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Big D and Ned Kaye Take Manhattan
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Ned Kaye Offline
per cogitabat, per facis

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-13-2019, 10:11 PM

OOC: Gonna update formatting more thoroughly in the morning. Enjoy. I gotta Star Wars.

December 11th, 2019

"Jesus Christ!"

In the middle of a mostly empty XWF performance center, Big D stands in front of Ned, gawking somewhat at the stamina of The Notorious One. Ned stays quiet, hanging upside down on a pull-up bar, having done upside down crunches for a good while. It doesn't seem to have bothered him much at all, the rhythmic nature of the activity treating him well. The steel bar pressed against the back of his knees. Where it had felt like a heavy blade against him for a few minutes, the feeling had faded. Most feelings do, given the circumstance. His introspection was short lived as Daniel spoke once more.

"I don't know how you manage to do that for twenty minutes, Ned."

Kaye takes sharp breaths within each rise upward, finding enough wind within him to respond. 

"When you're someone like me, you don't get a choice."

Big D nods, scanning his eyes over his partner. 

"So, you do all this shit just to stay in shape?"


Finishing up his set, Ned grabs the bar and lowers himself to the ground, a bit unstable as he lands.

"So, I have a couple more exercises and training regimens that'll overall help our coordination for the match."

"But Ned, that's so booooring."

"Maybe so, but it's important, man. There's a certain level of seriousness we have to apply here, we can't just be goofing off listening to Floyd and giving me roofies. We have to connect more if we want to stand a real chance at dethroning them. We're not going to win by being two good wrestlers. We have to be a great team."

"Can't we do some team bonding out there, Ned?" Big D points towards the door, sounding faux-whiney.

"I know! We can take Manhattan!"

Ned chuckles somewhat, wiping some sweat off his brow.

"Look, man, if you're that adverse to training right now, I'd love to show you the city, but you'd have to let me show you Brooklyn first. That's my corner of the city."

"But Neeeeed, NOBODY takes Brooklyn, it's all about Manhattan! Jason Vorhees did it! The Muppets did it! Now, it's our time!"

Sighing, Ned feels the soreness in his core, his muscles stinging from just a portion of the day's workout. Contemplating an answer, he relents.

"Fine, we can "take Manhattan," but after that we really have to focus all of our efforts on the belts. We have more of a chance than anyone really thinks we would've had and we can do this."

"You really believe that?"

The inquiry took Ned off guard. The truth of the matter was that he hadn't thought about it much. With all the emotions swirling around inside him, there wasn't a great deal he was certain of. However, he'd heard the sentiment repeatedly espoused by Daniel. 

"No, but you do. And right now that's going to have to be enough for me."

Big D gives a thumbs up and starts to head for the door, stomping a tad with each step.

"That's great, but enough with the mushy stuff. It's time to take Manhattan! Where's the Statue of Liberty?!"

"Uh... Daniel. The Statue of Liberty is on its own island."

"Oh. Well, we'll go to the Empire State Building!"

"That's more like it!" Ned laughs a bit, walking alongside his partner as they head out.


Stopping by a hot dog cart, Ned is coaching Daniel on the proper toppings for his dog, looking a bit enthusiastic about the kinda dull subject matter. As silly as it sounds internally, Ned knows it's a symbol of his city and, by extension, himself. He watches as the vendor dumps some relish on the two dogs handing them to D and Ned after a quick pump of mustard on each.

"Now, this is food, man."

Big D smirks, nudging Kaye with his elbow.

"I never took you for the one to eat this kinda junk, kiddo."

"Call it junk all you want. It's tasty and it's home."

D shrugs, taking a bite.

"Shiiiiiit, that ain't bad!"

"Exactly! Hell, just wait 'till we get you a slice of pizza, you'll be on cloud nine!"

As the two walk forward, they get closer to a huge hub of light and sound, billboards and screens littering the towering skyscrapers around them. Daniel basks in the glow somewhat, struck by the glamour of his surroundings.

"Whoa, is this-uh... Times Square, right?"

"Yeah! How do you like it, Daniel?"

"Yeah, but we can make it better..."

Big D thinks for a moment, scratching his chin...

"I know! We'll get an ad here! Think of it, Ned! You! Me! On a huge screen in Manhattan!"

"I dunno, D. That sounds like a bit much and we still have to get to the State Building..."

Before Ned can finish, Daniel is already calling a number on a board in front of them. Muttering some quick stuff into the phone as Ned looks on.

"Look, with just a bit of money, it's our time to shine Ned! In front of the WORRRLD!"

The picture on the ad in front of them changes.

[Image: 2uThpdK_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]

Ned nearly bursts out into laughter as D looks on with annoyance, looking somewhat insulted.

"It was a STUPID idea."

Ned busts out, loud laughs escaping his mouth.

"Shut up, man."

Unfortunately for D, he can't. 


Atop the Empire State Building in the observation deck stand the partners, looking out at the city below them.

"It's a crazy city you live in, Ned."

"It's home."

Kaye smiles, his fingers pressed against the chilled glass, watching the bustling cityscape beneath. After everything he'd been through these past weeks, it still felt like his home and he knew deep down that that would never change. A calmness swept over Ned as he stood with D, his breath steady, the view overwhelming him somewhat. 

"This is what you're missing out on, D."


"The connection with everyone. I know you like being kind of a dick, but this is why I struggle through all this shit. Because I can always look out and know that I'm affecting people positively. That I make their lives just a little brighter. And that helps me keep going. I wouldn't say it gets easy, but it does get easier."

"So, you would keep hurting just to feel this self-righteous?" D quips.

"Call it what you will. But I'd rather be a person my father and fiance could be proud of more than a wrestler Lacklan or Lux could respect."

"And that makes you happy?"

Ned thinks back on everything he's ever done. Every part of his being. Every single step he's walked to make it to this point. To be here with Daniel as his partner, Ethan as his best friend, and his city full of people who believe in him. Who think that old Ned Kaye on 28th street could be a champion. 

"Yeah, it does."

Ned smiles, only softly, but the warmth is felt by Daniel behind him.

"Well, you ready to go get those belts with your rival?"


D cocks an eyebrow, uncertain of Ned's meaning.

"I'm ready to win them with a friend, however."

With a bright, wide grin, Ned holds out a hand for Big D, who grasps The Notorious One tight. After all of their fighting, after an intense rivalry, after sadness, pain, and the need to go on, they're ready.

And in that moment, they're certain of it.

"You know, Ned?"


Big D gives him a sly smirk.

"You ain't nearly as boring as I thought."

Ned rolls his eyes, taking the "compliment" well.

"Thanks, man with a cock joke for a ring name."

The two laugh a bit as the sun begins to head more towards the horizon. For once, after all these days, Ned feels a bit warm.


Ned stands front and center in the observation deck, the glass separating him from the city skyline seemingly glowing behind him as the sun sets. Standing to the side, letting Ned do his thing, is none other than Big D. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Ned begins, his voice deliberate. 

"Faith has always been a curious subject to me. I'm a very scientifically oriented kind of guy, so placing all that aside is difficult. And it's not just limited to religion, but myself and those around me. Belief is easy to lose in a lot of ways, but without even the tiniest smidgen of faith, many just fall apart. But I understand the emotion. I've left countless footsteps on that path. That's why I'd like to apologize right now. To someone whom I think deserves an apology."

"Kenzi Grey-Lacklan, I am truly sorry. I've kept my eyes and ears open well enough and I heard about the comment that your wife made regarding another woman, not to mention other lapses of respect she shows to you. And how she put a heart emoji over a picture that wasn't of you. And how she attempted to imply that your marriage to her was an accomplishment. For you."

"In all honesty, I don't know a ton about you, Kenzi. You tend to keep your head down around here and why wouldn't you? I mean, Sarah is a magnet to the spotlight and she isn't the kind to share, even with her beloved. Of course you stay out of her way. I mean, most people her just view you as Sarah's wife. That's how a fair amount of people view our upcoming match: Sarah and her wife versus Big D and Ned Kaye. Hell, it seems like even to Sarah, from how she'll talk on Twitter, the most defining element about you is herself."

"I know how it feels to live in the shadow of someone accomplished. It's a suffocating feeling that can tear at everything you are, but the person whose shade I am cast in wants me to be my own man. Sarah is content, supportive even, of you only ever being an extension of her. Now, I suspect many people will argue that I'm just taking little statements out of context. That I'm missing the bigger picture because you two constantly tweet at each other about how lustful and loving towards each other you both are. You know, instead of going out and doing things together constantly, you spend vast quantities of your time on Twitter talking about loving each other. But are you trying to convince the world of this or yourselves."

"Perhaps I'm just completely mistaken, though. Despite being online all the time on your phones, you still somehow make time to have a truly loving relationship, right?"

Ned's expression changes to a more concerned one.

"Kenzi, didn't you rather recently join Scientology, which holds the book Dianetics as its basis. You're aware of Dianetics, correct? The self-help book?"

Ned frowns, sighing.

"The fact is that there is very clearly trouble in paradise, so to speak. No wonder you're paying Scientology money to feel wanted, Xenu knows you don't feel that at home. But maybe that's alright with you. That you're viewed as a glorified valet. Maybe it's okay with you that Sarah has inevitably talked about how I suck more than why you're good. Maybe feeling like an afterthought doesn't torment you like it has to me. And maybe, just maybe, pigs fly."

"But there's more to discuss, isn't there?"

Ned takes a deep breath, his expression becoming more serious than prior.

"You know, Sarah, you said quite a few interesting things in your promo, but what really fascinated me was your insistence on recapturing your own past by reiterating that, yes, you can talk better than I can. I could never hope to spew such enormous volumes of vile from my gullet as you can. But there's ome thing I'm particularly good at that you are just now having to learn."

"Persistence. How to handle failures."

"See, you spent your time preparing for our match by reciting some essay at my expense, focusing so hard on retreading the ground you've walked prior, ironically enough all because of a comment that I made. Interesting how loudly you retaliate to a minuscule comment made by me whilst proclaiming my vast sensitivity. Sarah, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that somehow, my words got to you. To Mrs. Untouchable. To "No-Sell" Sarah. But that's beside the point. You're spending your time on reverting to your former self, missing the point of persistence entirely. Where am I going? Forward. And that's far past anywhere you're headed at this rate."

"But you know what I can't stand about you, Sarah? Your insistence at being held as this Goddess of trash talk when genuinely you've repeated the same things Chris said, which were the same things that Kieran said, and that Tony uttered before that, and Cent before him."

"Ned is boring and has failed. It took me six words to pontificate what you dedicated hundreds to. And unlike the criticisms you recieve, I'll own up to it right here. I'm not the most exciting act in the company and I sure as hell do fail quite a bit. But when I fail I get frustrated, find myself, and get back on the horse. And unlike you Sarah, I don't have a bed of money and a lover to tell me it's going to be alright. I don't get to obsess over previous accomplishments and walk around with a level of arrogance reserved for punk rockers and politicians. No, Sarah, here's a newsflash for you, because this is something that you might not be able to comprehend with your relative privilege."

Ned leans close into the camera.

"I have to work harder than I did before and look my failures in the eyes. And partner or not here, I have to do it alone. When have you ever done anything truly alone, Sarah? Did you ever have to drive yourself to promotions so your parents can afford to live in their house? Have you ever had to overcome an addiction that slowly clawed on the back of your mind? Have you ever watched your lover get lowered into a grave? I don't think so, Sarah."

"You have very few tragedies in your life and you're so far removed from them that you can get a bunch of trash thrown on you and equate that to how it feels like to be me. You couldn't last a day in my shoes, Lacklan, half because it requires admitting you can improve and half because they're not made with baby seal leather."

"You want a statistic, Sarah? You're 8.5% the person I am, even with your money, your cult, your wife, and countless opportunities I haven't been afforded."

"It only makes sense that you're greatest attribute is your ability to trash talk because you are that trait personified. You're flashy, provocative, controversial, captivating, loud, verbose, and-!"

Ned abruptly stops.


"You pore over every little detail you can mock your opponent for because the fact is that as abysmally boring as I might be, you're even moreso. You're a rich girl who acts pompous. You're Centurion without class. You're a New Yorker without the heart. You're the kind to shop at the places people like me have to save up for on a daily basis. Hell, you had to halfheartedly join a cult to seem just a tiny bit more interesting than you really are. Because without your Twitter, without your money, without your ability to condescend... you're nothing. And I'm going to show everyone just how much of you is truly empty."

"I mean, you dedicated time to say that I would never get a match I've already earned. Accuracy apparently isn't your forté."

"You're only as good as your bitter words, sister. Or do you actually think the people who are getting excited for a Sarah Lacklan promo are saying, "Wow, I can't wait for Kenzi and Sarah to flirt with each other in bed and talk about the other's ass!" Meanwhile, as baffling as it may seem to you, people keep an eye on me because they like the person I am; believe in the person I am, not just the words coming out of my mouth."

Ned stares into the camera as Big D begins to walk to his side.

"And that, 5'2" Mafia, is the cold-"

"Notorious truth."

The picture cuts to black.

Big D for being my partner.
Noah for making The Nedalorian.
Lacklan and Kenzi for not making it easy.
And YOU for reading all my crap.

"You can't run from yourself."
[Image: riNkNZw.png]
Wins | Losses | Draws
59 | 37 | 4

Indie Darling Eternal

#33 on The XWF Top 50(2021)
1x Tag Team Champion[with Isaiah King](Current)
2x [Image: CbviDqC.png] (Former)
1x X-Treme Champion(Former)
The Final Supercontinental Champion
1x Television Champion(Former)
Star of the Month - April 2019 | March 2021 | December 2022
RP of the Month - March 2021 (Void of the Mind)
Winner - Leap Of Faith Rafter Match 2019
1x 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Winner - War Games 2023(With Mark Flynn, Isaiah King, & Crash Rodriguez as G00D-B01)

All Time Career(Interfed)
Wins | Losses | Draws
61 | 39 | 4
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