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01-07-2017, 01:20 PM


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 Current XWF board time: 11-03-2016, 09:22 AM (time should display as Pacific time zone; please contact Admin if it appears to be wrong)

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yesterday, 08:32 PM

Post: #1


P A R A D O X | V O L . II

> Caged in fright. Shot in cold blood, with semen. Blindsided by a mouth to their very own asses. Unable to react or move as the pure shock set it. Dino-rape. The last day crept up unexpectedly on the dinosaurs. Ass to mouth is only a piece of it. There is a trivial misunderstanding between the world and Thomas Nixon. Sure, he single handedly fucked Dinosaurs out of existence with his self-deprecating desires. But, what he did that was more devastating than that, was he taught the world that we are all only one good sadomasochistic session away from extinction. With his poignant rants and silly phrases, he made us all see that the light at the end of the tunnel was... dark. Pitch fucking black. But there in lies the second part of the paradox. In revealing that an entire class of animals can be wiped from the Earth with one fell thrust... he also showed just how simple it would be to eliminate one man. Like him. See, there is only one other man pompous enough to actually believe that he can cause extinction. Through his own unique brand of anarchy. Chris Chaos. Only chaos has been at play for far longer and perfected its craft in a way Nixon could never fully comprehend. While Nixon is biting his nails, collecting his next never clever remark, then running it by his parents to make sure it is okay... that chaos is creeping in... with nowhere to run. What imagery to imagine the fall of dinosaurs, then a chaotic end to the man caused did it with dino-cuffs in one hand and pity in the other. Then... a radical end to the chaos that consumed him. The circle of life. Now, that's a secure illusion. <


The front door opens to an upper-class house somewhere in the suburban hills. A woman walks in, then quickly locks the door behind her and looks through the peephole, as if worried. She puts her coat up, then drops her purse on a table; walking through the living room over to the thermostat on the wall to adjust the temperature.

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
For fuck sake, it's freezing in here.

She finishes playing with the dial, then turns and leaps back into the wall with her hand over her heart in fright. Just on the other side of the room in the shadows, Gabe Reno's silhouette staring at her from her own leather arm chair in the den. A open single barrel pointing at her and gesturing for her to drop her gun. She unlatches her Special Forces harness, and tosses the holster and gun back to the entryway. He motions for her to have a seat across from him. She reaches for the light switch, but he groans instructing her to sit in the darkness.

'The Radical'
Patty... Patty... Pattty... not answering my call anymore, since your partner got shot, and you knocked me out?

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
How- How did you get in here... know- know where I live?.

'The Radical'
Your friend and sometimes lover, William "Ernie" Parks, is really my friend and sometimes lover... wait, just... my friend Ernie Parks. Typical double cross. What can I say? The man knows what is good for him.

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
What do you want?

He leans forward, the porch light reflection from the window illuminates the peak of his forehead for a brief second. The mark on his head from her jamming the butt of a gun into his face previously is obvious.

'The Radical'
I'm not here to play your fucking word games. You know what I want! Now you are going to give it to me, or we are going to have a blood soaked mess to clean up!

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
Gabe, I am an agent, this is crazy, you would go to prison for life... just for bringing a gun in here like this is probably serious time.

'The Radical'
Give it to me! DON'T MAKE ME ASK THRICE!

She slowly begins whimpering and unbuttoning her blouse.

'The Radical'
What! Not that! JESUS!

She button it back up after a big sigh.

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
Well, then you're going to have to help me out here...

'The Radical'
That crime scene you and Fair were at before he got killed in the crossfire and I got knocked out... you took a precious artifact... don't FUCK WITH ME... YOU DID. THEN you told Ernie about it, and that is why all of this happened, and why I am here... you KNOW THAT BITCH! WHERE IT IS!?

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
What did he tell you?

He gets up and pistol whips her to return the favor. She crumbles to the ground with her arms up in protest.

'The Radical'

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
Okay! Okay... I've got it... let me just... make a call, and I will have it deliv...

'The Radical'

She squints her eyes in pain, then points to the mantle above the fireplace. Gabe walks over carefully while watching her, then a few steps, back to her, and so on. He tucks his gun under his arm.

'The Radical'
Do not fucking move, Patty.

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
I'm not going anywhere.

He removes the painting replica of Michelangelo's famous piece, "The Creation of Adam". Just behind, is a dial safe combination door.

'The Radical'
Open it.

She gets up groggy from the pistol whipping, then walks over, and starts spinning the dial back and forth.

'The Radical'
Do you have any idea what you took?

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
Yeah, one of a kind. No one even knows it exists.

She finishes the combination, as it clicks. The heavy iron door swings open revealing an oval shaped large item, wrapped in some type of ancient sheath. She unwraps the sheath to prove she did not switch it out. Instantly a golden hue engulfs the entire room. Gabe's eyes widen, as do Patty's with the sensation of a miracle. She gently picks it up and sets it on the table below. A golden transparent dinosaur egg with a half-man half-dinosaurs offspring frozen in time inside.

'The Radical'
It's... it's...

Special Enforcer Patricia ‘Patty’ Aeley
Beautiful. I know. I took it to keep it from being ruined by scientists and assholes who would want to destroy it to examine the possibilities. It is the only one like this ever found...

'The Radical'
This is it... this is the key. I finally have the material to shut this guys mouth once and for all!

Gabe gets on his knees and looks closer, as the tusk and eyes resembling that of Thomas Nixon. Enamored with the amazing view in front of him, he lets his guard down... Patty realizing Gabe intends to use the majestic NixonSaurus egg for personal gain, smashes him over the head with a nearby flower vase. Falling to the floor... his view slowly fades to black, as with his last he gasp reaches for the beautiful golden egg.

~ Off to LALA Land ~

Off in his unconscious LALA Land... the classical holiday sound of “here comes Santa Clause” enters the hearing spectrum simultaneously with a fully decorated department store setting sprawled out from left to right as the panning arrives at a Hallmark. Slowly entering and scanning down an Aisle to Gabe Reno reading a card. He shuffles through a few criticizing the commercialism under his breath.

'The Dream Radical'
These aren’t even clever anymore… ‘Merry Christmas to my one and only’, ‘A heart is all the pleasantly presentry we’ll ever need’, ‘A card may say Merry Christmas, but my eyes say love when I see you read it’. These are borderline more depressing than if you got no card at all.

Rounding a corner, a symbol on a card from across the aisle catches his attention… he squints and walks up to it as a mother and daughter brush by him on the way to the register in the background. The front of the card has a round snowball inside of a Christmas wreath, he flips it open.

'The Dream Radical'
Simple yet… "Many cards are received for many occasions in many countries from and for many people… Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, and many other ways describe the most basic sentiment the joyful noise can be described as. So this Christmas, I wanted you to know that you’re the world to me, and though the description never changes, my love grows for your more each time you hear it. Merry Christmas". Simple yet… a personalized statement to make it one of a kind...

Hallmark Clerk
Are you finding everything you’re looking for today, sir?

An employee snaps him back into reality while a new idea fills his eyes.

'The Dream Radical'
Oh, I think I’m doing just fine.

A cut to her ringing him up at the counter, she bags the item as he slides his card.

'The Dream Radical'
Do you have a pen?

Hallmark Clerk
Of course.

He signs the credit slip and smirks before walking back out and halting to a stop upon seeing a familiar face walking by the Hallmark.

'The Dream Radical'
Sofia? Finishing up your Christmas Shopping? Where’s Ernie?

A beautiful brunette in her early 30’s begins to tear up; Gabe puts his arm around her as then walk to a nearby bench and sit. He hands her a handkerchief from his coat pocket.

'The Dream Radical'
What’s wrong, more bad news from the doctor, you can talk to me, Soph…

Sophia Cohine (Ernie’s wife)
No, actually, I’ve made some huge strides, they keep telling me to stay on the diet and be vigilant of my intake. But stress is wearing me thin.

A little puzzled Dream Reno looks mostly relieved at her condition and tries to cheer her up.

'The Dream Radical'
Well, nothing is possible without health, so there ya go. What’s go you so upset and stressed out my dear?

Looking up at him as if surprised he doesn’t already know the answer to the question.

Sophia Cohine (Ernie’s wife)
Ernie and I have been fighting lately. I smelled perfume on him that isn’t mine last week, and he played it off as a client he hugged. Then he stayed out all night. He finally apologized last night and we had plans for dinner tonight to make up and get it all straight, and now I just feel like a fool…

'The Dream Radical'
Why, you don’t think he is coming to make it right?

Sophia Cohine (Ernie’s wife)
I doubt it, he called me two hours ago and said he had urgent business to take care of that couldn’t wait.

'The Dream Radical'
Well, things happen, it isn’t the end of the world.

Sophia Cohine (Ernie’s wife)
You don’t understand, he said you made him do it and he couldn’t get out of it because he was already in hot water, he said you and he would be gone all night. And here you are… so where the hell is he?

The dawning of pieces coming together from what Ernie's relationship with Patty and all Sophia has said hit at once like a ton of bricks. The shock on his face is only disguised by his unwillingness to let it show so he may comfort Sophia, no matter how temporary it may be.

'The Dream Radical'
Oh my goodness. Sophia, I’ll find out what’s going on. Go home, take a hot bath, don’t let this ruin your evening. Watch a movie, get a massage, just worry about yourself tonight, and as soon as I have some answers, you’re first on my list.

She gets up slowly and nods, picking up her bags and continuing on the way she was walking originally. The camera lowers and scrolls around Dream Reno as he stands in disbelief. The next cut arrives as Gabe entering his car and looking at his phone, dialing “Ernie Parks”. Straight to voicemail; redial. Voicemail heard echoing from his receiver.

'The Dream Radical'
Damnit Ernie, you’re not retired yet.

‘Calling Ernie Parks' appears on the phone prompt next. Ring… ring… ring…

'Chief' Ernie Parks [Dream Voicemail]
“Hey it’s Chief William "Ernie" Parks, I’m unable to answer… please leave a message... oh, and don't tell anyone about the egg...”




To be continued...

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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