly couldn’t sleep on the fact that Heyman left her high and dry. When what has been white-washed into a simple international warrant and identification mixup led to Dolly being imprisoned in Indonesia for possession of outlawed performance enhancing pharmaceuticals- Heyman cut all ties immediately.

I Mean what else was I to do?

He went on to give an interview on the subject in 2017

Dolly is an extremely talented wrestler. A generational type of talent. But at the end of the day it was always a risk for me managing her career. I diverted her all of the funds she was contractually obligated to, and I was forced to cut my ties. It was unfortunate. I couldn’t be her representative if she was participating in illegal activities. Especially with P.E.Ds in professional wrestling. The industry is trying to clean up its act, and what would be said of me?

Paul Heyman?

‘Hey, Paul Heyman is managing a thirteen year old wrestler who’s using steroids’

Not the best of looks, You know? It’s a shame because she could’ve been great. I wish Dolly well and I have nothing else to say on the matter.

He ditched me…

it at least makes sense why though-

He left me to rot in a prison cell!

Okay? His reputation was at stake. He didn’t know if you were innocent. I would’ve done the exact same thing.

Oh great! Even yer’ like everyone else, huh Unc? “FRIENDS” who leave you when you need em’ most?

No one left you, Dolly. People's circumstances change, their desires change, the universe pushes and pulls us in different directions all of the time. To me, this seems like the universe is trying to guide you somewhere, and you’re balking at it.

Oh, because I’m not so keen on hiring my ex manager who didn’t lift a finger to help me when I got busted on phony steroid charges? HO’KAY! She darts her head up, yelling now at the ceiling panels, This is me “balking” at you universe!

Jeez, would you calm down? You asked MY opinion on the matter two days ago, and all I’m saying is, if I’m not going to be wrestling anymore I think you could use someone in your corner. Someone who knows how to help you get over the hump. He helped lead Duke to a Universal Championship… He doesn’t think you’re ready for this match at Cannabis Cup, and honestly, neither do I.

If looks could kill, Dolly will have ran Edgar through a series of Slasher-Flick finishing maneuvers

Gee. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

It’s not like that, Dolly. I lost a Universal Title match that I wasn’t ready for too. But the difference between you and me is that you actually have a chance in the future. You have the ability to become a wrestling legend, one of the goats, but not if you’re sacrificed at the altar of ALIAS before you even hit your prime.

I ain’t scared of him.

She turns curtly away from Edgar on her barstool and hops down to the floor, and begins marching for the exit without looking back.

No… you’re scared to lose him.

She stops in her tracks before reaching the diner exit,

If you try coming between him and that Universal Championship, you will lose him.

Like you can tell the future.

The future is always right in front of you, Dolly. In all different directions. You’re going to have to decide which road makes more sense. The road to the dream, or the road to the friend.

I’ve got Reggie Estrada right in front of me

Well it sure does sound like you’re living the dream.

Yeah, and I’mma see it through.

Dolly makes an abrupt exit from the diner and as the scene begins to fade, she makes a call from her cell while moving up the sidewalk.

There’s a ring,

another ring

An answer…

Hey, yeah. Yeah- it’s Dolly. Can you be in Spokane tonight?

Hours later

Backstage after the Saturday Savage match in Spokane:

A half dozen reporters clash into a meager locker room having followed Dolly from the arena corridor to the backstage area. Nursing a bashed forehead, among other chinks in her armor, Dolly leads the school of journalists into her dressing area.

She turns to face their questions, but only being partially occupied by them as she has her face glued on her cell phone screen, her thumbs beating away on its surface.


She finishes typing out the text and looks up to the eager reporters, their eyes glowing in the glare of Dolly’s bruises and the flashing camera lights. They close in on her with their microphones.

Y’all are excited huh? Yeah…

The reporters nod their heads along, almost cartoonishly Frothing at the mouth from that little preview of the Cannabis Cup Universal Championship match, huh?

Well I’m glad that could be provided to you all tonight at the expense of it breaking down into an absolute cluster. But that’s what you want isn’t it? Chaos. Confusion. Senseless violence. FINE. BY. ME.

It’s a good thing Theo Pryce’s stock portfolio finally raised enough for him to intervene, or else there’s no telling what might’ve happened to his newest investments. The fact that those two are having to come to the aid of the XWF’s shiny new toy so soon might be a bad sign for things to come. I’ll be interested to see if we even make it to Cannabis Cup without tearing one another limb from limb.

It’s obvious that Charlie’s shattered pride isn’t going to allow him to not constantly make an ass of himself on every XWF program where myself, or ALIAS or the yellow Power Ranger are booked. And speaking of Raion, now he’s got his Power Ranger buddies Billy and Jason with him compliments of Theo’s checkbook. ALIAS is just blinking around, all angry because he’s winning matches, and still angry- so hell with it!

Y’all wanna make this a fight? Let’s make it a fight.

Raion, you better hope your ring skills are a lot better than your mic skills when you direct yer’ attention to me. That unintelligible blathering you did in the ring on Warfare, it sounded like a man who was unsure of what he’s talking about. Rightfully so, bucko. You and I have never stepped foot in the ring together, I’ve seen enough to know yer’ talented. You wouldn’t be in this match if you weren’t - but in your mind, I’m here, I’m booked in this match, why? You didn’t know why, I guess you just assumed I didn’t deserve this opportunity. I’ll admit the call was a bit unexpected, but do you think I got the call to be in this match because I’m not capable of winning? Would you suspect your employers, one of whom is also your manager, of trying to fill your match with subpar talent so you can have an easier time? Well that might make you - - DUMB DUMB DUMB An evil Anime guy!

But we know that ain’t the case, right Raion?

You’re smarter than that, ain’t cha?

You know damn well the reason I’m in this match has a lot less to do with me than it does you, or Charlie.

You see you Raion, like I said, you’re the bright shiny new object that the XWF beholds sp dearly. You’ve shown up, put in the work, fought hard, and got the payoff, and now they wouldn’t dare put you in a position to ruin everything. Like seeing you go head to head with ALIAS. Man to man. Because they know it would wreck the illusion of you in just a matter of moments.

Ask Charlie Nickles where the long hard fought road through the…

hold on a second lemme LULz…

the long hard fought road through the Television Championship ranks got him, once he turned it all over for a confrontation with ALIAS. I got him lying on his back. Being beaten. You’d be no different. And the XWF can’t see that happen to you so soon Raion. So they bring in Charlie, who’s already eaten enough for the both of us, and they bring in Dolly. Thats me! I’ve eaten enough for a lifetime.

They figure they can have Raion face ALIAS, but not REALLY have to face ALIAS, and if worst comes to worst, you’ve always got that briefcase as insurance.

See they know you can’t beat ALIAS, Raion, in their minds, none of us are capable of stopping Space Jesus. But that’s where they're wrong. Because let me clear the air on the big salmon colored minotaur standing in the room… None of you in this match has defeated Dolly Waters.

Not even Space Jesus himself.

ALIAS Survived Dolly Waters at War Games.

And if my team would’ve had a competent captain, -CHUCK- and I didn’t have to take the reins over midway through the fight- who knows? Maybe I would’ve gotten ALIAS not in a two-on-one versus Corey. But with an opportunity to stop him long before we ever got to this point. This point where the XWF, and even worse, ALIAS believes himself to be unstoppable.

Well write it down ladies and gentlemen.
Dolly raises her cellphone into the air

Though I’ve just signed Paul Heyman…
yes THAT Paul Heyman…
as my NEW manager…

The room takes a collective gasp

and though he’s strongly suggesting that I pull out of this match and watch you clowns trip overself while ALIAS slaughters you- I WILL be at the Velvet Rabbit in New York City for the Cannabis Cup, and I WILL stop ALIAS, even if that means I have to take Raion or Charlie out to do so…

The press conference ends. The scene fades.

4x XTreme Champion    (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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[-] The following 8 users Like Dolly Waters's post:
ALIAS (06-21-2022), Atara Raven (06-20-2022), Mercy (06-30-2022), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (06-19-2022), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (06-19-2022), Raion Kido (06-20-2022), Theo Pryce (07-10-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (06-20-2022)

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