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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! RP Board
Priority Crisis
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The Blue Tango Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-05-2023, 07:48 AM

All was well at the Heroes Guild.  Heroes made their way to the city surrounding the guild hall to handle their business between quests.  Titan Fury, a platinum tiered hero from the guild (the highest level you can attain), stood outside a shop when another hero approached him.  It was WarBot, another platinum tier, who was also made of platinum (and circuit boards).

"Good.  Day.  TitanFury."

The heroes each extended a hand and embraced each other in heroic fashion.

"WarBot!  A good day to you, brother!"

The peace and their embrace didn't last long, however, as the bright morning sky turned to a crimson red.  Everyone dropped whatever they were doing and all stared up at the phenomenon.

Dark clouds formed from nothing and began to cover the bleeding sky.  The wind picked up and bolts of lightning formed into a sphere that floated down to the ground in front of WarBot and Titan Fury.  The two of them took on their own signature superhero poses and readied themselves for battle.  The sphere burned and morphed into the same big bad that recently took out all of the villains, Doomsayer!

"State your business, stranger!  You just morphed into the wrong neighborhood!"

[Image: YGXs1qW.png]

Titan Fury pointed a finger and shouted!  Without hesitation, Doomsayer had the finger in his grasp and swung the hero around over his head slamming him into the ground!  He did it over and over again until there was nothing left but an arm and only part of a person.  WarBot landed a fist in the intruder's chest which instantly released a pulse of electricity and short circuited the cyborg.  An alarm sounded off throughout the city, but it was too late.  A dark aura washed over Doomsayer as he stood still and couldn't help but crack a smile as the buildings around him all began to crumble.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

"The Heroes Guild…  It's…  It's gone."

"What do you mean, 'It's gone'?"

Tango walked around the desk to have his own look at Harlot's computer screen.

"I mean…  It's gone!  Completely destroyed. The whole city was leveled to the ground.  And with it, all of the records, the official hero rankings, and the legitimacy of our actions…"  Atomic Bat was visibly upset, her normally stoic expression replaced with one of devastation.

"So…  What's this mean?  Do we still hero?" asked Blue Tango.

"It means that we have no official backing for our hero work. No one to hold us accountable or to recognize our achievements. We're essentially vigilantes now, with no oversight or validation."

Tango took a step forward and a deep breath.

"I've always felt like a vigilante."

He narrowed his eyes behind his cowl and stared off into space.

"The Heroes Guild was the backbone of the hero community. Without it, we're just people in costumes."

"What's the plan then?"

Atomic Bat thought for a moment before speaking.

"For now, I think we need to focus on winning the Tag Team Championships from SAGA. With the Heroes Guild destroyed, the platform provided by the XWF is the only one we have left to showcase our heroics and continue to do good in the world."

Blue Tango nodded in agreement, "That makes sense. But what about Doomsayer? We can't just let him run amok."

"You're right," replied Atomic Bat. "Harlot, I need you to investigate the former site of the Heroes Guild for any clues on what Doomsayer wants and where he might be headed next. We need to stop him before he causes any more damage."

Harlot nodded and quickly gathered her things and left the room.  Tango watched her closely as she left.

"You sure it's okay to send her off on her own like that?"

The Atomic Bat paused before answering.

"I trust Harlot, Tango, and you should, too!  She's more than capable of handling herself in a dire situation and, besides, she always has us for back-up."

"I wasn't so much concerned for her safety, but--"

"We'll also need to rally any remaining heroes and figure out a way to take down Doomsayer once and for all, but for now, let's focus on winning the XWF Tag Team Championships and using that platform to continue pushing our heroic message."

Blue Tango nodded in agreement, realizing the conversation about Harlot was over. 

"Easy enough, AB!  It's obvious at this point neither of these guys have any heart in this.  Is Kido even coming out for the match?  I get that the guy has some higher priorities later in the night, but hey…  Don't be going around bragging about being a double champ and fail to even make it past the christening!"

Atomic Bat continues, "We know that Raion Kido is focused on retaining his Universal Championship, and we respect that. Bobby Bourbon is a dangerous guy. So dangerous, in fact, that he has defeated the man that defeated Raion for that championship twice in recent memory. A fearsome foe, indeed, but as Tag Team Champions, we would expect them to bring their A-game to every match they're involved in. Unfortunately, it seems like neither of them are taking our challenge as seriously as they should be."

Blue Tango nods in agreement and adds, "It's disappointing, but we can’t say that we didn’t see this coming.  Kido has enough ego for both of them, which they needed desperately anyway.”

Atomic Bat takes a breath and says, "I didn’t foresee Jason Cashe being so oblivious to his surroundings as a champion that he was caught off guard as to why he was even facing us to begin with. Jason, please allow me to clear up the confusion for you. We’re challenging you because we EARNED the right to, at the very same show that you and Raion won the titles no less. As champions, it’s hard to understand how this not so tiny detail could have possibly slipped by you. I understand that you’re likely under a lot of stress at the moment, considering how the lion grew wings and flew away, but this isn’t about him or the championship that he covets over you.  This is about the Tag Team Championships and what they represent. Or SHOULD represent. These titles have a rich history in the XWF, and they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Not cast to the side the moment something brighter enters our view. We're going to do everything in our power to make sure that happens. A falsehood that our current champions once proclaimed, but here and now we can already see the lies in their words. We're going to put everything we've got into this match, and we hope that Kido and Cashe will somehow find a way to do the same. It’s obvious by their promotional material that Theo Pryce’s random pairing isn’t the tight knit group of champions that he wishes that they were, but we are. Tango, preach the mission statement!"

Blue Tango steps in and says, "We're here to prove that we're the best tag team in the XWF. We want to show the world what we're made of, and we want to do it by winning and defending these championships fairly and vigorously!"

Atomic Bat adds, "That’s right, and our victory will be a victory for all the XWF fans out there who believe in the importance of these titles. The Tag Team Championships aren’t a stepping stone to greater things for either of us. The Tag Team Championships are the greatest thing. Teamwork and comradery are celebrated with these championships. There is no room for real Tag Team Champions to harbor any sort of selfish ambitions. We don't! As heroes, we put our lives on the line daily, and often the only person standing between us and certain doom, is each other. We already know the importance of teamwork and communication. We’ve spent our time together developing a deep comradery and understanding of each other. In other words, we’ve been preparing for this moment from the very start.  We're going to go into this title shot and give it everything we've got, and we hope Kido and Cashe will do the same. Because when the dust settles and the match is over, we want to know that we were facing the best of the best. And if they're not bringing their best, then they're not truly deserving of those titles."

Atomic Bat took a deep breath and looked away…  then back again.

"Raion and Jason better be ready. Because we're coming for those championships, and we've never planned on leaving without them. This isn't just about us, this is about the legacy of the Tag Team Championships and what they represent. And we're going to make sure that legacy is upheld."

"Lion Kido may think he knows about legacy and honor and all that.  He preaches it enough; over and over and over again.  But when the going gets tough…  You do anything and everything you can to get by (or ahead!).  He found his way back up to the top of the XWF world recently, capturing not only the XWF Universal Title but the XWF Tag Team Titles.  I won't get into the logistics of the whole thing like I did last time, because it's common knowledge to everyone just how fortuitous his new position is.  He had a briefcase and wicked hands manipulating the stipulation behind the champion's back in his favor…  If there's anyone out there that is so blind and can't see it yet, they'll see it soon enough.  Kido never had what it took to carry the gold before and he sure as heck doesn't have what it takes now to carry TWO straps around!  He's so in over his head that I shame everyone who's just standing around watching this poor kid drown!"

[Image: main-qimg-4fc1ccaaef95c5d841cbfb598d7d978d]

"He's in deep, deep water with no life jacket and has no clue how to swim.  Doggy paddlin' won't help you with these waves, kid, just ask Cashe.  That's all he and his old OCW boys know how to do and you see what happens to them.  They do great until that tide rolls in then WHOOP!  Bye-byes."

"I'm sure everyone's thinking how I can stand here and make such strong claims towards the current Universal and Tag Champ(s).  How can I have any say on how either of these two are going to perform come May Day?  How can I be so confident that we're going to go into that match and, with ease, bring true honor and prestige back to the titles?  Well, first, let's talk about how our opponents have no clue what they're up against.  Batty and I?  We know exactly who we're facing.  We've done our homework and we're more than focused on the task at hand.  We know our mission.  Kido and Cashe barely know each other.  Another pathetic result in Theo Pryce trying to make something from nothing.  They both come from different worlds.  They both have completely different personalities; one spends his time running himself down while the other couldn't spot a blemish in a dirty mirror.  The thought of them working together is unimaginable and the only way they could come close to completing any goal together is if it landed face down in front of them. "

"Kido's mockery in saying he 'rights the wrongs in his actions, regardless of what they are, are molded and manipulated to fit his own narrative.  Underhanded tactics may not have been part of his strategy, but skipping line isn't something a good boy scout would do either.  Which makes me wonder?  Maybe Kido and Cashe aren't so different after all….  Kido just hides it better under a hero facade.  Under the armor and behind all the anime, he's just another off-brand version of Chris Chaos that needed a big mama bird like Theo Pryce to hide under their wing.  As much as he wishes it were true, nothing he's done has been for the best of the XWF.  He didn't save anything.  He didn't bring light into the dark.  All of the wrongs that he rights are just things and ways to help his own story along.  His quest for glory.  His final fantasy.  What he's going to realize at May Day is that as juicy as this chapter is, it's going to end as quickly as it started."

"You know what makes me so confident?  Due to our life outside of the ring, our training for battle never stops.  Every breath we take and every beat from our hearts results in our everyday fight for justice and peace.  It's no lie, Bats and I came from humble beginnings.  We've only recently joined forces, but we've done everything we've had to do to earn this spot right here.  Yeah, so, to add to what Bats said, we defeated Da Buff Dudes several weeks ago to earn us a shot at these titles.  We were lucky enough to be considered for the opportunity and we capitalized.  Did anyone happen to see how the champs are preparing for their big weekend?  Cashe was lying in his bed wallowing over I don't even know what…  Everything?  I know, I know.  It was only for the three minutes he was on screen, but what are we supposed to think?  Same with the Universal Champion.  How does the double-booked double-champ prepare for his big weekend?  Well, he bakes a cake.  I'm not gonna touch the jar-thing, but how exactly do these guys expect anyone to take them seriously when the XWF Universal Champ is sitting there explaining to THE Bobby Bourbon how he's going to defend his honor and his title…  while sitting in front of a cake?  That's something only Bobby Bourbon can pull off and watching Kido trying to match Bourbon's jive is a sorry sore sight to see.  I already admitted to the guy boring the crap out of me and he turns around and does something like that?!  As easy as these guys are making it, I will never be so naive as to not take my opposition seriously.  No matter how foolish they make themselves appear and no matter how confident I am or become.  I started the week thinking the same way I always do about any obstacle in front of me.  I face them.  I acknowledge them.  I strategize.  And I capitalize."

Atomic Bat replies, "I couldn't agree with you more, Tango. Kido and Cashe are a complete mismatch, and their lack of preparation shows their lack of respect for the XWF Tag Team Titles and the XWF Universal Title. It's an insult to all of the hard-working wrestlers in this company who would do anything for a shot at those titles.  As for Lion Kido, he's a phony. He talks about righting wrongs and being a hero, but his actions show that he's only interested in himself. He may have manipulated his way to the top, but he doesn't have what it takes to stay there. And as for Cashe, he's a has-been who can't even keep his personal life together, let alone his wrestling career."

Atomic Bat pauses for a moment before adding, "But you know what, Tango? I'm not just here to criticize our opponents. I'm here to prove that we are the best tag team in the XWF. We've trained hard, we've studied our opponents, and we're ready to take on anyone who stands in our way. Lion Kido and Jason Cashe may have the titles now, but after May Day, they'll be back where they belong - on the sidelines, watching as we raise those titles high and show the world what it means to be a true champion."

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

When Harlot arrived at the once-great Heroes Guild, her heart sank.  She was completely overwhelmed by the destruction as the reports and surveillance did this act no justice.  Through the rubble and ruin, there was little hope to find any clue about the monster behind it.

The Atomic Bat was relying on her, though, and that stood for a lot.  Harlot knew that not only the fate of the city, but the Heroes Guild was riding on anything that she could find.  If she came back empty handed, the only thing to do was to wait until Doomsayer struck again, and that was no option.

Harlot walked carefully through what used to be the streets and looked the best she could through the wreckage.  She stopped suddenly, as a familiar odor passed her nostrils.  She took a deep breath, inhaling more of the toxic fumes, then quickly turned around pointing her weapon!


There was no one in sight.  She scanned the area with her eyes, keeping her pistol up and her finger rested softly over the trigger.

"I know you're here, Smokey!"

She yelled out and nearly shot an accidental warning shot after jumping from the unexpected loud echo from her own voice.

"Come out!"

From around a broken pillar slipped the Smoker.  He leaned against it and took a long drag from the cigarette.  Slowly, he turned his head towards Harlot and smiled.

"What's new, *COUGH!*  *HACK!*  *GAG!* kid?"

What did this mean?  Did Smoker survive the first attack because he was working with Doomsayer or did he escape?  Harlot's mind raced. She didn't know what to do.  As happy as she was he was alive, he was the last person she expected to run into here.  She knew she had to detain him for, at the very least, any information he may have, but could she?  Harlot never found herself so nervous behind a gun before, but as Smoker approached her and walked directly down her sights smiling, she nearly shattered to pieces.

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[-] The following 5 users Like The Blue Tango's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-06-2023), Jason Cashe (05-06-2023), Misty Waters (05-05-2023), The Atomic Bat (05-06-2023), Theo Pryce (05-06-2023)

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