The obscene amount of slippage occurring has resulted in yet another slip—that of all reality. The very ground that supports Evertrust's back slips on the contents of the champagne bottle, turning down up and bringing up down. All of existence begins spinning into an irreversible whirlwind of kickouts upon kickouts, giving birth to kickouts that then kickout themselves.
" Insolent fool, look what you've done to your world! This was no alternate plane! "
Evertrust expels a mist of liquidized, literal, linear time from his mouth with a cry so loud it shatters the universes LH Harrison never knew existed within his own eardrums.
The spinning vortex that all existence has become now reverses in direction and the flesh is ripped from Evertrust and Harrison's bodies; their skeletal remains clutching the tops of their skulls in hopes that their mind brains do not hit the eject buttons that reside inside of all of us.
" Red mists, jagged flesh, shattered bones and radiant moonsets adjacent to our fears—
cast down onto physicality this illumination all pupils do seek! "
Live anew, oh nature blockade
Hello there, Mr. Trust! How are you? I hope you are doing fine on your alternate plane of……" No! "
Evertrust throws his shoe into LH Harrison's mouth before he can finish that thought or even think of popping open that bottle. The kickout to predate all kickouts.
Ladies and gentlemen, we owe our very destruction to LH Harrison; our second chance, however? This new breath of minutes that already passed us by? We Ever owe that to our Trust. Belief in he has believed in us, in return.
People around the world begin a loud, proud chant: "Thank you Evertrust!" Clap, clap, clap clap clap. "Thank you Evertrust!"
As every photo of LH Harrison in existence has devil horns and a pointy goatee drawn over it.