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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 12/10/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-10-2020, 06:32 PM



Bobbi London
- vs -
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Mini Morbid
As punishment for their actions at High Stakes - Bobbi and Maxine will each take part in a FOUR ON ONE beatdown with an unfortunate name! Thanks Vin!

Big Money Oswald & Barney Green
- vs -
Tommy Wish & John Black
X-Treme Rules!

- vs -
Holy Roman War Horse

- vs -
Tula Keali'i
- vs -
Vita Valenteen
Triple threat to determine a new NUMBER ONE CONTENDER!

Kenzi Grey
- vs -
"Notorious" Ned Kaye

[Image: gR8affl.png]

The pyro goes off and the fireworks ROAR across the arena as the well-known swoops of the Anarchy Cams move across the faces of the hundreds of DELAWARE DOGS as they cheer and clamor for their favorite show... XWF ANARCHY!!!

Eventually we settle on the face of Anarchy's own host with the most, the XWF's owner and the most recent entrant into the Hall of Legens... "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane!

Vinnie Lane: "Welcome to the best show on Thursdays, fellow humans! We're here in the VERY FIRST STATE! And we are going to knock your socks off tonight as Kenzi Grey takes on Ned Kaye in our main event, in non-title champion versus champion action! We've also got amazing tag team action with THUGS and BOB, as well as a triple threat to determine the new number one contender to Kenzi's Anarchy gold - we're pitting the three most recent champs against each other! Ruby versus Tula versus Vita Valenteen!"

Vinnie takes in the applause from the crowd as all the various images of the evening's performers flash across the Anarchotron.

Vinnie Lane: "Now as you know, in two weeks it's gonna be Christmas Eve... so we'r going to shake up the schedule a little bit and have our next full-length Anarchy a week later, on NEW YEAR'S Eve... why, you ask? Because it's my boo's birthday, that's why!"

The Tron lights up again, this time with a sultry image of Roxy Cotton that gets a ton of wolf whistles from the Delaware crowd.

[Image: 5avdhCa.png]

Vinnie Lane: "Good lord, what a woman. Let me come back to bed, baby! The couch is KILLING me!"

The Tron goes back to just the Anarchy logo as the fans boo.

Vinnie Lane: "Instead of a full Anarchy show, this Christmas Eve we'll be doing a short show with just one event... THE PUNISHMENT OF BOBBI LONDON'S PARTNER MAXINE!!! That's right... I didn't forget! Max is just as liable for the disgusting actions she and Bobbi performed last time around, and she's gonna get hers during the most wonderful time of the year! But first... TIME FOR BOBBI'S GANGBANG!!!"

Vinnie sends it to the ring.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Bobbi London
- vs -
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Mini Morbid
As punishment for their actions at High Stakes - Bobbi and Maxine will each take part in a FOUR ON ONE beatdown with an unfortunate name! Thanks Vin!

“The Sickest C*nt” by Enkay1er begins to play as the lights turn up all through the arena. Bobbi emerges through the entrance way, microphone in hand, but a disgusted look on her face as she is flanked by the massive Maxine. She starts to sing along with the words to her rather obnoxious and crude theme song, but after a few lines she completely gives up and angrily stomps down to the ringside area, glaring at Vinnie Lane.

Bobbi London: “VINNIE! YOUS NEED TO CALL THIS MATCH OFF, RIGHT NOW! There’s no reason why I’s should get punished for making High Stakes a much better pay-per-view than it would have been! Do yous think that all the fans REALLY wanted to see Tula slouching round and bitching and moaning bout b.O.b. when she should be acting like a champion? NO! Theys all wants to see me!”

Vinnie Lane: “But…you’re not the champ dude! You violated my order and came down and interfered in the match after I warned you not to! Now, you need to get in that ring and take your medicine!”

Vinnie flinched back as Maxine stepped towards him with menace in her eyes, but Bobbi stopped her, whispering in her ear as she made her way to the ring. Bobbi rolled inside, microphone still in hand.

Bobbi London: “That’s fine mate…that’s blood fine, yah?”

She cleared her throat, then launched into a rap…

“Line up them bums whos gonna leave with stiches;
Big Bobbi L gonna put me foot in the arse of they britches!
Yous should know better than to send a bunch of snitches;
Gonna do ‘em like Super Dick and smash all them bitches!”

Bobbi tosses the microphone out of the ring as she rubs her big meaty hands together, ready for the challenge facing her.

Smoke engulfed the stage as Green pyros exploded in fantastic fashion! Out of the smoke emerged Halocen, her tongue out and arms raised high. On cue, she threw down her arms in sync with the pyro as green colored burst of fire popped off down the sides of the ramp.

Vinnie Lane: “Here at XWF we spare no expense on entrances!”

Halocen darted off, running down the stage full blast and sliding into the ring where she pushed up to her knees and began pumping her fist to the music as her tongue flaps carelessly in the wind! She then jumped to her feet and ran up the turnbuckle and threw up the devil horns hand symbol as the fans cheered along!

Boris heads out from the back to a tremendous pop! The Slav superstar then made his way down to the ring, interacting with his adoring fans along the way!

Vinnie Lane: “After seeing Halocen’s entrance, I kind of feel bad for Boris! Somebody fire off a pyro for Boris!”

On command, one of the ring post exploded into a burst of fire just as Boris was entering the ring. The sudden and unexpected BOOM startled Boris and caused him to catch his foot on the ropes and trip into the ring!

Vinnie Lane: “Oops, sorry Boris!”

Suddenly the lights go out! The crowd screams with anticipation for who is about to enter next!


As does Lane!

The rhythmic drumming sounding like a battle march continued to get louder as the lights slowly came back up with a deep red hue.

As the double bass began to drill just before Aeon’s “God Gives Head In Heaven” roared over the PA system!

Mini Morbid angel stormed from the backstage area and flexed on everyone in sight as the crowd screamed in delight, mesmerized by his gigantic arms!

Morbid then became all business as he stomped down to the ring and climbed over the top rope like Kevin Nash or The Giant. Now in the center of the ring, Morbid flexed once more, causing his partners to stew in jealousy!

Vinnie Lane: “There’s always a fun time to be had when Morbid Mini is around!”


“I need to get back into the gym!”

The crowd began to boo as soon as his theme hit!

Vinnie Lane: “There’s no love loss for Graves in Delaware!”

The music continued to play for a while before anyone began to question where Micheal was.

Vinnie Lane: “I know that he was upset about this match, but is Micheal Graves really going to no show!?”

Unbeknownst to her partners for the night, Graves climbed over the barricade and slipped into the ring undetected with a steel chair in tow!

Vinnie Lane: “Wait, what is he… er.. SHE doing!?!”

Graves swung for the fences, cracking Boris over the back of the head with the steel chair! Halocen and Morbid reacted to the commotion by looking on in shock as Graves continued to swing the chair over the body of a downed Boris!

Vinnie Lane: “What the hell dude!? That’s your partner!”

Graves tossed the chair to the mat and stood over the fallen Boris, admiring his handy work for a moment before calling for a microphone.

Micheal Graves: “This match is a sham! Just another instance of Vinnie Lane abusing his power of the shit show! Well Lane, you may book the matches, but there’s no way in hell that I’m teaming with that “hero” suck up Boris! Now get him outta my ring!”

Backstage personnel come out and tend to Boris as Graves argued with his remaining partners over who is going to start the match. They finally agreed to allow Mini Morbid the honors before they took their places on the apron.


Vinnie Lane: “In a true case of David vs Goliath, it looks like Mini Morbid will be the first to bring the beat down to BOBbi London!”

Bobbi London began doing some quick stretching in the corner, but Morbid was ready to get things underway. He zoomed out of his corner like a little red blur and smashed Bobbi with a clothesline from Hell! Bobbi showed off her cat like reflexes however and dipped right out of the way, leaving Morbid to crash into the corner face first! Bobbi was already on the rebound from the other side of the ring and crashed into him with a Stinger splash, pinning him against the turnbuckles with her massive weight advantage! As Bobbi pulled out of the corner, Mini Morbids lifeless husk fell to the mat where London was quick to cover!


Halocen steps through the ropes, but Graves grabs her arm and waggles her finger “no, no, no!”



Vinnie Lane: “Down but not out! Mini Morbid just kicked out at two!

Graves was beside himself having hoped for a quick and easy victory for his girlfriend Bobbi!

Vinnie Lane: “Now what’s Graves doing!?”

Graves climbs into the ring and begins to argue the count with the referee, which really confuses him!

Micheal Graves: “THAT WAS A THREE, C’MON MAN!”

The distraction inadvertently made it possible for Morbid to recover without Bobbi noticing until it was too late and Morbid was already airborne from the top rope! He connected with the spear that surprisingly folded Bobbi in half upon impact! Graves lunged towards Mini, but the official was quick to block her path and order her back to the apron. Graves refused though and tried to force his way past the official anyway, eventually breaking free and connecting with a little BIG boot to the side of Morbid’s head that sent him flying under the bottom rope to the outside! Satisfied with his work, Graves helped Bobbi to her feet and pointed her in Morbid’s direction before returning to the apron!

Vinnie Lane: “Does Graves even know which team he’s playing for!? He’s supposed to be beating Bobbidown, not trying to help her win!”

Bobbi exited the ring and grabbed a handful of Morbid, which is pretty much all of him. She then whipped him into the steel steps where he collided back first as the metal rang out a sickening thud! Graves cheered from the apron as Halocen hopped off of the apron and darted around the ring. She grabbed Bobbi by the back of her tights and hair, and threw her into the guardrails! Graves then climbs into the ring and took off in a full sprint, leaping over the top rope and crashing into Halocen with a suicide dive! Graves then jumped back to her feet and went straight for Morbid, grabbing him and tossing him back into the ring. Graves then checked on Bobbi who was working her way back to her feet. Once she signaled to him that she was fine, Graves slid back into the ring and began stalking Morbid. PLaying with him, Graves began to coax Morbid to his feet, slapping him in the back of the head as he struggled to regain a vertical base. Once Morbid was up, Graves quickly grabbed him and threw him up over his shoulders in a crucifix. Graves smiled sadistically as he rushed towards the ropes with the intention of throwing Morbid to the outside with Grave Consequences, but Halocen had recovered and hit Graves with a spear that took him off his feet, causing him to drop Morbid to the mat. Just then Bobbi climbed back into the ring and chased Halocen out before checking on Graves!

Vinnie Lane: “I never should have booked Graves! Even in a four on one scenario he’s still screwing everything up!”

Graves assures Bobbi that she’s fine, and instructs her to finish Morbid. The official regains control of the action and forces Graves back to the apron as Bobbi picks the little guy up and cracks his back over her knee, pausing with his limp body hanging lifelessly over her knee. She pushed him off and he falls to the mat with a thud as Bobbi attempts the cover again!



Halocen stepped through the ropes again, but this time Graves was unable to catch her in time and she rushed in with a diving elbow to break the pin!

Broken Up!

Bobbi jumped to her feet, fired up, and Halocen wasn’t backing down either! The two women began trading blows in the center of the ring, neither of them willing to give up any ground, but Halocen quickly found herself in an advantageous situation as Bobbi was rocked into the corner by a flurry of chops and elbows! Halocen then rushed into the corner and connected with a drop kick to the sternum that dropped Bobbi London to her ass in the corner! Graves who was just getting back to his feet began yelling at Halocen to get out of the ring. She ignored him and dragged Mini Morbin over to their corner before climbing out and positioning for the tag!


No! Before she could tag Mini, Graves connected with a side kick to the side of her head! Halocen lost consciousness and fell off the apron to the floor below! Graves then reached out for Morbid’s hand, looking for the tag to hurry up and lay down for Bobbi and get this over with, but suddenly Graves was pulled off the apron!

Vinnie Lane: “It’s Boris! Boris is back in this match!

Graves and Boris begin trading shots on the outside. Boris gained the upper hand when he smashed Graves face first into the announce desk.

Vinnie Lane: “Hey watch it! These folding tables don’t come cheap!”

Lane’s nagging gave Boris an idea. He pulled Graves in close and went for a suplex, but Graves blocked it and tried one of her own, but Boris blocked as well before trying again himself!


Graves smashes through the announce table as both him and Boris lay in the wreckage!

Vinnie Lane: “Dammit guys, now I’m going to have to use the back up desk for the rest of the show, and it’s a tiny desk like trumps, so I’m going to be a meme tomorrow because of you two!”

Vinnie leans down and starts waving smelling salts in front of Boris’ nose.

Left with no one to worry about besides Mini Morbid, Bobbi London looks thrilled. She clearly feels that she is on the precipice of victory! Mini runs through her legs and starts biting at her ankles, and Bobbi wails in pain. She starts kicking her leg wildly,trying to dislodge the diminutive cannibal… but then she’s flattened!


Vinnie Lane: “Halocen found herself a Stop sign! Now WHO could have planted that???”

Vinnie wiggles his eyebrows at the camera. Boris and Graves start groaning and getting to their feet.

Vinnie Lane: “Get in there, you two! Now’s your chance to really punish Bobbi like she deserves!”

Micheal Graves: “BOBBI! NO!”

Graves sees Bobbi on the mat with Halocen standing over her holding a dented sign. She bolts back into the ring as Mini and Boris close in as well, and arrives just as all three of them start pelting the snoring London with boots and kicks.

Vinnie Lane: “Wait… Graves just jumped on top of Bobbi to protect her… and her shoulders are down!”

Graves winces as the kicks hit her instead of Bobbi… and she doesn’t notice the referee making a count.




Winners by Pinfall - Graves, Halocen, Mini Morbid, and Boris

Vinnie Lane: “Bobbi’s come to, and I think she and Graves both realized that Graves is actually the one who pinned her for the win! Bobbi does NOT look happy!”

Micheal Graves: “Baby wait, I can explain! I did it for YOU!”

Bobbi’s eyes turn to fire and Graves has to basil! Graves hauls ass to the back with Bobbi right behind her, out for blood.

Vinnie Lane: “That worked out nicely!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
The scene opens up backstage on Anarchy where we see Barney Green, dressed in his garbage man uniform, walking around with his trash can and he stops when we see Charlie Nickles appear on screen. Barney places his trash can down. Barney goes to speak.

Barney: Looks like I found my twin. Somebody who is as reckless with their body as I am with mine. I got a lot of respect for you.

Charlie just kicks the trash can and we see all kinds of stuff go flying out of it. Barney just looks in shock and goes to speak..

Barney: No need to be kicking my personal belongings around because that could lead to a match you don't want against me.

Charlie: You better pipe the fuck down you pussy ass bitch! Someone around here stole my heavymetalweight belt, and I'm going to find out who damn it! And you're acting awfully fucking suspect, so take a few steps back so I can search your shit!

Charlie goes to dig through the trash can for his hard earned championship belt, but Barney Green steps between Charlie and the can. Charlie was fuming.

Charlie: What in the sam hill do you think you're doing? Do you know who I am, boy? I oughta slap you silly for this! Gimme that can or I'mma beat yo ass!

Barney: If that's how you feel about it, I got a spot open at Snow Job. If you still got the Television Title, How about you put your money where your mouth is and face me in a deathmatch.

Charlie raises a fist only to be met with a blast of Dorito cool ranch dust to the eyes! Charlie is stunned. Green Awakening on the concrete floor! Charlie is out cold and Barney goes to speak.

Barney: The Daddy Of Violence looks forward to your response.

Barney walks off as the scene fades to black..

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Big Money Oswald & Barney Green
- vs -
Tommy Wish & John Black
X-Treme Rules!

The THUGS anthem fires up and three silhouettes are seen at the top of the ramp. When the smoke from their black n’ milds clears, we can all see Tommy Wish, John Black, and with them, Reggie Estrada with his X-Treme Championship. The trio perp walk down to the ring and Reg pounds each other man’s fist before putting up a deuce and heading back to the dressing room area.

Vinnie Lane: “No Estrada tonight… probably wants to make sure no one jumps him for that X Title! Gotta admit… I thought about doing it!”

Barney Green and Big Money Oswald head out as the BOB theme blasts the speakers. The duo make the Earth shake as they walk, and Barney even adds a little quake action by jumping up and down once he gets in the ring, trying to intimidate the THUGS with pure size.

Vinnie Lane: “Don’t know if that tactic is going to work, the THUGS have never shied away from a challenge! Good effort from the current XWF Star of the Month, though! Just like he showed in his promo...”

Vinnie scrolls through his phone trying to pull up the promo.

Vinnie Lane: “I’ll find it later.”


Vinnie Lane: “And we’re off to the races, folks! Mike Hunt has called for the bell, and it looks like we’re starting with Barney in there against JB… these two have known each other for years!”

As soon as that bell sounds, though, Tommy Wish hops down from his corner and starts pulling tables out from under the ring. Obviously the THUGS have a plan, and that plan is violence to the X-TREME.

Barney smiles and cracks his knuckles, and he locks up with John Black. Black does his best to out-muscle the big man, but Barney is able to use his leverage to back Black into a corner, much like the Democratic Party. No five count, due to the anything goes rules - so Barney just starts choking the life out of JB. Black kicks and wriggles, but Barney has a grip like a steel vise. Only when JB digs his thumbs into the eye sockets of Barney Green does the hold finally get broken, and that gives Black enough separation to cough some air into his lungs before pulling himself up onto the top rope and leaping off with a missile dropkick… that Green swats away like a fly at a barbecue!

Vinnie Lane: “MAN, Barney has so much staying power… how do you get either him or Oswald off their feet?”

Outside the ring, Wish has stacked up a series of tables, and he seems happy with his work. Across the squared circle Oswald has been trash talking the entire time, pointing at his Billion Dollar belt and even throwing up wadded hundreds at Wish and Black. Wish definitely pockets the bills.

Barney heads to Wish in the corner and grabs him by the ears, snap-maring him into the ring over the top rope. He stomps him a couple of times and then drops a meaty elbow on him. He looks up in time to see JB running towards him, and he jacks him in the face with a WMD punch that sends Black sprawling out of the ring. Oswald howls with approval on his side of the ring, clapping and stomping but remaining outside.

Vinnie Lane: “Barn seems to want to fight BOTH members of THUGS on his own… this is an X-Treme Rules match, theoretically Ozzy could get involved here without fear of a DQ… but he’s just watching the show!”

Tommy Wish is set in a seated position in a corner, and Barney is just giving him the business with mudhole stomps. Green sticks a boot in Wish’s throat and grabs the top rope with both hands, using all the leverage he can find to choke the life out of Tommy. Barney then pulls Wish to his feet and backs up, looking for a high impact move… but JB leaps on to him from behind, landing on his back with a sleeper hold fully applied!

Barney flails and tries to get JB off his back, even backing him roughly into an opposite corner several times, but Black won’t let go. Barney looks ready to pop with his face turned fully purple, and he bends over in an effort to shimmy Black off of him… when he does so, Tommy Wish lands on top of Black’s back with a flying double stomp, driving both him and Barney down on the mat! Barney hits face-first, and Tommy helps John Black to his feet and makes sure he’s all good before they both turn to the downed Breen and start putting the boots to him.

Vinnie Lane: “THAT got Oswald’s attention! Here comes Big Money to break up the double team!”


Big Money Oswald charges at the THUGS, but Tommy and JB low bridge him, ducking down and using teamwork to back body drop the massive Billion Dollar Champion up and over the top rope… right through that stack of tables Wish set up! Oswald crashes and burns, shattering the tables into twigs before landing hard on the concrete and lying motionless.

Vinnie Lane: “What a game changer! Big Money is DONE! That means it’s Barney against two men, and this isn’t the kind of chick-with-dick ladyboy double team that Barney is always looking for on Twitter… this is a Bone-Thugafied Beatdown!”

John Black slides out of the ring while Tommy Wish pulls Barney up by the hair. Black finds two steel chairs and slides one into Wish, keeping the first for himself. Black gets back into the ring and both THUGS lift their chairs like Louisville Sluggers, then slam them together on either side of Green’s cranium with a thunderous CRACK! Miraculously, Barney stays on his feet! Though it looks like he is out cold.

Wish and Black toss their chairs aside, having nearly bent them in half with the massive double team move. They nod at each other and hit the opposite ropes before flying back at Green in sync.


Wish and Black upsy-downsy Barney in perfect unison, and the Jolly Green Giant gets battered to the canvas!

Wish hops on top of Breen, and Black leans on his back for extra pressure!




Vinnie Lane: “THUGS pulled off the win! BOB is going home with an L tonight!”

Winners by Pinfall - THUGS

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vinnie Lane: "What a tag team exhibition we just saw, folks, I... what the heck is going on with the feed, now??"

The lights flicker and go out, and the Anarchotron lights up.

The song ends, and the tron goes dark. The lights come back up and everyone, including Vinnie, looks perplexed.

Vinnie Lane: "What the HECK just happened, dude!?"
[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Holy Roman War Horse

Vinnie Lane: “Nemesis had a quiet debut a while back but nothing definitive came from it… hoping to see a different outcome this time around! She’s a freak of nature!”

Nemesis walks slowly to the ring as her music plays. The crowd isn’t sure what to make of the massive woman, but her intensity wins over some of them. When she arrives at the ring and gives a war cry, a good portion of the fans applaud.

Vinnie Lane: “And this guy, he’s already got my inbox just FULL of advertisers ready to walk… time to see if he’s got Colby Covington talent to back up that Colby Covington mouth. We’ll chalk the Gilly loss up as a fluke… that could happen to anyone!”

The Holy Roman War Horse emerges, horse mask and all, wearing an extravagant outfit that could make the Pope cry. He marches down to the ring like a legionary and then moves to his corner, tossing aside the mask (leaving just a regular black mask underneath to continue hiding his identity) and cracking his knuckles.


Vinnie Lane: “There’s the bell, courtesy of referee John Bihl. This match is underway!”

Horse runs out of the corner but Nemesis flattens him immediately with a big clothesline. He hits the mat hard and just barely gets out of the way before a huge Nemesis elbow drop can hit him. Clearly still feeling the effects of that lariat, Horse isn’t able to stay out of the grasp of Nemesis. Soon he’s caught up in a Muay Thai clinch and is eating hard knee lifts for dinner. Nemesis backs him into a corner with those knees and lets him go once he slumps against the turnbuckles. She then retreats a bit and runs forward looking for a corner splash, but she gets nothing but corner when War Horse slips away.

The Holy Roman one gets a bit of good luck when Nemesis staggers back from the corner - he’s on all fours and crawls behind her legs, trippin her up. She collapses and Horse leans all of his leverage against her legs to hold her shoulders to the canvas!



Nemesis kicks out with authority!

Vinnie Lane: “The War Horse almost stole one right there, that was close!”

War Horse sees Nemesis get to her feet and he leaps onto her, wrapping his skinny legs around her waist and jamming his fingers into her mouth! He’s got Hector’s Hand locked in!


Nemesis used her power to simple heave War Horse off of her, and the hold is broken. It clearly had an effect, though, as Nemesis clutches her jaw and looks a bit wobbly legged.

War Horse comes in hot once more, he doesn’t want to lose the momentum he gained… but a forearm sends him tumbling backward. Horse shakes it off pretty quickly, and he looks to reapply the Hand… he jumps onto Nemesis’ front again, but she blocks his hand before he can jam it into her mouth! He struggles, but her strength is simply too muhc… before he knows it, she’s got him spun into a belly to belly suplex! An Earth Shaker!

Vinnie Lane: “Nice knowing you, War Horse!”



War Horse gets a shoulder up! Nemesis is incredulous!

Vinnie Lane: “Wow! I had no idea the Horse had that in him! Just when you think you’ve got a MAGAt down, he files another frivolous lawsuit!”

Nemesis growls and grabs War Horse again, throwing him chest-first into the corner. His sternum rattles as he hits the turnbuckles and he goes limp. Nemesis plays to the crowd because she knows she’s got the much smaller opponent right where she wants him.

Vinnie Lane: “Careful, ‘Sis! That dude might have pee stained tighty whities but he isn’t stupid… I can see him untying that turnbuckle pad from here!”

Nemesis zeroes in on War Horse from behind and she runs forward, leaping into the air for a massive stronger-style splash… right before impact, Horse slips aside with the buckle pad in his hands, and Nemesis cracks her forehead on exposed steel!

Nemesis falls flat on her back, out cold, as a trickle of blood runs from the split skin on her brow. War Horse smartly tosses the pad out of the ring before John Bihl can see, and he jumps on top of Nemesis while grabbing a tree trunk thigh for a cover!




Winner by Pinfall - Holy Roman War Horse

Vinnie Lane: “The War Horse snatches a win here tonight, relying on brains instead of braun! Will he be able to keep it up against more experienced opponents? We’ll find out next time!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Tula Keali'i
- vs -
Vita Valenteen
Triple threat to determine a new NUMBER ONE CONTENDER!

Vinnie Lane: "Coming up next, we've got three of Anarchy's finest going at it to determine the #1 Contender for Kenzi Grey's Anarchy Championship."

The arena lights go banana Lime Green, and suddenly we see Ruby coming from the entrance way. She walks down the aisle, giving high fives to all her fans, before rolling into the ring. Ruby then gets to her feet and does a superhero pose as her theme fades off.

Vinnie Lane: "All three women in this match are former Anarchy Title holders, but Ruby's the only one to hold the belt twice. If she can pull off a win here tonight, she could very well be on her way to reign number three!"

"The Only Thing They Fear Is You" by Mick Gordon begins to play as Tula Keali'i emerges through the curtain, onto the ramp. She stays focused on the ring as she makes her way down the aisle, stretching out her arms every so often. Once at ringside, Tula heads over to the steps where she climbs onto the apron and into the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "You can be sure the former Champion is gonna be looking for a rematch against the woman who took her Title!"

As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roars through the arena, the crowd jumps to their feet as Vita Valenteen runs onto the stage. Vita walks down the stage in a zigzag pattern as she slaps hands and tries her best to get the crowd riled. At the foot of the ramp, Vita takes off and slides under the ropes to enter the ring. She then hops to her feet and strikes her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight!

Vinnie Lane: "Vita's pumping up the crowd! This one certainly has a big fight feel to it, that's for sure!"

The competitors wait in their respective corners, as the referee checks over each one for foreign objects. With all three women cleared and ready to go, the ref calls for the bell.


Vinnie Lane: "Being a Triple Threat Match, there will be no Disqualifications, meaning there was no real reason for the ref to pat them down. But I give him an A for effort!"

The competitors stare each other down for a moment, before Tula holds up her hand and climbs out onto the apron. As Vita and Ruby look on in confusion, Keali'i grabs hold of the tag rope and motions for them to fight amongst themselves.

Vinnie Lane: "That's not how a Triple Threat works, but it's not gonna stop Tula from using her political prowess to change it!"

Ruby and Vita slowly head over to Keali'i, who tries her best to convince them a Tag style match would work alot better. Finally, having enough of her crap, both of Tula's opponents grab her by the hair and drag her in over the top rope as the fans cheer. Then they drag her to her feet and Irish Whip her to the ropes, connecting with a Double Dropkick on the way back. Tula immediately retreats to the outside, distracting Ruby enough to allow Vita to roll her up in a Schoolboy.




Vinnie Lane: "Vita almost snuck her way into a match with the Champion!"

Vita Valenteen brings Ruby to her feet and whips her to the ropes. On the rebound, she goes for a Clothesline, but Ruby ducks it and jumps over the top rope, landing a Tope Con Hero onto Tula Keali'i outside the ring causing the fans to go wild. Not wanting to be outdone, Vita heads over to the corner and ascends the turnbuckles as her opponents slowly begin to stir. She waits a few seconds for them to get up before diving off, connecting with a Crossbody onto both of them as the crowd noise gets even louder.

Vinnie Lane: "We're only two minutes into this match, and we've already got a 'Holy Shit' chant going!!!"

Eager to please the fans, Vita hurries back up onto the apron and waits, as her opponents slowly make their way back to their feet. She then Springboards off the middle rope for a Moonsault attempt, but Tula and Ruby manage to catch her in mid-air before slamming her onto the floor.

Vinnie Lane: "One too many risks for Valenteen, she better hope it doesn't cost her!"

With Vita down for the moment, Ruby and Tula turn their attention towards each other, with Keali'i backing up The Super Dear'o with a hard right to the side of the head. She then runs at her opponent, who manages to Drop Toe-hold her, face first, into the steel steps. Ruby then picks Tula up, rolls her into the ring, and lays across her for a cover.




Vinnie Lane: "Luckily for Tula, you don't HAVE to be good looking to be a politician.................... just look at Mitch McConnell!"

Ruby brings Tula to her feet and attempts an Irish Whip, but Keali'i reverses, pulling the Banana-lime girl into a hard Knee to the Gut. Tula follows it up with a beautiful combination of knees to the head and body, backing Ruby against the ropes. However, before she can go for the kill shot, Vita drags the XWF's resident superhero under the bottom rope to the outside.

Vinnie Lane: "Vita might've just saved Ruby from getting her head knocked off! She better watch herself, though, because Ruby's still her opponent, admiration or not."

Valenteen checks on Ruby, who thanks her with a handshake...................... which she uses to pull Vita in for a Ruby Cutter!!!!!!

Vinnie Lane: "I tried to warn her!"

Ruby rolls Vita's limp body into the ring, but before she can follow her, Tula runs over and kicks the Super Dear'o off the apron, before proceeding to cover Valenteen herself.




Vinnie Lane: "Tula just did her best Donald Trump impression and tried to steal a win from Ruby!!!"

Tula stands over Vita and delivers multiple Elbow Strikes to her head, busting her open on one particularly violent one. Valenteen tries her best to defend herself, but an ungodly amount of blood pours from her wound all over her face, making it hard to block the strikes.

Vinnie Lane: "There's so much blood, I don't think Vita can see where the former Champion's shots are coming from!"

Keali'i continues to lay into Valenteen when, all of a sudden, she's leveled by a Springboard Dropkick out of nowhere from Ruby that sends her halfway across the ring! Tula stumbles back to her feet, only to be knocked back down with a Pelè Kick. With Tula down, Ruby heads over to Vita and drags her over to the corner. She hits a Double Legdrop to VV's midsection before pointing to the top turnbuckle, getting the fans hyped up, before making her way over. The Suoer Dear'o climbs out onto the apron and scales the ropes, eventually perching herself at the very top.

Vinnie Lane: "We could be moments away from declaring a #1 Contender! If she can hit the Ruby in the Rough, this one's over!"

Before Ruby can jump off, Tula shakes the top rope, causing her to fall, gooch first, onto the turnbuckle. Keali'i makes her way over and climbs up onto the second rope, where she puts her arm around Ruby's head, getting her into Suplex position. She tries to pull her opponent back, but the Super Dear'o grabs onto the rope, preventing her from doing so. As the two of them struggle, Vita Valenteen hobbles to her feet and heads their way, a trail of blood stains following her with every step. She turns her back to the corner and slips in under Tula, her face in her crotch.

Vinnie Lane: "Dude, this is getting kinda hot!!!!"

As Tula gives the Super Dear'o one final tug, Vita Powerbombs her forward, causing Keali'i to Superplex Ruby as her back collides with the mat. The fans go crazy as VV gingerly crawls over to Tula and hooks a leg for the cover.




Vinnie Lane: "Tula refuses to concede!"

A bloodied Valenteen slowly crawls over to Ruby and lays an arm across her for another cover.




Vinnie Lane: "Ruby's not gonna take things lying down, either! You can just tell how much these ladies want to be Anarchy Champion, again!"

Vita Valeteen limps to her feet, followed close by her opponents. With all three women standing in a triangle-shaped circle, VV delivers a hard chop to the chest of Tula. Rather than responding with a chop to Valenteen, Keali'i instead turns towards Ruby and delivers one to her, right across the collarbone. Ruby responds by slapping Vita across the chest, restarting the chain at the beginning.

Vinnie Lane: "Woo, woo!!! All aboard the Chop Train!"

The women continue to exchange chops, until Tula trades an open hand for a hard headbutt to the bridge of Ruby’s nose! Ruby drops, landing in a heap in the corner as Tula and Vita continue chopping one another hard.

Vinnie Lane: "Gotta admit, that seemed like it was a little EXTRA aggressive from Keali’i… but when a title shot is on the line you’ve got to swing at every pitch!”

Vita is overwhelmed when Tula stops swinging knife edge chops and instead starts kicking her viciously, taking out her legs and sinking her shins deep into her floating ribs. Vita looks like she has no answer for Tula, and Keali’i zeroes in on the weakness, grabbing Vita under the arm and executing a running uranage!

Vita hits the mat hard, and Tula folds her up into a pin… with an extra handful of tights behind the ref’s back.



Here comes Ruby!


Winner by Pinfall - Tula Keali’i

Vinnie Lane: "Ruby is really unhappy, ladies and gents, she’s giving Tula and the official an earful about the handful of tights Keali’i had… she saw the whole thing!”

Ruby is explaining things to referee Virginia Hymen, but Tula keeps interrupting. Ruby calmly tries to explain that she just wants the three of them to compete fairly and equally like champions… and Tula gets right in her face and shouts her down!

Vinnie Lane: "Not the sort of behavior I was expecting from Keali’i… maybe it’s just the heat of competition still surging through her veins?”

From the entrance, we see XWF legend, mentor to Tula Keali’i, and current paramour to Ruby, Centurion, running down to the ring! He has a look of concern on his face as he enters the ring and gets in between the two arguing females.

Vinnie Lane: "Bad move Cent. You get in the middle of a catfight, you end up feeling the claws!”

Centurion puts a hand on Tula’s shoulder, moving her backwards a foot or so and wagging his finger in her face with a stern expression on his face. He’s clearly lecturing her and Tula does not look happy about it, but she doesn’t say anything.

Cent then turns to Ruby and starts fawning over her, checking her nose and giving her a hug. He knows how she must be feeling after such a tough loss, especially with the way it ended.

As soon as Cent and Ruby unlock from their embrace… Tula shoves Ruby to the ground!

Centurion’s jaw drops and he takes a step toward Tula, but then Tula shoves HIM to the ground as well!

Tula Keali’i leaves the ring and holds her OWN arm in the air as the victor, and everyone in and around the ring are left to process what they just saw.

Vinnie Lane: "Tula has made a statement here tonight folks… she’s not worried about hurting anyone’s feelings, she’s worried about WINNING.”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Kenzi Grey
- vs -
"Notorious" Ned Kaye

Vinnie Lane: "And here we are, everyone! The last call for tonight’s Anarchy… and it’s a DOOZY!”

Back in the ring, Tig O’Bitties is standing with a mic nestled gently between her mountainous mammaries, ready to announce the final match of the evening.

” Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is your Anarchy Main Event of the evening!”

”Introducing first, she is the Anarchy Champion… “THE FACE OF ANARCHY” KENZI GREY!”

“Gimme Your Applause” by Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera begins to play as bulbs flash all through the arena. Kenzi Grey walks out with a confident smile for the fans as an explosion of pyro erupts and she strikes a pose for the cameras. She pauses to adjust the heavy black brace on her right knee, then heads down the aisle slapping the outstretched hands of the fans. At ringside, she climbs onto the ring apron and pauses again for the flash of the cameras, kneeling there with a smirk. She climbs the turn post and gives the fans one more photo opportunity as she sits atop the turnbuckle, still blowing kisses and posing for the fans. She hops down, finally entering the ring as she readies herself for her opponent.

Vinnie Lane: "Kenzi has really risen to the occasion, she fought her way through everything I managed to put in front of her… and it seemed to only make her stronger! Now she’s the Anarchy Champion, and has yet to even get her shoulders pinned since debuting on the brand!”

”And introducing her opponent.”

”He is the NEW XWF Hart Champion, NED KAYE!

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

Vinnie Lane: "Another guy who has really stepped up his game. Not long ago, Kaye was on his couch thinking of hanging the boots up for good… now he’s here in the main event with gold around his waist! A real fairy tale story, this Ned Kaye!”

Referee Chaz Bobo calls for the bell.


We are underway as Ned and Kenzi stare across the ring from each other soaking in the crowds reception. They walk out towards the center of the ring where they circle each other, sizing each other up before looking to lock up only to see Kenzi drop down with a go behind into a School Boy!




Both Kenzi and Ned are quickly to their feet when Kenzi charging towards Ned only to see Kaye snap her over to the mat with a side headlock takeover forcing Kenzi’s shoulders to the mat.



Kenzi rolls her shoulder off the mat!

Ned in turn starts to crack on the side head lock which causes Kenzi to work herself to one knee while Ned maintains control of the head and cranks down on the side head lock. Kenzi steps up to her feet where he lands several forearms to the gut and ribs before backing Ned up into the ropes and shooting him across the ring with an Irish Whip. Ned bounces off the ropes where he runs over Grey with a running shoulder block taking her down. Ned runs and bounces off the nearside, Grey rolls over to her stomach, Ned leaps over Grey where he bounces off the far side as Kenzi pops back up to her feet where she leap frogs over Ned who now bounces back off the nearside and into a spin kick to the midsection. Grey takes a front face lock and starts driving knee strikes with precision to the midsection of Kaye! Each knee lands before Kenzi delivers a swinging neckbreaker. She’s quickly into the cover on the Hart Champion.




Vinnie Lane: "Lots of quick covers here, these two really respect each other and don’t want to waste any time, or take the chance at a mistake!”

Grey wastes no time following the kickout as she is right back to a vertical base picking Kaye up by the hair. Kenzi takes Ned towards the ropes where she starts to run the eyes of Kaye across the rope! Kenzi release the head of the champion as she’s admonished by the official. Ned finds his way back into a neutral corner. Grey rushes towards the corner only to eat a reverse elbow from Ned! Grey staggers out towards the center of the ring as Kaye explodes from the corner with a Spinning Heel kick that’s right on the money! Before Ned can try for a cover Kenzi has rolled under the bottom rope and out to the floor.

The referee starts to lay the count to Kenzi as she gets back to her feet.

Ned bounces off the far side where he looks to deliver a baseball slide dropkick under the bottom rope that Kenzi sees coming, she sidesteps causing Ned to slide under the bottom rope and out to the floor where he’s met with a thumb to the eye! Kenzi follows up by hurling Ned into the security barrier. Kenzi comes forward and walks into a boot to the midsection from Ned who then hurls Grey back into the ring breaking the referee’s count.. Kaye slides into the ring where he pushes himself quickly to his feet where he sizes Grey up and delivers a step-up enzuigiri to the temple! The smack from the move echoes throughout the arena as Ned makes a cover.

Vinnie Lane: "Kenzi with a little bit of foul play there, but if you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’!”

Bobo makes the count...




Grey kicks out of the near fall as Ned is back to a rear chin lock. The referee is in position as he starts asking Grey to surrender as Ned cranks back on the head and neck before Ned breaks his hold and is back to his feet picking Kenzi up where he locks in a front face lock before peeling off a snap vertical suplex, Ned is back up to his feet where he steps out to the ring apron where he makes his way towards the corner. He starts to climb up to the top rope where he sizes up Kenzi before coming off the top rope with a Shooting Star Press!

Kenzi rolls out of the way at the final second sending Ned crashing and burning!

Vinnie Lane: "That’s a high risk that backfired on Kaye! Let’s see if it dooms him here in this match!”

Grey pushes herself up off the mat where he now runs towards the rope and springboards off the middle rope delivering a picture perfect Asai Moonsault! Grey forces the cover on the Hart Champion!




Vinnie Lane: "Still some fight left in Ned!”

Kaye escapes the near fall. Kenzi begins to get back up where she picks Ned up off the mat and delivers several forearm shots to the face and jaw of Kaye followed by striking kicks to the upper right quad before looking for a spinning back fist! Ned ducks and counters with a back waist lock as he drives Grey forward and into the ropes looking to roll up Kenzi only to have Grey latch on to the top rope stopping the momentum before driving the point of her elbow into the temple of Ned breaking his grasp on her waist staggering him backwards towards a neutral corner.

Grey turns and charges forward delivering a Shotgun Dropkick to the sternum of Kaye driving him backwards into the turnbuckles of a neutral corner! Grey nips up to her feet before running towards the buckles that house Kaye where she delivers a running knee strike! Ned staggers out from the corner as Grey hops up on the middle turnbuckle waiting to the Hart Champion to turn around.Ned starts to turn towards the corner and as he does Kenzi comes off the buckles looking to deliver a double ax handle but eats a superkick from The Notorious One! Kenzi falls back into the ropes which supports her weight for Ned to charge forward, clotheslining Grey over the top rope and out to the floor! Ned sizes Grey up as she starts to work her way to her feet. It’s Kaye who then slingshots himself over the top rope and crashes down on top of Grey with a flying cross body block! Ned hops back up to a huge ovation from the crowd!

Vinnie Lane: "No time to showboat, kid! Finish the job!”

Ned reaches down picking Kenzi up off the floor as the referee starts to lay the count to both participants. Ned locks a front waist lock before he delivers an overhead belly to belly release suplex onto the floor! Ned works his way back to his feet, he slides into the ring breaking the count before sliding back out to the floor. He stomps away at Kenzi Gray before reaching down and picking Kenzi up where he takes her and drives her face first off the ring steps before throwing her back into the ring where he slides in after her. Ned gets to his feet where he makes his way back into a neutral corner as he sizes Grey up and as she reaches one knee Ned explodes towards Grey with a V-TRIGGER to the jaw! Notorious Knee! Grey crumbles to the mat with Ned dropping down into the cover.




Grey pops the shoulder up off the mat at the final millisecond to a gasp from the crowd! Ned reaches both knees as he cuts his eyes towards the referee who shows him how close he was. Ned steps back up to a vertical base before reaching down and picking Kenzi up off the mat. He drives Grey back into a neutral corner with a running shoulder block to the midsection, from there he drives repeated shoulders into the midsection before hoisting Grey up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle.

Vinnie Lane: "Ned looking to put this one away… let’s see what he’s got in store here!”

Ned steps up to the middle ropes where he locks in a front face lock as he looks to execute a superplex. Kenzi latches on to the top rope blocking the momentum before driving several right hands to the ribs and finally countering as she slides down to the mat bringing Ned out of the corner with a Running Liger Bomb! Grey is into the cover hooking the near leg.




Vinnie Lane: "I can’t believe Kaye kicked out! I thought he was done for sure! Wow!”

Another gasp from the crowd as Ned narrowly escapes the near fall from Grey. It’s Grey who cuts her eyes towards the official while getting herself up to one knee. Grey steps up to her feet as she looks down at Kaye. She reaches down picking the Hart Champion up off the mat where she locks a front face lock before successfully delivering a Kick-Out DDT! Grey rolls Ned over making another cover.




Ned escapes another near fall as the crowd pops with the kickout!

Vinnie Lane: "And again!”

“THIS IS AWESOME!” starts to echo throughout the building towards the ring at both participants as this Main Event continues!

Kenzi reaches her feet where he backs up into a neutral corner as she sizes up Ned. We see Kaye roll over to his chest and start pushing himself up off the mat, Kenzi explodes from the corner looking to deliver THE WALK OF FAME!

Ned moves out of harm’s way causing Kenzi to stomp down into the mat!

Ned scurries back to his feet and as Grey spins around Ned looks for another Superkick! Kenzi catches the foot of Kaye before spinning him around in a circle, Grey looks for a clothesline, Ned ducks and connects with a Pele Kick to the temple that staggers Grey before dropping her to one knee! Ned is back to his feet where he makes his way towards the ropes and steps out to the ring apron. Ned removes his elbow pad before sizing up Kenzi and as she steps up to her feet Ned spring boards off the top rope delivering a Flying Forearm that’s on the money to Grey! Ned hurries into the cover hooking the near leg.




Grey escapes eyelashes away from the fatal and final three count!

Vinnie Lane: "Now it’s Kenzi showing how deep her gas tank goes! This might be the match of the year on Anarchy… and we had freakin’ TIGERS once!”

The crowd reaches a fever pitch with the efforts on display by both participants. Ned is the first to reach a vertical base where he reaches down picking up Grey up off the mat. He nails Grey with a hard forearm shot that rocks her back a few feet. Grey comes right back with a knife edge chop across the chest that echoes throughout the building! Ned comes back with a second forearm shot to the jaw that once again rocks Grey! Kenzi comes back with a thumb to the eye!

Grey takes over with rapid kicks to the upper right quad finally dropping Ned to one knee. She then runs towards the ropes where she spring boards off the middle rope looking for a Spring Board cross body block that Kaye counters as he pops up catching Kenzi with a double knee gutbuster on her way down on top of him!

Both Ned and Grey are laid out on the mat forcing the referee to start laying the count to both participants. It’s at the referee’s four count that Ned starts to roll towards the ropes and out to the ring apron. He uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet. Ned makes his way towards the nearest set of buckles where he starts to climb up towards the top rope while inside the ring Kenzi starts working her way back to her feet and just as Ned reaches the top turnbuckle Kenzi jumps into the ropes causing Ned to lose balance and crotch himself on the top rope!

Grey makes her way towards the corner, she drives a forearm smash to the jaw of Kaye before stepping up to the middle rope and then the top where he delivers a Hurricanrana off the top rope to Kaye sending him crashing down to the mat below! Once again both Grey and Kaye are laid out in the center of the ring leaving the referee to lay the count to both.

Kenzi slowly comes to a bit, and she drags herself over to Kaye, draping an arm over his chest!



Ned gets a shoulder up!

Vinnie Lane: “These two are absolutely exhausted… this can’t go on much longer! It looks like Kenzi is gonna try and put Ned down for the count right now!”

Grey pulls Kaye up and drags him to a corner, then lifts him and sets him onto the top turnbuckle. She climbs up next to him and sets her foot on the back of his head… is she going to deliver a Walk of Fame from the TOP????????????

NO! Ned Kaye snap mares Grey from behind him, sending her sprawling on the canvas in front of him, and now he’s the one standing atop the top rope!

Vinnie Lane: "Kenzi must be dizzy from that sudden spin… she can’t seem to find Ned!”

Kenzi turns in a full 360 until she sees Kaye on the top - just in time for him to leap off and drill her into the mat with a flying hurricanrana! The Ego Crusher!

Ned hooks both of Grey’s legs instead of transitioning into a headscissor!




Winner by Pinfall - “Notorious” Ned Kaye

Vinnie Lane: "Holy crap! Ned just pinned the Anarchy Champion in the main event of her own show!”

Chaz Bobo holds up the hand of an absolutely exhausted Ned Kaye, handing him his Hart Championship. Kenzi just lies on the mat with her hands covering her face.

Vinnie Lane: "I think that last twist, going for a pin instead of moving for the full Ego Crusher submission… Kenzi must have never seen that coming! She had to have been training to escape the headscissor all week!”

Kaye heads to the back, triumphant, but Kenzi Grey is still the Anarchy Champion and is given her gild as well before she heads out of the ring hanging her head.

Vinnie Lane: "Who the heck is the real number one contender now!? How do I figure out what to do for Snow Job!?!? I’ve got some thinking to do!”

Anarchy fades from the air with a close-up of a distraught Kenzi Grey.


Chris Page
Kenzi Grey
Big D
Micheal Graves
Charlie Nickles

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 7 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
ALIAS (12-10-2020), Atara Raven (12-10-2020), Chris Page (12-12-2020), Marf (12-10-2020), Mr. Oz (12-10-2020), Ned Kaye (12-10-2020), R.L. Edgar (12-10-2020)
Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

12-10-2020, 07:31 PM

Jenny on fire, that's cute.

[i[Image: vEWm3Pg.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-10-2020, 07:35 PM

I rather enjoyed it!
Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-10-2020, 07:36 PM

Fun show!

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

12-10-2020, 07:45 PM

Be careful Jenny...they're after you!

[Image: AccurateImpressiveIndianabat.webp]

[i[Image: vEWm3Pg.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Atara Raven's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (12-11-2020)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-10-2020, 08:41 PM

{{with Barn's blessing}}

Oswald, after his tumble, walks over to Barney and yanks him up onto his feet.

"You did well, Barney. You did well."

He ruffles his hair, before kissing his forehead only to hoist the man up, popping him up only to spike him with The DELETION!

"You let your fucking Star of the Month glow, go from bright gold to shit brown, Barney! Don't you ever fuck me over again, you rat bastard!"

He leaves Barney laying there on his face after the spike DDT

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr. Oz's post:
Barney Green (12-10-2020)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-10-2020, 08:51 PM

Ummm what.....THE FUCK.....was that? I normally don't pay attention to this program but someone mentioned a segment about me........

Not sure what Tumnus has in mind but I want NOTHING to do with it.

[Image: 1wwldO8.gif]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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