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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Mark - RP 1
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The Collector Offline
Gage Gannon's Daddy

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-30-2019, 11:59 PM

I find myself sitting in a darkened room waiting on my next mark reflecting on my life’s choices. There are a great many things I neither can nor will discuss about me but the fact remains that my public persona is in a great conflict with who I am beneath the mask that I wear. Behind this mask is a good man that loves his family and his friends. Behind this mask is a man that gives generously. Behind this mask is a man who is many parts good.

Nevertheless, the mask persists, and it consumes me. It does so because I allow it.

I have to allow it to do so because without it, my job as debt collector for Alister Henry’s empire doesn’t get done. At least not to any degree of true success. If Jaime Henry sat here chatting with the mark, I might recoup a fraction of the debt. But I sit in comfort in the shadow of darkness beneath this mask waiting on the mark. The mask is intimidating to normal everyday people. Combine it with the voice altering mechanism and it allows me to function properly. Take my mask away and I cease to exist as The Collector.

I hear the elevator ding from the hallway, and I end my internet phone browsing. I’m still human. Lowe’s had a great coupon that’d go nicely toward a big ceiling fan for my sitting room at home. Anyway, I hear the keys jingle and the door unlock. Light fills the doorway as the door opens and shuts behind the mark. The mark fumbles with the light switch but there is no lights on account of I tripped the main breaker.

What can I say? It adds to the mystique and if I’m being honest here, this time of year it makes my job easier.

“Shit!” she whispers loudly, likely assuming her power was cut off by the electric company. I’ll admit, I’m not pleased this mark is a woman. A unisex name like Terry, it could’ve gone either way.

“Um hi,” she says into her phone, still completely unaware that I’m even here. “This is Terry Heath…………. Um yeah, 111 Pearl Avenue apartment 6C and I’m trying to figure out why you guys cut my power when my bill is always paid?”

“Hang up the phone,” I suggest to her, scaring the daylights out of her. She turns to face me and I light up my mask.

“Never mind,” she says quietly as she hangs up her phone. “You’re the Collector,” [i]she guesses correctly as she sits on a bar stool.

“At your service madam,” I respond light-hearted.

“But I-I-I was supposed to have 90 days to pay! I-I-I told Alister...”

“It’s Mr. Henry, and no one dictates anything to him. He sets the terms. Certainly not me and definitely not you.”

“I still have like 2 weeks and...”

“Oh I know. If you were acting in good faith though Miss Heath, you’d have paid what you owed already. To save me the trouble of this visit.”

“Are you going to hurt me?”

See? I break in and keep her in the dark, wear the mask and she thinks I’ll hurt her. I won’t. At least not if I could help it. It’s a blessing, and a curse. I want and need my marks to fear me because of the job yet behind this mask… I… just like anyone else I suppose, I just want to be liked.

“Let’s not let it come to that Mrs. Heath.”

”Miss Heath…”

”You have 13 days Miss Heath. Not a moment more.”

Getting up from the couch, I make my way to the door and I’d be lying if I didn’t think Terry was attractive. With a name like Terry Heath I was expecting some middle aged drunk. A guy. Not a mid to late 20 something with long flowing blonde hair.

I’d let her teach me a thing or two.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited. It’s been a minute since I’ve done something for the pure enjoyment of it. Wrestling is it. Wrestling has always been it, ever since I was a little kid. I’ve spent years perfecting my craft and I’m finally ready for the big stage. I’m finally ready to make my mark in a company as large as the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.

If you could see the look on my face…

You can’t, but if you could…

My name is the Collector. It’s what I do. I collect things and this week on Warfare, I’ll be collecting my first W. See, I’d like to come on here and just rip Roman to shreds but the fact is, the son of a bitch is likable. I found myself sauntering over to and taking a gaze at some of Roman’s material when I stumbled upon his own roster page and had a little looksee and then a listen to his entrance music.

Fucking. Love it.

There’s no way anyone can effectively cover Jimi Hendrix…

Except somebody did and that’s fucking awesome. Now I have to find a new theme because mine blows goats.

Anyway, fact is, I like Roman. Whatever he lacks in in-ring prowess, he makes up for in entertainment value. I mean, if you’re gonna suck in the ring, at least be funny. At least he’s not out here claiming to master minds while doing a piss poor job of it and losing 50 matches a year. He doesn’t claim to be some unstoppable great and that by itself is a fucking refreshing change of pace in the wrestling business.

This is a bit more brief than I would have liked for my first official XWF promo, but it’s the holidays and surely I can be forgiven for my insolence.

Roman, you don’t take this seriously, and that’s your choice. Some of us do. Some of us do this as an aside simply out of a love for the game. That’s me. I do it for fun. Fun for me is collecting victories and that’ll come on Warfare.

[Image: 2gBCk2J.jpg]
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