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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
Noah, this Promo Does Concern You
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Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

01-24-2020, 02:45 PM

XWF Superstar Attacked by Sheep

Atara Themis, Grecian born superstar of the XWF may have recieved a little more than she bargained for today. During a promotional shoot on King's Island for the Xtreme Wrestling Federations upcoming pay-per-view, a local farmers livestock may have took particular insult to Atara's most recent statements regarding fan favorite Noah Jackson's girlfriend......

The last of the report was inundated by the raucous chortle of a Themis yet to be introduced to the XWF Universe proper. One of three of Atara's sisters, Osira was in tears laughing while trying to formulate words in an accented English not as polished her older sibling's,
" It bit your ass adelfi!"

Matching blue eyes peered back, the expression of the face bearing them visibly chafed and clearly not amused. "Laugh it up kolos..."

The insult would've went unheard no matter the language. Atara's baby sister was having a fit of the situation and the fact it made Australia's local and given recent events in the land down under, they probably needed a laugh. Who couldn't understand that sentiment? Atara and Osira did. They both felt for Australia having seen their own country burn. It was just last summer Greece was engulfed in the deadliest wildfire in recent recorded history. One idiot with a lighter....fucking cunt.

"Seriously Ira, it's not that funny. The animals down here carry std's and gods know what else," belaboring the point, Atara turned to look over her shoulder as if to see the small bite mark on her leg. Sitting up on of the two beds in their hotel, Osira looked over deadpan finally shutting up. "Just the Koala's. Have you slept with someone's koala too?"

[Image: PxrpBwU.png]

"....I haven't slept with anyone or anything, did you leave your brain in Japan or something?"

There was a brief silence.

[Image: 9X3yj3g.png]

"Not one person? After the whole the dick fish thing in California you seemed pretty heavy into dystopian Romeo? You sure you didn't play Roxana to his Alexander?"

"It would explain his new Hephaestion boy toy thing.."

Atara's face scrunched, befuddled for a second before realizing who Osira was refering. "You're sick.

Osira simply nodded, sure of her conclusion. "Yeeeah, you thought about it though. Slut."

'Anyway, I'm bored..what are we doing tonight?"

The first conversation the two sisters had had in near over year wasn't exactly what Atara had envisioned. As well as she knew her sister, she expected lewd diversions and snippets, but had held out hope the younger Themis might have grown up a little since being out from under Atara's shadow. Six years they tagged in the independent circuit, six years Atara had to keep her check. Then the XWF came calling.

There hadn't been a day gone by Atara hadn't felt some regret for leaving Osira behind. They had been inseparable since before she could remember. Two middle children always vying for attention. Trying to keep up with her their oldest sister in everything she did, always having to defend to their youngest. Only a year apart, they had went through everything at the same time.


Professionally, Osira had been one of those victims of her sisters ambition. The daredevil of the two, Osira wasn't as polished in the ring as Atara. She didn't take to authority, atleast outside her bloodline, the fame and glory wasn't for her. She enjoyed wrestling for wrestling. She enjoyed the camaraderie of the lockerroom, the traveling. Her only ambition being to stick with Atara and continue in the family business.

Atara...well, we know what Atara wants. Once the XWF had called she hadn't even bothered to petition for Osira. She schemed the storyline of their teams breakup and damn neared killed Osira in the ring for their final match together. Not as partners, but opponents. When Atara had made the phone call to Japan to ask her to come to Australia, she had expected a hard no if even an answer.

Yet here they where picking up right where they had left off it seemed. At some point Atara would apologize, but now wasn't the time. Now, now Atara had a title to win. She had to win it. Not because Noah was the Champion but because she had seen the cards for the next few events she was appearing in. While no seer, her family carried the name of the prophetic titaness Themis and reading tea leaves was still a thing.

She wouldn't say a hand had been tilted, but the Grecian beauty had a sneaky suspicion something was going down at Cuntf*st. That the powers that be had seen a potential for ratings elsewhere perhaps. She would lose to Noah, Vita would beat Centurion, She would beat Gilmour at Warfare and then....face Vita for the Hart Championship.

Honestly, she was Aphrodite Incarnate, goddess of Love. It was Vita Valenteen for the Hart Title in the month of February, week or so after Valentines Day. Come on...srsly. Why wasn't it booked already? Anywho, all that was fine and well except for the part where she faced Socio and Gilmore enroute to that supposed destiny. Socio, she could handle, atleast the thought of him. Peter Disgusting. She had to get this title from Noah and save herself with the two title rule.

She looked at Osira, a crooked and wiley grin being her sister's immediate response before reaching into some luggage in her own bed and retrieved a small plastic card.
"A girls night courtesy of one Noah Jackson."

Osira near dove across the room and snatched the card from Atara's hand. "I knew you were boning!"

"Gaaa, we are not boning. We are not intercoursing, fornicating, fornicating under consent of the king, the queen, rocking boats or vans, dry humping, finger banging, playing mommy and daddy, playing doctor, hide the twinkie, naked wrestling or anything of the like....

[Image: 9X3yj3g.png]

"Splain dis?"

"I stole it." Atara responded reluctant to finish the sentence.

Osira had taken a motherly posture, the kind when mom interrogates her children and her voice matched albeit mockingly,
"And where exactly did you steal it from Atara?"

"Look, it doesn't matter. You're implicated now, so come help me do what I called you down here to do. We are gonna hit the town. A few spots, buy a few date related things. Dinner...only one desert and you're going get acquainted with Victoria Bitter...."

"You had me at free booze, but this is going to blow up in our face. They can check this stuff these days...

"It's Noah, I don't think he's checking his finances daily. We just need Vita to see the receipt!"

"...seems like a lot of work to convince a girl you're not in a match with that you're sleeping with her boyfriend that you are in a match with and allegedly are not sleeping with."

It'll make sense when I shoot the vignette for the match...just, just get ready!"

[Image: s11egdv.png]

[Image: 3mCDHyA.png]

Constant, rhythmic...steady. In and out, in and out, aeonian were the waves of Semaphore Beach. The perpetual rush and retreat of ocean water made for a soothing ambience, perfect for the medium Atara would bring about her art for the XWF Universe. At ground level, the camera panned left, an empty horizon and the blue green water of the Great Australian Bight being all that was in view.

Only briefly were screens void of human life. A crown of dampened brown locks came first into frame. Hung to one side of an otherworldly face, a face the XWF Universe had come to know well, the camera continued to scroll. Shimmering threads of silver coupled with glittering opaque fabric reflected the sun's light into the lens, a picture of aesthetic perfection. On hands and knees Atara posed, looked to the viewer, then spoke,
"Hello Doves."

Her voice, honey sweet, bore no malice and was calm as the tide she knelt in. "You have questions no doubt. About Vita, Noah...myself, but be patient. As sure as the waves roll in we will get to them. Everything was by design and served a purpose to this point," she smiled assuring her adoring public at home across the ponds. God's knew no one on this burning dustball for a continent would care what she had to say.

"Let's begin first with a lesson, a definition if you will. It's a word that is tossed around a good deal within the XWF and with good reason." Atara paused lifting from all fours to just her knees in the shallows and took a moment to ring water from her hair. All the while she kept her gaze fixed to camera.


"Yes Doves, I know. We all understand the definition and have heard this argument before, but my adoring public, a part of the definition tends to be left off. The part about the self absorbed, the vain and the inflated ego becoming a detriment to those around them."

"My dear handsome Noah, remember what you cost your esteemed father and your Vita's precious friend Ruby last week. You puff out that cute little bird chest and proclaim this and that about yourself. You're going to smack me down before I become to big for my breeches? You don't care about me or my looks."

"Dove, narcissism and delusions go hand in hand, but because I am rather fond of you I'll give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you don't, but come C*ntfest you will have no choice but to keep those peepers on me for the entirety of that match. I'm a mirror lover darling, that's exactly how I prefer it."

All your attention on me and when we're entangled in each others embrace, the sole thought through your mind being retaining your title...that little seed of doubt I've planted in Canada will be hovering. Watching, her attention in a space it shouldn't be. That little declaration of trust she made, all smoke Noah. Her eyes on me and not Centurion and all because"

"But that's not the best part Noah. The origin of the word Narcissis. The story of Narcissus and Echo, a shunned admirer and conceited twat and pray ask who it was that punished that twat for his conceit and arrogance ..."

"I will tell you of course, an aspect of Aphrodite, Nemesis. Andd how did she punish him my rugged Aussie friend?

"With a pool of water."

"So don't worry about my effort baby. I've been planning this since you offered the shot. I am your Nemesis, you my beautiful Narcissus, and sadly baby girl Vita is our Echo. Myth made real, I'm coming to take that gold Noah. I'm kicking your gatedown and you will never be rid of this prom queen."

"Oh...and thanks for dinner by the way"

With a final wink, the camera fades to black.

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[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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Atticus Gold (01-24-2020), Centurion (01-24-2020), Noah Jackson (01-24-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (01-24-2020), red-x (01-25-2020), Theo Pryce (01-26-2020)
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