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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
This Is Not The End
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Kid Kool Offline
#WarGames [#bPrepared]


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-05-2019, 08:41 PM

Kid Kool is sitting on the side of his hotel room bed. He taps the record button again and continues from where he left off.....

"See broski, I'm not really 'racist', just to let you know. Not like so many who've walked the halls of the XWF, people like Dimallisher, Peter Gilmour, Frodo Smackins... Dude, if you can't take a few puns, tomorrow is going to be the day your frail sense of pride meets it maker. Hell, shouldn't someone like you be thick skinned? Shouldn't you be able to take a few jokes, shrug 'em off, and prove yourself to be the better man? Too bad.... I'm sure a lot of people expected more from you. You shouldn't let shit like that affect you if you're so damn proud, so confident in yourself..... but you're not, are you? El Pantera, your end is nigh.... I AM your end!

"You're angry, but dude, so am I. Everyone treats me like a fucking joke. If they only knew about the accomplishments I've garnered over the past ten years or so, titles from home and abroad, illustrious battles fought and won, the impact I've made on the small time... all of this will lead to me being THE biggest name in the history of the XWF and a future Hall of Famer. While you? You're retiring from this promotion before you even gave it a chance. It just shows to me that you KNOW you don't belong, that you can't hang here. You say I'm racist, yet one of the most talented men to ever step in an XWF ring, one of THE biggest names that made me fall in love with this place when I was a teen, a dude that made me wanna be a part of this place one day... he went by the name of Hunter Payne. One of THE most elite Mexican superstars of all time. He would THRASH you if the two of you ever stepped toe to toe. But a pity, you'll never meet him. You'll NEVER have the pleasure of facing a TRUE Latino MegaStar. Which is perhaps a good thing for you....

"...I might cripple you.... but he'd put you six feet under, without a breath left in your tired old body. Something to be thankful for, I'm sure. Count your lucky stars, my friend. Feel lucky you're facing me and not him. One day, maybe I'll be as big of a star as Hunter, but right now? I'll simply be happy to take the teacher to school. This student is gonna OBLITERATE you, from pillar to post and back again. I've held the HMW and Feder titles because I have TALENT. Much more than I've been acredited for. While you? You've been overhyped, and over-estimated, while underperforming, night in, night out, being the laughable 'legend' that you are...

"While I, myself, am slowly carving out my future. I will be known as a multiple time champion, a TRUE 'legend', someone deserving of each opportunity and every accomplishment, a man that will DESTROY anyone that comes in the way of me and my destiny. I'm sure you didn't expect someone like me to bring you a fight, Mr. Pro Wrestling Icon... but here I am. Mind on the match ahead, body ready, spirit and soul aligned. Brah, you better be prepared, cuz you and your whole pathetic career are about to take a journey to hell.... and it's a one-way trip, mi amigo.

"I NEVER turn down a challenge. You can always count on the Kid to step up and surpass any expectations. This is MY time, MY legacy to forge and exceed any before me, or after. I will forever remain the shining star in the world of sports entertainment. Pantera? You poked the wrong bear, and you WILL pay.... dearly, my friend. You, along with everyone else, loves to toss shit at me about how I'm the lowest rung on the totem pole, how I'll never amount to a damn thing. But you're wrong. EACH and everyone of you are wrong about me, and I WILL prove it, beginning tomorrow night. Step up, give it your best shot, come at me with every good gawd damn thing you have, and I WILL crush you to the canvas, you little itty bitty worm-riddled chihuahua!!!!

"Bring every last ounce of passion, pride and fury you can muster. Bring it all, so you're left without an excuse as to why a 'joke' like Kid Fuckin' Kool wound up putting you on the shelf for good. Don't play it down, let the world know I'm better than you. Don't hide it, don't run from it.... I am your maker. I am your destroyer. I AM the man that will leave you broken and bloody on the mat, while I lift my fists to the sky and begin my quest to be the best... it's not a wish or a hope... it's inevitable.

"There's a reason I chose this match. Weapons all around, no way for you to escape.... I will beat you into the ground, step on you, trample you, show to the WORLD that you're nothing more than a piece of trash to be tossed away and never remembered. You. Are. My. Stepping stone. Try, just TRY to choke me out......... just like Kuda, you see yourself as better than everyone else, and the caveboi did indeed walk away with the win, retaining his title. But the truth is, he barely met with me in that match and I can assure you, Kuda, if you're watching at home, that I WILL regain that Federweight title, and I won't let go of it any time soon. E.P., overlook me in favor of your MMA bullshit....

"....because if you do? You'll end up retired from that shit hole as well, and the only fight you'll have left is the fight you'll have every day when it comes to looking yourself in the mirror. As for you, Kuda.... your title is 'YOUR' title simply because I haven't gotten my hands around that thick, stupid neanderthal neck of yours. After I finish with Pantera, after I defeat Dolly for the Hart strap, I want me and you, title vs title in a best of seven match, whenever you're feeling ready to jump in and prove your dominance. Whichever one of us that picks up the win would take home both belts... think about this, caveman. And get back to me...

"Dolly? I know you're like, a teenager or something, and yeah you're a chick, but I've heard you trash talk, seen you in the ring... gurl, you've got it. But not for much longer, cuz when we step to eachother at Warfare, you're lengthy remain will come crashing down around you. Come Warfare, there will be nowhere to run or hide and your cute little ass WILL be mine! Maybe afterward we can hit the town, there's no hard feelings here, just business. I might even let you hold the gold for me a couple of times, let you shine it up real nice and make sure its cleaned up for my first defense!! XD ... Gurlie, don't be afraid, cuz I know you must be quaking in your boots. I know I fuckin' rule and you drool, but I'll teach you a few 'moves' after I take that title. Make sure your body is ready!!! ^.^

"Rogan... Ned? Great job, bruhz, that was an excellent showing from both of you and I know you won't let the fans down when you step to eachother at Warfare. Justin Sayne, Eratik, hell even I didn't show much in that six-man for the Federweight gold, but the two of you came THIS close to toppling the big man, Kuda. John, you're a big ol' boy and you're a bit of a legend in the business to boot. It was a pleaure working with you, and I can see you toppling Kuda one day.... but either way, one of the two of you will eventually meet me, and it'll be end of reign for you. Resistence is futile, sorry 'bout your damn luck!!! XD

"And Ned Flanderz, my man.... it was an honor. You put in all the effort you have within whenever you step through those ropes. One day, perhaps on Anarchy, we NEED to square off, mano e mano. As I told you on Twitter, I'd LOVE to face you without other guys complicating things. The two of us would burn the roof down, tear up the house and give the fans a main event worthy of an old school XWF pa-per-view. You and I are a part of the future around here... best of luck, broski. You deserve it. :^)

"Finally, Game Gurl.... chick-ah, howz you doin'?! XD ... If you ever wanna 'hang out', I'm always available. We can play some Super Metroid, crush some koopas, co-op on an RPG or somethin'. You're a cute kid, and it'd be an absolute pleasure to spend time with you. Why am I asking? I've seen your promos... you have a different style than most. You and Lacklan differentiate yourselves so much from the run of the mill 'talent' [used loosely] that flood this place to the brim. I wouldn't mind teaming with you, grabbing those tag titles, dusting off an old copy of Final Fantasy and making a day of it. If you ever do wish to, we could even watch Labyrinth with David Bowie as Jareth. Rain always loved that flick... had a HUGE crush on the guy. Personally I don't see the intrigue. :-/

"GG..... hit me up! ^_^ <333 ... And Kool Kidz, that marks the end of this edition of the #KoolKidz .... see you all tomorrow night when my career truly begins to take off. Till next time, TTFN!!!! ^.^ <3 "

With that, KK shuts off his phone, pockets it, and lays down on the bed... flipping on the tube. His aquisition of Paradox Inc. is all over the news, the talk shows, even the XWF Network. His new venture is all the rage, and he knows his life is about to pick up... Smiling, Kid Kool lets out a sigh, as the scene once again fades...

~ + ~

Demi Lovato is in another hotel room, ordering room service, when a knock comes at her door. "Uhm, that's all for now, I might have some yogurt later. Thank you oh so much." She hangs up the phone, rolls her eyes sarcastically and walks over to the door. "Who in the hell is it??" ..... nobody answers. "DAMMIT!" Demi yells to no one in particular. She eyes Kid Kool through the door's peep hole, and lets out a large sigh. "I don't care if you're some famous, well-paid wrestler!! I'm ALREADY famous and I have enough money to buy and sell you in the same breath!!! I don't need a date with you, I don't want one, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, OKAY?!"

Kid Kool speaks, on the other side of the door; "Demi.... I'm sorry for constantly bugging you. It's just that I know we'd be an INCREDIBLE couple, I'm THE most talented wrestler on the planet, you're the most talented musician/actress .....I just can't give up, I'm sorry!! >_< ...I just know one day we'll be together and I'll PROVE to you that we make for an exceptionally gorgeous pair! Just one chance, ONE chance, c'mon Demi!!! Whadya say???"

Demi huffs and puffs, hastely grabbing the phone and yellin out, "SECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!!~1 Get your ass down here, there's a stalker after me and he's right outside the damn door, I can't handle this shit, I'm about to record my next album and I keep being followed by this FREAK who wants to get inside my pants!!! GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE PRONTO!! I want this guy locked up in jail, on the double!!!!!"

KK's eyes widen to the size of saucer plates, as he rushes off.... right into a HUGE, black, muscular security guard, and KK bounces off the guy's enormous chest, the self-proclaimed "#InternetSuperstar" landing on the floor from the impact. The guard yanks KK by the hand, pulling him across the floor while Kool yelps and screams, "DEMIIIIIIII, DON'T GIVE UP ON US, PLEASE!!!" ...To which Demi shouts, "THERE IS NO US, AND THERE NEVER WILL BE!!! Now leave me alone!! Next time you mess with me you'll have to deal with much worse than security.... I have a can of mace and I'm not afraid to use it!!!"

The security guard tosses Kid Kool out of the hotel, before tossing KK's bags out through the door, with them landing right ontop of KK, who feels the cases hit him in the gut and head. He lays flat on the ground, people circling him, worrying for the Kool One..... will he be ready by tomorrow? Only time will tell...

....a smirk can be seen on KK's face, regardless of the fact he's been flattened. Thinking about retiring Pantera AND the press conference, the laid out KK is happier than ever..... fade to black.

~ + ~

Pantera... still running your mouth, I see?? Again, I'm not racist, dude. I only used those stereotypical statements to get under your skin, and it worked. If you were half the 'man' you think you are, that shit wouldn't have gotten to you, especially when you're surrounded by racists everytime you step into an XWF lockerroom. From people that talk shit about women to those that piss all over people with serious diseases, this place is much more than a sniveling, nit-picking cretin like you can handle. I don't just have the INTELLIGENCE to run a company, I have the creativity and not to mention, the dough. Tomorrow night at Savage, Paradox Inc. comes home to papa. And meanwhile, you'll be headed for the retirement village!! XD

"BTW?? The cage we're stepping into is a normal cage filled with weapons. The cage YOU'RE talking about was an Elimination Chamber with pods for 4 men, six dudes in total. We're just two men, and I KNOW we're gonna tear the roof off of the arena.... if you could be more like me, we could shake hands afterward and call it a day, but no, instead? You have to bitch and moan and cry and whine like that douche Rain. When Savage rolls around, I'll take the pleasure of DRIVING you into the canvas, and maybe, just maybe I'll make YOU tap. Don't count me out just cuz you think you know me..... because you don't.

"As for being 'gullible'... I'm not the dumb one. The mom? Tad? Anyone who writes me off as a joke? THEY'RE the idiots. They don't know just how much I'll be worth in a few months time.... I'll rise, I'll grow, I'll evolve, and I'll FOREVER surpass you and all others. Tomorrow night, I prove to you who's the joke, and who's the man to put the other in a casket, and drive that final nail in the coffin. You act like you know me inside and out, when you don't. You say I'm not very bright, you say I'm not very creative, you even call me a 'pedophile' of all things?

"Dude.... you don't know me at all. But you will. The whole wide WORLD will, and that's a fact, jack.

"The only one crying in pain will be the Mexican Chimichanga himself, El Fancy Pantz. I'm READY for my match with Dolly, while I know for a fact you're not ready to roll around in a wheelchair for the rest of your days. Alejandro.... keep dreaming about my dreams being tortured by your prescence.... cuz that's all they ever will be. The dreams of a has-been. Just like your dream of retiring on top. You're about to be a heap on the floor, my man. Nothing more, nothing less.


[Image: darren%20gardella.png]

5x HeavyMetalWeight | 1x Federweight | #YourOnlyHope | #HeroOfTheDay | #80s4LIFE
@kool_beanz_123 (on forum) | "I'm 2 cute for this shit." ~ Hunter Payne | W/L -- 3/11 | @kool_beanz_123 (on twitter)
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