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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Bite of Passage (2/2)
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Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-14-2022, 06:48 AM

ANARCHY - 04/07/2022

Centennial Park is the backdrop for Vita and Sar's adventurous day together. Sar sits reverse in the saddle facing Vita.

"YOU have the ability to be one of the best wrestlers of our generation. But YOU have to realize that. YOU have to focus on what you want. And do not worry about what OTHERS think about you or your goals."

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Standing breathless before the two-story brick home is a young girl. She should be: This is the infamous Hart House, the one-time home of Canada's greatest shooter, Lou Hart!

Lou was well renowned throughout Canada for having trained an entire generation of mat grapplers, his three sons, Chad, Ethan, and Greg! All great mat technicians in their own right, but it was obvious to everyone early on that Chad was the standout.

With a deep understanding of the human anatomy, for a mat grappler at least, Chad was able to chip even the largest opponents down to size and force them to submit to his signature submission, the often duplicated, but never quite replicated Sharpshooter! Only his younger brother Ethan even came close to applying the move with the same precision, but he never mastered it to the same degree as Chad, before meeting his untimely demise in a tragic wrestling accident. With the Ken to our Ryu taken from this planet too soon, we are left with only one man to claim the title of the " Excellence of Execution"!

With his God-given abilities, his father's training, and the grueling Sharpshooter submission hold in his arsenal, a bright future in the world of professional wrestling was surely guaranteed? Sadly not, because despite being quite possibly the greatest professional wrestler to walk the face of the planet in his prime, one thing would always hold Chad back in his pursuit of making his name in the big leagues...

He couldn't talk!

Don't get that twisted, Chad could actually make throat noises and string words together into a sentence like most people, but he wasn't engaging, he couldn't captivate a crowd, he couldn't pull them in and make them care. He was boring and just plain bland on the mic.

Chad would flounder around for a few years before returning to Canada, in his mind, a failure, but to the people of his home country, Chad wasn't a failure at all! In fact, his home people were proud of him and his efforts on the national scale. His matches often being among the best on any card he was booked. They didn't care that he was boring, he was good, no, the best, and he was theres! Chad would continue to wrestle in Canada for many years to great fanfare, but never again would he be awarded an opportunity in the big leagues. This unfulfilled dream weighed on Chad and made him bitter and cranky. Chad would grow to love burying popular talent and promotions every chance that he could find. He would often point to comparable events from his own regional career to note how inferior, well, pretty much everyone was to him.

Now, fully settled into retirement, Chad has taken to training a new generation of wrestlers, and much like his father before him he conducts his sessions in the basement of the family home.

The same family home that a 15-year-old Vita Valenteen finds herself in front of as she tries to work up the courage to walk up to the door.

[Image: Vita2016-Hart-House.jpg]
Welcome to Hart House.

"Come on Ashley, you've come this far... Just go ring the bell!" She says to herself in a firm tone, but doubt quickly takes over. "Who are you kidding? He's not going to train you! You're just a kid! More likely, he'll laugh in my face before calling the police!" Vita struggles with the decision, but not because she actually fears Chad calling the police on her. She could duck them. She already had been, ever since she decided to drop out and leave home to pursue her dreams. No, what Vita feared was rejection. Chad was known to be very selective of his students, to the point that he had ended more careers with his cutting criticisms than he had helped launch with his Hart Wrestling Dungeon, but Vita knew she was right, she had come this far...

She stomped up the steps with newfound bravery and pressed the bell without hesitation. However, her finger lingered on the bell as she suddenly thought aloud. "Oh crap, this is a mistake!" Inside the home, Vita could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. Mistake or not, it was too late to even try to make an escape.

In a soft, nervous whisper Vita began to panic. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

Just then the door opened and the super tall Chad Hart peaked out with all of his 5'11 towering over Vita.

[Image: CHAD.jpg]
"Yeah, what do you want!?" Classic Chad Hart greeting of annoyance.

Vita completely, totally, and utterly froze as Chad glared down at her with a grumpy frown.

"Hurry up and spit it out kid, I don't have all damn day!"

Moment of truth, Vita knew that she HAD to say something!

"Help me?"

Of course, judging by the look of utter confusion on Chad's face as he steps out onto the porch and looks around for like, a car accident, a broken bicycle, or IDK, something. He finds nothing but Vita. Looking down at her with that same confusion, Chad simply asks; "Help you with what?"

"I..." Vita hesitates, the fear of how Chad may react holding her back, but only for a moment. In what would become a well-known trait of Vita Valenteen, she throws caution to the wind and says what she means! "I want to be a wrestler!"


Hours have passed since the incident in the *underground vampire nightclub, and we catch up with Jami behind the wheel of a plain jane sedan rental as Vita fumbles with a Bluetooth earbud in the passenger seat.

*We found out that Jami is actually Vita's thrall, but oddly, Jami seems to have forgotten! - Todd


"I don't have time for this!"

"I'm driving, what else are you going to do!?"

"I don't know, anything? ... Why does it HAVE to be THIS show!?"

"Because, Sar said that I needed to get you out to the media, and this was the best that I could do on A, such short notice, and B, during the midst of this pointless Canadian adventure!"

Vita takes great offense!

"Hey! It's NOT pointless!"

"Yeah? Well, I still don't understand what some washed-up never was could possibly do for you that Sar couldn't!"

She's of course referring to Sar's offer to schedule a training sesh with her. An offer that Vita was totally planning on taking advantage of, I mean, who would pass up the opportunity to train with one of the most dominant champions of our time?

"You don't understand because you don't understand wrestling!"

"I understand that this guy couldn't cut it, and I fail to see what he could possibly offer you that's worth all of this trouble!"

Vita scoffs at Jami's assessment! "How about Canadia's greatest submission hold!?"

[Image: d7bYWL.gif]

Clips play of Chad putting away a great many opponents back in the day with this perfectly executed submission maneuver! The quality of the opponent takes a serious nose dive midway through the video though, since ya know, Chad didn't go very far due to his negative charisma and finally, the clip show ends on some small-time Canadian show with Chad locking yet another ex-star that has fallen off so hard that literally, nobody covers the promotions they work!

[Image: tumblr-nszzeljq-XS1sg99p0o1-1280.jpg]

Big D? Yeah maybe? It could just be some clown stealing his gimmick for a quick payday, but at the same time, it WOULD totally make sense! You don't fall off much harder than Big D, a former World Champion, who... Last Vita heard, was working at a BK or something?

We cut back to Jami and Vita in the car!

"So, how does a submission hold help you in a ladder match, anyway? I'm, not an expert, but I'm pretty sure he can't tap out!"

"He doesn't need to. If I can apply this right, Corey will have a hard enough time standing, much less climbing anything!"

"It's like that, huh?"

"Oh yeah, the Sharpshooter applies pressure to the right knee and the lower back. Lock it in right and wretch back without falling over, and whoever you captured in it is doomed, especially when there's no rope break to save them!"

"Even if this move is as great as you say, you already know how to do it!"

Doubt encompasses Vita's face. "How do you figure?"

"Well, there's video of this guy using the move, riiiiight?"

"Of course there's video, but you can't learn the Sharpshooter by simply watching a tape!"

Jami wasn't going to understand. How could she? She wasn't a wrestler, she wasn't even a wrestling fan. She was only here because Sar wanted her to be here. Well, that and the fact that she's now Vita's vampiric thrall, but Vita has successfully erased that revelation from her memory! Vampire magic! She's under that spell y'all!

"Whatever! You know, I really need this!"

Vita simply waves off Jami's concerns.

"Relax, I already told you that Sar thinks you're the BEST!"

Jami shakes her head "no" in frustration, she's ALREADY explained this once!

"No! She doesn't! I'm simply NOT doing enough, and what she said to you was her way of telling me so!" Jami takes her eyes off of the road to flash Vita some sad puppy dog eyes! "Come on Vita, please! You owe me anyway!"

Vita seems to hold no recollection of owing Jami ANYTHING, and shoots Jami a fierce WTF are you talking about glare!

"First of all! If Sar had something to say to you, why would she say it to me, and it be the opposite of what you think that she is TRYING to tell you!? Your logic is totally flawed! ALSO! Owe you for what!? It seems to me that I'm the one always saving your butt!"

Jami takes pause knowing that Vita had just convinced a rather angry-looking group of vampires to spare her life.

"Listen, I appreciate what you did back there, but don't sit there and act like this relationship is one way! Owe me for what!? How about for carving up Alex after you refused to do it, even after Sarah made it perfectly clear that she expected you to follow through! You most definitely wouldn't be getting all of this one-on-one time with Sar had I allowed you to directly disobey a direct order from YOUR Anarchy Commissioner!"

Vita crosses her arms and looks forward in a huff!

"That's ridiculous!"

With a sly glance, Jami simply asks her, " Is it? Because as far as I have ever heard, she isn't really known for condoning insubordination."

Vita realizes that Jami MAY have a point. She's still not sure what her and Sar's relationship even is, and there's no reason to think that she would be given special treatment of any sort. " Fine, whatever! I'll do it!" She says in a tone that expertly expresses that while she may be ready as far as having the number pulled up and ready to go, she is totally NOT ready to tackle this task at all! "BUT you're totally going to owe me!"

"Yeah, sure, just hurry up!"


Vita hits call and immediately closes her eyes tightly in a grimace as she awaits an answer from the other end.

"Hey, Vita!? We were starting to worry that you were going to no show!"

The voice on the other end is unrecognized and NOT who she was expecting, but it totally makes sense and makes her drop her guard with a sigh of relief before educating the simpleton on the other end of the line!

"Vita Valenteen NEVER no-shows, sir!"

She says it proudly, despite totally trying to get out of this very thing just moments ago!

"Okay, cool. I'm about to patch you in!"

Vita's eyes widen before closing tightly once more as if doing so will somehow prevent her from coming face to face with her worst nightmare!

"VITA! Welcome to the "Stone Cunt Podcast", you're live, cunt!"

[Image: Stone-Cunt-Podcast.jpg]

"Hi Noah..."

"Call me Stone Cunt!"

Vita shoots Jami an evil gaze!

"Hi... Stone Cunt..."

"Hi, Vita! It's been a long time cunt! When's the last time we saw each other?"


"August!? Damn cunt, has it been that long!? That means that we haven't spoken since before some sorry son of a bitch decided to take ole Stone Cunt out by running him down with an SUV!"

"Actually it was a Hummer!" Eh, why'd she even say that she wonders!?

"Come again?"

"Uh, it was a Hummer actually. A white one, not an SUV." She remembers the event well. :'(

"A Hummer is an SUV, cunt!"

Noah has a laugh at Vita's expense as Vita fidgets in her seat while shooting dirty looks at Jami, who is the reason she's in this spot, to begin with!

"Fortunately this cunts wrestling prowess far exceeds her automobile knowledge, and Vita, I hear that you've been putting that prowess to work and doing really well in the XWF lately. Congratulations, cunt!"

A look of annoyance from Vita before she fires back. " Noah, Could you PLEASE stop calling me that?"

"Calling you what, cunt?"



CUNT!" Vita's eyes widen at the slip! "CRAP!"

"Oh right, sorry, cunt. Anyway, let's talk about why you're here. If ya want to see Vita Valenteen kick the ever-loving shit out of Corey Smith to take home the Supercontenetial Championship, give me a Hell yeah!"

"Heck yeah!"

There's an awkward silence until it's finally broken by Noah asking; "WHAT!?!"

"...Uh... Heck... yeah?"

There's another awkward silence until...


Vita sits quietly on the other end of the call. "..."

"You used to be more fun, cunt!"


"Okay, fine! The Supercontential Championship is on the line this coming Wednesday night when you challenge... Wait, seriously? How in the Hell has this cunt held onto that belt for this long!? Goddamn! If only Stone Cunt hadn't been taken out by some sad sack of shit who was too much of a chicken-shit cunt to bring their grievance to ole Stone Cunt like a man! When Stone Cunt heals up, he's going to do a little investigation and open a can of whoop-ass on somebody, but for the time being, if Stone Cunt can't be there to take that gold off of that self pretentious cunt, then the next best thing is going to be watching my good friend Vita Valenteen do it instead! This cunt has already lost to Vita in the ring and ME on the battlefield of love!"

There's hesitation from Vita as she is unsure how to react to that last line. It was a little weird to hear Noah crack a joke about how she left Corey for him, considering how hard Noah crushed her heart when he called off their engagement in late 2020 after Vita was framed for murder by the infamous BOB!

"Hey cunt, you still there, yeah?"

She snaps out of her daze, choosing to just ignore it.

"...I'm excited for the challenge and the opportunity, but I'm not taking Corey Smith lightly, and I'm working hard to ensure that I'm victorious come Warfare! As a matter of fact, we're in Canada on our way to a super-secret training sesh right now!"

"Oh yeah? Who you got, cunt? James Raven? Oh, Shawn said something about Canada, is it him maybe? No, he'd have told me! Oh, wait, obviously if you're in Canada, then you're off to see Ruby, right?!"

"I'm not at liberty to say, but trust me when I tell you this, what I plan on learning between now and then will totally give me the edge that I need to capture the Supercontinental Championship from Corey Smith!"

"Ah, you make it sound hard! You've beaten the silly cunt before, haven't'cha?"

Vita looks physically uncomfortable in her seat. Good thing this is an audio podcast!

"Yeah... I defended the Xtreme Championship against him forever ago, but that was different. He wasn't the same person he is today!"

"Bollocks! You're always selling yourself short, cunt! You stood across that ring from Corey Smith and beat him once before, and I'm fucking confident that you can do it again!"

Vita is oddly dismissive of Noah's encouragement.

"No, I'm not! Corey and Lux being a thing was new! Heck, Corey was dead not too long before we had that match! It was all still new to both of them, and she was still struggling with adapting to his body, and on top of that-"

"Jesus fucking Christ! Enough with the excuses girl! What will it be this time when you defeat him again? Will you blame the result on Corey stubbing his bloody toe before the match!? Hey, looking at the live chat, Danaconda69 says that you did the same thing not too long ago after beating Ruby. He says that you accused her of holding back!? Jesus Ash, you're the only wrestler that I know who makes excuses for winning!"

Vita huffs in her response. "I KNOW, but there won't be an excuse, not this time! I've made it clear that I want Corey Smith at his best! I NEED him at his best! Nothing's changed there, but the reasoning why has! See, I thought that I needed to win this belt to prove something to Sarah! Heck, as big of an accomplishment as defeating Corey Smith would be, even without a championship title on the line, I was looking at this match as some sort of stepping stone to luring her back into the ring. I thought MAYBE if she saw how good I had become since she was last here, she'd give me a chance at redemption. 0 and 4, it stings, ya know? Except I've come to realize, oddly enough through a budding friendship with the woman herself, that maybe I don't need that match as much as I thought I did, and maybe I'm finally past my whole thinking that I need to prove myself to others thing that I've always been pretty bad at too? After all, I did just say that " I thought if Sar saw how good I had become", and that's the thing, I AM good, I know it, and I DON'T need to prove anything to anyone!"

The scene trails off as we fade through a hazy fog from the past, to once again visit Vita and Chad Hart in their 2016 encounter!

"How old are you, kid?" Chad asks with a dismissive snark.

"Si-Eventeen!? ... Almost eighteen!" She says with a nervous smile.

Chad raises an eyebrow at her answer. "Okay, where are you from, kid? You local?"

"Uh, sorta? Toronto! Canadian born and raised!"

Chad wasn't known for training many non-Canadians over the years, so being a native only helped her chances, but Chad wasn't finished with the hundred questions just yet!

"Do your parents know that you're here?"

You could see it in her face.

"Uh, of course! How do you think I got to be here!? They dropped me off!"

An obvious lie.

"Your parents just dropped you off? At a stranger's house? And then just left?"

She suddenly realized how stupid it sounded, but she dug her feet in anyway! "YEP! They wanted to grab lunch while we talked! They're always saying how adult I am, so they totally trust me to be alone in the company of a Canadian hero!"

Chad looks her up and down. He still doesn't believe her, but he sure does like the lip service. Perhaps that's what drives him to invite her into his home. The two of them pass through the kitchen as Chad asks; "Would you like some water?" to which Vita politely declines as Chad leads her down the narrow steps into the basement, or the Dungeon as it's affectionately known.

"Before we can talk about me possibly training you, I'm going to need to stretch ya."

"Stretch me?"

Vita stares out the window lost in her memories while Noah mistakes the abrupt silence as the call has possibly disconnected.

"Vita? Vita, you still there, cunt? ... Aw... I think we lost her!"

Vita is nudged back into the real world by Jami's pointed elbow.

"Oh! Sorry! Uh... Must be a bad connection! You still there Noah!?"

"Yeah, cunt, welcome back!"

"Uh, thanks?"

"No Wukkas! Now answer the question, cunt! What's up with you paling around with Sarah Lacklan all of a sudden!? You hated that cunt!"

"Hate's a strong word..." She never hated Sar. "I was just upset..." More like embarrassed. "I couldn't accept that I dropped the ball. I fumbled the big play. I called my shot, and fell flat on my face." Finally, the truth. "But I never hated her. In fact, my desire to one day rise back to her level and earn myself a mulligan has since been a driving force in my career."

"Oh, I get it now! You suck up and play friendsies with Sarah Lacklan, and either she grants you your rematch out of the nonexistent kindness of her heart, or you blast the cunt from behind when she least expects it, yeah!?

"NOOO!! I don't even know if I want the rematch anymore!"

"Yeah, you said that before, cunt. ... Who are you and what have you done with my Vita?"

Something that he said seemed to strike a nerve with Vita as her eye twitched.

"Whose Vita?!"

Nervous laughter from Noah before "You know, past tense!"

Vita still doesn't even know why this fucker broke it off with her! THIS is the most that they have spoken since he delivered the news that their engagement was off.

[Image: doh.jpg]

"Yeah, past tense, as in, you running off with Warstein and dropping me like a bad habit while I'm caught up in a legal battle over that B.S. *BOB frame job!"

BOB lead the world to believe that Vita Valenteen was under the hood of Miss Direction and framed her for a mass murder incident at a New York gas station leading to Vita spending some time in prison until her name was cleared. - Todd


"Well, aren't you going to say anything for yourself!?"



Jami's eyes shift back and forth from the road to Vita as she tries to sort out what is happening.

"That asshole hung up on me!"

"What!? That was hardly five minutes! Call him back!"

Jami might as well ask her to tongue TK's taint, it ain't happening! "NO WAY! Besides, he obviously doesn't want to talk to me! He's had OVER A YEAR!"

The two girls would continue to bicker back and forth for a while, but eventually, Vita would decide on a mid-day nap, asking Jami to wake her when they arrived.

Vita groans in agony as Chad twists and wrenches her limbs into unnatural positions.

"You're stuck! Submit before I hurt you!" Chad screams with the volume and authority of a drill sergeant right into the young girl's ear, but Vita, or Ashley as she was known then, had much heart, and little brains.

"NEVER!" She yelled in defiance, despite having no move to play!

"Come on, kid, I've got you trapped. Just a little more pressure and I could snap your arm clear off!" Chad pleaded.

Vita didn't respond, and damn sure didn't submit, and instead foolishly struggled to break free. Surprisingly, Vita seemed to be making positive movements to free herself, but Chad quickly releases the hold with a disappointed huff. Vita immediately reaches for her sore shoulder.

"If that were a real match, I'd have broken your shoulder! Learn to realize when you're beaten!"

"I could have gotten out!" She fired back!

"No, you couldn't, and frankly, I'm unsure that ANY amount of training will be enough to change that!"

This is how Chad works. If he sees any sign of talent or fighting spirit, he tries to kill it straight off. A jealous and bitter old man, he does this part in spite of the business that rejected him, and part to hold onto what little celebrity he has left in his home country. A misguided venture for sure considering the fame he COULD achieve by legitimately training the next World/Uni/CompanyNameHere champion!

"Why do you even want to be a wrestler? You're too damn short to ride the rollercoaster at Calaway Park! Wrestlers need a good look, your looks are a 4/10 at best, seriously, I've seen a moose that had more superstar appeal than you! Then there's the fact that you're a runaway!"

Vita froze on the ground in fear. How'd he know? What was he going to do!? What was SHE going to do!?

"Yeah, I knew it..." Chad turned his back and grabbed two bottles of water, throwing one to Vita as he turned back around. "So, are you really from Toronto as you said?"

With tears on the verge of exploding from her eyes, Vita ignored the question and fired back with one of her own.

"Are you going to call the police?"

The two share an uncomfortable stare down until Chand finally breaks the silence. "That depends."

"On what?"

A sudden nudge pulls Vita from her dreams.

"We're here!"

[Image: 124664312-aa8bff74c1-b.jpg]

It looked just as Vita remembered it.

"Are you sure that you want me to wait here?"

Vita is quick to respond. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, Chad isn't much of a people person, especially with people he doesn't know!"

Jami crosses her arms and pouts. "FINE, I'll wait in the car and try not to die of boredom! So fun!"

"I won't be long, promise!" Vita reassures her as she steps out of the car. As Vita approaches the house, she hesitates at the door just as she did all those years ago.

With tears on the verge of exploding from her eyes, Vita ignored the question and fired back with one of her own.

"Are you going to call the police?"

The two share an uncomfortable stare down until Chand finally breaks the silence. "That depends."

"On what?"

Vita was so terrified by the sudden change in her situation that she hardly paid Chad any attention as he knelt down beside her until after he grabbed her hand.

"On what you can do for me." and placed it squarely on his exposed genitalia.

Vita's eyes widened as her skin went pale. "FUCKING EWWW!"

She violently ripped her hand away from the old pervert and jumped to her feet to make a mad dash for the steps leading out of the Dungeon! As she reached the top of the stairs and turned the knob on the door leading out, Vita ripped the door open to make her escape when she felt a firm grip around her ankle!

"Wait! It was just a rib! I didn't mean anything buy it!" He pleaded.

But he couldn't hold on, and Vita would thankfully make her escape.


ANARCHY - 04/07/2022
She shook her head again as her face scrunched into a scowl.

"Ruby Debachy would have you change. In the spirit of thinking the 'best' in people...or what SHE thinks is 'best' in HER world view...she would have people like you and me discard who we are at our cores. I will never try to change you, Vita. Does that make sense?"

The sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the home. After a moment, Vita could hear the sounds of someone approaching. CLICK, CLACK, SLEET, the sounds of the deadbolts and chain locks being disarmed before the big wooden door finally opened, and there he was a grey-haired and old Chad Hart. He had really let himself go in the last few years.

"Yeah, what do you want?" He obviously didn't recognize her.

A sly smirk crawled onto Vita's face. "That depends."

Clueless, Chad responded. "On what?"

Vita couldn't help but giggle at the perfectly delivered response. "Are you still a pedophile piece of shit!?"

His eyes said all that needed to be said. This was the moment when it clicked and Chad knew exactly who was at his door, but before he could do anything beyond shit his pants over the notion of getting #MeToo'ed, Vita dove atop of him and tackled him through the doorway! With Chad pinned down and helpless against her vampiric strength! Vita stared into his eyes and smiled. "Canada's wrestling hero, what a frickin joke! I'll take James Raven any day of the week!" Without another word, Vita sinks her fangs deep into Chad's jugular! He struggles against her at first but quickly loses the will and the strength to fight back as he falls limp.

"Vita, what in the actual fuck are you doing!? GET OFF OF HIM!"

As the last of life was just about to leave Chad's body, Vita withdrew her fangs from his neck, and in the first few moments, she seemed to be in ecstasy.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Vita what did you do!?"

"He deserved it." She said with unusual coldness.

Jami may or may not have cared about the death of "The Hitman", but what she did care about was: "HOW DO I EXPLAIN THIS!?!"

Vita wiped Chad's blood from her lips as she stood to her feet. "Explain what?"

Jami screamed as "The Hitman" sat up holding his head and looking super out of it!

"Oh... What happened, eh? I feel like I was kicked by a damned moose!"

"Why don't you explain to me how to perform the Sharpshooter!?!"

"What!? Hey, wait, am I bleeding?"

Chad patted his shoulder which covered his palm in blood.

"I... I don't know what happened, but I'm calling to cops!"

Chad pushes up to his feet, but Vita blocks his path into the house.

"Move or I'll make ya move!"

Vita stares deeply into Chad's eyes.

"Everything is fine here."

Chad seems to fall under a spell and repeats what Vita tells him.

"Everything is fine here."

"You don't need to call the police."

"I don't need to call the police."

Of course, Jami didn't understand what she was seeing either. "Uh, Vita... What in the Hell is going on?"

"Chad's just agreeing to spend the next week training me how to use the Sharpshooter, isn't that right, Chad?"

"Yes, that is correct."

Vita smirks, having full control over Chad. "And then he's going to call the police and confess every dirty rotten thing that he's ever done to anyone, RIGHT!"


Jami stands there for a moment processing it all. "This was never really about that stupid hold was it?"

Vita takes Chad by the hand and leads him through the home and towards the dungeon.

"No, it wasn't, but learning how to properly apply Canada's most famous submission hold is a sweet icing on this cake of justice, wouldn't you say?"

[Image: batty.gif]

The Dark Room

We open on a tight DARK shot of the vampire's pale face. With her eyes transfixed on the camera, Vita bites on her lip. Possibly still a little nervous about the upcoming affair? Or...?

"You know, even though I'll admit that I'm totally relieved that there's no heat between us, I really wanted to get you riled up. I wanted Corey Smith coming into this match looking at me like he did frickin Thaddeus Duke. I wanted him to not just come looking to defend his Super Con belt, but looking to remove my head from my shoulders in the process! I wanted exactly what I said that I wanted, and that was for there to be NO EXCUSES at the end of this, because Corey, I'm coming into this match giving you everything I have! When I said that I aim to leave Warfare the NEW Supercontinental Champion, I meant it, but it's not even worth doing if I'm not facing you at your best, and yeah, I called into question the quality of your challengers, but only because the entire run has been pretty damned unmemorable as that championship has honestly seemed to serve no other purpose than to be a prop for your beef with Thad, and what did that, or anything else that you've done do to elevate the belt? Your time as champion thus far has been pretty darn unremarkable, to begin with, and now that everyone knows that you have one foot out the door already, it's expected that I'm walking out of Warfare with the Supercontinental Championship around MY waist, and honestly, that kinda sucked because it would give you a built-in excuse should I win the championship, and I can't have that."

The darkness is accompanied by silence as Vita reflects, not on Corey, but on herself.

"There always seems to be an excuse behind every achievement that I earn. I'm only a two-time Tag Team Champion because the division was beyond dead at the time. The only reason I carried the Xtreme Championship to a briefcase was that I faced fluff talent in my defenses. The only reason that I beat Oswald is that I paid the referee to SOMEHOW force Oswald to kick him in the frickin face, despite the fact that Oswald pressed his luck to the limits with Chaz Bobo that entire match before Chaz finally had enough and-"



Vita shakes her head in disbelief.

"As dumb AND as totally untrue as the entire idea of the #AtlantaScrewjob IS, we all know that inevitably, some people WILL believe that complete bullcrap and in the end, it's just ANOTHER excuse."

Vita's eyes lock firmly onto the lens of the camera.

"You've already used an excuse once, and it's fine, I agree. Lux was adapting to your body and I have always understood that growing pains definitely gave me an edge back then, BUT!! It's been a long time and a few personalities ago. You're not Lux, you're not The Engineer, you're just Corey Smith, and while you may retain the knowledge and skills of your former mental passengers, you totally DO NOT have the same fighting spirit! You've maintained the record, but again, quality of challenger, right? Lux was driven, especially after that early loss to me! Nobody could stop her because she was laser-focused on not having another totally embarrassing moment as allowing a 17-year-old 5-foot-2 rookie to... Well, Todd?"

SAVAGE 01-26-2019
Quote:VV takes a running start for the coup de grat, but Lux gets their feet and kicks the chair back into VV's face who falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring to the floor.

Lux tries to stay on the offensive, going out and getting the bloody champion.......setting her on the top rope.......

Lux signals for a suplex off the top......

VV reverses...........somehow.......

And suplexes Lux off the top rope.......

Holding on for dear life!!!!!

Rings of Saturn!!!!!!!!!




We cut back to Vita who appears strangely confident.

"Yeah, that win was totally not on account of any skill of my own. I survived an all-out bloody brawl with an assassin AND managed to leave with the Xtreme Championship in hand, but it's only because SHE wasn't ready for the 17-year-old rookie!?"

Vita rolls her eyes nearly as epicly as Sar.

"There was a time that I totally bought into crap like that. From day one, I lacked confidence in myself and my abilities. It didn't matter if anyone else made the excuses because I would make them for them. Facing Ruby was a dream come true, right? So how come when I did the impossible, my first thought was that she HAD to be holding back? Ruby never holds back, even when placed across the ring from the man she loves, Ruby will fight with everything in her being to win because she's a champion through and through. So why would she hold back with me? She wouldn't, obviously, but I just couldn't accept that I had bested someone that I hold in such high regard, and as messed up as that may be, those feelings of inadequacy have always driven me to train harder and improve. There has never been any quit in Vita Valenteen."

"What drives Corey Smith though? What pushes you to be the best that you can be inside of that ring? Lux had a mission, and uh... The Engineer had a legacy, and Corey Smith has an imaginary friend... Three years is a long time Corey, and I've used my time since that match learning and growing, you've spent yours living off the legacies of the other people that have worn your face and diverting your attention towards anything that wasn't your actual in-ring career. Hey, I get it, after all, I'm a frickin vampire that fights crime. We all have our distractions outside of the ring, right? The difference though is that what I do not only helps people, but it continues to prepare me for bigger and tougher challenges in the ring, because like I always say, if you're in the XWF, you're a wrestler first, and whatever else second, or at least, you should be! Speaking of secondary business..."

You hear the click of a heavy breaker switch as the overhead light bursts to life revealing Vita standing in the infamous Hart Dungeon after what appears to have been a grueling training sesh judging by Chad's limp in the background.

"Once sec!" Vita holds her index finger up to the camera lens as she looks back at Chad who now is wiping buckets of sweat from his brow. "Thanks for teaching me some of your moves "Hitman", but our time is up. I have to get my butt to Montreal to kick Ang's butt..."

Vita looks back into the camera in a sort of time-out moment.

"Not because I need to prove I can, but because I KNOW that I will!" Vita turns back to Chad, ending the pseudo time out. "And you know what that means for you, right?!"

Chad nods with an agreeing smile. "Yes ma'am, I'll call them right now!"
Chad picks up his cell phone from his gym bag and dials a number. "My name is Chad Hart. I live at 435 Patina Place South West. I would like to request an officer come to my home. ... I would like to record a confession." Chad walks up the steps to continue his call upstairs as Vita sets her eyes back to the camera.

"Canada, I'm sorry, but Chad Hart is totally a piece of crap! Far be it from me to air the man's dirty laundry in public, but I have a feeling that a whole lot of bad stuff will be coming to the public's attention soon enough without my FURTHER help!"

Vita grins with satisfaction as she dusts her hands. "All in a day's work for a HERO, and make no mistake guys, no matter what some stupid bureaucrat at the Hero-Con or whatever governing body oversee's them and the hero classification..." Vita looks puzzled just thinking about it! "Honestly, I'm not sure how it all even works! Ruby MUST HAVE submitted my application for me? This is just ONE MORE reason why I'm not going to let them or ANYONE else dictate to me who I am OR what I am capable of doing! I AM a vampire! I AM a hero! I AM a pretty frickin good wrestler and come Wednesday Night I WILL leave everything in the ring on my quest to become the next Supercontinental Champion, and if somehow I don't, there will be no excuses!"

On those words, our picture fades to black, leaving us knowing only one certainty, regardless of the result, Corey Smith vs Vita Valenteen should be a pretty frickin epic main event!

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

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