As Mason runs away from his last challenger Alexis Riot steps out of the shadows and hits Mason in the face with a baseball bat. She looks down at the fallen champion, shrugs, and says,
"Hey, at least I'm not Socio,"
Alexis then hooks the leg!
1........... 2............
Love me? Good. Hate me? Better
1 Time X-Treme Champion
Snow Job Gauntlet Winner
Shane has no choice but to recognize and award the brand new attacker...
SHANE: "Here is your title, now get ready to be pounded relentlessly day and night. You're going to have crack heads climbing in through your windows. You're going to have rapists swimming up through your toilet when you think it's safe to take a shit. Hell, you're even going to have SCATBEAR showing up behind you when you look in the mirror but then when you turn around it's just going to be Maverick covered in shit and then he's going to try and take your title and take a big steaming shit on it! Get ready! GET READY!"
"I did it!" Alexis jumps in the air, ecstatic at her victory, she then stops and smiles awkwardly, "Not that I doubted myself, of course. I want Shane and the CCWF to hear about this, the Riot revolution begins now, and it's coming for you ni-" Alexis then realizes that Jackson is still standing there and then pretends to cough, "Sorry, it's pretty dusty in here, as I was saying, it's coming for you ni...ncompoops,"
Love me? Good. Hate me? Better
1 Time X-Treme Champion
Snow Job Gauntlet Winner
Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
" Oh what the hell is this bullshit now it's 2 champions in a row who have Amjetkun Socio The Great Path Maker of Champions to thank!
Bitch get on those knees and show me thanks. I weakened Mason with my TWO COUNT them two attacks before you got lucky on his weakened weakened state body bitch blow me now or die!"