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 Current XWF board time: 11-03-2016, 09:22 AM (time should display as Pacific time zone; please contact Admin if it appears to be wrong)

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yesterday, 08:32 PM

Post: #1




Trax signed the contract. He thought about the chance to headline shows as Universal Champion. To calm to chaos that has taken over the heavyweight ranks. What a story. A boy from Brooklyn. A man in Los Angeles. All grown up. Ready to rumble. He counted on playing his game. Being trained physically. At his best mentally. A true first class version pulling together all the best from his past into one shining masterpiece performance.



#1 Contender.

He never considered the dissolving factor. A man that has already beaten the Universal Champion. One who will do anything to win. Trax didn't see it from the other side. Narrow minded. Unfocused with his endless stories about how many times he has been thrown out a door. At least he knows what to expect. Radicality has proven that the Nixon's and Chaos' of the world are no match for the unexpected anything. Anything it takes. All the charisma. All the talent. All the moves. All of it.

Dominance will be foiled.


Your new reality.


Trax, all your promo's could be recorded on the same tape, and no one would ever be able to tell the difference. You're bland. You're boring. Oh I did this, then I went over there and did that, and somehow that means I will win this match because... I guess I'll be lulled to sleep and you'll quietly pin me? It doesn't work like that. There is such a thing as sleepers, but in a match of this magnitude for what this match is for... you can bet your dirty Brooklyn ass that I won't be looking elsewhere. Boring people have unbalanced conversations. Trax, exhibit ONE...

[[ Go ahead and lie which is what you've been doing all past week Reno. Lie and tell me you deserve a chance at the Universal title more. Lie and tell everyone that you're the future, that you've leap frogged over me or are about to at the very least. Its funny to me, I know I'm a veteran in this business and everything but I think people seem to forget how YOUNG I am, I'm 25 Reno, I'm almost 10 years YOUNGER then you are so this future you speak of, with the young guns paving the way? I'm very much apart of that future still, more so then you considering you're closer to 40 then I am, I'm not going anywhere regardless of your empty threat of retiring me, I won't be retiring, not until I've accomplished what I came back to do anyway. I am still relevant as I've always been and will continue to be so, that's why I was on the poster for, and in the main event at. Wild Card Weekend, was you? No of course you wasn't, you wasn't even on the SHOW... ]]

WHAT KIND OF COCKAMAMY BULLSHIT ARE YOU TRYING TO SPIN!? I mean, I honestly got lost between the stupidity and whatever small morsel of a point was ever present. Instead of finding a rhythm between talking and listening, boring people are on either conversational extreme. Boring people can't tell if people are engaged in the conversation. If you're emphatically boring, you're probably missing the other person's body language. I'm not interested in what you are saying TRAX! BUT I am nodding every few seconds only to be polite. Because you don't seem to GET WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU! Let me clear it up... being younger makes you MORE of a disappointment. You will be FORCED TO RETIRE, unless you choose to0 remain the "put over guy" in the low card of XWF. IF THAT IS, A BIG IF, THEY EVEN LET YOU INTO LETHAL LOTTO OVER FRESH MORE RING-READY BLOOD! Why would, or JJ, or Shane want a guy who has failed to prove his worth at every possible turn? Why not give the reigns of the future to guys who HAVE ONE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE!? They haven't gotten XWF this far by ignoring the flow of talent in it's natural direction! YOU WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH! YOU WASN'T BEFORE! YOU WASN'T AFTER. YOU WASN'T EVER. I've got your number, BITCH. I showed it at Shove-It, and unlike you I don't rely on the past to prove my future. I MAKE IT EVERY SECOND I LIVE AND BREATHE! YOU ARE DONE! YOU WILL TAP OUT! I will make you beg, Trax! And there isn't a damn thing you, or anybody in the back is gonna do about it. You've sat here and ignorantly ranted on about me being old or somehow irrelevant for tell you a truth everyone else is too nice to mention out loud? Okay, so FUCKING SUE ME. FILE SUIT. BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU HAVE A SHOT IN BEATING ME ANY FUCKING DAY. I WILL MAKE THIS EVEN BETTER! I got you, baby... don't worry. IF I LOSE TO YOU, I WITHDRAW FROM LETHAL LOTTO! I WILL FUCKING GIVE UP A CHANCE AT THE BRIEFCASE IF I LOSE TO A BITCH LIKE YOU! YOU WANT RADICAL!? YOU WANT ME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP! PUT IT THE FUCK UP! BECAUSE I AM GOING TO LETHAL LOTTERY 4, AND I... AM... WINNING. That is what makes me, me, and you, nobody. Boring people can't make people laugh. They will never be taken seriously by their peers. BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE "IT". Humor shows cognitive flexibility... the ability to assess an idea or an event from a variety of perspectives, and then, naturally, make light of it. Boring people lack it. YOU LACK IT! EXHIBIT TWO!

[[ Reno. I hope you're prepared for this match, or as prepared as you THINK you need to be. I hope you've got all the bullshit out your system, you certainly seemed to be full of a lot of it. So let me be real for a second, and be truthful, truthful... something you'd know nothing about. You're good Reno, sure you hit a bit of a bump and was unable to string consecutive wins for a while but the talent is still there. Its admirable that you believe in yourself, and the things you say so much, so when you lose Wednesday, don't give up and don't stop believing in yourself. Continue to strive to be successful, as successful as you can possibly be, but just remember not everyone can make it to the top, those were your own words. Not everyone can do what I do, do what I've done and will go on to do again... ]]

YOU MEAN SPOIL THE RANKS FOR THE REST OF US!? THANK FUCKING GOD! I would NEVER want to follow in your footsteps. Alas, when a man breaks, he goes to backdoor compliments before trying to "prove" something. You can't prove anything against me, Trax. You can only lose. You can only be the same guy that walks in, once you arrive you are what you are. You will be what you have always been. A loser. Boring people always do the same thing. They complain of friends who go to the pub every weekend and then subsequently get frustrated when he can't make it out to join them. They make up bullshit excuses like going to museums, reading books, or hiking around hills. Yeah, like you fucking read. They lack diversity and diverse experiences that serve to improve one's conversation for those weekends when you do go down the pub. You actually have something to talk about. But you don't go, do you, Trax? You know better than to embarrass yourself with trivial conversation in a social environment. Because you can't keep up. Warfare will be no different. There is a reason I have been doing this ten years longer than you have. I survived guys like you, not once, not twice, but more than I can even fucking count. The reason XWF signed me, Trax; the truth. Is because they were sick of mid-card nobodies like you carrying their shows to nowhere. They knew to keep up with the times they had to do what you cannot, change. They had to break the traditional mold of even an X-Treme place, to surprise the audience. To give them something more... RADICAL. And that's exactly what they did. And now, it pays dividends. Boring people never say anything. A "boor" is somebody who's loud and insensitive to the social situation, but a boring person can also be overly circumspect. Sound familiar? Where the loud bore believes they are the most interesting person there is, the quiet bore believes it's best to never say anything because who would want to listen to them? I think it's safe to say which one you are... the one that replies to every inquiry with some variant of 'I dunno, sort of, I guess.' Well, I know. Definitely. 100%. You will lose. Plain and simple. EXHIBIT THREE!

[[ So when I beat you and go on to beat Chris Chaos for the Universal Championship don't be TOO disheartened OK? Don't have another strop and do something stupid that gets you suspended again, or even worse fired. Don't quit either, I don't want you to quit, even though you said you was going to force me to do just that. There is a place for Gabe Reno in XWF, honestly, it just isn't at the top. I just don't want you to hold contempt in your heart for me and people around you when I reveal that sad truth to you, I've seen first hand now how that contempt for not being able to achieve things I achieve and feeling you deserve more then you're capable of obtaining can eat away at someone's soul and drive them to insanity. I pray to God you don't go down that path, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, really, just...just do the best you can do man, that's all you can do, just know your best isn't going to be good enough to beat me tomorrow night, and that's OK... ]]

Do you seriously enjoy repeating shit I have said to you back to me like it's an original thought? Do you really believe that changing strategy half way into media for a match is going to somehow save the outcome? That is pathetic. At least be who you are. But who you are, you aren't proud of, right? You get up every morning, divide your hair into corn rows, and wish you were someone else? Who is it? Chris Chaos? Vinnie Lane? Peter Gilmour? Scully? Vin Diesel? Big Daddy Cool? Gabe Reno? Oh, yeah... I bet it is. You keep trying different things... slinging shit against the wall to see what sticks... but nothing has. Nothing will. I can't lose to you Trax, because, you can never win against someone that has what I do. Everything. Go ahead, name something the best wrestlers have as traits, or skills, or talent, or mic skills... I have it. You know it too. That's why your bore us all with these things about turning my own words on me. Because you are so amazingly outmatched, you literally have no other cause. Wow. I've seen some real losers... but diving away from who you are, and trying to be something you're not... man, that's just... Trax. I guess, when it comes down to it that boring people don't have an opinion of their own. So how do you develop an opinion? By knowing both sides of the argument? Boring people don't know how to tell a good story. Much less argue it. Let me give you some advice... to interest someone and to truly engage others, you have to be able to tell a story... and you have to care about that story. My story this week has been consistent and truthful. Trax; the man that never could. The one who makes us laugh, but not on purpose. You also have to solicit stories out of others. You have to make them believe it, Trax. No one buys your ever-changing tale. EXHIBIT FOUR!

[[ That's all you can do, just know your best isn't going to be good enough to beat me tomorrow night, and that's OK. There's no shame in that, there's nothing wrong with that. There's no shame in losing to arguably one of the best wrestlers this company has ever seen, its what you take away from that encounter that matters, what you do moving on from that which is important. But whatever you do Reno...never...EVER...CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX... ]]

Boy... you are pushing the term "arguably" to a whole never boundary. Who the fuck have you honestly ever heard argue that Trax is one of the best of his time? Yourself in the toaster reflection while your pop tarts get warm? Holy shit. Delusion at its true peak. Let's not even get into how bored the cliche police would have to be to not arrest you for that "wrong side of the Trax" line. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Boring people can't see things from other people's perspectives. You sure as hell, cannot do that. If you haven't thought critically about what it is you think, you're not going to have much to offer in conversation. You can't argue a cliché, because cliché's only exist to enhance a point!!!!!!!! FUCK! You know what, don't sue me, sue the school's you attended. They owe you... BIG TIME! It's not all your fault... people that do not see past what they were taught to believe... you only offer their very localized view on a variety of topics. How could you ever expand to be taken seriously, when you literally don't know what EXPAND MEANS!? Well, let me expand... a little Professor Reno... for free. I am going to lock you in submission after submission until you QUIT. I will EXPAND your shoulders, your knee's, your arms, your ears, your ribs, your back... WHATEVER THE FUCK I HAVE TO DO, I WILL DO IT. YOU WILL SAY IN YOUR INCOHERENT RAMBLING THAT YOU GIVE UP TO A BETTER MAN! AN ENIGMA! THE ONLY FUCKING ONE THAT MATTERS IN XWF! FROM HERE ON OUT! Boring people like you, TRAX! THEY don't have anything new to add. You think you are clever by turning shit upside-down, but forget that as smart as it seems to you... the rest of us are on a higher level, and see it as a desperate plea by a desperate man. Research into our brains reveals that we're basically hard-wired to seek novelty. As a people. YOU ARE A LIVING FUCKING NOVELTY! It's a need that's been rattling around evolution for some 800,000 years. The conversational takeaway... if you don't provide anything new to the listener, they're not going to be stimulated. YOU SUCK! To me, a boring person is someone from whom I cannot learn anything new! HOW FUCKING SAD! Thus, it takes time for me to decide someone is really a boring person, though some people give out cues pretty early in a match! IT TOOK TEN SECONDS, I SHIT YOU NOT! Boring people don't include anybody in the conversation! It's like watching you play BARBIE BY YOURSELF! BLACK BARBIE! If you can't figure out that someone in the circle of conversation is feeling left out, you're boring. YOU LEFT US ALL OUT TO CHANGE POSITIONS AND FAIL! UM, OKAY, BOLD ATTEMPT... FUCK IT, I WILL GLADLY TAKE THE W. YOU HAVE BUILT an entire arsenal for a match boring brick by boring brick. At no point have you said even one thing that could be considered a rational attack, or coherent thought. We are all stupider for having listened to this shit, and may GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL.

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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