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Unknown Soldier Offline

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03-06-2013, 06:11 AM

The midnight air slithers underneath the chamber door and causes a devastating chill throughout the night breeze that circumnavigates the small padded room that is our current scene. Although most would assume that cold chills and the lingering dissipation of destroyed souls and minds would cause the air to constantly waft hints of death and sorrow throughout this small arena of life, whether it be day or night. Assumptions are fickle, as they take for granted that the prescience of cold is a sign of the forsaken. A sign of the desolate one approaching in the relevant nature of warm air rising while the cold proceeds to descent.

The days were usually warmer as the rays of sunlight poked their way through a small window that was a mere 2 X 2 inches in the corner. How much heat this miniature window provided was almost unnoticeable; however, when the only source of heat and light is of a diminutive source, you take the small and imagine it as something larger. When day comes you cherish it's minute amount of heat. If you were of the normal persuasion of sound mind who enjoys heat that is; however, our captive Unknown Soldier follows the order of a different Reich. That of course being the Reich of SATAN and the cold clammy folds of darkness that follow in his righteous leadership.

You see, SATAN! sees the many rookies feebly and demonstratively announcing their protocol in the XWF. They believe that after defeating worthless drones who mean little to nothing in the XWF that they posses stature . Insolent minds like Gabriel Harding, whom believe that success against low lives and scum is worthy of bellowing threats at Unknown Soldier. Taking the small and making it out to signify something of importance and larger adequacy. Just like the small rays of light and heat that penetrate through the walls of this dwelling we now witness. Soon, it will be doused with the cold drifts of evil that encompass any small glimmer of hope that may exist. A word of dark and destructive minds that carry out the orders for the father of lies, deceit, and despair. The same monster who has torn through every obstacle thrown his way and that will soon encompass the likes of Gabriel Harding, Ronnie Wilkins, and this moronic jizz rag known as JP Corino. That's going to be SATAN's name for him from now on. Jizz Rag 'mohawk' Corino, because that's what Unknown Soldier will use his mohawk for after he's done raping him and needs a place to wipe his semen when he's done.

In other news, let's get back to the story at hand, shall we? Or would you rather delve farther deeply into the minds of evil and madness? I guess that was a stupid question, seeing as you've decided to watch yet another Unknown Soldier promo. Anywho...


The vibration of a very sharp and crisp sound of footsteps echos off an unseen corridor somewhere to the naked eye. The intonation emancipates from a source outside the cell doors of the blood thirsty abnormality that was being imprisoned by both the doctor and his gorgeous Asian counter part. We are once again inside the office and detention center of Dr. Marvin Motz and his new apprentice, the lovely and seductive Mrs. Myong Wong.

As the door slowly opens the first sight is a sleek and long legged depiction of a foot silhouetted behind a lacy pair of pink pantyhose. This slender female extremity rested on top of a white pair of six inch heels that slammed against the pavement causing the footsteps to clank and echo as described earlier in the scene. Now we were a witness to what was making all that calamity as the rest of her glossy figure protruded in from outside the padded walls. Her astoundingly gorgeous figure slipped it's way between the doorway and her tight buttocks and bulging chest made it apparent why Dr. Motz kept her around. Small Asian girls with large breasts, need I say more? I mean, this is a Shove It Saturday night promo so I could, but I'll spare the woman of a chauvinistic raping and humiliation for the time being. The woman looked in Dante's direction somberly and spoke very deliberately by barking orders at the monstrosity.

Mrs. Wong: "Dante! Wake up!"

The cold air that traveled from the movement of the door traveled along with the light from the outside. It smashed against the face of Dante Kyllen and awoke him from his demonic slumber moments before the adorable Asian even spoke.

Mrs. Wong: "Today is your final evaluation, are you ready?

Dante shivered and his teeth chattered together like a jack hammer on cement pavement. Crunching and grinding together fast and relentless causing a minor chipping in the enamel off the ends.

Dante Kyllen: "You said that last time and then brought me back down here again. Why should I believe you now?"

Mrs. Wong had made numerous promises in the past that caused Dante to grow weary of her affirmations.

Mrs. Wong: "He's sitting upstairs waiting to see you."

Dante Kyllen: "Who?"

Mrs. Wong: "Dr. Motz will be giving you the final evaluation himself."

For months Dante heard the name spoken and worshiped throughout his teachings while he became sober in the detention center. This was going to be his first time ever witnessing, in person, the God Lord King of Sobriety known as Dr. Motz. Had he finally come to rescue him? Dante proceeded to lick the chipped and cracking dead skin that exposed itself off the end of his lips. The dried blood mixed with the flaky skin flaps must have been necessary for the maniac to will enough power to rise to his feet. Tasting blood, even his own, fueled the rest of the cold blooded liquid that coursed through his veins like Popeye with a can of spinich. The reaction Dante has with this mixture is similar to watching a normal human consume a shot of espresso or snort a line of Pablo Escobar's finest. The excitement causes the freak to blurt out...

Dante Kyllen: "I owe my sobriety to the wisdom and teachings of Dr. Motz. Where is he?"

Dante jumps to his feet and smacks his lips anxiously, jumping in mid air with his eyes wandering throughout the room like a stray dog. His pupils come across the light shining underneath the door and the precious Asian feet, this illumination he knew translated to his escape. Rushing to the door out of pure enthusiasm and perturbation he is met with a sharp drop to the ground abruptly by an unseen force. He is reluctantly met with a sudden jolt of electricity that electrocutes him with such force that he bolts to the other side of the room with his hair standing on ends. Mrs. Wong brought the TASER as she did quite often for instances just like the one that unfolded before our eyes. A sick smile comes across his face the same as it always did, pleasure was pain in his mind so he welcomed it. The long and luscious legs hovered over him as she stared down at the confused and literally 'shocked' looking creature.

Mrs Wong: "Can we put on the handcuffs more peacefully this time, perhaps without the biting and hissing?"

Normally the capture and hog tie routine that the slim Asian woman had become custom and habitual to her was growing exhausting for the young female. Lucky for her, the anticipation of meeting Dr. Motz for the first time led Dante to cooperate as she latched the tie dye colored handcuffs around Dante's wrists behind his back.

The basement where he was being held was nothing more than a short hallway attached with one room at the end of a stair well. The room underneath the structure of the home could have very well been just a storage cellar before being turned into what appeared to be Dr. Motz own private sobriety dungeon. When the two reach the top of the stairs they make an immediate right turn that leads them directly into an office. Oddly enough, this office was located immediately at the top of the stairs and even more bizarre was seeing Dr. Marvin Motz sitting behind a shimmering wood desk. The furniture must have been recently polished with some type of wood waxing polish, causing it to gleam back in Dante's eyes in a reflection.

The doctor must have been somewhere in his mid forties, with dark brown hair that had tips of gray forming on the ends. His teal colored medical coat was draped over the back of his chair, which left for his normal white undershirt with a pocket over his left breast as his only visible piece of clothing on his body. Inside that pocket was a red pen that must have been leaking slightly and caused a red dot of ink to seep through his shirt. Dante rushed to his side with little restriction from an unsuspecting female who must have not walked many dogs in her day. This was obvious as the way he took off after Dr. Motz tit like a ferocious mutt would hunt after a piece of steak. Sucking and teething away like a puppy trying to breastfeed for the first time, the blood hound was dissatisfied when he realized the medical practitioner was leaking ink and not blood.

Dr. Motz: "Get control of this savage, woman!"

Mrs. Wong was easily able to wrangle Dante who was too upset with the lack of blood touching his lips that he barely cared to struggle as she slammed his rear into the chair with an astounding thud. She beat him mercifully across the face a couple of times before slapping him in the face with brute force so hard that his head spun halfway around. It quickly snapped back forward with a large smile and his own tongue waving nearly below his chin.

Dr. Motz: "Are you calm now, Mr. Kyllen?"

Reacting more like a canine than human still, Dante waved his head horizontally saying 'NO!' Dr. Motz seems frustrated as he lets a small sigh escape before pointing to a gunny sack nestled in the corner of the room behind Dante and Mrs. Wong. The attractive Asian obliges to the doctor's request and pulls a rabbit out of a sack. A dead and maggot filled rabbit, but none the less enough to perk the hounds interest and cause his ears to perk.

Dr. Motz: "How about now, Dante?"

Dante sinks his teeth into the back of the rabbit's spine and with a popping and cracking which breaks the poor mammal in two, he manages to give Dr. Motz an agreeing 'shrug.' Dr. Motz thinks it best to further the questioning with the small amount of time he had for the insane lunatic's attention span.

Dr. Motz: "Dante, the reason we have nursed and rehabilitated you back to sobriety is so that you can remember where you took your prized piece of jewelry. I have kept you alive in order to save your life from slipping into a methamphetamine haze. Do you understand?"

Dante Kyllen: "I want to be sober Dr. Motz, believe me I do? Unfortunately; I have little to no recollection of my past life. I think it's best you just let me go now, don't you think?"

Dr. Motz: "You know I can't do that Dante, because I know you'll just jump back in that world of peer pressure and drugs."

Dante Kyllen: "No way Dr. Motz. I want to be one of those straight edge wrestlers, because you know, it's like the coolest and most original gimmick known to exist in professional wrestling. No body copies it, and I'll be the first one to make it a new trend!"

Dr. Motz: "You expect me to believe that?"

Dante Kyllen: "Swear to SATAN!"

Dr. Motz: "No Dante, I think you'll be staying here with us for a much longer time until you give up the location..."

Before Dr. Motz can finish his sentence Dante stands up on his chair, shatters the handcuffs to pieces as his unexpected massive strength comes over his body. His eyes disappearing behind his head making only the visible whites able to be seen. His head tilted backwards which then caused his entire body to begin levitating in mid air, hovering over the room in a very crucifixion-esque manner. The room fills with dark shadows that heckle and squelch in the background.

[Image: tumblr_m2oz7kPE3q1qmiii4o1_500.jpg]

Dr. Motz quickly reaches inside his desk to uncover a Bible that was easily accessible, as if he were prepared for something like this. Mrs. Wong seems to be hardly fazed by the incident as well and it immediately becomes apparent that this is neither her, nor his, first encounter of these disturbing sights unfolding in front of them. The shadows and the air inside the room was spinning in a circle on the walls around the outside. Mrs Wong's hair was flailing while small pieces of random objects also began circling the inside of the room. Dr. Motz stood face to face with the abominable creature as an epic stare down ensued.

Dr. Motz: "Away with you foul beast! Give me your name and the location of your artifact! The power of Christ commands you give me your name!"

The voice that came from Dante was distorted enough to notice that it was different from his original, but not significantly enough to cause major disillusion to the fact it 'could' have been his own. I think it's purpose was to reveal itself as something different, but also was a part of him at the same time.

Dante Kyllen: "I am the prince of this world! The murderer from the beginning! The serpent, destroyer, and the devourer! The author of all sin!"

Dr. Motz becomes more agitated and infuriated.

Dr. Motz: "Blasphemy! You are a mere servant in his army. The wicked one would only send useless pawns such as yourself to do his bidding. I demand you give me the location of the artifact!"

This time it is evident he means business as he plants the bible directly on the forehead of the floating demonic prescience. Dr. Motz immediately cowers in his reaction as the book has no effect which both he and Mrs. Wong must have expected? If he were immune to Holy and blessed objects there's only ONE THING that meant? Could it be? The father of contention?

The satanic levitation comes to a slow descent as Dante plops back down in his chair. His eyes and demeanor much more focused and directed than before, as he peers back into Dr. Motz soul with the fires of hell burning behind the whites of his eyes.

Dante Kyllen: "Just like a young man by the name of Faust I'm going to strike a deal with you doctor and I'll even potentially let you keep your soul if you are successful in your endeavors. Set my Soldier free and follow him closely to find the treasure you seek. Act quickly my friend, or you'll see my powerful artifact slip through your fingers like it did those many, many years ago!"

His eyes quickly spin back forward as a dispelling surge of energy leaves his body and then whirls in a spinning motion on the ceiling and out of the room. Dante perks his head up and turns back into 'Scooby-Doo' with a drooling tongue and a perplexing stare in Dr. Motz direction.

Dante Kyllen: "Listen here asshole, I have been wasting away in that basement for quite some time. Also, your 'main squeeze' here promised this was my final interview. Now let me out of here or I'll...."

The doctor interrupts.

Dr. Motz: "You're free to go Mr. Kyllen."

The look on his face is awestruck at the sudden change of heart the doctor was having.

Dr. Motz: "Yes, now get the hell out of here before I change my mind."

Dante Kyllen: "Thank you! Oh, thank you Dr. Motz! I promise now, no more meth because from now on I'm straight edge!"

Dr. Motz: "Good for you, Dante! Good for you!"

Dante stands up and gives Mrs. Wong a bow before exiting the room rather easily. Did the pair really just set him free after holding him captive for months? The two stepped out of the office and watched the buffoon fall down twice as he scampered towards the exit. His jeans were torn and frayed at the ends from months of them dragging on the cement floors, which in turn, caused for them to fray at the end. These dangling strings were what he tripped over as he ran.

Mrs Wong: "You think he'll really give up the drugs?"

Dr. Motz: "Who gives a shit?"

Mrs Wong: "Right... What the hell was all that encoded nonsense he was spewing from his mouth while dangling from the ceiling? What did those names mean?"

Dr. Motz: "It's the names of the devil, the coward will never state his real name."

Mrs. Wong: "You don't think the demon inside Dante is the devil, do you?"

Dr. Motz: "I think I got SATAN! right where I want him Mrs. Wong.... Right where I want him."


The door flies open as the heavy breathing Dante Kyllen chucks the doors behind him and steps into the sunny outside world for the first time in almost three months. No longer running as his long lost companion, Greggo, was standing directly behind the door as it flung open, narrowly striking him in the face. How long he had been waiting there for Dante is a mystery in of itself, but none the less his former 'drug and bestiality buddy' must have been waiting for Dante's departure from the building for a very long time. It's as if both of them never left the others side in the first place as they walk simultaneously step for step. Greggo first reaches behind his body and into his back pocket where he was stashing a 750 ml bottle of Smirnoff's finest. Dante's favorite drink, vodka straight. The alcoholic can waste no time as he snatches the bottle from Greggo's hand and tilts the bottle over his face. Half of it landing inside his mouth, while the rest dripping like a shower on his face and on the ground below.

Greggo then reaches in his front pocket and pulls out a glass dickey pipe with an enclave bubble on the end filled with a clear crystalline substance. The element inside the pipe has a distinctive dark red hue which clearly makes it obvious that it is Goat Meth. Dante can hardly raise the opposite end to his lips while flicking the lighter in his opposite hand three times before the flame expels. Underneath the bubble it crackles and pops as smoke rises through the plume and into his lips. A long sigh of expelled smoke leaves his body as he stares back at Greggo, nodding in thanks.

Greggo: "So, what we're you doing in there?"

Dante Kyllen: "Huh, the strange thing is I suddenly can't remember?"

The look on Dante's face after hitting the meth pipe was evident he had no recollection of anything in the past.

Greggo: "Really?"

Dante Kyllen: "Yes, I came out here to do something and now I forgot? Oh well, fuck it huh? All that matters is I've got vodka and meth now."

Greggo and Dante look back and forth at one another before laughing hysterically and passing the pipe back and forth wandering into the distance.

Dante Kyllen: "Holy SATAN! I love meth! But you know what I love more?"

Greggo: "What?"

Dante Kyllen: "Let's find the nearest barn yard and I'll show you."

Greggo and Dante shoot each other another definitive smile as if they knew what the other was thinking. The scene completely fades with the duo skipping and smoking meth over the horizon.

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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