Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.
- vs -
THE MISFITS (Kris The Hammer Von Bonn, Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs, and Scarlet 'The Hunteress')
1 on 3 Handicap Match - All in Brawl
PIP: "This should be a good match,"
Hanari waits for the Misfits to appear......
Hanari continues to wait for the Misfits to appear.......
The crowd is starting to get restless.
HEATHER: "I wonder what's going on? Why the wait?"
Suddenly everyone hears
"Yo Hanari...."
Mastermind appears on the titantron. His fans go wild.
"I'm on my way to Thursday Night Anarchy to prepare for a special match, but I just wanted to stop by and say.........
Mastermind starts laughing.
"I had no intention of forcing the Misfits to show up and face you because I wanted to do this....."
Mastermind points to his head.
"I wanted to play mind games with you, and it has succeeded. You see I want you fresh for our match at War Games and didn't want the Misfits to beat you down so badly that you would complain about it during your promos for War Games, so I had the Misfits not turn up, as I said..... GOTCHA!!!!"
Hanari is yelling in the ring and is really angry.
Good old boys by Waylon Jennings hits the sound system and Warfare General Manager Smoking Bob Williams makes his way out to the top of the stage.He continues walking until he is halfway between the ramp where Mastermind is still on the titontron and Hanari is looking on from the ring.
"Hold on one second, this is not your show, it is my show. I am the General Manager of Wednesday Night Warfare. You two do not control things around here,"
The crowd cheers
Mr Carnes, you think you have a right to plop yourself into matches? You interupted Mastermind's come back. But as for you Mr. Mastermind, you do not have the clearance to pull anyone from a match even if they are your stable mates. So there is going to be consequences for you two. Take for example you want a match against one another War Games? Oh no, that's not going to happen now. It's going to happen next Warfare. Not only will it happen next Warfare it will be inside a glass cage match, where to win the match you have to throw your opponent through all 4 sides of the glass walls."
The stadium goes wild. Both Hanari and Mastermind don't seem happy.
SBW nods to the camera, and his music plays again and he walks to the back. The show fades out to commercials.
- vs -
We see the X-Tron come to life, and we see "John Black" name shot up with the .38 special, and we see him at the stage in a black and white setting as he is standing there taking in the mixed reactions. Then he walks down to the ramp, and he gives them some high fives, then he climbs on the steel steps and enters the ring, and he raises his fist in the air as he pounds his chest around the ring as his theme cuts off.
HHL: “This is a huge opportunity for John Black tonight. If he wins this match, he’ll be the #1 contender to Peter Vaughn on the very next Warfare!”
PC: “This is a huge opportunity for all four competitors, but John Black really seems primed for a run right now! This could be his big break if he puts his nose to the grindstone tonight!”
The stadium spotlights rush up toward the ceiling and Waters appears under the XTron...and Paul Heyman is standing beside her! Dolly marches to the beat of Ode To Joy, the crowd roaring, her gaze set squarely on the squared circle. She climbs through the ropes and takes the center of the squared circle, raising a single fist in the air, as Paul Heyman walks around the ring and begins schmoozing with the ring crew.
HHL: “Woah, Dolly Waters has PAUL HEYMAN out here with her tonight!”
PC: “That won’t be good for anyone, maybe not even Dolly Waters! If I were her, I know I wouldn’t trust Heyman.”
The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.
As Arch Enemy blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison.
HHL: “The crowd is going crazy for Bobby Bourbon!”
PC: “He’s a man of the people, Heather, so of course the people love him!”
HHL: “Riiight.”
The lights in the arena dim as Calypso's music starts. Several spotlights pan over the crowd and all meet at the entrance where Calypso appears wearing a glittering robe. He walks through the mist wearing the Television Championship proudly around his waist and slowly makes his way to the ring. Using the ring steps, he climbs to the apron, wipes his feet, and steps through the ropes into the ring. The spotlights follow Calypso to the center of the ring where he stands, unstraps the title from his waist, and holds it high into the air.
HHL: “And Calypso is out here…..is he really in this match?”
PC: “I uh, I guess so Heather.”
HHL: “My goodness, what has Bob been Smokin’ these days?”
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
Fatal Four Way - Winner faces Peter Vaughn next Warfare
The match gets underway and three wrestlers immediately charge out of their respective corners and into the action. Bourbon, Black, and Waters begin pounding on each other in the center of the ring while Calypso looks on from his corner hesitantly. Within seconds Bobby Bourbon starts to gain the advantage in the middle of the ring. His size and power gets the better of Dolly and JB, and after a couple of exchanges both Dolly and JB wind up on their asses courtesy of a Bobby Bourbon uppercut!
HHL: “The King of the XWF is taking the lead early in this one!”
PC: “He’s not the King, Heather! He’s THE GRAND HIGH POO-BOB!”
HHL: “I’ve never understood what that means.”
PC: “It means he’s the King!”
HHL: “So why wouldn’t he just call himself…you know what, nevermind.”
Bobby looks down to JB and Dolly, as if he’s trying to decide who to go after. That’s when he notices that Calypso is still just standing in his corner. Bobby grins. Calypso gulps.
HHL: “It looks like Bobby has his sights set on a new target!”
PC: “Calypso better get ready, because I think he’s got next!”
Bobby charges into Calypso’s corner with his shoulder, but he runs into nothing but a turnbuckle pad as Calypso leaps to the top rope! Bobby reaches out and tries to grab a handful of Calypso, but he ends up just pushing Calypso off the top rope and onto the side apron of the ring! Calypso barely hangs on with the help of the ropes, trying to get his bearings straight while just outside the ring. Bobby doesn’t give him the chance, however, because he hits him with a huge right hook that sends Calypso to the outskirts of the ring! Bobby Bourbon quickly follows, stepping between the ropes and hopping off the apron right in front of Calypso.
HHL: “Calypso is going to need to fight back to win this one!”
PC: “I think Calypso’s more worried about surviving than winning, Heather!”
Calypso quickly pushes himself up and begins running away from Bobby Bourbon as fast as he can. Paul Heyman does everything he can to slow down Calypso, but the sneaky little guy is able to crawl between Heyman’s legs to safety. Bobby follows as best he can, but the big man is just too slow to catch him, especially when he has to maneuver around Heyman’s fat body! Calypso stops behind a pair of steel steps and waits for Bobby to catch up to him. When he does, Calypso does a little juke, like he’s trying to fake out which direction he’s going to go. Bobby just rolls his eyes before grabbing Calypso picking him up from across the steel steps! Then, Bobby holds Calypso above the steel steps in a vertical suplex! The grab shouts ‘FUCK EM UP, FUCK EM UP’ as Bobby Bourbon cracks a big ol’ grin.
HHL: “This could be bad for Calypso! Really, really bad!”
PC: “No kidding!”
Bobby looks all set to suplex Calypso onto the steps, but he’s taking too long to showboat, and Calypso is able to wriggle out of Bobby’s grasp and onto the floor! Bobby turns around in shock, before he immediately starts chasing Calypso around the ring again!
PC: “I can’t believe Calypso got out of that! I thought he was dead meat!”
HHL: “He’s not dead meat yet, that chicken is still running!”
Meanwhile back in the ring, JB and Dolly have been going at it hardcore. It’s a knock-em down, drag em out brawl inside the ring, and that’s all anyone can really focus on now as Bobby haplessly chases the much faster Calypso around the squared circle. JB lands a huge elbow above Dolly’s eye that cuts her open and sends her backfirst into the corner. JB quickly follows up with a huge splash to Dolly that causes her to fall to her ass against the turnbuckle. While the referee is yelling for Calypso and Bobby to get back in the ring, JB starts strutting around the edge of the ring and working the crowd….that’s when Paul Heyman grabs him by the foot and trips him! Then, JB looks over to Heyman and is sprayed in the face with a foreign, colorless substance! JB starts clawing at his eyes as he rolls around the ring, drawing the attention of the referee, but Paul Heyman just throws his hands up innocently!
PC: “Heyman just cheated to help Dolly!”
HHL: “But the ref didn’t see it!”
As JB rolls around on the mat Dolly comes to her senses before diving on top of him for the pin. The referee has no choice but to start the count.
HHL: “That was almost it! Dolly almost had this won!”
PC: “Paul Heyman almost had this won!”
John Black is able to get his shoulders up and throw Dolly off of him. That’s when Calypso rolls into the ring, and Bobby follows right after. Calypso runs right past Dolly Waters and into his old familiar corner. Dolly lets him go. When Bobby goes to follow Calypso, however, Dolly hits him with a devastating roundhouse kick that sends him bouncing off the ropes! JB pushes himself up his feet, mad as hell, before seeing Calypso wiping some sweat from his forehead in the corner.
JB rushes Calypso into the corner, and starts laying heavy forearms into the man's jaw. As he does, Bobby goes for a massive running EMC to Dolly, looking to pitch her out of the ring! NO! Dolly maneuvers herself into a flying armbar, and reels back over the top rope! She holds on to the second rope, wrenching on Bobby's arm as Bobby looks panicked! The referee doesn't know what to do, can Bobby submit while Dolly holds the ropes? Suddenly, John Black reaches down and hooks Bobby's leg! JB dumps Bobby to the outside! Dolly lands on the apron, slowly picking herself up and facing Bobby, who is recovering from the spill! She throws a soccer kick to Bobby's head, sending him stumbling down the apron. Bobby leans on the apron. As he does, JB grabs Dolly! JB rushes Dolly's head into the corner post itself! The sickening thud of skull on steel is heard, then again, and a third time as Dolly collapses onto the ring apron. JB turns and looks at Bobby as the crowd is going wild. Suddenly, Calypso comes up behind JB and rolls him up!
HHL: “Everyone is going after JB tonight!”
PC: “Because he just might be the biggest threat in that ring tonight, Heather! He’s a THUG!”
JB kicks out, and both men brawl on the mat, throwing punches at each other. They each make it to a knee and keep going punch for punch! JB lands a right! Calypso lands a right! JB lands a right and stands! Calypso with a low blow to JB! JB doubles over, clutching his groin, and as he does, Dolly springboards back in with a huge curbstomp to JB! Calypso hits Dolly in the groin. Dolly winces, but then looks at Calypso in disgust. Calypso goes for another low blow, but Dolly shrugs off the punch to the babymaker! She throws a huge side kick to Calypso, sending him crashing to the mat! She turns and hits the recovering JB with a side kick to the cranium! Just as she does, Bobby rushes in with a clothesline! Dolly ducks, and Bobby hits the turnbuckles chest first. Dolly climbs up, and starts throwing punches to the back of Bobby's head! Bobby backs out of the corner, but Dolly is still clinging to him like a spider monkey! Bobby simply falls backward, crushing Dolly while landing onto John Black! Calypso rolls out of the way just in time to avoid being part of the 3 wrestler collision! Calypso gets on his hands and knees before picking himself up and crawling to the ropes.
HHL: “Calypso is the last man up!”
PC: “You have got to be KIDDING ME!”
As Calypso gets to his feet and surveys the damage, he sees that Bobby Dolly and JB are all groaning in pain on the mat. Calypso looks between the three injured wrestlers before asking the referee what he should do. The referee just rolls his eyes, so Calypso goes over to the ring crew and asks them for THEIR opinions! They tell him to go pin John Black, so he does!
JB gets the shoulder up! As he does so, Bourbon and Dolly both start rising to their feet. Calypso starts really whaling away on JB’s face while screaming something about Peter Vaughn, really bruising JB up and busting him open with surprisingly powerful hammerfists. Meanwhile, Dolly and Bobby Bourbon lock eyes in the ring. Paul Heyman is cheering Dolly on from outside the ring, telling her to go get her third victory over Grand Poo Bob!
HHL: “This match has been nothing but chaos!”
PC: “Well what did you expect, Heather? This is the XWF!”
Bobby and Dolly charge at each other before locking up in classic fashion. Bobby starts pushing Dolly back, but she gives him a huge knee to the gut that forces him to keel over! Dolly then elbows Bobby in the back of the neck, forcing him to take a knee on the mat! Heyman screams for Dolly to ‘finish him’! Meanwhile, Calypso is picking JB up…..
Dolly Waters bounces off the ropes near a hollering Heyman and knocks Bourbon out with a RUNNING WATERS! Meanwhile, Calypso kicks JB in the gut before hitting him with a Calypsonator that JB sells just like The Rock would!
PC: “Wait…did Calypso just perfectly nail that stunner?!?!”
Both Calypso and Dolly Waters make the cover! The referee goes to count!
Both Bourbon and JB are on the mat for three seconds, and then some! Calypso and Dolly both hop to their feet and start proclaiming victory. Then, they start arguing about who won. The referee walks over and settles the argument by raising…..CALYPSO’S HAND?!?!?!
Dolly Waters looks stunned. Paul Heyman rolls into the ring like a lard and starts screaming at the referee about how wrong he is. The referee lets go of Calypso’s hand, but the one-time TV champion doesn't move at all. He’s completely stunned, he looks like he’s shell shocked…until his theme music starts playing. Then, he runs over to a turnbuckle and mounts it, just like his idol would. A member of the ring crew throws Calypso a pair of juice boxes, and he bangs them together before showering himself in their contents. The crowd goes wild, and so do Paul Heyman and Dolly Waters, but for completely different reasons!
- vs -
The bell sounds as we are set for action. Elijah Martin and Jason Cashe start things off for their respective teams as they meet face to face in the middle of the ring. The shit-talking begins between the two start before they start trading right hands to a massive pop from the crowd! Cashe starts to get the upper hand before a thumb to the eye from Martin cuts him off to boos from the crowd. Martin drives Cashe back into a neutral corner where he drives a series of shoulders into the midsection. Martin fires Cashe across the ring and into the opposite buckles! He charges in after Cashe where he eats a reverse elbow from Cashe! Elijah is rocked back out towards the center of the ring where Cashe jumps up on the middle turnbuckle where he leaps off with a spinning reverse elbow taking down Martin to a pop from the crowd!
Cashe quickly makes the cover.
Martin escapes with a kick-out.
PIP: Cashe and Martin are far from strangers. The history between these two has played out over the last several months.
Cashe gets to his feet where he reaches down to pick up Martin, Martin counters the pickup with a jawbreaker. Martin steps back up to his feet where he hurls Cashe back into the CCPE corner. Bam Miller is tagged in where he enters the ring and starts mudhole stomping Cashe all the way down to the mat before turning around and walking toward the center of the ring flipping off Larry Tact. Miller turns his attention back towards Cashe as he picks him up off the mat. Miller takes him back into the ropes shooting him across the ring, Cashe bounces off the nearside with Bam ducking his head for a back body drop.
Cashe counters with a swinging neckbreaker!
HHL: Cashe has a chance to make the tag.
Cashe rolls toward his corner where Larry Tact tags in! He enters the ring where he runs over Miller with a lariat as he gets back to his feet! Miller pops back up off the mat where he eats another lariat! Miller pops back up off the mat where he’s met with a spinbuster slam! Larry floats over into a cover.
Miller escapes with a kick-out! Larry gets back to a vertical base where he reaches down picking Miller up off the mat. Larry scoops Bam up over his shoulder! He looks for a running powerslam only to have Bam slide down the back of Tact! Larry spins around into a double leg takedown by Miller who starts hammering down with right hands from a mount position before blatantly choking Tact with both hands across his throat.
The referee lays the count to Miller who breaks at the count of four before immediately going right back to the choke! The referee lays the count to Miller a second time and again he breaks at the four-count before stepping back up to his feet. He’s admonished by the referee but Miller pays no attention as he turns and cheap shots Ned Kaye sending him off the ring apron and crashing down to the floor. The crowd boos Miller as it brings Cashe into the ring where he is cut off by the referee and allows Martin to enter illegally where he and Miller stomp away at Tact! The crowd roars with boos directed toward the ring as we see Matin slip out before the referee can turn back around.
PIP: CCPE is taking full advantage of misdirecting the referee.
Miller reaches down picking Larry up off the mat. He locks a front face lock and snaps off a Suplex! Miller floats over into the cover.
Tact escapes with a kick out!
HHL: Tact, Cashe, and Kaye are going to have to fight fire with fire.
Miller reaches down picking up Tact where he swings with a right hand, Tact blocks and counters with a right! He lands a second, a third but before he can take control Bam drives a knee across the midsection cutting him off as he hurls him back into the CCPE corner where the Supercontinental Champion tags in. Peter Vaughn steps into the ring where he delivers a Handstand Headscissors takeover to Tact only he sends Larry toward his corner. He is close enough for Ned Kaye to reach over the ropes tagging into the contest!
Kaye springboards off the top rope with a Missile Dropkick to Vaughn as he reaches his feet! Ned pops back up to his feet as the crowd is on fire. Vaughn scurries back to his feet swinging with a right hand that Ned ducks and counters with a side suplex driving Vaughn down into the mat.
Vaughn kicks out! Ned pops back up to his feet where he picks Vaughn up off the mat. He shoots him across the ring, and Vaughn bounces off the near side where Ned looks for a jumping spin kick, Vaughn ducks out of the way, and Ned spins around and walks into a One-Man Flap Jack! Vaughn then starts rubbing Ned’s face across the mat!
PIP: Vaughn adding some insult to injury.
Peter gets back to his feet where he picks Ned up off the mat. He twists his arm off Kaye and takes him back into CCPE’s corner. Elijah tags in and enters the ring where he climbs up on the middle turnbuckle and leaps off with a double axe handle across his shoulder from Kaye. Elijah takes over as he starts peppering the jaw of Kaye with right-hand jabs before booting him in the midsection. He follows up with a Piledirver! Martin makes the cover by hooking the inside leg.
Ned escapes with a kick out to a pop from the crowd.
HHL: Elijah almost got him with the Piledriver.
Martin is the first back to his feet where he turns toward Cashe and spits at him! This prompts Cashe to re-enter the ring where he’s cut off by the referee once again. We see Martin pick Ned up and hurl him into CCPE’s corner where Vaughn and Miller start clobbering him from both sides of the apron! The official gets Cashe out to the ring apron.
Martin points toward Kaye in the corner, Ned staggers out from the corner as we see Miller look for a spinning back fist!
Kaye ducks and takes a back waist lock as he nails a German Suplex with a Bridge!
Martin escapes with a kick-out!
PIP: Near fall for Ned Kaye!
Ned rolls out to the ring apron where he uses the ropes getting back to his feet. He starts to size up Martin who begins pushing himself up off the mat. Ned waits for him to near his feet where he springboards off the top rope with a Flying Forearm crashing down on top of Martin! Ned makes another cover.
Vaughn pulls Kaye off the cover breaking the pin attempt to boos from the crowd. Ned gets to one knee as the referee admonishes Vaughn who steps back out to the ring apron.Ned steps up to his feet where he reaches down to pick up Martin who counters with an Inside Cradle.
Kaye escapes to a pop from the crowd and as he gets to his feet Cashe makes the blind tag. Ned swings with a running lariat to Martin who ducks, Martin spins around toward Kaye only to be blindsided by Cashe with a forearm, and Jason spins Elijah around where he lands an Exploder Suplex into the turnbuckles!
Cashe pulls Martin out toward the middle of the ring making a cover hooking the near leg.
Kick out by Martin to a gasp from the crowd! Cashe pops back up to his feet where he picks up Martin, he takes him back into the ropes where he shoots him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Vaughn makes a blind tag as Martin bounces off the ropes ducking under a lariat from Cashe, Vaughn slips in the ring behind Cashe where he chops blocks the right knee! Martin exits the ring as Vaughn starts stomping at the right knee of Cashe before locking in a single-leg Boston Crab! The referee slides into positioning asking for Cashe to surrender! Jason refuses! We see Ned Kaye enter the ring and break the submission hold before being forced out of the ring.
HHL: Ned isn’t giving it any time before breaking things up/
Vaughn is back to his feet where he sees Ned exiting the ring. He picks Cashe up before taking him back into a neutral corner, he wraps the right leg around the middle rope before starting to stomp away at the knee cap to massive boos from the crowd while the referee lays the five-count that will see Vaughn break at four. The Supercontinental Champion brings Cashe out from the corner where he drives him back into the CCPE corner. Elijah tags back in as Vaughn has Cashed pinned against the buckles for Martin who steps back into the ring and starts unloading with a series of right-hand shots! He brings Cashe out from the corner where he lands a spinning back fist on Cashe that sends him down to the mat.
Martin drops down making the cover,
Larry Tact breaks the cover which brings in Bam Miller where they immediately start trading right hands! Tact and Miller throw some serious hands that send the two men spilling out to the floor! Tact drives Miller's lower back first into the apron where he laces him across the chest with a knife-edge chop! Tact rears back where his fist is caught by Vaughn who spins him around and headbutts him across the nose! The crowd roars as Ned Kaye runs down the ring apron scaling up to the top turnbuckle where he leaps off with a Rolling Senton down on top of Vaughn, Miller, and Tact taking all four men down to the floor!
PIP: Air Ned Kaye!
Martin gets back to his feet where he reaches down picking Cashe up off the mat. He shoots Jason into the ropes with an Irish Whip, Cashe latches on to the top rope where he flips off Martin to a huge pop from the crowd. Martin rushes towards Cashe who takes a back waist lock where he drives Martin into the rope rolling him up!
Martin escapes with a kick-out. Out on the floor, we see Ned climbing back up onto the ring apron back in his corner. Larry Tact and Bam are back to their feet where Tact clotheslines Bam over the barrier and into the crowd!
HHL: Tact and Bam are taking it to the crowd!
Larry hammers away on Bam in the crowd while in the ring Ned Kaye makes the tag back in. Ned steps through the ropes where he sizes up Elijah who is working his way back up to his feet. Back out in the crowd Tact takes Bam through a tunnel where they spill into the backstage area! Back in the ring, Ned measures Martin as he is getting back to his feet only to have Peter Vaughn slip back into the ring where he comes up behind Ned with a low blow!
The referee calls for the bell as Ned Kaye crumbles to the mat.
Winners via Disqualification: Jason Cashe, Ned Kaye, and Larry Tact
Cashe immediately enters the ring where he gets a few shots in on Vaughn as Martin rolls out to the floor grabbing a steel chair! Martin slips back into the ring where he cracks Cashe across the back with a chair shot! Vaughn starts stomping away Ned Kaye as Martin wears out Cashe with steel chair shots across the back of Jason Cashe.
We cut back into the hallway where Bam gouges Tact in the eyes! Bam walks off-screen before coming back with a brick in his hand as he shatters the brick across the back of Larry’s head! Back in the ring Peter picks up Ned and drops him with the Revenged! The crowd roars with boos as Vaughn and Martin stand in the ring looking down at Cashe and Martin as the scene fades.
Marf and Charlie are out first, strutting out in unity while both their theme music plays on at the same time. The crowd has a higher than normal pop, mostly for Charlie as it is his hometown state. The two men march to the ring with purpose before entering and psyching one another up. The referee attempts to speak with them but Charlie spits on his shoe. The referee hops back in disgust before warning Charlie, who simply ignores him. Marf nods at Charlie while watching the entrance for their opponents.
Heather: Time for our main event!
Pip: And what a doozy it’s going to be!
Heather: Team BoB out for blood tonight with the Carnie Bastards, Charlie Nickles and Marf Swaysons, taking on the tag team champions, Mark Flynn and North Korean War Criminal!
Pip: A lot of buzz around this one! The tag champs, almost impossible to bet against. Their title reign has been impressive to say the least. But they’re taking on a pair of absolute savages. Two men that wouldn’t think twice of ending someone’s career just to win a match.
Heather: For those of you watching, what my colleague is subtly hinting at is that Marf and Charlie are a pair of sick individuals.
Pip: If anyone can stand up to these maniacs it is the tag team champions!
The crowd pops once more as the reigning XWF tag team champions Mark Flynn and North Korean War criminal step out. Mark nods at NK before raising both tag titles high into the air. He hands both to NK before heading down to the ring. Mark stares at both Marf and Charlie while pointing at them and mouthing some less than kind words their way. Mark runs the last few steps and then hops onto the apron. He then grabs the top rope and flips himself into the ring right as Charlie slides under the ropes to the floor. Charlie levels NK with a clothesline out of nowhere.
Heather: And we’re off to the races it seems!
Pip: These teams really don’t like each other so no surprise to see them already at one another’s throats!
The referee calls for the bell to get the match underway as Mark Flynn looks over the ropes to check on his partner NK. Marf runs over and drills Flynn from behind with a vicious forearm to the back of the head. Flynn stumbles into the ropes and Marf lands a few more shots to his back. He spins Flynn around and eats a counterpunch to the jaw. Marf takes a step back and shakes his head while Flynn tries to capitalize. He hits a stiff jab to Marf’s ribs and then follows through with an attempted uppercut. Marf counters it into a full nelson before hauling Flynn off his feet and slamming him hard to the mat with a full nelson slam.
Outside the ring, Charlie stomps on NK a few times before dragging him up to his feet again. He goes to slam his head off the apron but NK blocks it and then elbows Charlie in the gut. He hits him a few more times to back him up and then charges, only for Charlie to side step him. NK stops just short of crashing into the steel ringside steps but as soon as he turns around he is crushed by Charlie throwing himself into NK. Charlie gets up and rolls into the ring while NK is down in pain.
Heather: Charlie and Marf coming out swinging here!
Pip: This could be one of Flynn and NK’s toughest challenges yet!
Heather: Flynn better watch out for a double team right now.
Pip: The referee really needs to take some control.
Flynn pulls himself back up and turns around to face Marf. He nearly gets decapitated from a clothesline attempt by Marf but Flynn narrowly ducks underneath. He walks right into a running knee lift from Charlie though and drops to the mat. Charlie drops down and starts pounding on Flynn who mostly covers himself up. Marf hits a cheap shot by kicking Flynn hard in the back. Finally the referee drags Charlie off of Flynn and backs him into the corner. As Flynn tries to roll over Marf nails a low drop kick to the side of his head and then makes an early cover.
Kick out by Flynn!
Heather: Marf trying to sneak away with an early pin!
Pip: We might not like it but that was some great early teamwork from Charlie and Marf.
Heather: Yes but can they keep it up against the champs?
Pip: Well don’t ask me, I’m watching the same dam match as you!
NK is back at his corner finally, still holding his lower back in a bit of pain. Flynn tries to pull himself up but Marf drops to a knee and brings a double axe handle down hard across Flynn’s back. Marf locks in a tight headlock and continues to keep Flynn grounded. Marf tightens his grip while Flynn tries to position himself better. Some of the crowd begin to rally behind Flynn while he slowly starts to rise back to his feet. He powers his way back up but then Marf drills him in the gut with a heavy knee. Marf hooks him for a suplex but Flynn drops behind Marf instead and rolls him up.
Kick out by Marf!
Both men scramble back to their feet and Marf goes for a big power clothesline but Flynn counters it into another roll up attempt.
Kick out by Marf!
Heather: Flynn starting to use some masterful counters.
Pip: Marf starting to get frustrated.
Marf slams his fists off the mat as he gets back up and goes for Flynn. Marf rumbles forward but Flynn moves and shoved him into the ropes. Marf bounces off the ropes and then goes for a clothesline but Flynn counters it into a crucifix followed by a pin attempt. Marf rolls through before there is a count and with an amazing feat of strength he powers to his feet while scooping Flynn into a Death Valley driver position. Marf roars out but before he can hit the move, NK comes flying off the ropes from out of nowhere and dropkicks Marf. He falls back into a crucifix pin but the referee doesn’t count as he yells at NK.
As the referee backs NK into his corner, Charlie slips into the ring and runs over to Flynn. Charlie grabs him and hits a headbutt to knock Flynn back down before running back over to his corner. Marf gets up while Flynn rolls over and looks over at Charlie. He starts to get up but Marf grabs him and hits a Russian leg sweep to put him right back down. Marf gets right back up and drags Flynn with him. He tries to hook him but Flynn shoves Marf back and then surprises him by spinning and hitting a pele kick, knocking Marf back until he slams into the corner.
Flynn revs up and then runs full speed at the corner but Marf pops out with a raging clothesline. Flynn rolls under it and then uses the momentum to hop onto the top turnbuckle. Marf turns around as Flynn dives off with a somersault right onto Marf. Flynn goes for the hurricarona but Marf somehow holds on and then hauls him back up into a powerbomb position. Marf takes a step forward but Flynn desperately rakes the eyes and then drops into a swinging DDT. He hooks a leg for the cover.
THR..NO! Kick out by Marf!
Heather: Close call!
Pip: Both of these guys just countering every the other one does!
Marf rolls over, still stunned while Flynn gets back to his feet. He walks over and tags in NK before going back over to the recovering Marf. Flynn throws a high kick that Marf blocks but then eat a shot to his exposed ribs from NK. They press Marf against the ropes and then throw him to the other side. Marf runs and bounces off the other ropes while Flynn slides onto his belly in the middle of the ring. Marf jumps over him but gets nailed with a perfect standing drop kick by NK. Flynn rolls out of the ring while NK makes a cover.
Kick out by Marf!
Heather: Marf is in trouble here.
Pip: Flynn and NK showing off their tag team skills.
Marf struggles to pull himself up while NK hops to his feet and then stops Marf on his knees with a stiff kick to the chest. NK rears back and then hits another big kick to the chest while the crowd cheers this time. NK looks around in delight before riling the audience up. He takes a few steps back this time and then roars forward with a mean kick but Marf catches him, pulls him in and counters into a big T-bone suplex. Both men are laid out for a moment while their partners look on with nervousness.
Marf tries to get himself back up while NK is slowly getting to his feet. NK goes for a spinning heel kick but Marf rolls under and then dives to his corner, tagging Charlie into the match. NK is slow to turn around and by the time he does, Charlie levels him with a running clothesline. The crowd pops for Charlie getting the tag and they pop even louder as he continues to run NK over multiple times with big clotheslines.
Heather: Are they…cheering on Charlie Nickles?!
Pip: Not big on geography? We’re in Ohio, Charlie’s hometown state!
Heather: Yes but still…cheering for Charlie?
Pip: Like we haven’t seen crazier things!
Charlie beats his chest wildly and then drills NK one more time with a big clothesline. NK struggles to get back up but is dazed so Charlie scoops him up and hits a big power slam. Charlie gets back up and then suddenly runs over and smashes into Flynn, knocking him off the apron and to the floor. Charlie turns back to NK who is pulling himself up with the ropes. Charlie goes to grab him but NK cracks him in the mouth with a back elbow. He spins to hit Charlie with a forearm but gets caught with a huge sidewalk slam from Charlie followed by a hook of both legs.
THR..NO!! Kick out by NK!
Heather: Almost had new champions right there!
Pip: Nanoseconds I swear!
Heather: You don’t even know what those are!
Charlie gets up and screams at the referee while NK rolls over in pain. Charlie turns back and drags NK back up. He tosses him into their corner and then jaws with the referee some more. While this happens, Marf hits NK in the back of the head and then presses his throat across the top rope. Marf let’s go before the referee turns around and Charlie comes over and tags him back in. Marf enters the ring and he and Charlie lift NK up with a double Suplex. They walk around the ring with him held high until Mark Flynn comes flying off the top rope with a double front drop kick, taking everyone out in the process!
They all slowly get up and Flynn decks Charlie with a high chop to the chest. Marf then drills Flynn with an elbow to the jaw. NK suddenly catches Marf by surprise with a European uppercut. Charlie then tackles NK into the ropes before dumping him awkwardly out to the floor. He turns around and is nailed by a running clothesline from Flynn that sends him to the floor as well. Flynn turns around right into a boot to the gut from Marf. He grabs hold of Flynn and then hits the Echoslide, spinning fisherman suplex. Marf holds onto the bridge for the pin.
Heather: Wait a minute, who’s the legal men right now!?
Pip: Apparently Flynn is in this ref’s eyes.
Heather: No no, not like this!
Pip: We’re about to witness a robbery!
Heather: I don’t believe this!
Pip: New champions!
3!…NO!!! Kick out by Flynn at the last second!!!
Heather: Just!!!
Pip: In time!!!
Marf sits up and slams his fist in anger while glaring at the referee. He gets back to his feet while Flynn is still down. Outside the ring Charlie and NK start to brawl once again, spilling under the ropes and back into the ring. Marf pulls Flynn back up and looks to be setting up the Sway but NK ducks under Charlie and then hits a leaping calf kick to knock Marf down. Charlie tries to grab NK but Flynn throws himself forward and chop blocks Charlie’s leg and sends him falling into the ropes. Flynn jumps onto the second rope and hits a swinging drop kick to take Marf back down.
Flynn turns around as Charlie grabs him into a bear hug. He goes for a belly to belly but Flynn reverses is into his own belly to belly suplex except they’re too close to the ropes and both topple out to the floor and land in a painful heap. Marf tries to pull himself back up as NK sneaks up behind him. Marf is barely on his feet when NK swoops in and delivers the schoolMAN from out of nowhere. He gets a handful of tights and even manages to get a tippy toe on the bottom rope for leverage!
3!!…NO!!! Marf breaks the count with a shoulder up just in time!!!
Heather: Unbelievable!
Pip: There is just no quit in either of these teams!
Heather: This match could have ended several times now.
Pip: Incredible main event for Warfare!
Heather: Agreed!
Mark Flynn stands up, then picks up Marf by the hair and look out into the crowd. The crowd goes wild.
LOGICAL CONCLUSION a.k.a Reverse DDT knee into spine followed by Cross Rhodes
The stadium is going nuts.
HEATHER: "That should definitely do it now, surely."
Flynn covers Marf.
The following 5 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:5 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post Charlie Nickles (06-22-2022), Dolly Waters (06-22-2022), Marf (06-23-2022), Mark Flynn (06-23-2022), The Blue Tango (06-23-2022)
Another banger' from Smokin' Bob, I swear, when does this guy miss? Shame about Schuler/Equionx but I thought everyone else showed up pretty hard! I do not envy whoever had to judge the fourway, but holyshit, Calypso v Vaughn is really happening. Ofc CCPE with the DQ dusty finish, mf heels. I'm excited to see hanari and mastermind go at, the build for that has been a nice slow fuse burning ever since MM came back.
And obviously, congrats to Flynn & Crim! How about in another two months, pretty much on the dot, I cycle through another BOBie and we do it all over again like clockwork haha
Reigning, Defending,Bloodletting
The following 4 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:4 users Like Charlie Nickles's post Dolly Waters (06-23-2022), Marf (06-23-2022), Ned Kaye (06-23-2022), SBW-SmokingBobWilliams (06-23-2022)
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Always a pleasure to write against people that make the game fun. Great work from Charlie and Marf. Great tag title match write-up by Marf . Had my heart racin' haha.
The following 3 users Like Mark Flynn's post:3 users Like Mark Flynn's post Dolly Waters (06-23-2022), Marf (06-23-2022), Ned Kaye (06-23-2022)