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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - 5/6/2020 - RESULTS
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-06-2020, 07:57 PM



From !!!

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From !!!

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HEATHER: Yes, and a greats show planned tonight. Tonight we will find out who will be picking 1st for War Games, and in what order all the selectioms will come!

PIP: And don't forget Peter Gilmour fights a pig! Taco! Taco is here!

HEATHER: Yeah, I can smell it.

PIP: No, that's Peter!

NF hits as the Jackson Brothers come out, throwing their arms up. They walked to the ring, the crowd in Leeds is fired up.

HEATHER: We have a tag match to open ceremonies here. A couple of XWF new comers getting a chance to show their worth on the flagship show.

PIP: Oh? I thought this was a dark match.

HEATHER: You said "Warfare is live!"?

PIP: I was practicing

The Jackson brothers are in the ring, awaiting their opponents.

Low Mo walks to the ring, silent, staring straight ahead.

Dives, chin first (Kratos style) from the rafters of the arena's ceiling, flips mid-air and lands on her feet in the ring to a series of explosions. Erupting in shades of magenta to indigo.Turns and takes her place, atop the top turnbuckle of her alotted corner, for the bout.


The match begins with Low Mo and Deontay Jackson in the ring. The two begin to circle as Low Mo delivers a couple well-placed kicks to the hip area of the much bigger Jackson. Jackson seems little less than annoyed, and delivers a huge punch that puts Low Mo on his back side. Low Mo scoots back to the corner, looking at Deontay with a dagger, then uses the ropes to get himself back up. He tags in True, who looks equally as un-enthused.

She circles around as well, bouncing back and forth, trying to find an avenue to attack the bigger man.

She jabs, she swings, she ducks, and goes for a forearm. He grabs her arm, shaking his head with a grin, before whipping her into the corner. Following her over, he tags in Isaiah and the two do work in the corner with stomps, punches, chops etc. before the ref makes Deontay leave.

PIP: Coordinated attack here. The Jackson brothers are so streamlined. Low-No and True are still trying to figure everything out.

HEATHER: The sacrificial lambs, so to speak.

He picks her up by the throat and choke-tosses her into the middle of the ring. Picking her up by the hair he showcases his strength with a gorilla press.....holding her high over his head, before dropping her face down on the mat. The English crowd replies with a "whoooaaaaa!" as he grins, tagging his brother back in.

He comes in and lifts her up by the hair. True, however, isn't completely out of it and hits an uppercut out of nowhere to stumble the big man back. A well placed kick to the knee brings him to one knee.

True Forever comes off the ropes.


She covers.



Deontay powers out.

True rolls off as Deontay tries to catch his bearings.

She pops up, and goes for a dropkick off the ropes but almost has her head taken off by Isaiah with a clothesline. He retreats back t his corner as Deontay gets to his feet. He tags Isaiah in this time.

She rolls over and Tags Low-Mo, who climbs to the top rope.

He comes off the top and Isaiah catches him.

The Big Ending!!!!!!

HEATHER: Well, that was quick.

PIP: Shoulda been a dark match.

He looks the leg and pins Low-Mo as True rolls out of the ring and to the mat outside.






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Kim Anderson makes her way to the ring as most of the fans ignore her, or spit on her.

Pip: She didn't bother to drop one promo for this match and she thinks the fans care about her?

All three brothers emerge, with Frankie Styles-Blackwater, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream and Frankie dashes for the squared circle, when she reaches it, she turns and pumps her fist in the air, proclaiming - Oi! Meanwhile, the brothers walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind.

Heather: These fans are going ape shit!

Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, Donovan kisses Frankie, for luck and Ezra and Raph, hold up the bottom rope. When the kiss ends, Frankie slides into the ring and takes her place within the squared circle.


Kim Anderson is in her corner, adjusting herself as Frankie rushes in and dropkicks her into the turnbuckle! Kim's nose hits the buckle and starts to bleed.

Pip: What a way to start this match. Bleeding!

Frankie snapmares Kim to the middle of the ring and puts the boots to her, stomping and kicking aggressively.

Heather: Frankie looking great in her debut match! The world wanted another Blackwater in the XWF ring and they got it!

The fans continue to roar their approval as Frankie just humbles Kim, cracking her upside the head with a roundhouse kick, which sends Kim spiraling in a circle on her feet and Frankie catches her with a chokeslam!

She stomps her a few more times and then waits...

Pip: She's getting ready for end this! I can feel it!

Heather: She's very patient. It's taking Kim quite a while to get back to her feet here................

Once Kim finally rises back up, Frankie springs into action with a SPITFIRE hurricanrana! And ends up on top of Kim for the pin!




All three Blackwater brothers join Frankie in the ring to celebrate this absolutely dominant victory over the now bruised and battered Kim Anderson!



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The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see fire emiting from the ramp after a bell tolls a few times. We then hear "SUCK MY DICK" blast from the PA and the crows begins to go ape shit. "FUCK EVERYBODY" by Steel Panther begins to kick in as res strobe lights and lasers hit the stage. We see Peter Gilmour and his demon assassin Valerie Sky appear on the stage. They look around as Peter bobs his head to the music. As soon as the chorus kicks in we see Peter start singing into the camera saying, "EVERYBODY CAN SUCK MY DICK!" They head to the ring and then get in normally. Peter then throws his hands up in an "X" pose as fire and fireworks go off above the ring in the same manner. Peter looks at Valerie and smiles wickedly as they look at the stage waiting for their next victim.


Taco makes his way to the ring.

Peter watches on as a pen is placed on one side of the ring.

The referee starts explaining to Peter what a hog match is actually about.

PIP: "So what is a hog pen match, Heather?"

HEATHER: "From what I understand, Peter has to catch Taco and place him in the pen to win the match, but Taco has to try and tire Peter out,"

PIP: "Okay, that sounds simple enough..... Not."

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Peter takes a step towards Taco but Taco starts squealing like a pig like he actually is, and starts running all around the ring. Peter tries to catch him but is unsuccessful in his first few goes.

Peter decides to hold his ground, which Taco notices, and suddenly Taco runs towards Peter and jumps through the air, and hits Peter with all fours. Peter stumbles back into the ropes and Taco just lays flat. Peter stumbles back and trips over Taco, and he hits the canvas hard.

Taco starts oinking as if he is laughing.

PIP: "I really don't know what to make of this?"

HEATHER: "Me too."

Suddenly to Taco's horror, Peter jumps to his feet, and boots Taco into the ropes. Taco comes flying backward, and Peter catches him in mid-air, before turning the move into THE GILMOUR CUTTER.

HEATHER: "Did he really need to do that to the poor pig?

All the air has gone out of Taco. Peter stands up, grabs Taco, walks towards the pen, and chucks Taco into it, before closing the gate. The bell rings to end the match.


PIP: "I'm really glad that's over."


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As "Popular Monster" by Falling in Reverse begins, The Calvary can be spotted in the corner of the arena with his chest puffed out. He flies down to the ring before slowly descending onto a turnbuckle where he gives out a mighty bellow. He pounds his chest before stepping down into the ring and cracking his knuckles.

PIP: "Calvary looks ready to go."

HEATHER: "He's gonna HAVE to be prepared if he wants to take down the former 3x Xtreme Champion, that's for sure!"

PIP: "Calvary's coming off a loss on Savage, he'll be looking to bounce back tonight."

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldnt be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind. Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn. Mastermind jumps into the ring and awaits his opponent.

HEATHER: "And there they are, Pip, Mastermind's group of misfits."

PIP: "It looks like Calvary's gonna have more than just Mastermind to deal with tonight."

HEATHER: "I wouldn't expect anything less from The Misfits' Leader."

Mastermind walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring, as his allies surround the ring in an attempt to intimidate his opponent. Calvary doesn't let it affect him, standing in his corner with his chest puffed out.

HEATHER: "Calvary is ready to fight ALL of them, if he has to."

PIP: "Something tells me he's gonna have to."

With both men staring at one another from opposite corners of the ring, ready to go, the referee calls for the bell.


PIP: "As most people are aware, this is a Last Man Standing Match. The winner will be whoever inflicts enough punishment to keep their opponent down for a 10 count."

HEATHER: "There are no other rules in this match, meaning outside interference AND weapons are all legal......... not that Calvary will take advantage of that."

PIP: "'You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain'; I don't see either of those applying to Calvary tonight!"

HEATHER: "Did you seriously just quote a movie so old, it has reboots?"

As Pip ignores Heather, Mastermind and Calvary tie-up in the center of the ring. Mastermind slips behind his opponent and attempts to lock in his trademark Mind Sleeper hold, but Calvary immediately slips out of it, flinging MM forward in the process. The Master of Minds quickly rolls to his feet and charges at Calvary, who ducks a Clothesline and delivers a kick to the gut. With his opponent hunched over, Calvary gets him into position for a Piledriver but, before he can hoists him up, Mastermind shoves him back and retreats to the outside where he consults with Antony the Jerk.

PIP: "Mastermind looks a little frustrated."

HEATHER: "I don't think so, Pip, it looks like a ruse!"

Just as the words leave Heather's mouth, we see Kris Von Bonn walk over to the time keeper and take his chair from him. Calvary doesn't notice this, as he smiles at Mastermind and poses like a superhero with his fists on his hips. This allows Von Bonn to slide into the ring from behind and nail Calvary with a HARD chair shot to the back. The cheap shot doesn't affect Calvary much, as he turns around and wags his finger at The Hammer. Kris swings the chair, again, but Cav catches it and yanks it from his hands. However, rather than hit Von Bonn with it, Calvary rips the seat from the chair and tosses the pieces aside.

PIP: "Wow! Calvary just tore that chair apart like it was nothing!"

HEATHER: "He better watch his back, though!"

Calvary grabs The Hammer by the shirt, but he doesn't realize Mastermind has slipped back into the ring. As Cav goes to hit Von Bonn, Mastermind sneaks up behind him and delivers a surprise Back Body Drop. Antony the Jerk and Melanie Childs point and laugh from the outside as Kris Von Bonn applauds the former Xtreme Champion.

HEATHER: "It didn't take long for the numbers game to play a factor!"

PIP: "Quite unfortunate for Cav."

Rather than leave the ring, Kris Von Bonn brings Calvary to his feet and holds his arms behind him. With the referee helpless to stop them, Mastermind begins delivering multiple shots to his helpless opponent's abdomen, followed by his face. After a flurry of punches, Mastermind and Von Bonn whip Cav to the ropes and attempt a Double Clothesline. Calvary manages to avoid the move, bounce off the opposite side, and knock both men down with a Clothesline of his own to a roar from the crowd.

PIP: "Despite the odds, he's still fighting!"

HEATHER: "I'm sure that isn't sitting well with the Misfits right now."

Kris Von Bonn rolls to the outside as Calvary walks Mastermind over to a corner and smashes his head into the top turnbuckle. He then climbs up to the second rope and begins hammering away at Mastermind as the fans count each punch.

"ONE....... TWO....... THREE....... FOUR....... FIVE....... SIX......."

Before Calvary can hit 'SEVEN', Mastermind walks him a few steps away from the corner and falls backwards, causing Cav's head to violently bounce off the turnbuckle. As Mastermind stands up, the ref begins a count for his opponent.

Mastermind breaks the ref's count by bringing Calvary to his feet.

HEATHER: "What is Mastermind thinking? Calvary may have been down and out after that last move!"

PIP: "I agree, Heather, it almost seems like Mastermind wants to make a statement."

Mastermind motions for Antony the Jerk to steal someone's chair in the audience and Antony happily obliges. The manager climbs onto the apron and holds the chair up, allowing for Mastermind to smash Calvarys face against it. He grabs the chair from his manager while letting Calvary fall to the mat. With the ref just barely beginning a new count, Mastermind stomps over to Cav and smacks his shoulder with the chair, over and over again as Antony and the rest of the Misfits cheer him on.

PIP: "This is turning into a decimation, at this point."

HEATHER: "It certainly is."

After a few more brutal chair shots, Mastermind tosses the weapon aside and drags Calvary to his feet. The superhero is barely able to stand, only staying up because his opponent is holding him there. Mastermind let's go of Cav and hits him with an Enzuigiri that drops him to his knees. He then follows it up with a powerful Dropkick that sends Calvary flying backwards. Mastermind stalks his opponent, who hasn't moved at all, as the ref begins a mercy count for Cav.

No, come on!

Before the ref can save Calvary with a faster count, Mastermind pushes him aside and barks an order at Melanie Childs and Kris Von Bonn. Mastermind locks in a Boston Crab on his opponent, as his two Misfits allies each grab one of Cav's arms.

PIP: "Well, he's got the Mind Controller locked in, but this match was over BEFORE this."

HEATHER: "Mastermind and the Misfits are making a statement here tonight, they want the XWF to know they're here and are NOT to be taken lightly."

Mastermind applies pressure on the legs of Calvary, but it doesn't matter, as he just lays there motionless with his arms stretched out by The Hammer & Crayzee. The ref steps in, prying at Mastermind in an attempt to force him to break the hold. Eventually he does, but of his own volition. The referee begins another fast count to end Calvary's suffering.

Mastermind grabs the ref by the shirt and demands him to do a normal count.


The ref calls for the bell and raises a smug Mastermind's hand in the air. The rest of the Misfits applaud their Leader, as he goes at the damage done before walking over to Antony the Jerk and grabbing a shirt. He shows the camera.

[Image: 3834955914%20Front.jpg]

He walks back over to Calvary and drapes it over him, before climbing out and making his way up the ramp with his stablemates.

PIP: "That was hard to watch."

HEATHER: "It was definitely a statement win, that's for sure."

A video has been sent into Warfare from Robbie Bourbon.

[Image: JggTqeU.png]

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”The following contest is your WARFARE MAIN EVENT of the evening and is a SIX MAN ELIMINATION MATCH to determine the order of Team Selection for WAR GAMES!


”Introducing first, RED X!”

'It's Goin' Down" by the X-Ecutioners plays, and the lights are overcome with a dark, blood red hue. The x-tron is hijacked, static quickly invading the screen.... The lights around the ring are cut off. The fans are left in silent bewilderment.... The Tron is now overcome by a big, flashing, crimson cross. The fans begin to give a mixed reaction, eventually taking out their cell phones to snap pictures... Muffled voices and random sounds filter through the speakers as the XWF Galaxy is truly beginning to come unglued. As the crimson cross continues to flash, a spotlight shines in the middle of the ring. A figure descends via a cord, landing in the center of the squared-circle. Red-X holds his trademark black baseball bat. Red points the bat toward the fans, before dropping the bat next to the corner post. red climbs upon the top turnbuckle, lifting his arms in an 'X'... the tron and song slowly fade as the x-man prepares for war.

”Introducing War Games Captain number two… HANARI CARNES!”

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

”Introducing War Games Captain number three… SHANE !”

Shane methodically walks out to the top of the ramp in a grey jumpsuit with a mask similar to that of Michael Myers covering his face as he stalks down towards the ring. Once ringside Shane climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes and into the ring.

”Introducing War Games Captain number four, he is the XWF HART CHAMPION, CENTURION!

Centurion emerges out to the top of the ramp with the Hart Title slung over his shoulder as he saunters towards the ring like he’s the cock of the walk. Centurion reaches ringside where he hands off his Hart Title before sliding into the ring where he reaches his feet and scopes out the competition when suddenly the lights go dark.

”Introducing War Games Captain number five… He is one half of the XWF World Tag Team Champions… ROBERT “THE OMEGA” MAIN!”

Loud clasps of thunder rumble the arena as a lightning bolt shoots down from the rafters to the top of the stage.

A spotlight hits the top of the ramp revealing Adam Barker in a black suit sporting both Tag Titles, one on each shoulder before emerging through a thick white smog is none other than the XWF World Tag Team Champions Robert Main and Chris Page, Cataclysm. Robert and Page slowly and methodically walk to the top of the ramp where their masks are removed by Adam Barker. Adam points at the ring and as he does both Robert and Chris start to make the walk down the ramp. The duo reach ringside where Robert climbs up on the ring apron before stepping over the top rope and into the squared circle where he and Shane make eye contact. Chris makes his way around the ring to the announcers table. Chris looks down at Pip and he removes his headset and hands it over to Chris before abandoning his position.

”And finally introducing the last War Games Captain… he is the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION… SHAWN WARSTEIN!!

The XWF Universal Champion emerges out to the top of the ramp with the strap of Gold around his waist as he takes a look at what awaits him in the ring. Shawn removes the Universal Championship and drops it at the top of the ramp before heading towards the ring. Shawn reaches ringside where he slides into the ring.

”It looks like we’re ready for the opening bell and it also appears that Pip has been replaced on commentary by Chris Page.”

”There’s nobody that could make this more entertaining on the call than yours truly, you’re all welcome.”


”And we’re underway! Xtreme Rules apply and this one is going to as long as it needs to go until there’s one man left standing.”

Shane immediately snatches a single arm choke on Red and drives him back into a neutral corner as Main calls out the Universal Champion! Shawn and Main square off leaving Carnes and Centurion.

”We certainly have enough referee’s around the ringside area, but they’re not going to stop the statement that is about to be made.”

Shawn and Main start trading shots while Centurion and Carnes stare each other down before stepping away from each other and towards neutral corners where they watch the exchange between Main and Warstein! Shane sends Red out to the floor before going out after him while in the ring Carnes and Centurion continue to watch as we see Main drive a knee into the midsection of Shawn before hurling him towards the ropes, Warstein bounces off the near side where he’s taken to the mat with a boot to the face from Main! Centurion starts to make a move towards Main only to be rolled up by Carnes!!




Kickout by Centurion! Centurion and Carnes are both back to their feet with Centurion talking trash towards Carnes who has a sly smirk on his face knowing how close he was to making a statement. Carnes and Centurion start trading blows while out on the floor we see Shane chokeslamming Red X on the exposed concrete floor!

”The splat of the disappointment that is Red X is music to my ears.”

Carnes takes the upper hand on Centurion as he drives him back into a neutral corner with a shoulder block and then starts driving repeated shoulders into the midsection of the Hart Champion. On the other side of the floor Shawn thumbs Main in the eyes before sending him face first off the ring post! Shawn quickly presses the cover on Main!




Main escapes the near fall on the floor as Shawn starts unloading with right hands while across the ring on the floor Shane has produced a double sided stainless steel KITCHEN SINK! Red is starting to stir and work his way back to his feet where Shane tattoo’s him in the face with the kitchen sink!

”I’ll be damned the kitchen sink has been used first!”

”We’ve got fights on the floor and in the ring. This is going to be crazy to call until the field thins out.”

”Maybe for you.”

In the ring Carnes fires Centurion across the ring and into the opposite buckles before charging in after him where he eats a reverse elbow that staggers Carnes out towards the center of the ring allowing Centurion to charge out from the corner with a violent knee strike to the face knocking Carnes to the mat and it’s Centurion who makes a quick cover.




Carnes kicks out while out on the floor we see Shawn has pulled a Chair out from under the ring where he sizes up Main who is now on all fours before cracking the chair across the spine of Main knocking him back down to the mat. Shawn slides back into the ring where Centurion is shown getting back to his feet where turns around and is blasted in the face with a violent chair shot from Shawn! Centurion crumbles to the mat as he’s been busted wide open. We see Carnes rolling towards the ropes where he starts to work his way back to his feet. Shawn charges towards Carnes with the chair swinging it at him in the process, Carnes side steps the shot sending the chair bouncing off the top rope and back into the face of Warstein! Carnes quickly delivers the Punta Cana Kick!

”Carnes nearly kicked Shawn’s head clean off his shoulders, and I would applaud it.”

begins searching underneath the ring for something, and ends up finding a large butcher knife and some handcuffs. stares at the objects in his hands for many seconds............ until he notices Red X happens to be just near enough for him to turn and stab him right in the back! He grabs Red X's wrists, pulls them behind his back and handcuffs them so tight while he twists them, blood starts to seep from under each cuff.

keeps hold of the cuffs to stop Red X from getting away as he STABS HIM AGAIN!!!!

This time in the back of the HEAD!!!!

"Good god!"

"Uh oh, incoming!!!"

just reels back and bear paws the living shit out of Red X's head! The butcher knife goes flying out into the fans as several shrieks are heard when it wallops a teenage girl in the side of the face, leaving Red X's blood across her cheek and knocking her down.

Red X's head is dangling in an unnatural way now as he drops down to his knees before the almighty 's Sheath...

That's when it happens...

A low roar among the fans... they can sense it coming...

The lights get very dim as slooowwwwly draws his hand back and then plunges his fist into Red-X, ripping his heart out and holding it high in the air as blood just gushes everywhere, shooting out of Red X like a geyser!!!




smashes the heart into the referee's mouth and then grabs Red X's body, FLINGING it into the fans!!!

"This is no laughing matter! This monster should be locked in a cell! How is Red X supposed to show up for his next match now?!"

The lights brighten back up again as stares down in a trance like state at the blood soaking his entire forearm, not a single concern about anything or anyone around him.

”We’ve tried to tell you all that we’re playing for keeps but you all are to stupid not to take us seriously. You think that was bad? We’re just getting started.”

Centurion rolls out to the floor while Shane climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes where Carnes has no idea he’s even there. Carnes turns around where he’s met with a vile thrust to the throat rocking Carnes back into the ropes. Out on the floor both Main and Centurion have reached a vertical base where Main comes up behind Centurion and hurls him into the ring steps! Main comes forward snatching the top portion of the stairs loose and slides them into the ring.

”Main’s bringing the steel steps with him!”

Main slides into the ring where he picks up the steel steps and as Shawn is getting to his feet Main charges forward blasting him in the face with the steel steps! Shawn hits the mat while we see Shane and Main lock eyes before nodding their heads. Shane shoots Carnes towards Main who blasts him in the face with the steel steps before Main disposes of the steps throwing them over the top rope and down to the floor. Shane covers Shawn!




Shawn kicks out of the near fall. Main is shown picking Carnes up and throwing him back into a neutral corner.

”Carnes is about to get a small taste of the ass kicking he’s going to get on Savage when we destroy him and Chaos. I hope he gets used to it.”

Main starts to choke Carnes with his right boot across the throat while we see Shane back to his feet where he takes Shawn back into the opposite corner. Main releases the choke with his boot across the throat of Carnes before turning to see Shane across the ring with Shawn. Both Main and Shane look to whip Carnes and Warstein into each other only to see it reversed and it is Main and Shane that collide into each other center ring! Carnes follows up on Main with a Back Stabber back breaker while Shane is met with a Superkick by Shawn!

”Main and are in trouble!”

”Bitch please.”

Shawn and Carnes each step out to the ring apron before climbing up to the top ropes! Carnes sets sail with a Senton on to Main while Shawn comes off the top rope with an elbow drop across the chest of Shane! Centurion is shown back to his feet, blood flowing down the side of his face as he throws the ring apron back pulling out a table! Centurion slides a table into the ring while we see a simultaneous cover with Carnes covering Main and Shawn covering Shane!






Main kicks out!


Shane kicks out!

”I told you.”

Carnes and Shawn are each to their feet only to see Carnes pulled out to the floor by Centurion! Centurion smashes Carnes head first off the announcers table before flipping of Chris Page. Chris pretends to catch the “bird” and places it in his pocket.

”For safe keeping.”

Centurion shifts his attention towards the ring to see Warstein getting back to his feet where he starts putting the boots to Shane . Centurion slides into the ring behind Shawn not forgetting the chair shot. Shawn turns around and is met with a V-Trigger by Centurion! Centurion makes the cover on the Universal Champion!




Shawn kicks out!

”I don’t understand why Shawn, Carnes and Centurion are battling each other. You would think they would combine forces to get rid of Main and first.”

”That’s probably because they’re fucking morons with absolutely zero common sense between them. For Shawn to claim to be the puppet master he’s about to find out who has played who within this entire situation.”

Centurion reaches his feet where he turns his attention towards the Table he’s brought into the ring. Centurion sets the table up in the ring before turning his attention towards Shawn. He picks Shawn up before driving him face first into the table before laying Warstein on the Table. As he does we see Carnes climbing the turnbuckles. Centurion turns around seeing Carnes nearing the top rope! Centurion bursts towards the corner where he runs springs up to the middle ropes snitching Carnes up before coming off the top rope with a 1,000 MILE SLAM! Shawn rolls off the table which sends Carnes crashing through it with Centurion and the 1,000 Mile Slam! Centurion lands on top of Carnes!






Centurion slowly starts to stir but as he begins to work his way to his feet he’s met with the KINGS CROWN from the Universal Champion! Shawn covers Centurion!






”And then there was three.”

”And now the fun really begins.”

Main and Shane have made their way back to their feet and as Shawn gets up he is in the center of the ring. He looks to his right where Main stands and he looks to his left side where Shane stands. Shawn simply shakes his head before turning and blasting Shane with a right hand, he turns back towards Main swinging at Robert who catches Shawn’s fist only to eat a boot to the midsection. Shane charges towards Shawn who spins around and side steps Shane sending Shane smashing into Main and driving him back into the buckles!

”Miscue from !”

Shawn picks the chair back up and as Shane turns around he’s blasted in the face and sent out to the floor! Main staggers out from the corner where he has the chair thrown in his face by Shawn!! Main is knocked back into the corner before staggering forward where he’s met with a SPEAR from Warstein! Shawn makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Main kicks out before the fatal three count.

”Is Shawn Warstein wins this match I’ll quit on the spot. Nobody has a yellow streak down their back more than he does.”

Out on the floor Shane starts to get back up while in the ring Shawn bounces off the far side ropes getting a full head of steam before delivering a baseball slide drop kick to Shane knocking him back into the security barrier! Shawn slides out to the floor where he immediately goes under the ring where he produces a syringe!

”What the hell is in that syringe!?!?!

Shawn comes towards Shane who is against the guardrail where he hoists the syringe up in the air only to be throat punched by which sends the syringe down to the floor. Shane snatches Shawn by the throat before hoisting him up in the air looking to deliver a Chokeslam but it’s the Universal Champion who counters with a Tornado DDT on the floor spiking Shane head first into the protective padding that surrounds the ring.

”Mr. Over Rated just finds a way to stay one step ahead of and Main thus far… yet it is only a matter of time before he falls victim just like everyone else.

Shawn reaches his feet where he stares down at Shane before being whacked across the back with a Kendo Stick from Robert Main! Shawn doesn’t go down and as he turns around Main delivers a baseball like swing with the Kendo Stick crashing it into the ribs of Warstein which doubles him over for Main the break the Kendo Stick over the back of the Universal Champion which sends him down to the floor.

”Told ya.”

Main comes forward picking Shawn up off the floor before hurling him back into the ring. Main slides into the ring after Shawn where he gets to his feet and starts violently stomping down on the Universal Champion as if he’s trying to stomp him through the mat. Robert reaches down picking Shawn up off the mat where he sets him up for the DEADMAN’s HAND!


Suddenly Shawn counters with a rake to the eyes! He slides down the back of Main spinning him around before planting him with a Belly to Belly Suplex! Shawn makes the cover hooking the right leg!




Main kicks out!

”Say what you want about Warstein he is not going to stop fighting.”

”Again just another case of being too stupid for his own good.”

Shawn gets back to his feet but before he can capitalize he’s blindsided by ! Shane turns up the heat on the Universal Champion as he spins him around where he scoops him up over his shoulder before setting Warstein up for a Tombstone!

”Break his neck!”

plants Warstein into the mat with a Tombstone Piledriver! makes the cover on the Universal Champion.




escapes the near fall!

”Even with the odds stacked against him the Universal Champion continues to kick out!”

”Get off the jock of Warstein or I’ll tell Atara.”

Shane stands back to his feet where he reaches down picking Shawn up off the mat where he’s met with a low blow from Warstein! Shane falls backwards into the ropes where he inadvertently ties his arms up in the top and middle rope! Shawn reaches his feet where he’s got a slick smirk on his face seeing the position Shane has found himself in. Shawn comes forward and starts unloading with right hands to the face of the tied up Shane!

”The Universal Champion is unloading on Shane !”

”Ew… and they insinuate I’m gay?”

Shawn starts biting the forehead of

PIP: "Wait, who's that!?"

Suddenly a woman dressed in a white and pink bodysuit jumps up onto the apron.

HEATHER: "That's the woman behind Micheal Graves return to the XWF, Ms. Direction!"

Shawn Warstein turns to see what the crowd is reacting to just as she springboards off the ropes.


PIP: "The Universal Champion is down!

Ms. Direction jumps to her feet and strikes a familiar flex before diving out of the ring and vacating through the crowd.

HEATHER: "Something seems strikingly familiar about this mystery woman, wouldn't you say?"

PIP: "Indeed, I think we all recognize that move and pose, but she's under a hood, so who knows?"

HEATHER: "Who knows? I think that its pretty obvious who's under that mask! The question is WHY?"

Main comes up from behind pulling Shawn up to his feet where he hoists him up in the air before delivering the DEADMAN’S HAND! Main makes the cover on the Universal Champion!






”And again as predicted…. Shawn has fallen.”

”This now boils down to Shane versus Robert Main to determine who will make the first pick for their War Games team.”

”Way to gloss over the fact that your “darling” champion just got owned.”

”I’m not glossing over anything, I’m trying to move on and cover….”

”Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they’re all just a little different.”

The referee’s assist Shane in getting untied from the ropes as Main reaches his feet where he and Shane stare across the ring from each other.

”Regardless of who scores this final fall WE’VE won. Get used to it.”

As Shane and Main engaging in a stare down, neither man blinking we see CHRIS CHAOS pop up behind Page on the other side of the barrier and snatch a sleeper hold! Page is brought to his feet and yanked backwards over the security railing from CHAOS! This catches Main’s eye and immediately he walks directly past Shane and exits the ring! Main drops down to the floor and walks past the announce table where now we see Page has broken free from the sleeper and Chaos and Page are trading blows in the crowd! Main is about to climb over the security railing when HANARI CARNES blind sides Main!

”Carnes and Chaos are taking the fight to Cataclysm!

Shane looks on from the ring as Canes and Main spill out into the crowd! Page gouges Chaos in the eyes before snatching a beer and throwing it in the face of Chaos! Carnes and Main catch up with Page and Chaos as the two teams go to war in the crowd.

Meanwhile, looks ready to exit the ring and join the fight but Jenny Myst slides in and gets in front of him!

This might not be the smartest idea!

Jenny: "Shane...... Let Them Fight. You're smarter than that. Let them wear themselves out!"

stares at Jenny without any sign of human emotion coming through that hideous mask. As Jenny steps closer, she seems to detect a bit of a foul stench possibly coming off of the mask itself? She shakes it off and focuses!

Jenny: "Don't forget who your friends are. You don't have many allies here...... I'm the best you've got"

He stares at her.

Jenny (now more nervous, eyes darting around): " don't forget who put their neck on the line to help your stupid little Hired Gun. That was me I didn't have to do that!"

slowly cants his head to the side in a slightly curious manner, studying Jenny. Jenny is getting frustrated now and... She slaps Shane hard across the mask!!

Jenny: "I am your biggest asset Shane. Dont" Slap "Forget" Slap "Who" slap "Your" slap "Friends" slap "Are!" BIG SLAP!

And there it is! 's hand around her throat! No time to even react as hoists her to the heavens and casts her over the ropes into some officials at ringside! They all go down!

Thank goodness they were there to break her fall! Wait... what's that?

The camera's catch a shot of Jenny's eyes as she's looking a mixture of shocked and terrified... or is it? What's that smirk for? Is she actually smiling?

We cut outside of the building where the fight between Chaos and Carnes and Cataclysm continues!!! No team has a distinct advantage as they’re throwing everything they’ve got at each other before POLICE show up to separate the four men.

We fade back into the arena as Shane is still in the ring….





I never would have thought in a million years that Shane would be leaving tonight with the Number One overall pick for his War Games team… tonight Shane stands tall and one can only wonder who is going to end up on what team and who is going to be paired off against who. One thing is for certain that War Games is going to be nothing short of Epic.”

I would like to thank those who wrote matches:

Big D
Chronic Chris Page
and Hanari Carnes

I would also like to thank those who sent in segments

Robbie Bourbon (awesome video)
Robert The Omega Man
Vita Valenteen

And a big thank you to those who role played this week.

Warfare will be back in June after War Games.

Good luck to those participating in War Games.

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[-] The following 14 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
(05-06-2020), B.O.B. D (05-06-2020), Felix Jones (05-06-2020), Jenny Myst (05-06-2020), Osira Themis (05-06-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-06-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-06-2020), red-x (05-08-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (05-06-2020), Shawn Warstein (05-06-2020), Theo Pryce (05-07-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-06-2020), Zane Norrison (05-06-2020), Zeph Johnson (05-06-2020)
Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-06-2020, 08:19 PM

OOC: Hmmmmmmmm okay. Great Job Fellas. See y’all at War Games.

IC: Hahahahahaha.... it took three of you to keep me down? To take me out.... do you have any idea what you’ve done to my ego? You’ve increased it tenfold. I know you’re scared now. I can see it in your eyes. The next time we are all in the same spot... it’s on SIGHT.
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-06-2020, 08:40 PM

*Jenny bats her eyes, biting her lip*

The back stage area is full of commotion after the massive Main Event they just had. She steps into camera view.

"The man in that ring tonight was NOT the Shane I know. When I was a full time competitor here under his regime, Shane was a kind, loving, sweet, funny, wholesome teddy bear. Sure he was also ultra-sexualized and enjoyed scat poetry, but we all have our vices. Shane is the reason I came back. Shane is the reason I still want to be here. Shane is the reason............but that thing in the ring tonight, that wasn't Shane. That was a goddamn demon. Those eyes were cold and dead and any semblance of the Shane I knew and loved was gone......when he put that hand around my throat and lifted me........when I felt my larynx begin to crumble under the weight of his cold, uncaring hand...........I thought he was gonna kill me. The man who gave me a chance here and made a career for me was an uncaring, unfeeling, brutal, savage killing machine..............and............."

She pauses for a brief second.

"I kinda liked it."

*She bites her lip again.*

"So.....I just wanted to tell Shane........that I am.....available and if he picks me number 1 overall.........not only will we win war games......I'll let him choke me any time he wants. So Shane........"

She giggles....


[Image: iGodclm.gif]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 2 users Like Jenny Myst's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (05-06-2020), Zeph Johnson (05-06-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-06-2020, 10:35 PM

(05-06-2020, 08:40 PM)Jenny Myst Said:
[Image: iGodclm.gif]
[Image: IxvLUnM.gif]
[heavy breathing]

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (05-06-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-06-2020)
The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-06-2020, 10:58 PM

Frankie Styles-Blackwater walks out, mohawk upright, boots tied tight, feeling alright cause what... she won her fight tonight.

"Now that's how a chick throws a beat down! Punk rock style! Yeah!"

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-06-2020, 11:11 PM

told u all id find a way to beat that pig! and u all thought id quit... MARKS!

and now shane gets the #1 pick.. he better pick me. I know he's not the same shane we all know but i know deep down he's still my best friend and he will pick me as #1. id hate to be on main or fuzz's team since id have to carry both of those jerkoffs :P but i digress.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-07-2020, 02:25 AM

(05-06-2020, 11:11 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: told u all id find a way to beat that pig! and u all thought id quit... MARKS!

and now shane gets the #1 pick.. he better pick me. I know he's not the same shane we all know but i know deep down he's still my best friend and he will pick me as #1. id hate to be on main or fuzz's team since id have to carry both of those jerkoffs :P but i digress.

" Peter I can assure you this. You'll not be on my team!"

OOC: Just playing around.... Or am I?

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
B.O.B. D (05-07-2020)
Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

05-07-2020, 02:34 AM

I was really banking on that it too late to drop out?

[Image: XV49e2j.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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Felix Jones Offline
Whatever happens, happens.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-07-2020, 02:49 AM

"Jenny. Keep it in your pants ho.
Have some self respect for fuck's sake."

2x[Image: sxRvsd0.png]
[Image: EEbmGOW.png]
Credit For Banner: Atara Themis
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-07-2020, 04:28 AM

(05-06-2020, 11:11 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: told u all id find a way to beat that pig! and u all thought id quit... MARKS!

I know he's not the same shane we all know but i know deep down he's still my best friend and he will pick me as #1.

[Image: 6si8.gif]

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
Felix Jones (05-07-2020), Nathaniel Idenhaus (05-07-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-07-2020, 08:47 AM

I hope im not on fuzz team.. then again...

And beta er main.. i hope im not on yours either

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-07-2020, 08:48 AM

“Don’t worry Peter, I will never willingly have you on my team.”
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-07-2020, 08:52 AM

U coukd be forced bro..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-07-2020, 08:58 AM

“How? With the way drafts work I don’t have the last pick, and I’d surely take pretty much everyone over you. Hell you aren’t even on my draft board. I fully expected you to lose to the pig. Either way I’ll just slap your name at the bottom of the board and call it a day.”
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Shawn Warstein's post:
Theo Pryce (05-07-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Shawn Warstein's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (05-07-2020)
Nathaniel Idenhaus Offline
Not a Nazi

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-07-2020, 01:35 PM

"Jennifer literally presents the low price of her own worth, like she's standing on the corner, awaiting her next 'John' to come along, with the other women for hire. The only difference is that Shane doesn't have to worry about breaking a twenty before he fucks her. And Peter Gilmour declares out loud and proud, with absolutely zero shame or even the slightest hint of disgrace in his eyes 'Told you all I'd find a way to beat that pig' and then proceeds to believe that he is somehow better than two of the top tier men in the company. The fact that these events correlate with each other astounds me and not necessarily cause they happened but because I've come to expect nothing less. This has become the acceptable standard and it makes me sick, quite frankly. I mean, when I see trash and a spillage of disgusting filth before me, my first thoughts are to dispose of the waste and cleanse the area and when I witness insufficiency, I would think the only way to solve that problem is to remove whatever was causing it. However, I suppose that way of perceiving things is somehow wrong, the real answer to those scenarios is to laugh at them and use words. Okay. That seems productive, I can see how that logic is really improving things around here."

Nathaniel smirks and fires up a cigarette as he shakes his head.

[Image: VADiENp.jpg]
[Image: CbviDqC.png]
Current Hart Champion
1x X-Treme Champion
1x Television Champion
1x SOTM November 2013
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red-x (05-08-2020)

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