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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
All I Want for my Birthday is a...[RP# 2]
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-05-2013, 07:29 PM Lightbulb  All I Want for my Birthday is a...[RP# 2] -->

Oh Man, for my birthday, i a hater i see?...

Well, my special day, so i won't be so critical...

Actually, i will get a bit critical though, so he we go..

Quote: OH you mean the bitch that can’t win a match to save his life. Why am I facing him? He’s nowhere near my league. He’s worst then Aldon Smith’s game last Sunday! I mean really he’s a nobody. A bitch with no place in this League.

I am a nobody you say, that's not very nice thing to say sir, i really hoped that lesbian attempt gain you attention..

I mean, what if you gotten shot in the head by your crazy *** Ex? Would still wrestle in a coma? Or would you have forgotten who you are dealing with..

Quote:John Black you have no place in XWF. You are nothing but a little bitch that looks like he deserves to be on the back of a cereal box. Not even the official Cereal, I’m talking about the Wal-Mart brand “Corn Flakes.”

[Image: NEWMUSIC+copy.jpg]

What does Cena have to about that statement?...

At Least i am Gluten free, what about your sugary girlfriend?..

I'd place my milk in her coca puffs..Yes, i had just mentioned The Black Eyed Peas..."Hit Single"...My Humps.

Quote:I mean you are like the “Guldo” of XWF. Don’t know who Guldo is?

[Image: Guldo%201.jpg]

Thanks for referencing me as an unknown made me flash back in time as a youngster who loved DBZ...Thanks once again, Powell...

Quote:I mean let’s be real. What have you done in XWF that has been worth talking about?

I've been in this place longer then, the past XWF superstars...(minus Jason)

Been in Angles Of Death, you may had not been around that time...

Supposed to join Team XWF against a rival company..but they didn't want me in it..

Never Holden a legit MAIN title on here, because it's all politics...

I can keep going on and on, but one of your quotes interested me is..

Quote:I will end your career in XWF.

So bring YOU’RE A- Game son.

You’re gonna need it.

How can you end my career?...

By having Elizabeth shoot me with no ammo?...

Hiring one of your old flames to take me out?...

Or by calling the "Protectors" and come through the arena?...

If So, i want you reevaluate yourself man, i maybe am a nobody...

But to the whole XWF Universe, i am a somebody to them...

I will continue my underrated time in this hell hole..

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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