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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
The Last Supper
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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03-31-2013, 02:51 PM

The car doors of the demonic limo similar to what you would see in a Rob Zombie video open to reveal the sinister trio team of Mister Mystery, Peter Gilmour, and Unknown Soldier. Greeted by a sleu of creatures varying from werewolves, vampires, and hideous ogres; cheers inflate the noise of the surrounding area as they make their way down a red carpet. This carpet is given a dark red hue of blood that it has soaked up from the millions of dead humans and creatures that lay at the trio's feet. Each member of the group is forced to step over random bits of limbs and other various body parts as they make their way inside the lavishing, yet demonic, restaurant known as the Gauntlet City Diner. Soldier and Mystery don't seem to mind their bare feet being soaked and dampened by the blood spilling. Like squeezing a shammy, the thick blood protrudes from the carpet that can barely absorb the massive amounts of blood that was spilled in front of them. The volume of blood in the carpet is immense and so it easily leaks when the three walk on it.

Gilmour decides it's best to put on a pair of shoes before catching up with the group as they make their way inside a restaurant with only one table and three chairs. It appears that this place was only meant to accommodate the two psychopaths of the group. The chairs are constructed of human bones and flesh, which Mystery and Soldier waste no time relaxing in as they both prepare for a waiter to arrive. Gimlour, on the other hand prefers to stand. Soldier and Mystery begin digging through the menus placed in front of them and converse like a couple out on a date.

Unknown Soldier: "Yes, Angelus blood is a strong wine used to pair perfectly with almost any exquisite meal. Don't you agree?"

Soldier shoots a glance at Mystery while stroking his chin and shaking his head

Mister Myster: "Hmmm.... Indeed, what say you Gilmour?"

The pair turn to their partner and await his answer.

Peter Gilmour: "Just a beer for me."

Mystery and Soldier laugh as the waiter makes his way over to the table. Oddly enough, this waiter is the only normal human being inside this twisted world and restaurant we are all now subjected too by watching this promo. A tall man wearing a suit and tie with a slicked back haircut and a shit eating grin on his face.

Waiter: "I couldn't help but overhear you two discussing the Angelus blood we have this evening and so I've brought a sample from the bar for you to help make your decision."

The waiter pours from a goblet into to Riedel wine glasses that sit in front of both Soldier and Mystery and Gilmour interrupts.

Peter Gilmour: "I'll just have the Budweiser for now."

The waiter looks at both Mystery and Soldier before he starts to laugh. Soldier and Mystery join in on the round of chuckles as Gilmour finally realizes that Budweiser is not on the menu. He scoffs and walks off in the distance over to a pay phone where he dials the local Domino's to come and deliver pizza.

Soldier and Mystery now collect themselves from laughing long enough to taste the wine. The pair slowly stir the wine in their hands to let off the aroma of blood in their nostrils. Which immediately gives Soldier an enormous boner. Soldier and Mystery cheers their wine glasses and swallow the entire glass of wine whole. They stand up and smash their wine glasses against the floor and laugh hysterically. The waiter interrupts their session of chuckles by asking a question.

Waiter: "So, what'll it be tonight guys?

Mystery doesn't look too pleased that he was interrupted and shoots a devastating glance in the waiter's direction. Although he seems displeased by the statements he calms himself before answering.

Mystery: "How is the Mark Flynn prepared tonight?"

He asks inquizitorally.

Waiter: "Poached, with a side of NAZI liver."

Both of them are interrupted by Unknown Soldier who was digging through his menu.

Unknown Soldier: "Look! Look Mystery they have a special tonight called. "The John Madison feast!" Every single one of his body parts prepared a different way to unleash distinct flavor, juiciness, and tender meat of John Madison and all his features. Wanna split it with me?"

Mystery: "I got a better idea, waiter... How about you just order us one of everything. Will take all the other 29 wrestlers on the menu and have an enormous feast!"

Soldier jumps to his feet and claps his hands in approval like a giddy school girl.

Unknown Soldier: "The feast, the feast. Bring on THE FEAST!"

The waiter's smile gets big as he expects an enormous tip with such a massive order.

At that moment, in walks the Domino's pizza delivery man with a large pepperoni pie. Glancing and staring around the room, most likely petrified by the disturbing images in front of him. He walks over to Gilmour and hands him his pie as they make the transaction and the delivery man hands over the pizza. The waiter is immediately appalled and can no longer hold back his thoughts.

Waiter: "You can't order a pizza in a five star restaurant, you idiot!"

The waiter crosses the room and reaches out to steal the pizza from Gilmour's hands but instead...

Mystery and Soldier grab him by the shoulders and with a combination effort, they slam him through the table with a double body slam. The two begin tearing him apart as pieces of intestines and other internal organs begin flying in the air while the two predator's feast on his lifeless body.

The scene fades as Mystery's laughter echoes throughout the room's elevated ceiling. Soldier is howling like a wolf hovered over it's prey with blood dripping from his face.

Gilmour walks over to the camera before it fades out like Porky pig in a Looney Tunes cartoonand makes a statement before taking a big bite of pepperoni pizza.

Peter Gilmour: "B-B-B-B.... That's all folks!"


The following scene takes place immediately before the start of Gauntlet City:

Unknown Soldier had finally slowed down on the drinking and methamphetamine consumption long enough to remember where his prize was kept hidden from him. The house of his once rival and pitiful excuse of a man was within his reach. This is where he would retrieve his rightful possession. The rest of the world had their chance to obtain the piece, but failed to listen to the demon Vassago when they had their chance. It was either that or they had forgot where he left the necklace in the first place. it was the only hope the rest of the XWF had at stopping Satan's Soldier. Once the creature of the night known as the Midnight Stalker, is able to reclaim his prize the XWF world can do nothing but bow and Hail before their lord and master... SATAN!

Soldier walked along the side walk shrouded in mystery and darkness as he marched through the wild underbrush that lay just outside of the house where Page dwell. His child still bear power to the necklace, until the dark lord of SATAN! proclaimed his soul of little to no significance. He tricked the boy into believing he was befriending a demon, but instead chose to relinquish the powers of the artifact so that he would have the strength to win the Gauntlet. Soldier hovered outside the bedroom of the small child while humming Satanic hymns to himself and staring like a major creep through his window. His wicked stare is able to unlock the doors from the outside, most likely using the powers of SATAN! to get closer to his prize. Sliding through a small crack of his window like a shadow from the outside, then magically transitioning back to human form, he was able to sneak in to a point where he could hover over the sleeping child.

The demon servant sees his prize dangling off the child's neck. He smiles and loses his thoughts as he stared back into the inverted pentagram. The necklace seemed to be winking back at him and calling to get back to its rightful owner.



He moves in for the kill as he hovers over the child's sleeping body, staring not at him but only the necklace. The sinister creature is unable to realize that his deep thoughts have caused the rest of his body to shut down as far as the nerve endings were concerned on how to feel or know what was happening. The sight of his possession caused him to lose control of his body, in which saliva was drooling from off the edge of his lip...

Trickling down off the edge of his chin and on to...

The boys face...

He awakens abruptly and starts frantically searching throughout the room looking for what could have caused this droplet of rain to land directly on the top of his forehead. He finds nothing. He sees no sign of anything.

He reaches down to find...

The inverted pentagram necklace was gone....

Slammed to the ceiling!

That's where the scene goes as you are immediately thrown on your back and forced to realize that you were a part of this escapade as a simple observer. The scene freezes of the boy gripping tightly to his neck realizing his necklace was gone. Staring up at the ceiling as your forced to lay on your back by some unseen force controlling your ability to move. What's happening?

Another trip inside The Void?

A bright light peels itself from the picture as the face of the boy disappears inside this light that continues to grow. Like an old movie film that has ended, the final scene slowly fades as this bright light grows larger... As the former scene of the young boy has now dissipated, it becomes a scene of the heavens and the sky. Inside this light forms a vortex, that opens and out of the light descending upon you is an Angel...

[Image: lucifer-dore.jpg]

Have you died and went to heaven?

That answer is quickly revealed to you when you notice the horns protruding from the Angel's forehead and an immense sense of fear overcomes you. The prescience of this angel alone, has caused every negative emotion you have ever felt to overtake you as you drift into a state of depression.

The image of the horned angel speaks with a raspy low voice that hisses while the edge of his tongue patters against his lips.

"Do you know who I am? You've all seen me before in the form of temptation and sin in the world in which you live. I'm sure you've read the story. It's one of the longest and most known among your realm.

I know who you are.

You are the XWF world that insists upon holding back the title that rightfully belongs to me. My quest to become King was held back from me many, many centuries ago by a traitor who vanished before me like a coward. You think I don't know about your conversations with him? The one they call Vassago? Ha! Did you think that a mere prince would be able to overthrow me with the help of your insignificant efforts? I possess again the single greatest power that exists in the realm of man. I posses a Soldier that will unleash the power of the artifact to the XWF world. That power is so undeniably evil and great that NOBODY stands to stop me in my quest to become KING again.

I am the serpent of the night.

I am the feeder on the weak and cowardly like you and your friend Vassago.

The world has watched for many years on the last day of the Pentecost as my mortal enemy Jesus rises from his grave. This year it will be my turn. It was me who recruited Judas Iscariot to eliminate Jesus over two thousand years prior to this exact date in history.

The same way I've recruited Dante Kyllen to destroy your mortal realm and XWF universe now. I have retrieved my piece of mortal power once again, and so now the only thing the XWF can do is hand over the title that is rightfully mine!


My Soldier will not hold back anything in the Gauntlet until the rest of you follow in his preachings when you bow down and finally proclaim to your King....


[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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