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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Xtreme Hardcore Supreme!
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The Blue Tango Offline

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-17-2023, 08:33 PM

Our scene opened to Calypso sitting alone in a dark, dank hotel room.

"Isn't this just typical?  Here I am again in the loser's pool.  Knocked out of the March Madness Tournament by….  Guess who?  Oh, Peter Vaughn, of course, my absolute archest of nemeses.  That's how the story goes though, right?  For some reason the dice never add up for ol' Calypso.  Not like it did for Noah Jackson or Jenny Myst, anyway!  Jenny lost the Xtreme Title on Anarchy, hit a low blow on Noah and got disqualified from the match and eliminated from the tournament, then bam!  TV Title shot.  Lucky ducky.  Noah advanced, but he was just an innocent by-stander that got kicked in the nuts.  His roll wasn't that great, but it was still better than mine.  Let's rewind to earlier in the night where Peter Vaughn struck ME with a low blow then rolled me up to win UH-gain.  It looks to me like there's some inconsistencies with the officiating around here, so maybe we could look into that?  Cuz for a janitor, Pete hasn't had a clean victory over me yet."

There's a sudden knock at the door.  Calypso wasn't expecting anyone and after his short mishap with law enforcement a week ago, he was still on edge.  He carefully opened the door to find a familiar face on the other side.

"XWF Xtreme Legend Barney Green?!  What the heck are you doing here?!"

Barney had a steel chair in one hand and a 30-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon in the other.  He dropped the case of beer on the ground and smacked Calypso over the head with the chair, knocking him out.  Barney then leaned over towards the downed Calypso.

"I'm your partner this week, you son of a bitch."

Several minutes later, Calypso is woken up by a golden beer shower from the Xtreme Legend who's still standing over him.  He gagged and gurgled the stuff before shifting to his side.

"As an Xtreme Legend, you always have to be ready because anything can be used as a weapon!"

"Barney!  What the crap, dude?!"

"Before the week is over, Calypso, that's what you will be.  And as Xtreme Legends we will tear our opponents apart!"

Barney threw back a PBR and crushed it over his head.  The scar tissue on his forehead immediately split open and blood started to run down his face.


"That's right!  I'm going to turn you into an Xtreme Legend like myself, and your training begins now!"

Barney pulled two more cans out and threw one to his new partner who fumbled it to the ground.

"Your turn."

Calypso inspected the can with a grotesque look.

"Uhh…  I'm good, bruh."

In that short amount of time, Barney slammed another PBR down then slammed the can down over Calypso's head!

"Ouch!  We can't be going into this thing with concussions, my dude!"

"I do my best work with a concussion."

"Yeah, for some reason, I totally believe you.."

"Drink!  Drink!"

Calypso cracked open the can, which spit up into his face upon opening, then took a short sip.


"Good, isn't it?"

"Not at all.  I don't…  Ugh…  I don't get the appeal, T.B.H."

"Finish it."

"Oh God."

"Finish it!"

"I will!  Hold up!"

"Finish it now!"

Barney shoved Calypso in the chest with his free hand while the other gripped two more PBR's.  Calypso held the can high above his head and poured the entire can down and into his open mouth, spilling it all over himself.  The post-burp was long and accompanied with gagging and choking, but he managed to get through it without the beer coming back up.

"Now hit me!"



Calypso open hand slapped Barney across the face.

"With the can, dammit!"

Calypso swung the can around his body like a wheelhouse and smooshed it over the already bloodied head of Barney Green.


Barney didn't make a sound, but Calypso squealed out in pain as he cut his finger on the broken aluminum of the can.


"Dude I'm bleeding!"

Calypso ran out of the room and retrieved a band aid from the vanity in the bathroom.  As he re-entered the room, Barney shoved another can in Calypso's face.

"Ugh!  So, I am having some trouble getting this method of training, Barno.  I'm not questioning it, just…  Okay, I'm questioning it."

"You can call me the Daddy Of Violence. I will show both Vagabond and Isaiah King why I am still a dangerous man even without weapons. Just look at the blood and chaos I have spilt over the years. Doesn’t matter what type of match I am in."

"I get that, but what's with the beer?"

"If I'm going to turn you into an Xtreme Legend…  You have to do everything hardcore."

"Like, everything?  Cuz there are some things I'd much rather just do or get out of the way rather than do them, uhm, 'hardcore-like'.  Know what I mean?"

"I am one tough competitor even with one eye and my advancing age. Thirty-Nine but it doesn’t even matter. My chest is pure leather at this point. I am one walking scar. Once that bell rings, It will be all over.  Doesn’t matter who I team with. I can be a one man wrecking crew either way. Just sit back and watch the chaos unfold. May have lost against Dionysus in a hard fought match and didn’t even come out of Snow Job with the Tag Belts. But I am still standing tall."

"So what hasn't killed you has made you stronger?  I get it.  But, like, dude…  We have a week before our showdown…  And, like, is that enough time to really stiffen me up?"

Barney just stared at Calypso through his single eye.

"I mean, like, make me harder.  More hardcore."

Barney downed another beer while Calypso contemplated his future.

"Well, due to time restraints…  We're gonna need a montage."

"A montage?"

"Yeah, dude.  Wait, you've never been part of one?"

Barney didn't answer.

"They're rad, man.  We just need to figure out a badass song to accompany us in our journey."

It was at that moment that the room they stood in became filled with music.  "Let the Day Begin" by the Call fired up literally out of nowhere, confusing the heck out of Calypso and seemingly unfazed by it was Barney Green.

"Okay…  Uh..  This is weird, but yeah.  I can dig it!"

Time escaped us now and scenes switched around of Barney and Calypso slamming beer after beer after beer for several hours while exchanging different blows to the head.  By the end, both men are bloodied and Calypso can barely stand up from probably a mixture of blows to the head and the volume of beer he consumed in a short time.  Time settled down again and we are now zoomed into the conversation the two were having.

"Whether it be teaming with Micheal Graves or Calypso, It doesn’t matter at the end of the day. I go in and do what I need to do to get the win. At any cost necessary. Just gotta outlast the people dropping bombs on your body.  Been in enough hardcore and death matches to know that your body will heal after a few days. So I am actually holding up better than normal since I have come back. Just need a few maintenance days every now and then.  Get drunk and take care of business. End of discussion. Then head back out on the road driving because planes aren’t really necessary."

Barney pulled out a can of Grizzly WintergreenTM from his back pocket and pulled a rip out of it.

"Yo Legend.  Hook a brother up!"

A drunken Calypso reached out to which Barney obliged.  Calypso then took a pinch of the loose tobacco from the can and placed it in his lip.

"Oh…  So minty…"

It took a moment for Calypso's face to turn a shade of red.

"But…  Why….  Ugh…  Why's it so spicy?!"

The shade turned from a red, back to a pale white, to a light shade of green.

"It's a good flavor.  I've chewed it since I was 7."

At this point, the PBR's forced into Calypso's belly are now revolting and trying to escape the same way they were imprisoned.  He rushed to the bathroom and let it all go.

"I am–  UGH!  HACK!"

He choked.

"I am…  I am…  I am the Xtreme Harcore Supreme!"

Suddenly, a vase flew in from the other room and smashed on the back of Calypso's head and sent him to the ground.

"Ow!  Dammit Barney!  I'm in a weakened state here!"

"Always be ready!"

"Man…  I appreciate your guidance here… but we're not even fighting these chodes in an Xtreme Rules match.  Isn't this…  'training' kind of a waste?  God, I can't get this taste of of…  AWK!  Out of my mouth…"

Calypso reached down in the case of PBR which is down to only a couple of cans, cracked one open, and poured it in its entirety down his throat.  No gagging, no choking…  Flawlessly.

"You see!  Your training has already started to take effect!"

"Damn!  You're right!"

Calypso looked at himself proudly in the mirror.

"That didn't even taste half bad now…  Huh.  Maybe you're onto something, Barno…  I DO, in fact, feel a little more hardcore!"

As he turned to face his partner, Barney chucked the same steel chair that met Calypso earlier across the room.  Calypso matrixed around it, including the slow motion, and the chair missed him and crashed against the wall.  Calypso looked behind him and couldn't believe his eyes!

"Holy cow!  I did it—---"

Just as he turned around a wooden end table was flying across the room and hit him square in the body knocking him breathless and back to the ground.

"Damn it…."

Barney was right because this one didn't hurt nearly as bad as the initial chair shot.  He picked himself up off the ground and brushed off.

"I'm gotta hand it to you, Barn…  When you first showed up here…  I didn't know what to expect, but after several hours of slamming PBR's with you and you slamming shit over my head…  It may be a concussion talking, but I'm pretty confident that these two dudes have no idea what they're walking into next Warfare.  Isiah King and Vagabond….  Welcome to the 'Land of Hey We Don't Know What To Do With These Guys So Let's Just Throw Them in a Tag Match.'  The good ol' loser's bracket!  Don't fret though…  It's not the end of the world!  You see, I know this place pretty well, right?  So does Barno!  Not the loser's bracket, per se, but the XWF!  And while we may be stuck in the Land of Blah Blah Blah right now…  The XWF has also been known as a Land of Opportunity and Redemption.  EX-SPECIALLY redemption!  I may be stealing the words from my arch nemesis, but this match means a lot more for THEM than it does US.  I mean, ANY victory is good, but this is basically the XWF saying, 'Okay guys, this is your chance to prove you're not COMPLETELY worthless.'  Think about it!  Why else would they put them up against us?  The XWF has already shown they show no faith in their legends, especially the hardcore ones!  So, like, if you can't make it past us..  You might as well pack your bags because ya'll ain't getting far in this place.  And the thing is, this guy right here has a major chip on his shoulder, and the legend next to me….  uhh..  Barno?"

Calypso looked around for Barney, who was nowhere to be found…  Until he appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Calypso by his pants, and tossed him through the glass door leading out to the balcony.  End scene.
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Atticus Gold (02-17-2023), Prince Adeyemi (02-20-2023), Theo Pryce (02-23-2023), Vagabond (02-17-2023)

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