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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
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Atara Raven Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

11-16-2019, 12:01 AM

Backstage Savage Saturday Night

Sat in front of a heavily lit vanity mirror, make-up artist and production staff working frantically around her, was Atara Themis. The show was set to start shortly and Atara, being a self-proclaimed queen of procrastination, had decided that today of all days was a perfect day to be late. Story of her life really, her mother had never explained that fashionably late was really only applicable in social situations. This was hardly a social situation. The young superstar was having difficulty adjusting to her new life amidst the bright lights of the XWF and the professionalism it was going to require to be successful at this level. Likely not making many friends on the management level with her tardiness, Atara had noticed it was affecting her in-ring performance too.

Long gone were the days at the top of the independent circuit were her draw power allowed her to get away with it. She was at the bottom of the totem pole now, the greenhorn trying to earn stripes and some respect in the locker room. She had barely scraped by Barney Green, a star on the bottom end of his career. She had let Mercy and Brian get into her head the previous week and hadn't given her all. Resorted to low brow and lazy tactics against Morbid at Anarchy. She wasn't exactly playing to character, had become distracted by the modest amount of glitz and glam that was thrown her way. Atara felt she wasn't exactly making the impression she had hope to make after she had signed. Now tonight, about to head into one of the largest arena's she might ever perform in, and the ball had been dropped again. She had to fix this problem fast before she found herself back romping the east coast in high school gymnasiums and cramped civic centers. Maybe she needed a mentor or a cut back in her scheduling, a babysitter to keep her in check...a swift kick in the ass to remind her of the opportunity she was blowing.

Maybe Jessalyn would give it or maybe Atara had enough of lady luck on her side to pull another one out of a hat. It was Vegas after all......and her birthday. Whatever happened tonight though, it was a new ballgame. If she didn't get canned, Atara was going to put the roster on notice. Be it remnants of the past like Jessalyn or Barnie, or the current headliners, everybody was getting her 100 percent from this point on.

She was broken from her reverie by the snapping fingers of a production assistant vying for her attention.

"Hey, Hey, Atara, you with me? You gotta give us something. You didn't do any promotional work this week. Make it quick, we can upload a quote or two to the site before you go out or something. We ain't got time for anything elaborate so fuckin shoot if you have to."

Atara looked up, a bit taken back, she tried to speak but was cut off by another hand in her face applying lip liner, "Ye..yea..yeah, I got you, but I don't know what to say. I've never heard of Jessalyn Hart til I saw her name on the card."

"Yeah yeah...some chick from the old bombshell days. Tag champion with Vita. Making a comeback yadda one but nostalgic fans give a shit, Come on. Give me a quote or I'll make it up myself and I'll make you sound like Gilmore"[/color]

"Alright...alright, um let me think for a sec......I don't know, put something up about how she was irrelevant then and how she's irrelevant now. Her only memorable aspect is that she was tied to VIta's hip once upon a time and even she has moved to bigger better things. Look, really I don't know what to say. She's not exactly Sarah Lackan or worth the headache. She's one half of forgotten history, nothing more than catchphrase...that's it. I got nothing else."

"Good enough for me..."

With that, he was out leaving Atara to finish getting ready.

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2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
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