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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Looking for a FIGHT (or alliance)! Looking to insult each other (or team up)!
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Respect Has To Be Earned
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Super Mario Offline
The Game Has Changed and So Have I

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-28-2017, 06:18 AM

as the familiar tune of Super Mario is play he comes rising from beneath the stage through a cloud of smoke as he hi-fives the crowd cheering him he gets into the ring where immediately the look on his face turns serious

DOLLY WATERS!!!! I know you're back there so get your ass out here right goddamn now!!! he barks out loud in a voice loud enough to shake the stadium
"you may think you run shit round this motherfucker just cause you're so tough that there aint no one balls enough to come at you face to face in a fight in the ring title or no title well guess fuckin' what? that's about to change right goddamn here and now! causeBITCH I'M CHALLENGING YOU TO A STREETFIGHT NEXT SATURDAY FOR THE XWF X-TREME TITLE!!! and you're about to see a side of me no one ever gets to see anymore THE SIDE THAT UNLEASHES HELL and that's exactly what I intend to do to you as I take my time nice and slow tearing you apart limb from limb! then we'll see how tough shit you really are so if you accept my challenge then come out here face to face and say so!!! c'mon out here bitch and face the only man in the XWF who actually has the balls to call you out for a fight!!! the only man who aint afraid to fight a woman who aint afraid to kick your ass who aint afraid of getting his ass kicked by a woman and live to tell the tale! because TITLE OR NO TITLE BITCH THIS IS ABOUT EARNING RESPECT WHICH MAKES THIS SHIT PERSONAL

Mario slams down the mic and waits impatiently for Dolly to come out his facial expression steaming hot his eyes burning with fire

ooc:for those that are wondering this is the first post in what's going to be an ongoing storyline feud between Mario and Dolly because he's finally had enough of her shit talking and claiming that the men of XWF have no balls and are afraid to fight her so he's decided to step up to the bat and take her on and take her down and show her that there IS someone who aint afraid to fight her who has the balls to take her on anytime anywhere in any match title or no title in the name of earning respect from her for himself and as well the XWF X-TREME TITLE if she accepts his challenge

[Image: 7288a5ce883b155ddbaf03e64e671bd0.jpg]

This Ain't No Game!
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Super Mario's post:
Misty Waters (04-28-2017)
Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


XWF FanBase:
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04-28-2017, 06:30 AM

Just then "Hail to the King" rings through the stadium. The crowd has a moderate pop and the screaming of girls for this good polynesian d can be heart distinctly. Accompanied by his butler, Jackson Turi, Danny Imperial walks out from back stage with a quizzical look on his face.

"Oh dear me, look what we have here Jack, it's a wild Italian."

Danny chuckles to himself lightly.

"See here Mario, I know you're angry Dolly almost killed you. I know you're angry you couldn't get your little sausage dipped in that psychobitch's lady bits and I know you haven't got your underage fix for the day... Why don't you just take your pills, crawl back under that ring, and bring some peace to the kids in the crowd eh?"

The Unchained Prince

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]
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Misty Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

04-28-2017, 06:50 AM

Dolly's face appears on the XTron...

"Calm down, Mario before you start shitting bricks and gold coins.

Yer' challenging someone who already requested a rendezvous in beating yer' ass, huh? Wanting to up the stakes a bit, huh? Wanting to earn some respect around here, huh?

Well guess what?"

A video highlight reel plays on the screen:


Dolly had recovered unnaturally quick from the superkick and blasted Kitt in the mouth with the shining wizard.

KITT FALLS FROM THE CELL and crashes through the announcement table!!!

Quote:Dolly ran back into the ring, grabbing the axe brought in earlier and slams it into Barney’s back as she fell down!!! BARNEY FALLS OVER ONTO HIS FACE WITH THE AXE STILL STUCK IN HIS SPINE!

Dewey: “This has been one of the most violent matches I’ve ever called in my entire career!”

Dolly stands up, her body covered in blood, useless left arm dangling down as she limps over toward green, planting a foot on his back and ripping the axe out of his body.

Quote:Dewey: What's Waters going to do? No! Dolly, you could kill her!

Dolly rests the chair on top of Riot's head, then scales the ropes in the corner, measuring her opponent...


A spurt of blood shoots out from beneath the chair, but other than that Riot is completely motionless as Waters rolls her onto her back and places on foot on her destroyed face for a pin!

"I accept.

You want to take things to the XTreme? Be my fucking guest fat boy. Oh and as far as you earning respect? Well...

All you need to do is show up and you'll have earned some. Maybe in the meantime Mr. Imperial can teach you a few pointers in this field."

The feed on the XTron is lost.

2x KWA Unified Southern Glory Champion
6x KWA Middleweight Champion
4x KWA Tag Team Champion
1x XWF XTreme Champion

-Dumb Dolly records that no one cares about-

3x XTreme Champion
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

3x Star Of The Month
August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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Super Mario Offline
The Game Has Changed and So Have I

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-28-2017, 06:50 AM

Mario laughs

"oh sure go ahead and make fun of me and try to label me as another carbon copy of that perverted jackass mikey graves
the only difference between me and him is the fact i'm actually willing to bust my ass in this ring and fight for what i want one on one in this ring and I'm not going anywhere till I get it

i'm not after sex I'm not into perversion I'm after respect I'm after gold and if you want to get ballsy with me you ugly excuse for a court jester I'll gladly take your head as my trophy to go with it!...your choice!" he says making a come at me bro motion and pointing to the ring where he's standing

as for you Dolly you think those scenes of you going off like a female Jason, Freddy Kreuger, and Chucky all rolled into one is supposed to scare ME? well I got news for ya IT DONT DO SHIT!!! I wasnt scared of you then I'm not now and I'll be there for sure you can count on it and as I said I'm going to unleash hell on earth the only way I know how: THE BROOKLYN NEW YORK WAY!!!

I'LL be seeing you next Saturday!

[Image: 7288a5ce883b155ddbaf03e64e671bd0.jpg]

This Ain't No Game!
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Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-28-2017, 07:24 AM

Danny bursts out laughing at Mario's tirade.

"Didn't you buy her flowers? Didn't you go to the poor little girl's house? You're lucky papa Waters wasn't there to kill you Mario. I'm sorry, remind me again why you're relevant other than being on every child rapist registry from here to Tokyo? You aren't nearly good enough to step into the ring with me, let alone a 14 year old with a title.
The underside of the ring probably looks real good right now."

The Unchained Prince

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]
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Super Mario Offline
The Game Has Changed and So Have I

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-28-2017, 08:30 AM

"and yet if you'll notice that's about the only thing that separates both me and you unless you let the bright lights blind you from being underground in your little dark hole for so long and rarely ever coming out! he says as he points to his HMW title belt.

As for the underside of the ring that's exactly where I intend to put your remains after I stomp your ugly painted face into disfigurement you disgusting looking king of the circus freaks! I only did that because I actually liked her and respected her enough that I wanted to be friends with her and nothing else. so what if she, you and everybody else took it the wrong way it's not my fault that you let your minds get warped by hanging around Mikey graves ass too long and breathed in too many of his toxic farts! I on the other hand actually got my shit straight it's obvious respect and friendship have to be earned through fighting for it! so if that's what it takes I'll do what i got to do and if that also means going through you too then how bout you step into this ring and instead of me talking about why I'm relevant how about I SHOW YOU once and for all why I'm relevant cause the longer you stand there the only thing you're proving to me as far relevancy goes is that you're only relevant for being king of the cowardly all talk no action chickenshits in other words you ain't no king you're nothing more than just another commonplace puddle of piss peasant!"

[Image: 7288a5ce883b155ddbaf03e64e671bd0.jpg]

This Ain't No Game!
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Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-28-2017, 08:39 AM

"If you consider that hunk of junk an actual title, you're sorely mistaken. Here's a little description I stole off the XWF Fansite. Roll that bitch up."

The X-Tron lights up, playing the following clip.

Creepy Ass Pedo Said:"you could tell for the first time in a long long time he was nervous because even though he was the elder of the two by a number of years he actually had feelings for her and kinda liked her"

The Unchained Prince

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Imperial's post:
Mezian (04-28-2017), Misty Waters (04-28-2017), Theo Pryce (04-28-2017)
Super Mario Offline
The Game Has Changed and So Have I

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-28-2017, 05:10 PM

Mario laughs as does the rest of the crowd "bravo!, bravo! encore! a real oscar worthy performance right there.... way to act real mature Danny-Boy.... way to really show your age with that performance shakespeare! give it up for him folks he's great isnt he?" he says as the crowd mockingly laughs at Danny's portrayal of him being a pervert! and claps

"look here! since inquiring minds feel they MUST know I was tired of seeing her getting disrespected and beat up by jokers like you and everybody else so I decided to try and earn her respect by getting her a gift and being a friend to her you wanna twist it into whatever syou want thats your business not mine. mine is to show her I'm a REAL MAN and not another face in the crowd pervert like you're trying to portray me being besides I think we both can agree that the guy I mentioned Mikey Graves does a better job of that than I ever could when it comes to being a pervert so if you're willing to let it go as just another day in the life incident I'm willing to let it go cause for now I got bigger fish to fry and respect that needs to be earned.

Mario drops the mic on Imperial as his music plays and he climbs the barricade to disappear backstage through the crowd.

[Image: 7288a5ce883b155ddbaf03e64e671bd0.jpg]

This Ain't No Game!
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