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Changes To Savage
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Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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06-08-2019, 04:52 PM

First I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my post a few days ago with their thoughts and suggestions about the current state of Saturday Night Savage. We discussed your ideas and here has what we have come up with.

The 6/15/19 edition of Savage will be the last weekly edition of the show. After that we will be making the following changes:

Saturday Night Savage will now be bi-weekly. (6/29/19 will be the first bi-weekly Savage)

There will no longer be roleplay options for the show.

The roleplay rules will be as such: 2 roleplays per show, 3k word limit.

There will be as soft deadline for Savage that requires you to post one roleplay with a cold open(meaning no responding to the current cycles trash talk) during the first week. If you meet that deadline you may post a second roleplay during the second week of the roleplay cycle and that roleplay can include trash talk that is a response to your opponent. If you miss the soft deadline you may only post one roleplay during the 2nd week and it must be a cold open.

The soft deadline will be on Friday Night at midnight PST and 3 am EST Saturday mornings with the hard deadline continuing to be midnight PST and 3am EST the day before the show.(Day of the show if you are on the EST).
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[-] The following 8 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
Atticus Gold (06-08-2019), Barney Green (06-08-2019), Corey Smith (06-09-2019), James Raven (06-10-2019), Ned Kaye (06-08-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-08-2019), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (06-08-2019), Tommy Wish (06-08-2019)

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