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Wednesday Night Warfare: 11.11.2020
Author Message
Derrick Diamond Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-11-2020, 04:00 PM



From !!!


The show opens with the cameras outside of the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Berlin as a yellow Audi R8 screeches to a stop. Stepping out of the passenger seat and onto the sidewalk is none other than Paul Heyman. His client and protege Thaddeus Duke steps out from the driver side. Thad’s “shadow” Frankie jumps out of the car and into Thad’s arms. Duke hoists the youngster onto his shoulders. The trio heads toward the arena at a brisk pace and Steve Sayors is there to meet them at the door.

”Mr. Heyman?” Steve tries to stop the trio, but they blow right past him.

”Hey Steve,” Frankie says from atop Thad’s shoulders as they walk by.

”Hi Frankie,” Steve greets the boy.

Once in the building, Sayors hurries to catch up with them. ”Mr. Heyman, I was hoping to ask about Thaddeus’s recovery and...”

”If you want to chat, Steven, you’ll have to walk quickly because my client has a meeting.”

Steve walks quickly, trying to keep up with the Lionheart and his business manager.

”The question on everyone’s mind, Paul, is Thad’s recovery. Is he ready to go? Can he wrestle?”

Heyman scoffs at the question. ”He can wrestle better than anyone Steven, with or without the sprained ACL. Thaddeus is cleared to compete and is good to go and Steven, may I say, he’ll be better than he’s ever been.”

They round a corner in the backstage area.

”Your client was arrested at Savage for assaulting a police officer, Paul. Is he facing criminal charges?”

”I won’t comment on ongoing legal proceedings, Mr. Sayors, but believe me when I tell you, that the Roswell Police Department does not want to do the tango with my client and his legal representatives.”

”He doesn’t have a match tonight, Mr. Heyman, why is he here?”

”I’ve already told you, Steven. We have a meeting.”

Thad hands his keys to Sayors. ”Park my car somewhere safe,” he says.

They round another corner and see a placard on a door that reads: Thaddeus Duke – Big Fucking Star. Thaddeus and Frankie duck inside.

”Private locker room,” Steve surmises. ”Your doing?”

”I advocate for my client, Mr. Sayors, but at the end of the day, this is all Thaddeus Duke’s doing.

“This is Thaddeus Duke being treated the way Thaddeus Duke deserves to be treated.”

”Judging by what we saw on Savage, it’s safe to say that the saga between Chris Page and your client is not over. Where does that saga go from here?”

Heyman smiles.

”Steven, hell no that saga is not over. I would go so far as to say that that saga will not be over until one of them cleanly defeats the other in the center of the ring with millions of people having their eyes glued to the raw unrivaled talent being displayed.

“And my client will win that showdown.”

”Whatever else he is, Mr. Heyman, Chris Page is a formidable opponent. How can you be so sure that Thaddeus Duke would come out victorious in some sort of final showdown?”

Heyman rolls his eyes and scoffs at the question.

”Have you watched him?”


”Seriously. Steven, have you watched Thaddeus Duke perform in that ring? Since he hired me, has he even lost a match? Has he lost focus for one single solitary second? Have you, in the many many years that you’ve been a part of this business… Have you seen anyone as fucking good as Thaddeus Duke is?”

”No one can deny that your guidance of his career has taken him to another level. I’m not prepared to say he’s the best I’ve ever seen, Paul. But he is better than I have ever seen him.”

”Do you doubt his ability to defeat Chris Page whenever this final showdown happens?”

”I do not.”

”I think we’re done here.”

Heyman slinks into Thad’s locker room leaving Sayors in the hallway.


“I was supposed to be the one asking questions.”

Thaddeus Duke emerges from inside and holds his hand out. He snaps his fingers then gives a “gimme” motion with his hand.


Sayors looks at the keys to Thad’s Audi, then hands them over.

”Don’t ever touch my car.”

Duke retreats inside his locker room and closes the door as we cutaway...

ed to a frame full of Barney Green. He is walking down the halls of the stadium, being greeted with fist bumps and praises from the boys in the back.

HHL: Barney Green has been setting the XWF universe ablaze with his entry into the high stakes battle royale. A lot of folks are penciling him in as their dark horse candidate.

PC: Barney looks as good as ever. His return has be--WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!

As Barney turns a corner he is greeted by a briefcase that smacks him in the face! Barney grunts as he falls to his back. A masked marauder brings the briefcase down on Barney's body a few more times, wildly slamming it down on Barney as he wiggles and squirms. As the assailant swings the briefcase back and forth by the handle it eventually breaks apart, sending a flurry of documents flying into the air.



The masked assailant is dressed in loose fitting brown slacks and a white dress shirt. Their poorly knotted black tie swings wildly back and forth as droplets of sweat begin to stain his armpits. The ski mask bulges out around the masked warrior's neck and jawline. The assailant stands still, watching in horror as the precious documents fall around them.

HHL: I think that's Robert Main!

PC: Robert Main isn't that fat!

HHL: Could it be one of his alter egos?!?!

The assailant drops to their knees as they hurriedly search through the scattered pages. Their sweat stains grow larger by the second. The pages begin to slip and slide through the fingers of the masked attacker as the sweat builds up on the palms of their hands. Barney Green groans as he rolls out of the frame.

HHL: Barney will be okay, right!? It was just a briefcase? He's the big draw for High Stakes!

PC: I reckon the biggest bruise has been to his pride, Heather!

The camera comes closer to the assailant, looking down at them as they fuss with the pages strewn across the floor. Each and every page is exactly the same. White, standard paper with one simple line of text.


The masked assailant speaks softly before the camera cuts away.

My paperwork, my will I ever win my bankruptcy case now?

” Ladies and Gentleman the opening contest is scheduled for one fall… Introducing first, about to her make her way to the ring… She is ATARA THEMIS!!”

Hello Doves appears briefly on screens over the arena in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose, Atara emerges from the back taking spot at centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.

Grunge walking to the ringsteps, Atara stops at the top and posturesconce more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring.

” And her opponent…”

” About to make his way to the ring, MARF SWAYSON!”

Marf emerges out to the top of the ramp as he starts to walk towards the ring. He reaches ringside where be climbs up on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes and into the ring. The music fades out as we’re set for our opening bell.

- vs -


” We are set for our opening match!”

” Bring on the TABLES!”

Atara and Marf square off center ring where the lock up seeing Marf use his size and strength to muscle Atara back into a neutral corner where he gives a clean break as he backs out towards the center of the ring. Atara smirks at Marf as she makes her way out towards the ring of the ring. Marf and Atara lock up a second time and again we see Marf back Atara up towards a neutral corner only to see Atara reverse the positioning at the last second and it’s Marf that is back into a neutral corner before he’s given a clean break from Atara followed by a wink.

Atara backs out to center ring calling for Marf.

We see Marf come out from the corner where he looks to lock up with Atara who ducks under while taking a back waist lock, Marf counters with a standing side switch where he picks Atara up in the air and drives her down into the mat before floating over into a front face lock. Atara spins out of the front face lock transitioning into a Japanese armbar! Atara cranks on the arm several times before releasing and getting back to her feet.

” Atara realizing that a submission isn’t going to get it done releases the armbar.”

Atara pops back up to her feet as she then reaches down picking Marf up. She lands a forearm smash that backs Marf up into the ropes before she charges forward to send him over the top rope, Marf drops down yanking the top rope down causing Atara to spill out over the top rope and out to the floor! Marf drops down to the mat rolling out to the floor where he picks Atara up, he scoops her in position for a Fallaway Slam! Marf hurls Atara back with a Fallaway Slam

Marf tosses the ring apron back pulling a table out and sliding it into the ring. He goes back under the ring pulling out a second table and slides it into the ring as well before shifting his attention back towards Atara. Marf picks her up off the floor before hurling her into the ring. Marf goes back under the ring pulling out a third table! Marf opens the legs on the table flipping it over and setting it up on the floor.

Marf slides into the ring where he shifts his attention towards one of the tables. He picks it up and takes it back into a neutral corner where he leans it back against the buckles. Marf shifts his attention towards Atara where he walks over picking her up off the mat. Marf takes her towards the table driving her face first into the wood. Atara rests on the table as Marf backs up across the ring as he charges towards looking to deliver a diving spear! Atara side steps and Marf goes through the table!

” The match will continue, Atara must put Marf through and table or vice versa.”

Atara looks towards the other table that was slid into the ring. She makes her way over to the table and picks it up before opening the legs of the table before flipping it over and setting it up in the ring. Atara picks up Marf before taking him towards the table where she drives him head first table! Marf bounces off the table where he falls through the ropes and out to the floor! Atara rolls out to the floor after Marf! Marf starts to get to his feet where he’s met with Atara’s Front Kick to the sternum knocking Marf back into the security barrier! Marf staggers forward into a Belly to Belly Suplex on the floor from Themis!

” Atara with the Belly to Belly on the floor!”

Atara gets back to her feet where she reaches down picking Marf up off the floor before hurling him back into the ring. Atara rolls into the ring where she gets back to her feet where she looks to pick Marf up off the mat only to be countered with a sit out jaw breaker from Swayson! Marf steps back up to his feet where he delivers a stiff European uppercut rocking Atara back into the ropes! Atara bounces off the ropes into an overhead belly to belly release suplex!

Atara lands hard on the mat before she rolls towards the ropes.

Atara starts to pull herself up to a vertical base using the ropes as we see Marf charge forward, Atara elevates Marf over the top rope with a back body drop only to see Marf land on the ring apron! Atara turns around where she swings with a right hand that’s blocked by Marf! Marf counters with a forearm smash to the jaw that rocks Atara back several feet only to see Atara come back with a jumping bicycle knee to the jaw that sends Marf falling backwards off the ring apron and crashing through the table set up on the floor!!



” Atara returns to Warfare and leaves with an impressive “w”.”

Cameras go backstage as the German home monster, wearing a green and black mask and trousers. The man is known as Lord Raab. He still wanted to come out and claim what he wishes for. Raab shook his head as he begins to speak.

Lord Raab: "The last few weeks now I've been wanting a match against that horrible stank known as Sarah Lacklan for everything she's ever said and done to my twin brother, but her leaving XWF just shows what my twin brother has been right about all along, a fucking coward. See how many wrestlers who wanted to fight you don't anymore? Well, obviously you vacated the belt which makes you an even more of a coward. Do you know how many times in my career I've been injured? A lot and all those times, I didn't vacate the title due to my injuries once."

Lord Raab nodded his head and he takes a drink of water before continuing to speak again.

Lord Raab: "You make me sick by not attempting to respond to me on the number of weeks I've come out here and challenge you for a simple hardcore match because, after everything of what you said and done, you aren't getting away with it. Nobody does when they fuck around with Konrad in a way he didn't deserve. You are a disgrace to professional wrestling that has no heart or passion for wrestling. I do and I want nothing more than to put you in a hospital bed for good."

Raab breathes heavily, due to the anger he felt on him being ignored by Sarah Lacklan and there was green slime on the floor again, but this time, there was a doll looking exactly like Sarah with a ton of slime all over her.

Lord Raab: "This is toxic I must remove to teach you a lesson and that there's nothing more I want to do than to treat you like a human waste you really are. You are the worst human being I've ever come across and that's saying a lot, considering the number of wrestlers I've fought, but you're the vilest, disgusting cunt of the whole lot. I'm still waiting for your cunt ass to return to XWF and I'll be waiting, more I wait, the worst beating you will feel and you aren't going to walk away without a single injury. You will be injured, you will be battered and you will have a broken bone in your body. Get ready to prepare yourself to be Raabinated by The Green Disease German Monster."

Raab breathed heavily again as his anger came out big time and he almost smashed the camera with his fist but was a slight punch as the camera goes to ringside for the next match to take place on Warfare tonight.

” Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall…”

The crowd erupts!

”Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring… He is the ICONIC, BARNEY GRRRREEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

"Like A Prayer" by Madonna starts to play as we see Barney Green walking backstage, dressed in a Dwayne Roloson New York Islanders jersey and his trademark black shorts, He starts walking down the stairs and finishes off his white claw. He makes it to the balcony of the Mercedes-Benz Arena and starts climbing down the stairs. He throws the white claw into the trash and makes his way to the guard rail. He climbs over it and enters the ring. He waits for his opponent as the music fades.

” And his opponent…”

” About to make his way to the ring, he is ONE HALF of the XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!”

The light dim out as thick white smoke floods out to the top of the ramp. Walking through the smoky haze with his XWF Tag Title slung over his right shoulder. He stands amidst the smog looking down at the ring at Barney Green. Chris smirks before starting to make the walk towards the ring.

Chris ignores the boos from the crowd and various middle fingers as he reaches ringside. He hands off his tag title to a ring attendant before climbing up on the apron and stepping into the squared circle. Page locks eyes with Green before flipping him off.

Barney charges towards Page who side steps him sending Barney crashing chest and sternum first into a neutral corner!

- vs -


Page spins Barney around in the corner where he laces him across the shirt with a knife edge chop! Chris rips the shirt off Green exposing his wicked sexy chest where he laces him across the chest with a second chop that echoes throughout the arena! Barney grabs Page by the throat as he walks out from the corner before turning and throwing Page back into the buckles to a roar from the crowd! Green starts unloading with body shots to the ribs and kidney’s before peppering the jaw of CCP with rights and lefts!

” Both Page and Green are on their respective roads to High Stakes as far as the Battle Royale is concerned; each eyeing the Universal Championship.”

” Two weeks ago Barney Green shocked the world and knocked Page on his ass… question is can he do it tonight when it matters.”

Barney fires Page across the ring sending him crashing into the buckles and as Page bounces off the buckles he staggers towards center ring walking into a Samoan Drop by Green! Barney quickly makes the cover!




Page kicks out.

Barney starts to get back to his feet where he picks Page up off the mat. Green nails Page with a stiff right hand to the jaw before taking him back into the ropes where Barney shoots Page across the ring with an Irish Whip, Page bounces off the near side where he ducks under a clothesline attempt from Green, Page puts on the breaks and as Barney spins around it’s Page who latches on to a front waist lock before delivering an Overhead Release Belly to Belly Suplex!

Chris pops back up to his feet where he taunts the crowd to loud boos before he turns his attention back towards Green, Page reaches down picking Barney up off the mat where he rocks him with a stiff European Uppercut that rocks Barney back into a neutral corner. Page comes towards lacing Green across the chest with another knife edge chop before he steps up on the middle ropes and starts hammering down with right hands to the right temple of Green!

Page lands seven hard right hands before Barney counters as he comes out of the corner with a Running Powerbomb to Page! Chris rolls towards the ropes and out to the ring apron before rolling off the ring apron falling down to the floor before Barney can capitalize with a cover.

” Bad move by Page to escape to the floor!! You’re going right up Barney’s ally!”

” Arguably not the best move.”

Barney rolls out t the floor where he picks Page up and drives him lower back first into the security barrier! Barney follows up as he scoops Page up and slams him down on the floor!

” Barney Green has pinpointed the back of CCP!”

Barney takes Page and looks to send him crashing into the steel steps, Page reverses and sends Barney smashing into the stairs with such force Barney separates the steps upon impact. Page walks over, selling the lower back as he lays in several stomps to the upper body and back of the head of Green before picking him up off the floor and hurling him back into the ring. Page climbs up on the ring apron where he measures Green who starts to push himself up off the mat and as he nears his feet Page spring boards off the top rope delivering a spring board Code Breaker to Green!

” Good God the impact!”

Page scurries into the cover hooking the near leg.




Barney kicks out to a roar from the crowd!

Page immediately starts hammering down with piston like right hands to the forehead of Green shifting the roaring cheers into massive boos as he then starts biting the forehead of Green! The referee lays the count to Page who breaks away at the four count before immediately going back to biting the forehead of Green a second time! The boos echo throughout the building as the referee lays the count to Page who breaks away at four before getting back to his feet where he’s immediately admonished by the official.

” Chris Page said he was going to embarrass Barney Green tonight and with actions like that he’s certainly doing just that.”

” Neither man can afford to take the loss this close to High Stakes, and you have to ask yourself how can either Page or Green bounce back if that is indeed the case.”

Chris blows past the referee as he reaches down picking Barney up off the mat. He takes Barney and drives him back into a neutral corner with a shoulder block. Page drives several shoulders to the midsection of Green before hoisting Barney up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Page decks Green with a hard right hand before stepping up to the middle rope where he locks a front face lock on Barney!

” Page is thinking Superplex!”

Page looks to deliver the Superplex only to see Barney block by latching on to the top rope with a free hand and then delivering a THROAT PUNCH to Page sending Chris sailing backwards where he crashes to the mat!

” What the hell is Barney thinking?!?!”

Big Barney steps up to the top turnbuckle as he sizes up Page who lays on the mat! Barney comes off the top rope with a Flying Elbow drop to the sternum of CCP to a roar from the crowd! Barney, cringing in pain as he rolls over making the cover!




Page kicks out of the near fall to a huge gasp from the crowd!

Barney starts to pull himself back to his feet as the crowd rallies behind him every step of the way as e reaches down picking Page up off the mat. He takes Chris back into the ropes before shooting him across the ring, Page bounces off the near side ducking under a clothesline attempt from Green while taking a back waist lock!

Page snaps off a German Suplex! He doesn’t release, he rolls through picking himself and Barney Green up off the mat where a second German Suplex is delivered! Page doesn’t release his grasp as he rolls through a second time picking himself and Green up off the mat once again where he delivers a German Suplex with a bridge!




Barney kicks out to a roar from the crowd! Page reaches both knees cutting his eyes towards the referee who shows him two fingers causing Chris to simply shake his head as he steps back up to a vertical base.

” Page thought this was over.”

” You can’t underestimate Big Barn!”

Page reaches down picking Barney up off the mat. He laces him with a stiff knife edge chop across the chest that echoes throughout the building. Page looks to scoop Barney up over his shoulder!

[Image: ddpbigelowwcwthunder99.gif?ssl=1]


The crowd roars for Barney who slowly crawls towards Page where he rolls him over making the cover.




Page kicks out to another collective gasp from the crowd as now it’s Barney who cuts his eyes towards the referee hold up three fingers.

” Green is eyelashes away from putting away Chris Page.”

We see Barney step back up to a vertical base where he reaches down picking Chris up off the mat but before Green can take advantage Page delivers a thumb to the eye of Green! Barney staggers backwards as he swings wildly at the air. Page charges towards Green where he walks into a snap powerslam!

Barney gets back to his feet where he call for the Crossface Chicken Wing!

” Barney could be moments away from halting the momentum of Chris Page with High Stakes right around the corner.”

Page starts to roll over on to his stomach before starting to push himself up off the canvass and back to his feet where Barney comes up from behind looking to lock in the Crossface Chicken Wing! Page counters with a sit out jaw breaker!

Barney doesn’t go down as he back tracks falling back into the ropes as we see Page getting back to his feet. Barney charges towards Page who ducks a running Clothesline From Hell attempt which sends Barney bouncing off the ropes and into an awaiting Spinbuster Slam by Chris Page! The crowd roars with boos as Page pops back up to his feet where he picks Barney up and drives him down into the canvass with a PAGE PLANT!

[Image: DistantIndelibleBlesbok-small.gif]

Page rolls Barney over making the cover hooking the near leg.






Page stands to a vertical base where the referee raises his arm in victory.

” Momentum continues to build for Chris Page as his road to High Stakes and the Battle Royale is in full swing.”

” Let’s not forget about the Tag Titles being at stakes as well because apparently Chris Page isn’t done tonight because he’s brought a contract for Thaddeus Duke and a partner of his choosing to challenge for them as well at High Stakes.”

” Chris is no stranger to competing in multiple matches on Pay-Per-View, he had better hope he hasn’t bitten off more than he can chew.”

Page is handed his tag title as he slings it over his right shoulder before taking his exit from the ring and makes his way back up the ramp. Chris reaches the top of the ramp where he stops, the crowd starts to give a massive round of applause as Barney Green has pulled himself back up to his feet. Chris turns around where he and Barney lock eyes. Barney gives Page a head nod but Page who simply turns his back and walks through the curtain.

[align=center]Thaddeus Duke and Paul Heyman are walking backstage. Thad is sporting new wrestling gear below his white Lionheart hoodie. White trunks with ‘Simply Thaddeus’ airbrushed in rainbow colored gradient stretching from the back of his left thigh, arching over his rear end and down the back of his right thigh. On the front, an airbrush image of Chris Page.

Very Ravishing Rick-esque.

They approach the office of Derrick Diamond and Thaddeus knocks, then opens the door entering the office.

”I’ll have to call you back… a big star just entered the chat,” Derrick says into his phone as he ends his call. Thaddeus takes a seat across from Derrick and pulls out his cell. Paul remains standing.

”Mr. Diamond,” Paul says as he extends his hand to him. ”Paul Heyman, it’s nice to meet you.”

”I know who you are,” Derrick says as he turns and extends his hand to Thad, who either doesn’t see him, or ignores him.

Paul nudges his client. Thad looks up at Paul, then across to Derrick and his extended hand. Thad jumps to his feet and accepts the handshake.

”Thad,” he says as he shakes Derrick’s hand and retakes his seat. ”Derrick, Paul has a pitch to sell. I’mma just sit here and Twitter.”

Derrick smiles and nods, then takes his seat.

”So what brings you in?”

”As you’re aware, Mr. Diamond, about a month ago on Savage, I made an appeal to the senses and the sensibilities of those within the power structure of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation...”

”Yes, I’m aware. Please continue.”

”The fact is, I have it on very high authority that the former Universal Champion was ready to accept Thaddeus Duke as her opponent for High Stakes because… he earned it. She was fired by Vinnie Lane and her title was vacated.

“Yet, Thaddeus Duke remains entirely unmentioned and ignored by the powers that be.”

”Go on...”

”We can not and will not accept the gaslighting and excuse making any longer. Thaddeus Duke is money. Thaddeus Duke is putting asses in seats like he always has. Thaddeus Duke’s popularity is higher than its ever been and he’s never been unpopular. The crowd reaction when Thaddeus Duke’s music hits is white hot.

“Ask Chris Page. He’s borrowed it.

“Thaddeus Duke’s merchandise at events sells out before the first bell. I have the residual checks to prove it.

“Thaddeus Duke’s segments on XWF programming garner some of the highest television ratings in the history of this company.

“Thaddeus Duke puts his own body and health on the line for this company, and for the Universe each and every time he has a match.

“The world has noticed Thaddeus Duke. His fellow XWF stars and fans alike voted him the Star of the Month. That’s the ultimate nod of respect coming from a roster that does their damnedest to tear each other down.”

Heyman clears his throat. Thad meanwhile, darts his eyes up from his phone to look at his manager, then over at Diamond.

”Yet the powers that be continue to ignore and overlook the cash cow that currently sits before you, Mr. Diamond.”

”Mr. Heyman, I can assure you, no one is ignoring or overlooking your client.”

”No, Mr. Diamond. Look at him,” Paul states as he point to his client. ”What you see before you, is arguably the most physically gifted athlete this industry has ever seen. What you see before you, Derrick, is money in the bank.

“I’m not asking you to give my client the Universal championship. Not only would the Universe not want to see that, he...”
he once again points to Thad. ”...wouldn’t want that."

Thad looks at both men again, noticing the exasperation on Derrick's face.

“All I’m asking of you, in your position as General Manager of the flagship show, the House That Duke Built, Wednesday Night Warfare… is for you to give my client the respect he so richly deserves and that is quite simply… if he by some stroke of bad luck, does not walk out of High Stakes with the Universal Championship over his shoulder… you place him in the main event of Warfare across from whomever the champion is, and the number one..."

"Pretender..." Thad interrupts. Derrick and Paul both look at Thad. "Whatever else Chris Chaos is, he never earned a damn thing, yet he's still been rewarded with a Universal title match."

Derrick smiles slightly in Thad's direction.

"And another thing!" Paul's voice raises a few octaves.

"Sit down, Paul," Thad instructs of his manager.

Derrick leans back in his chair and smiles.

"You know I let you do your thing, Paul, but you've entirely misjudged this from the moment we walked in here," Thad says as Paul starts to protest.


Paul sits as instructed by his client.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Derrick states as Thad returns his attention to him.

"Derrick, you have a choice to make. The ball is entirely in your court. You have a chance to be Derrick Diamond and not just another one of Lane's sycophantic yes-men.

"I'm not here to kiss your ass and I'm not asking you to kiss mine,"
he says before pausing. "The fact is Chris Chaos is the number one contender to the Universal Championship without really doing much of anything to be given that spot.

"He earned nothing. That's not your fault. Certainly isn't mine either.

"What I'm asking of you, Derrick, is for you to acknowledge what others won't. I'm asking for a little acknowledgement. Sit there in your chair and you tell the world, that yes, I in fact, do deserve to be the number one contender. I earned it in front of millions by beating that piece of shit fairly in the middle of the ring... like I always do."

”I'll admit that. You absolutely do deserve it.”

"Thank you.

"Now I'll ask you to place me in the Warfare main event should I somehow not walk out of High Stakes with the Universal title around my waist."

”Thaddeus please understand, bro, I mean this is in the nicest possible way… you are getting a shot at High Stakes just like all the other Battle Royale contenders. Might I suggest you put a little focus on that opportunity before you start demanding others.”

"I'm not demanding anything, Derrick. I'm just asking you to not do what others that came before you have done. You have the power to be different. You have the power to change things in this company for the better. Derrick, you have the power to to do the right thing. The right thing, is making it known that should I not walk out of High Stakes with the Universal title, that I have my shot that you yourself even admit that I deserve... on Warfare against Chris Chaos and the eventual champion.

"I'm clearly not ignoring my opportunity at High Stakes man, what I'm doing is covering my bases. Derrick, battle royals aren't a contest to see who the best of the best is. They're a crapshoot at best and you don't have to be the best to walk out victorious.

"With a little bit of luck, even Barney Green can walk out as Champion. Does that mean he was the best? No. It simply means he was in the right place at the right time.

"You've now acknowledged that I deserve it, now I'm asking you to make it right because the others wouldn't."

Derrick sighs deeply as he considers Thad's request.

"The answer is no," he answers as Thad's blood pressure noticeably increases. "You said yourself I have the power to change things and do what's right so, Thad let me ask you something: why would I put you in a match for the Universal title on free television?"

Thad smiles a little bit and turns to Paul.

"Derrick and I aren't so different, Paul. We both just want a little respect."

"I'm not promising anything Thaddeus. Keep the fans glued to the TV like you do, and I'd be willing to bet what you want happens sooner rather than later... Besides, all of this may be for nothing if you win it all at High Stakes."

Suddenly the door to Derrick’s office bursts open and Chris Page steps inside just after his match with Barney Green concludes.

”Thaddeus god damn Duke!” Page says with a smile.

Thad bows in curtsy kinda like Triple H in the mid-90’s.

”In the flesh,” Thad replies. ”Paul, grab Frankie and get him out of the building.”

”Yeah Paul, continue being a personal bitch.”

Chris turns his attention towards Thaddeus as he holds up a set of papers.

”You can continue to flap your cock sucker on twitter, you can continue to “take time” to prepare yourself for this one moment… Put up, or shut up.”

Chris shoves the papers into the upper chest of Thaddeus.

”Find a partner and I’ll give you the opportunity to take away the only thing that makes me relevant…”

"Bro I don't wanna take Main away from you. Just your dignity, pride, self respect, pretty much anything else I feel like taking."

Chris brings up his free hand holding up his XWF Tag Team Championship.

”Put your money where you’re fucking mouth is.”

Page drops the title and cheap shots Thaddeus with a right hand before taking him and driving him head first off the desk of Derrick Diamond! The Co-GM gets out of harms ways as Page drives him head first off the CO GM’s desk again. Derrick looks to run around the two men and out of the office where he’s cut off by Page.

”And where do you think you’re going? Nah bruh, you’re going to sanction this…”

Page is spun around by Duke who starts throwing some serious right hands before taking Page down with a double leg take down and goes into a full mount position where he starts choking Page with one hand on his throat, the other hand balled into a fist and thrown repeatedly into Page's face.

Page reaches up gouging the eyes of Duke to break his grasp from his throat!

Page and Duke get back to a vertical base as Page explodes towards Duke spearing him through the General Manager’s office door taking both men out into the backstage hallway!

HHL: Folks, we're cutting back in here as Chris Page and Thaddeus Duke continue to beat the hell out of each other!

PIP: It looks like Cataclysm WILL defend the Tag Team Championships at High Stakes against Thaddeus Duke and a partner of his choosing!

HHL: The hatred between these two men, Pip, it's beginning to reach critical mass and its becoming obvious that its growing more and more difficult to contain these two!

Backstage again, a couple referees have started pleading with the two of them to break it up, but their pleas are going unheard as Page and Duke continue to beat on each other. Duke is on his knees and Page has a hold of his hair, with a burst of energy, Thad leaps from his knees and drives a shoulder into Page's midsection, but continues driving him backward, through a restroom door and both men spill down onto the floor.

A dozen or so referees and road agents enter the restroom and gang tackle both men, forcing them to separate.

HHL: It appears that these two men, at least for the time being, have been successfully held apart by a team of referees and other XWF officials.

PIP: Page wanted this sanctioned, but I'm not sure Derrick Diamond in good conscience would actually do that.

HHL: At some point, Pip, these two are going to have to settle this once and for all. They've traded victories, they've traded cheap shots, they've traded attacks on one another.

PIP: This war between the two, has been raging with all of its ebbs and flows since the closing moments of Thaddeus Duke's Television title victory over Thunder Knuckles way back at Leap of Faith and Heather, I don't think its going to just wind down and go quietly into that good night.

HHL: Universe, we'll be right back.

- vs -

The bell rings and Zane and Ash circle. Jenny is cheering her on from the corner while Peter looks pretty disinterested otherwise.

The two lock up, and Ash with the aggression early throws Zane into the corner. Meeting him in the corner she begins to fire away some shots before whipping him into the other corner. Ash gets a head of steam and runs at Zane with a big elbow. He stumbles out into the middle, and she grabs him by the head. She walks over and tag Jenny, and the two double team Zane in the corner before Ash steps back through to her corner. Jenny chops Zane a few times, then poses to a mixed crowd. Zane rolls out to the outside.

Jenny stays on the defense however, and follows Zane out of the ring. Peter jumps down off the apron and confronts her. Jenny and Peter share words as Ash meets Zane on the outside. She swings at Zane, however, and he ducks. He nails Ash in trhe face with a hard right and rolls back into the ring. Jenny rolls back into the ring after slapping Peter, but Peter provided enough of a distraction for Zane to catch his bearings. Jenny rolls into the ring and pops up....Zane hits a DDT on Myst.

Zane hooks te leg.



Myst gets a shoulder up. He picks Jenny up and throws her into the corner. He tags in Peter. Gilmour steps in and the two double team Jenny in the corner now. Peter puts a foot on her throat and presses down as the ref counts to 5.

Pip: Myst in some trouble here. Smart strategy to try to take her out early and leave the inexperienced Ash Quinn at their mercy.

Peter breaks the count at 5, but puts the boot back on her as she flails again.

Heather: He should be DQ'd!

Peter lifts her up. He chops her once, hard, in the chest. Lifting Jenny over his head he goes for a gorilla press, but Ash is in and chop blocks the back of his knee. He drops her. She lands face first, as Ash comes off the ropes with a running knee that takes Peter down. She rolls out of the ring as Zane chases her.

Peter and Jenny are both down in the center of the ring, Jenny grabbing her mid section and Peter the back of his knee.

Zane chases Ash around the outside.

Jenny gets to her feet at the same time as Peter. She charges, Peter ducks, and Myst comes off the ropes.


Pip: Wow! High impact move from Gilly there and the Queen is out!

Peter lays on top of Jenny for a moment, making the humping signal, before hooking the leg.



Myst gets a shoulder up!

Heather: Peter spent too much time thinking with the wrong head there and it cost him the pinfall.

Ash and Zane are back on the apron now. They both have a hand out, reaching in for the tag.

Peter locks in the sharp shooter.

Jenny is reaching.....reaching for the ropes. Ash is smacking the turnbuckle, trying to up the momentum. Peter sits down deeper. Jenny screams and puts her face into the mat.

Pip: That surgically repaired back of hers is in jepordy here. Peter is trying to literally break her in half!

She picks her head up and pain racks her face. She reaches again. Peter pulls her back to the middle of the ring.

Jenny punches the mat.

Pip: She's gotta be close to tapping here!

Just when her hand is up like she's about to bring it to the mat, Peter inexplicably lets go. Jeanny groans and brings a hand to her back. Peter looks at Ash and puts his hands behind his head, giving the humping motion.

Ash looks disgusted.

Jenny, meanwhile, is getting to her feet using the ropes behind Peter. She lunges, and knocks Zane off the apron. Peter is distracted by Ash, and Jenny, still wincing and holding her back, creeps up behind him.

Heather: Peter better watch out here!

He leans in to say something to Ash, and she decks him. He stumbles back, where Jenny is standing.

Kick to the gut

PINK PERFECTION!!!!! (twist of fate).

Pip: Out of nowhere!

Jenny hooks the leg.




Heather: Jenny did it! She eliminated Peter! It's two on one now!

Eliminated: Peter Gilmour

Zane steps into the ring as Peter rolls out.

The two ladies are the in the ring now. Zane, unafraid, charges. The three of them tussle in the middle of the ring. The two ladies have him in the corner. They take turns firing off chops and punches. They are having a contest it seems like back and forth, each one trying to out do the other.

Jenny then backs off and poses. Ash continues to hammer Zane when Jenny rolls out of the ring and grabs her belt. In fact, she rips it from the time keeper aggressively.

Pip: Oh boy, whats she got in mind here?!

Ash turns around as Zane slumps in the corner.


Jenny stands over Ash, screaming about how its HER title.

Heather: A little payback from Savage, no doubt!

Jenny rolls out of the ring. The ref counts to ten as Jenny walks up the zamp.


Zane crawls out of the corner.

He covers.




Winner: Zane Norrizon

HHL: High Stakes is shaping up to be one hell of an event and Pip, everyone knows, no one does pay per view like the XWF!

PIP: You’re exactly right! Other companies say it too, but none of them create an atmosphere quite on the level of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

HHL: Pip, hold that thought… I’m being told that right now, Thaddeus Duke and Chris Page are trying to go back at it backstage...

Backstage in a hallway near catering, Duke and Page are separated with the same referees and road agents from earlier on, between them. Their chests heaving, the two men stare at each other across the sea of bodies separating them. They exchange a smirk and a knowing glance before both men turn their attention to those that wish to keep them apart.

One by one, they dispatch the referees and road agents like a hot knife through butter. Bodies lie on the floor between them and the two men stare at each other.

HHL: They work so well together when people try and separate them!

PIP: Mutual dislike and a desire to beat the hell out of one another can be a great motivator!

”Let’s go!” Thad shouts as he backs up the hallway. Page meanwhile, steps over and through the sea of fallen XWF personnel toward Thad. Once he’s through, he and Thad start trading blows again.

Page lands a stiff shot to Thad’s temple, ringing his bell a bit. Duke staggers backwards and Page charges toward him. Thad reaches down at the last second and lifts Page up, sending him down through the catering table with kind of a spine buster type of move.

PIP: Dammit! I didn’t eat yet!

HHL: We’ll get you a Happy Meal after the show!

Things are calm for the moment as Chris Page works his way out of the broken table and mess of spilled food. Thad Duke remains on his hands and knees nearby, still trying to shake off having his bell rung.

Duke makes it to his feet as Page rolls over in the table and food debris. Thad grabs Page by his left wrist and pulls him up to his feet only for Chris Page to spin quickly, smashing a metal napkin dispenser into the side of Thaddeus Duke’s skull. Having his bell rung yet again, Thad staggers backward and falls flat on his back on the floor as he clutches the side of his head.

Page, on his feet, reaches down and grabs a handful of Thad’s hair and pulls him to his feet just as security comes rushing onto the scene. Thaddeus Duke is shown with a trickle of blood rolling down the side of his head as security tackles Page into the wall. Seconds later, they do the same thing to Thad and both men are pinned by security to opposite walls. Page breaks free though and runs, then leaps into the air over the heads of security pinning Thad to the wall and starts landing several hard right fists into a defenseless Thaddeus Duke.

Moments later, more security rushes the scene and pulls Chris Page from Thaddeus and pins him to the floor as the scene fades back to ringside.

HHL: These two man can not be stopped!

PIP: Throttled for now and separated, we’ll take a break and hopefully, these two will allow cooler heads to prevail.

HHL: Somehow I doubt it.

" Ladies and Gentleman earlier today I got a chance to sit down with the current Number One Contender for the vacant Universal Championship... Chris Chaos."

We cut to the pre-recorded sitdown interview with Chris Chaos.

"Hello everyone, I am Pip Collins and I have a special interview here tonight with the XWF number one contender, Chris Chaos."

Pip is sitting in a white leather lounge chair a table in front of him. The camera pans out to show the other chair, where Chris Chaos sits. He has his XWF=Chaos tee shirt on, a pair of jeans and Doc Martin boots. His hair is down over his shoulder, with white Oakley sunglasses propped atop his head.

Pip: Chris, thank you for coming on tonight. You know, I had reservations about this interview. Steve Sayors didn't want to do it, and Heather is, to be honest, afraid of you. I decided to take this interview for the betterment of the XWF, and I assume that for once in your life you'll be professional about something?

Chaos laughs to himself, bringing his hands together before looking at Pip.

Chaos: "You know, I never realized it, but you're really small. Like super teeny tiny small."

Pip scoffs.

Chaos: "But I appreciate you sitting down and taking the time to show me the respect I deserve for once. I promise you, my issue isn't with you little man, so ask away. You're safe."

Pip: "Well okay, as we all know, you have been quite the polarizing figure as of late. You've torn up the XWF roster on your way to another Universal Title shot, and at High Stakes you'll know who your opponent is. What do you have to say to this person, whoever they may be?"

Chaos: "Well tiny, its simple. Whoever they are, they better watch out. I have been waiting far too long for this opportunity. Ever since I came back, this has been my main goal, my main focus, it has consumed every thought, every dream, every waking second of my life......and this time I get the one on one I've been denied so many times in the past."

Pip: "But what makes this time so much different than the other times?

Chaos: "This time, I am taking what I want. I am not sitting back hoping that the bloated suits at headquarters do the right thing, because they never will. I have been waiting for 3 years for them to do the right thing, but time and time again I've been shafted. Triple threat matches, fatal four way matches--you know, where I didn't have to get beat to lose--gimmick matches, interferences. You name it, they've done it to me. They have pushed me to a place that I have never been before. Now, I am taking what I want. I took out the administrations paper and protected champion and forced them to vacate the title, as a message. I am coming for blood."

Pip: "Many people believe you were afraid of Sarah Lacklan. People are saying you took her out so you didn't have to face her and lose another Universal Title match."

Chaos laughs a bit to himself, with a bit of a creepy touch to it, then speaks.

Chaos: "Afraid? Psssht. Afraid. I fear no one. I took Sarah out because I WANTED to. To show them that I COULD. That their concrete fortress was nothing more than a glass house. To show them that Chris Chaos has been awoken. The man who beat legendary Doctor D'Ville in his second month on the roster. The man who defended his golden ticket for seven consecutive matches without a loss. The man who beat 5 other men at the top of their games inside the Elimination Chamber. The man who has been XWF Top 50 for longer than a majority of this current roster has even been wrestling. The man who has held every major title in this company, some of them twice over. The man they call a joke now. The man they scoff at, turn their nose up at, the man they don't invite to the corporate Christmas parties. A wounded animal is the most dangerous, Pip, and this wounded animal has been backed into a corner with no place else to go. They created this, and now they will have to reap what they've sown."

[white]Pip: ".....but what if you don't win, Chris? What if you don't?"

Chaos: "There is no option of that. Losing is not something that is even on the table."

Pip: "So this battle royal has some big names. Chris Page, Corey Smith, Michael Graves....Thaddeus Duke."

Chaos: "It doesn't matter. They are all great competitors and I bet it will be a great match but facts are facts, whoever it is....they're not winning the battle royal to become Universal Champion, they are winning the battle royal to earn the opportunity to lose to me."

He looks intently into the camera before picking up an hour glass from off screen.

Chaos: "Tick tock".

He looks at the screen intensely as the screen cuts.

” The following contest is your Wednesday Night Warfare MAIN EVENT of the evening!”

The crowd responds with a huge ovation.

” It is a Triple Threat LADDER MATCH for the XWF HART CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring…. GREGGO!”

The crowd responds with loud boos as Greggo emerges from behind the curtain and starts to make his way towards the ring. Greggo walks past a Ladder that’s set up at the foot of the ramp, he rolls into the ring under the bottom rope as he waits for his opponents.

” Introducing participant Number Two…”

” About to make his way to the ring….. KIERAN OVERTON!”

Beast by Puppy plays over the sound system as there's massive amount of boos when Kieran Overton walks out as he screams on top of his lungs with his hands in the air on top of the ramp, wearing shorts, shirt, gloves and boots before walking down as he ignores each one of the fans before he goes up the steps and goes over the top rope and places his hand on his left arm, basically not giving a damn about them before he turns to anger, while he goes to sit in the corner, waiting for his opponent to come to the ring.

” And introducing the XWF HART CHAMPION… BOBBY BOURBON!”


The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.

As Warlord blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison:


[Image: JggTqeU.png]


- vs -
- vs -

BoB barred from ringside

DING.... DING.... DING.....

" The Hart Title is hanging in the balance as our Triple Threat Main Event is underway!

” Let’s not forget per our General Manager Derrick Diamond that BoB is barred from ringside.”

The three men all walk out to center ring where some trash talking begins but its short lived as Greggo throws a right hand to Bourbon and then to Overton. The two larger men look at each other before bpth decking Greggo sending him crashing to the mat where he rolls out to the floor leaving Kiera n and Bourbon to start throwing bombs on each other! Bourbon drives a knee into the midsection of Overton doubling him over, Bourbon hurls Overton into a set of buckles where he charges in after him looking for an Avalanche Splash! Overton side steps Bourbon sending him cashing into the turnbuckles. Bourbon turns around in enough time to eat a running shoulder block to the midsection!

Overton brings Bourbon out towards the center of the ring where he scoops him up over his shoulder and delivers a running powerslam ! Overton is back to his feet as Bourbon rolls to the ropes. Kieran looks up towards the gold when we see Greggo come from behind cracking a steel chair across the back of Overton! Kieran turns around as he’s then jabbed un the gut with the chair doubling him over for Greggo to waffle him across the back! The crowd roars with boos as Greggo flips off the audience.

” Greggo certainly not endearing himself to this crowd tonight.”

Greggo wedges the chair in between the top and middle turnbuckle pads in a neutral corner before delivering a baseball slide dropkick to the gut of Bourbon sending him out to the floor under the bottom rope. Greggo turns his attention back towards Kieran who is working his way back to his feet. Greggo come up from behind hurling Overton face first into the chair wedged in the corner!

” Greggo has just created an opportunity to climb the Ladder!”

” Time is wasted though, he’s got to get one first!”

Greggo rolls out to the floor where there’s a Ladder against the security barrier. He brings the Ladder into the ring sliding it under the bottom rope before sliding in after it. Greggo slides into the ring under the bottom rope where he gets to his feet where he immediately goes for the Ladder where he picks it up off the mat and sets it up under the Hart Title!

Greggo starts to climb the Ladder towards the gold only to have his progress thwarted by Kieran Overton who clubs Greggo across the back at the midway point of the Ladder, Overton brings Greggo off the Ladder in a Torture Rack position before delivering an inverted Death Valley Driver!

Overton reaches a vertical base and comes around the Ladder where he starts to climb towards the Hart Title! Bobby Bourbon is seen sliding back into the ring where he bounces off the ropes and drives a shoulder block into the Ladder as Overton nears the top which tips it over sending Overton landing throat first across the top rope!

” All three men desperately looking for an advantage but in a match like this the advantages seemingly doesn’t exist.”

Bourbon picks the Ladder up off the mat folding it up where he sizes up Greggo who gets to his feet only to have Bourbon throw the Ladder at him sending to smashing into the face and body of Greggo! Bourbon charges towards Greggo sending him over the top rope and out to the floor with clothesline! Bourbon turns around and is met with a flurry of right hands from Overton! Kieran hurls Bourbon across the ring with an Irish Whip. Bobby bounces off the ropes ducking under a clothesline attempt from Overton. Overton spins around where he’s met with a guzzle from Bourbon! Bobby hoists Overton up in the air driving him down into the canvass with a Chokeslam!

Bourbon reaches down picking up the Ladder where he sets it up underneath the Hart Title!

Bourbon starts to make the climb up the Ladder towards the Hart Title.

” Now it’s Bourbon who is going after the gold!”

Bourbon reaches the midway point of the Ladder when Greggo slides back into the ring where he comes up behind Bourbon climbing up the Ladder low blowing Bobby! Greggo dives off the Ladder with a Splash on to Overton as Bourbon falls backwards off the ladder down to the mat below! Greggo starts hammering down with right hands to the head and face of Overton before he gets back to his feet. Greggo folds the Ladder up and takes it back into a neutral corner where he leans it back against a set of buckles. Greggo shifts attention towards Kieran where he picks him up off the mat. Greggo looks to send Overton towards the Ladder only to see Overton reverse and it’s Greggo that crashing into the Ladder!

” I think I just heard Greggo ribs break.”

Overton charges across the ring with a body splash into Greggo driving him back into the Ladder! Greggo rests against the Ladder as Overton turns around and catches Bourbon coming in with a double leg take down before catapulting Bobby into Greggo sandwhiching Greggo with the ladder! Bourbon staggers backwards as he slowly turns around as Overton charges forward with a full head of steam looking to Spear Bourbon! Bobby side steps at the last second sending Kieran speaking Greggo through the Ladder!

Bourbon rolls out to the floor retrieving a second Ladder as the first is completely broken as Overton and Greggo lay near it. Bourbon slides the Ladder into the ring as he then slides in after it. Bobby is back to his feet as he makes his way towards the corner picking Overton up off the mat before scooping him up and slamming him on the Ladder! Kieran’s body smacks against the steel as he rolls off the ladder with the impact. Bourbon turns towards the corner where he picks Greggo up off the mat and scoops him up before slamming him on top of Overton. Bobby picks the Ladder up of the mat and places it on top of both Overton and Greggo before running towards the ropes where he bounces off and delivers a back senton on to the ladder driving it into Greggo and driving Greggo down into Kieran!

” Bodies are going to be bruised and broken by the time this thing comes to an end”

Bobby clutches at his lower back as he works his way back to a vertical base. He reaches down picking the Ladder up off the mat where he positions it under the Hart Title.

” The face of Warfare is about to successfully retain his Hart Title.”

Bobby starts to make the climb up the Ladder towards the Hart Title while on the mat we see Overton and Greggo slowly start to stir. Bobby reaches halfway as Overton is the first to his feet. Bourbon nears the top of the Ladder as he reaches up, his fingertips touch the title before we see Overton make a dash up the Ladder catching Bourbon with a right hand to the gut as Bobby gets a hand on the title causing the Champion to relinquish. Overton climbs the rest of the way up when he’s met with a right hand from Bourbon!

Greggo reaches his feet seeing the two big men trading shots and seizes the opportunity to tip the Ladder over on its side sending Overton sailing over the top rope crashing down to the floor while Bobby Bourbon crotches himself on the top rope and falls back into the ring under the ladder as he clutches at his twig and berries as Greggo surveys the scene and sees the opportunity. He picks the Ladder up and positions it under the Hart Title and starts to slowly make the climb up the Ladder!! Kieran reaches one knee on the floor as he tosses the ring apron back and pulls a Table out from under the ring! In the ring Bobby reaches his feet, walking a little gingerly, as we see Greggo nearing the top of the Ladder before Bourbon starts to climb up after Greggo who reaches up getting a hand on the title before catching a nut shot from Bourbon!

” What’s good for the goose they say…”

The crowd pops huge as Bourbon brings Greggo off the top of the Ladder with a sit out Bourbon Bomb!!


” Dear God Greggo might be broken in half!

Greggo rolls out of the ring falling to the floor as we see Overton slides the table into the ring. He slides into the ring as well where he pushes himself up off the mat and to his feet before opening the legs of the table and flipping it over setting it up near a corner. Overton makes his way towards Bobby picking him up off the mat before driving a boot to the midsection doubling Bourbon over for Overton hoist up in the air and drive through the table with a Powerbomb of his own!

Bourbon is down! Greggo is down! Overton looks up towards the title hanging from the rafters before surveying the landscape as he then starts to climb the Ladder as the crowd responds with a huge ovation! Overton reaches the half way point of the Ladder as his eyes are on the prize! Overton nears the top of the Ladder, he starts to reach up for the title only to see Greggo spring board off the top rope and on to the ladder where he scales up the opposite side beating Kieran to the top where he leaps over with a Sunset Flip into a Powerbomb off the ladder on to Overton! Greggo lands hard!

” This match continues.”

All three men are down as the Hart Title sways back and forth above the Ladder Bobby Bourbon rolls out to the floor where he slides another Ladder into the ring. Bourbon slides back into the ring where he uses the ropes to help him get to his feet. Bobby picks up the second Ladder and sets it up next to the first one. Bourbon slowly starts to climb up the Ladder.

While Bourbon is climbing one Ladder Greggo has started to climb one side of the other Ladder! Bourbon has the edge as he gets ever so closer to retaining his title with Greggo in close pursuit. Bourbon reaches up towards his title when he’s meet with a jab to the ribs allowing Greggo to climb up beside him on his Ladder where he locks on to Bourbon before jumping off the Ladder delivering a ¾ neck breaker to Bourbon that pops the crowd!

All three men are down once again as the crowd is on fire!

” All three men are putting their bodies on the line for the sake of leaving as the XWF Hart Champion.”

The roar of the crowd fills the arena as Kieran Overton begins slowly pushing himself up off the mat and back to his feet. He clutches at his lower back as he takes notice of the Ladders set up side by side and both Greggo and Bourbon on the lat near the ropes with Greggo starting to stir. Kieran makes his way towards the Ladders and starts to climb one of them as the crowd gets louder and louder with each rung that is climbed. Greggo uses the ropes to pull himself back to a vertical base and makes his way towards the Ladder Overton is climbing as he starts to give chase.

Overton nears the top of the Ladder as he then reaches up with his fingertips touching the title! Overton takes one more step up and now has one hand on the title but before he can unclasp it from the hook Greggo lands a punch to the stomach bringing Overton’s hand down off the gold. Greggo swings and lands another right hand before being met with an open handed chop from Kieran!

” Greggo and Overton are in a precarious position fighting on the top of that Ladder!”

Overton lands another stiff over hand chop across the chest of Greggo before Greggo fires back with a right hand to the jaw! Greggo grabs the head of Kieran and smashes it into the top of the Ladder! Greggo reaches up for the title! He’s got a hand on the gold before Overton gouges Gregggo in the eyes! As Overton reaches back up for the golf the Ladder starts to teeter!

Bobby Bourbon is back up as he moves the second Ladder giving him the means to tip the Ladder over sideways causing both Grego and Overton to sail over the top rope and land hard on the floor! Bourbon positions the second Ladder underneath the Hart Title and starts to make his climb! There’s no one in site as Bourbon reaches the midway point! Bourbon climbs up to thetop of the Ladder where he reaches up grabbing the Hart Title and pulls it down from the hook it’s attached too!.



HHL: We told you… we’d hoped that cooler heads would prevail between Chris Page and Thaddeus Duke who have been fighting or trying to fight for most of the last hour here in Berlin.

PIP: We also weren’t holding our breath!

The scene fades backstage to where most of the security team that descended upon Page and Duke have been disposed of. Two of the remaining security personnel once again have Page pinned down, but Thad’s not having it as he dispatches a third guard and turns his attention to one of those holding Page down. He grabs the guy by the hair, peeling him from Page, then drives him head first through a glass window.

The other guard pinning Page down, releases Page to confront Duke about what he just did and eats a superkick to his face.

Quick fade back to ringside.

HHL: These two men, I’m told, are facing hefty fines by the brass for their actions tonight, Pip!

PIP: It’s not unwarranted, but these guys don’t care, Heather. They just want to be allowed to beat the hell out of each other and these fans here in Berlin keep booing the referees, the agents… the security personnel that continues to try and separate them!

HHL: You’re not wrong, Pip. Anytime they clear out those intervening, the crowd responds rather positively!

Fade to backstage and Thad and Page have made it to the Gorilla Position just outside the entrance way. Thaddeus has a chair in hand and smashes Chris Page’s cranium with it, causing him to stumble through Gorilla and onto the entrance stage to a raucous response from the Berliners.

Thad steps through Gorilla and onto the stage to resounding ovation from the Universe.

HHL: Thad Duke, in his home away from home!

PIP: The Germans love them some Thad!

Page starts to get to his feet but eats another chair shot to the skull, busting him open. Now both men are bleeding from their heads and Page rolls down the stage toward the ring. Thad Duke stalks behind him, discarding the chair as he does. Once he reaches Page, he slams Page into the edge of the ring then starts wailing on him with hard right fists to his head.

Chris Page drops to his ass on the arena floor and Thad reaches down and pulls him back to his feet before rolling him into the ring. Thad rolls himself in and gets to his feet. With Page on his hands and knees, Derrick Diamond rushes out from backstage and onto the entrance stage, waving toward the back.

HHL: Here come the troops!

PIP: Ash Quinn and Dick Powers!

HHL: BOB representatives, Barney Green and Hart Champion Robbie Bourbon! Or is it Bobby?

PIP: Here comes Charlie Nickles and Jim Jimson as well!

HHL: And Noah Jackson, Marf!

PIP: I guess Warfare General Manager Derrick Diamond is done playing around with these two!

The roster hits the ring, pulling Thad and Page to opposite corners. Quinn, Jackson, Bourbon and Jimson pinning Thad in the corner, with Bourbon standing with his back against Thad’s chest, physically pinning him into the turnbuckles.

Marf, Nickles, Powers and Barney Green pin Page to the opposite side with Green, like Bourbon with Duke, physically pinning Page to the turnbuckles.

HHL: Order, has finally been restored here in Germany, but this crowd isn’t having it!

PIP: They finally get to see these two fight in person and Derrick Diamond just has to go and ruin it for them!

HHL: This is like a boss battle! They keep fighting through strengthening stages of would-be saboteurs, only to triumph together and go at it again!

PIP: This though, might be the one they can’t triumph over! Diamond’s Warfare roster has been successful in separating these two bitter rivals!

The Berlin chapter of the XWF Faithful begin pelting the ring with trash. One nicely thrown cup of beer hits Bourbon in his face causing him to stagger out of the corner as Thad frees his arms from the grips of those holding him. He somersaults through Bourbon’s legs just to pop back to his feet and charge across the ring and leap into the air delivering a Stinger splash onto Barney Green, sandwiching Page between Green and the turnbuckles.

Thad backs off, allowing Green to stagger out of the corner. Shaken and stung a bit, Page still manages to free himself from the members of the roster holding him. He rushes out of the corner toward Thad only for Charlie Nickles to step in between them.

Thinking quickly…

HHL: Code Breaker from Chris Page to Nickles!

Nickles staggers backward and turns…


PIP: Better Than You from Duke to Nickles and that man is out cold!

Page and Duke once again start trading blows in the middle of the ring only for the six remaining roster members, Bourbon still has beer in his eyes and is currently unavailable, to start trying once again to separate them.


HHL: The lights are out here in Berlin!

PIP: If it’s what I think it is Heather, that isn’t good news for anyone standing in that ring!

When the lights return, The Beast and The Omega stand side by side with Thaddeus Duke standing across the ring from them, trapped by some of the roster.

HHL: Cataclysm is here!

PIP: The last time these three were in the ring together was Relentless Day One and Thaddeus Duke went on the shelf!

HHL: History has a tendency to repeat itself, Pip! Especially here in the XWF!

PIP: Thad says bring it anyway!

Cataclysm fights there way across the ring to Thad and Thad takes several shots from Cataclysm. The roster manages to pull the Beast away, leaving Omega and Thad to fight it out momentarily. Quinn and Green pull Omega away from Duke while Bourbon and Marf yank Thad. Cataclysm does their best to fight off the roster with the Beast freeing himself and again, he goes right after Thaddeus Duke, landing a Code Breaker while he’s trapped.

Thad is down on the mat and Cataclysm closes in on him as the roster regroups and sets their sights on stopping Cataclysm. Omega takes the brunt of the beatdown from the roster, letting the Beast lift Thad to his feet and send him back to the mat with the Page Plant.

Suddenly, the arena lights start to flicker. Slowly at first and a rumble is heard.

HHL: What… the hell… is this!?

PIP: This arena is shaking, Heather! The fighting has ceased for the moment!

During what seems to be an earthquake with the Mercedes-Benz Arena at the epicenter, the roster members are understandably shaken as the lights continue to flicker. Moments later, a fireball strikes the ring either on, or just above Thaddeus Duke as he lies only semi-conscious in the middle of the ring. As the fireball explodes, it sends the roster scattering, leaving Cataclysm in the ring.

As the fireball dissipates, a man stands with the fallen Thaddeus Duke between his legs.

[Image: ffa733e5356eca019e35999784a7042f.gif]




The roster, still scattered at ringside, look on like passing a car accident on the highway. They can’t turn their heads and look away. Cataclysm looks at each other, then across the ring as Doc D’Ville remains standing over the fallen Thaddeus Duke and smiling.

Omega and the Beast hesitantly back out of the ring to the apron.

HHL: Is… is Doctor D’Ville Thaddeus Duke’s partner for High Stakes!?

PIP: The choice was left to Thaddeus but...

HHL: It seems like Doctor D’Ville has chosen Thaddeus Duke!

In the ring, D’Ville steps away from Duke, not taking his eyes and his curious smirk away from Cataclysm. He leans over, and lifts Thaddeus Duke from the mat. D’Ville stands in the center of the ring with Thad cradled in his arms.

A fireball hits the ring again and when it dissipates, Doctor D’Ville along with Thaddeus Duke have vanished.

Match Credits:
Jenny Myst
Chris Page
Derrick Diamond

Segment Credits:
Thaddeus Duke
Chris Page
Masked Man
Chris Chaos
Lord Raab

[Image: Jkq64Z1.png]
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[-] The following 11 users Like Derrick Diamond's post:
(11-11-2020), (11-11-2020), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-12-2020), Atara Raven (11-11-2020), Charlie Nickles (11-11-2020), Corey Smith (11-12-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-11-2020), Marf (11-11-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-11-2020), Shawn Wylde (11-15-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-11-2020)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-11-2020, 04:57 PM

Amazing show!! Thad and Chris has to come to a head soon
[-] The following 2 users Like Ash Quinn's post:
(11-11-2020), Chris Page (11-11-2020)
Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-11-2020, 05:21 PM

(11-11-2020, 04:57 PM)Ash Quinn Said: Amazing show!! Thad and Chris has to come to a head soon

Gotta keep teasing before a payoff. Glad you’re enjoying means Thad and I are on the right track.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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[-] The following 4 users Like Chris Page's post:
(11-12-2020), (11-11-2020), Atara Raven (11-11-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-11-2020)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-11-2020, 07:06 PM

How many more times can we just beat the shit out of each other?

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-11-2020, 08:01 PM

Fun show, the main storyline going off and on throughout the show until it all came to a head at the end was pretty cool.

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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[-] The following 4 users Like Marf's post:
(11-11-2020), Atara Raven (11-11-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-11-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-11-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-11-2020, 11:08 PM

great show least my team won :P

thad and chris i thought was going to be a 1 on 1 match at the ppv but with omega/page v thad/doc its going to be


i can almost bet new champs!

cant wait for the ppv now! big things coming!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 4 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(11-12-2020), (11-12-2020), Charlie Nickles (11-14-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (11-12-2020)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-12-2020, 05:14 PM

love you too Pete... you gonna unblock me on twitter lmao

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:
(11-12-2020), Azrael Erebus (11-13-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-13-2020, 11:24 PM

apologize and ill think about it

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 01:44 AM

"Remember when I buried you alive, in bodily fluids?"

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Charlie Nickles Offline
The Nickleman

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

11-14-2020, 02:02 AM

(11-14-2020, 01:44 AM)Azrael Erebus Said: "Remember when I buried you alive, in bodily fluids?"

"Go win a match."

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Charlie Nickles's post:
Azrael Erebus (11-14-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 07:42 AM

(11-14-2020, 01:44 AM)Azrael Erebus Said: "Remember when I buried you alive, in bodily fluids?"

Remember when u were relevant?

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 08:48 AM

" Look at the remembrance you have. Unlike you, I won't simply remember."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 08:52 AM

(11-14-2020, 02:02 AM)Charlie Nickles Said:
(11-14-2020, 01:44 AM)Azrael Erebus Said: "Remember when I buried you alive, in bodily fluids?"

"Go win a match."

"I aim to do far more than that, simpleton."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 11:48 AM

(11-14-2020, 08:48 AM)Azrael Erebus Said: " Look at the reembrace you have. Unlike you, I won't simply remember."

Im a fuckin legend

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Azrael Erebus (11-14-2020), Halocen (11-14-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-14-2020)
Azrael Erebus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-14-2020, 05:36 PM

"Known for being embarrassing and a joke. How many titles have you won and yet, if I mention you getting raped on camera, instantly everyone does. It's because people only remember your losses. Your failures. Those moments when you were made to look like a fool. Yeah, you're a legend all right, a legend of the past that desperately clings to an idea, that he will be remembered for anything but the laughter he brought forth."

[Image: ybmVXWb.jpg]

2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Azrael Erebus's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (11-15-2020)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-14-2020, 06:15 PM

(11-13-2020, 11:24 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: apologize and ill think about it

I'm sorry? Is that what you wanted? Me to say I'm sorry? lol. Then fine. I'm sorry you're a redhat snowflake.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:
Azrael Erebus (11-14-2020), Halocen (11-14-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Thaddeus Duke's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (11-15-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-15-2020, 08:58 AM

Im sorry your dad fucked your mom and forgot to pull out

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Paul Heyman (11-15-2020)

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