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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
Diary of a <img src=""> .... Part 2: The <img src=""> Aristocrats
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-18-2017, 01:41 PM

Scully was once a wrestler who brought pleasure to all the viewers watching the XWF live or on the Television from their homes. His dumbness was some what funny to watch and he always brought a smile to your little faces. The Scully introduced his own title, the XWF Championship which is somewhere floating around the company and in the unrightful possession of someone else. He also created the XWF Dumb & Dumber Tag-Team Championships, he gave one to Maverick, who stole it and probably shat on it. Disgusting. The went away for a long time but it had now returned.
Skull had been drifting in and out of mode in the tag-team tournament run, where he made it to the finals with 'Batman' aka Guppy Parsh. Team 2.0 won the final and they now face the accomplished duo of Theo Pryce and Doctor D'Ville, also known to everyone as the Kings at the coincidental, King of the Ring pay-per-view for the XWF Tag-Team Championships. The odds are stacked against Team 2.0 but this was the XWF and considering who were the members of this exciting, entertaining, comedy but odd team, anything could happen. They didn't get through the tournament by chance, they did it by winning and working as a team, if anything the momentum was in their favour.

Being a wasn't always easy, speaking plain English was just the start of it. You might struggle to open a can of tuna using a can opener, count to ten or you might even find it difficult to shut your blinds properly so you don't get caught masturbating. That's what happened to XWF'S Resident , he was happily tugging himself off with dribble running down his chin whilst pausing the pink ranger from the 90s on his TV screen. He was caught in the act by his best mate, Alfie who was as shocked finding his friend playing with his suasage as he was realising that Scully was back to his old ways. Alfie now knew that Scully had injected himself with something we all know as the Plot Device. However, Scully is meant to be having his son, Aston for the day and Alfie was going to try his best to make sure that happens.

Continued from Part 1

Alfie had to pull on Scullys T-shirt to get him out of the door. He then gestures for Skull to get the passenger seat of his VW Golf by opening the door but Skull shakes his head, refusing to enter.

"Skull just get in to the car will you?!"

"Na... I don wanna go in da frunt. I wanna sit in da bak."

"Sit in the back then."

Alfie closes the passenger door as Scully opens the back door. Skull opens it too quick and hits himself in the knee with the door. Skull yells out, "Owwwwwwwwwwww"

Scully begins hobbling around and a tear falls down his eye.

"Are you Okay?"

"Dat urt!"

Skull struggles but manages to lift up his trouser leg. A big red mark sits in the middle of his knee.

"Thats gonna bruise. "

"Caan we go now?"

"Yeah sure."

Skull had suddenly forgotten about the pain he was supposedly in and sits in the back seat. Skull notices that next to him was a child's seat. Skull attempts to sit in it although he was way too big and his head touched the roof of the car. Alfie enters the drivers side and he notices.

"What are you doing now? That's for Aston to sit in."

"It ant fare, he gets efaryfin'. Y cant I sit ere?"

"Cuz your son needs to sit there and you're too big."

Scully immediately gets off the kids chair and sulks. He tries to put his seatbelt on which takes him a while to get It in. Alfie just shook his head, already frustrated. Alfie starts the vehicle and proceeds to drive. The journey to Scully's former house begins. To be fair he didn't live too far away from his three bedroom house but Natalie was still weary of Skulls drinking habits, so having Alfie joining him was in the best interests right now. Anyway Skull sat surprisingly well, quietly in the back, Alfie had the radio on low and Scully just stares out the window. But it didn't last. Scully suddenly asks that annoying question, "R we dare yet?"

Which Alfie simply replies, "Not yet."

"Dis is takin' ayges."

"Sing a song then...."

Alfie immediately regretted it.

"I no a song dat’ll git on ur nurves, git on ur nurves, git on ur nurves.. I no a song dat’ll git on ur nurves, git on ur nurves, git on ur nurves.. I no a song dat’ll git on ur nurves, git on ur nurves, git on ur nurves..

Alfie quickly gets fed up of that, needless to say, it gets on his nerves.

"Okay enough of that! Sing something else."


Roe, roe, roe ur boat,
Gentley downe da streem,
If u c a crocadile,
Don forgit ta screem.


Alfie jumps out of his seat, slightly swerving after the loud girly scream from Scully. Skull just laughs his ass off and it continues for a while, he even got himself into hysterics. Once he calmed down, he changes the song.

"R u reddy kids? "I, I Captin"
I cant ere u! "I, I CAPTIN"
Hoo lives in a pineappel unda da c?
"Spungebob Sqarepants"
Absorban an yello an poros iz he!
"Spungebob Sqarepants"
If nawtical nonsanse bee sumfing u wish
"Spungebob Sqarepants"
Den drop on da dek an flop lyk a fish!
"Spungebob Sqarepants"
Spungebob Sqarepants
Spungebob Sqarepants
Spungebob Sqarepants


As enjoyable as that song is, Alfie wished for the NORMAL Scully back.

After a while or should we say after Alfie had to endure Scully singing more nursery rhymes and other childish songs, well actually that ain't it. Alfie also had to play eye spy with Scully, put up with him kicking his chair and answer the question "Are we there yet?" another 532 times (Okay maybe that's an exaggeration) They reach their destination to the relief of Alfie. Alfie parks his car on Scullys drive (Skullinski still owned the house after all) and then Alfie looks at Scully whilst undoing his seatbelt.

"Skull just hang on here, I'm just gonna speak to Nat mate."

Scully grins, he was excited at the thought of having his son for the day. Alfie turns the engine off and exits the vehicle, taking the keys with him, just in case. Alfie walks up to the front door and presses the doorbell. He waits a few seconds and Natalie opens the door.

"Hey Alf, where's Mike then?"

Natalie looks over at Alfies Golf. It was certainly a surprise to see Skull sat in front turning the steering wheel and pretending to drive. By the look of him, he is making car noises, "Wroooom."

Natalie then asks Alfie, "Why's he acting weird? Is he still on drugs or been drinking again? Aston is looking forward to seeing him and he turns up like that?"

"Erm... Hear me out. Not drugs. Not alcohol. He's taken something and do you remember when he was a little ]

"A little ? He was totally . He was annoying as fuck but nice at the same time. I could get him to go down on me for hours......"


Natalie stared into space, thinking about those times. 3.. 2... 1.. Back in the room or doorway in this case.

"Oh sorry, did I say that out loud?! I preferred him normally though of course, when he wasn't shagging Korean chicks!"

Alfie wasn't sure how to respond to that... RKO OUTTA NOWHERE. Not really, Scully appears out of nowhere and immediately motor boats Natalies cleavage in her black low top. Nat steps back.

"Ooooooh... Bitty... "

"Mike don't do that. We're not together anymore."

Skull sulks at being rejected and sits on the grass. Natalie looks at Alfie, "Maybe today isn't a great idea."

"Of course it is.. You don't have to worry, I'll watch them."

"You're not meant to babysit them both...."

Talk about contradicting yourself, I thought Alfie was asked for support because of Scullys recent alcohol abuse? That's what Alfie thought to himself as Natalie rambled on.

"I mean he's meant to be his dad and he's a bit simple. He might do a wrestling move and hurt him? Or feed him cat food."

"Scully doesn't have a cat so he doesn't have cat food. You don't have to worry about a thing, they'll be fine."

I'm sure it'll be fine. You have my number anyway. Let me go and get him..."

Natalie smiles and walks down the hallway and into living room.

"Oh Aston...
Daddies here."

Aston is excited, his grin is enormous and he's so happy. Natalie picks up the 19month old out of the play pen and picks up a little Thomas the Tank engine bag from beside the sofa. She then carries Aston to the front door.

"Dadda... Dadda"

Scully suddenly stops sulking and quickly gets to his feet, greeting Aston as the little toddler wraps his arms around his daddy. Natalie couldn't deny the fact that Aston thought the world of his papa. Skull takes Aston on the grass and puts him down. Skull spreads his arms out straight and pretends to fly like a plane, Aston copies his dad.


Natalie smiles at her now, ex and their son playing happily. She looks at Alfie.

"Looks like he'll have a great day with his dad. In this bag are nappies, wet wipes, another set of clothes in case and a couple of bottles. Oh and his juice."

"Okay thank you."

Natalie passes Alfie the bag and then remembers something.

"Oh I better get his blankie"

She rushes off to get the blankie and then returns, handing it over. They say the usual goodbyes and have cuddles etc... Before taking Aston back to Scully's.

A while later....

Alfie, Scully and his son Aston was now back at Skulls place. Skull had actually brought his little man some new toys to play with, okay Skull played with them himself. Anyway they were playing happily with the variety of Power Rangers, Turtles, spongebob figures and cars. They're was plenty to choose from whilst Alfie chilled on the Xbox. RING, RING. RING, RING. Alfie had a phone call, so he placed the controller on the arm of the sofa bed. He answers the phone knowing it is his boyfriend, Jamie.

"Hey Jay.....
Yeah... One sec...."

Alfie looks at Skull, "I'm just gonna take this call out the back door, I won't be long. Carry on playing as you were."
Scully simply smiles, acknowledging Alfies call. Alfie goes outside on the phone....

Alfie wasn't on the phone for too long but by the time he came back in, Scully was playing a different game. Skull wore a white doctor's coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He had made a crown out of cardboard and sat it on his head. He has also dressed little Aston up too, he sat on the floor with a blonde wig on and Scully had cut the sleeves off the t-shirt his boy was wearing. A ken doll of some sort sat in a little chair wearing a black suit and he also wore a tiny cardboard crown. Ken sat next to a black doll, who also wore a suit and a cardboard crown. Alfie quietly sits down on the sofa and watches to see what was going on, although he had an idea.

Skull speaks in an intellectual way or attempts too, "I iz da Docta De Vile. I cawl miself da XFW Tag Champ aldoe I ad an eazi ryde."

Okay it didn't sound intelligent at all, just . The Doctor D'ville hey?

Scully encourages Aston to say something little or do something funny. He suddenly says, "Wock On! Choc choc."

Aston was simply asking for chocolate at the end of that short sentence. Skull or should we say D'Ville passes an opened pack of buttons to the lad. Aston aka Vinnie gets stuck in, stuffing the chocolate in his mouth. Oh wait....Whats going on here? Ken and the black doll are kissing, well their plastic mouths are planted against each other as Skull holds them in place. Skull begins to impersonate voices.

"Oh Feo... Mi darlin' Feo"

"Oh Sam... Alls.. Stik ur blak cok in me, baybay!"

It's no secret who is who now and what Scully is playing. Alfie was finding it some what amusing . Suddenly a toy dog enters the scene and before anything else can happen, Skull throws a tea towel over his sons eyes so he can't see. The black dog, a Labrador to be precise, begins humping Samuels.

"Woof! Woof!"

"U all need elp, sicoatrik.....

Let me joyne in."

D'ville picks up some monopoly money from the game board and throws it over his fellow kings.

"Oh Feo... Mi darlin' Feo. Luk at all dis dolla!"

"Oh Sam... Alls.. It'z grate ta b rich n ta b kings."

"We cud av gay sex in da muney. "

"Doc, don git us all eggcited."

"Were's dat pesant Cadwyn? N sex slave, Madi?"

Aston was playing with the cars. He has a black Rolls-Royce and a green Aston Martin in his hands and then... Smashes the two into each other. He then forces the toy cars to tumble over.

"Dey ded!"


Scully tips some sherbet on the table and the remaining kings have a monopoly note each rolled up in front of them.


"Daddy, me? Me?"

Aston aka Vinnie was asking for some sherbet.

"Onli for kings!"

"I am king?"

The doctor rips off his coat, dropping it to floor and picks up Mini Vinnie and spins him around in an aeroplane spin. Vinnie giggles and the blonde wig falls off to the floor. D'Ville puts Loverboy down, little man is light on his feet, falling to the floor and sitting on his bum. He wasn't the only one who was dizzy as Skull falls down too, chuckling to himself.

"U, Vinnee... R not a memba of da kings!"

Skull sniffs the air.

"An u stink!"

Alfie then joins into the conversation, "Does Aston need his bum changed?"

Aston nods.


"Of course... Loverboy did a poo poo?"

Scully suddenly brings in Batman and Robin figures and beats up the ken doll (Theo) and the black doll (Samuels).

"Da doc ran away! We're da champz."

Scully then looks up at Alfie, "I'm ungry."



"Appy meal daddy?"

"Yea we git a toy"

"Let's change Astons nappy and we can go."

Scully smiles, grabbing a big black diary off his table with a pen and begins writing the events of his day so far, whilst he waits for Alfie to change Astons nappy.

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[-] The following 4 users Like Scully's post:
Barney Green (08-20-2017), Guppy Parsh (08-18-2017), Theo Pryce (08-18-2017), Vincent Lane (08-19-2017)

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