Still At The Kissing Booth |
”Show us the real Dolly Waters.
A tenor of malice screams through The Monstrosity voice as he whispers into her ear. It gets swept up in the archaic jingle of the circus calliope rolling through the PA system. Dolly’s eyes lower at Thad Duke standing in the kissing booth, her lips twisting with an embittered gnaw.
Dolly… a patronizing breath coughs from his mouth, know I can’t let you pass to the Ferris Wheel, but I don’t want you to get bummed out. Let’s just kiss instead.
Dolly leers toward Robert Main’s Monstrosity who turns away from her curtly, and drifts. Thaddeus Duke was all pomposity and no compassion, as cold as winter, for a person that has become addicted only to the sickest substitutions for emotional connection. Instead of being a genuine human being he hurts everyone around him. Instead of friends he makes enemies to overcome. Dolly crossed her arms as she lowered her brow...
” Whatever will pass, will pass.”
Her eyes dagger back to Duke, who’s applying some official XWF Fuzz chapstick to his lips, and taking selfies with his phone.
You can’t stop me from passing, not on my worst damn day, Thad.
I don’t know why yer’ working this booth, yer’ anything but a gatekeeper.
Air headed?
Self absorbed?
Too thick to spot the errors of your ways?
Yeah, yer’ all of that. But as far as being someone who has business talking about who is and isn’t worthy, your legs to stand on are about as solid as Bilbo’s.
Dolly all but growls, swiping Thad’s phone from his face as he clearly wasn’t listening to her,
This is what I’m talking about! You’re just flat out disinterested in anything other than Thad Duke. And oh I get it, the whole “wrestling is just a *part* of my life” spiel, what a brilliant insight, are Doc and the space cadets calling you captain obvious yet?
The XWF is just a *part* of all of our lives.
But most of us don’t use that as an excuse to be so blinded by our own ego that we can’t see the things most important crumbling right in front of us… like our abilities to work as a team.
And sure, most of us aren’t running some sketchy war machine and starring in propaganda films to keep our image clean, but you can’t be that disconnected and then play victim when yer’ caught with a fist up your ass. Pretending like you don’t murder people and then get offended by some idle decapitation threat from a guy who spends half of his time chasing mythical beasts in his head.
This pussy scissoring spat between you and Corey just proves that neither of you have the want, or the wherewithal, to work as a team. You both thought you could come into War Games as individuals, make your petty fight about who ruined Continuum the attraction and get the job done. Wrong. It just shows that you’re both incapable of handling the task at hand.
But Corey was right about were dumb to draft Doc. And it just shines a brighter light on yer’ idiocy. Were you too busy fumbling through half-baked Twitter relationships to notice what a wonderful deed Doc did for Continuum the last time you tried wrestling as a team?
Here, let me show you
Dolly bashes her thumbs against Duke’s phone and pulls up a still image from a
TNGB March Madness promo.
Clout… That’s what YOU called it. TK called it payment. But I call it a cold. hard. fucking.
Then. Now. Forever.
So congratulations Thad, you either knowingly drafted the man who helped destroy your team already, or yer’ just a fool.
You think this had nothing to do with pumping TK with the bravado needed to pin you?
Who’s to say that it didn’t?
That’s what yer’ Doc pick boiled down to, it's all Doc and Duke has ever been about: Duke riding Doc's shoulders out of his father's shadow, and Doc wearing Duke's glow for his twilight tour... and it’s going to fuck you again.
And now Doc is saying that BoB dies after WarGames?
Doc helped create and validate BoB, christening the Bastards by giving them the "passage" to beat his own squad.
But hey, whatever will be pass, will be pass.
Thad Duke hasn’t listened to a single word Dolly said, instead he’s pulled out another cellphone. Retweeting Warstein ad nauseum as they play wingman in one another’s online exclusive dating circles...
The deliberate lack of self awareness is too much for Dolly to handle, dealing with Thad Duke is like dealing with a horny teenager who just discovered Tinder. Hopeless.
Kissing you instead of going to the Ferris Wheel? Sorry Thad, but it’s a hard pass…
She grabs Duke's hair slamming his face into the frame of the kissing booth, but just like before, Duke’s skin pulls away like latex. Dolly jolts into a frozen position. A trauma of the senses from an old familiar face, and an old familiar sound…
All the pretty ones left you low.
It was like looking into a sordid fun house mirror for Dolly. Now in the kissing booth, a gaunt and sickly version of herself was smiling through charcoal gums and teeth stained by burnt glass. Dolly knew this face too well, even for as often as she avoided her reflection during those times.
”You’re the only thing keeping you from passing the gate, Dolly.”
There it stood before her… the Redemption she’d been chasing. The trippy ride of this twisted carnival had brought her to this moment, a confrontation with the cutting itches of her soul. It was the only thing blocking her from the mountainous Ferris Wheel calling to her heart. Dolly looks at The Monstrosity as her ankles lock in position. Her nervous knees begging to tremble together, but are cemented in terror.
They loved you when you were on all the covers.
The strung out version of Dolly’s words echo from inside of the kissing booth like a conversation in a dream. Ailing and brittle, she still tries to be playful, swinging her legs out of the booth’s frame, stumbling as she lands outside in the grass. She raises a glass pipe to her lips. The color of her skinny fingertips matching the brown residue caked at the end of the bulb.
Now they love another.
In her frailty, she struggles flicking at a lighter. It takes her several attempts before sparking it and heating up the pipe. A green smoke flips, and fills the glass cylinder.
"Do you hear it? That little voice speaking, it’s begging to be set free. Allow that voice to step forward and reveal themselves… Let them take control...”
Watching her self destruction play out before her, Dolly could taste that old loathsome despair rolling from the pipe. That delusional, ego-driven fear of lacking control. The mania of a narcissistic self hatred that ruined everything for Dolly. She had it in her clutches now, staring it down with a vacant glare.
Dolly lost herself here once, with the pretty ones, and the gatekeepers. The ones who demanded she be more than the already impossible teenage wrestling prodigy that mystified the world over. They wanted her premature greatness to validate their failures, and when she crumbled under the weight they left her alone, and abandoned in the wilderness of the dope show.
But the gatekeepers were only a side effect. Like a hallucination. Their existence, or Dolly’s perception of their existence, were not reality. They were manifestations of doubt that riddled her mind into a state of flight and panic. No one was ever coming to pull her away from the carnival. She bought the ticket. She took the ride.
SHE took everything…
The Dolly in the kissing booth closes her eyes and draws the rolling smoke into her lungs.
The feeble Dolly. The fearful Dolly. The fallen Dolly. Fuck Dolly. Finish Dolly.
” Do it… ”
Before Robert’s Monstrosity could even sound his command, Dolly Waters had clutched a shard of Corey’s shattered coffee mug in her grip and swiped. You could hear it tear through the wind as a straight crease of crimson opens across the junkie’s throat.
The blood left the artery and surged, but didn't gush in a constant flow, only some splatters from the impact painted the
real Dolly’s stoic, blinkless face…
At first it came out thick as her body tried to coagulate the blood loss… She looked to The Monstrosity who had his hands clasped behind his back watching as her life force flowed over her fingers clinging to the tattered flesh. The junky Dolly fell to her knees as she began gurgling. Drowning in her own blood is one hell of a way to go. In this excruciating moment, time stood still, it was like having a gun to her head telling her not to let her heart pump more blood into her lungs... Of course it continued to beat as a deathly feeling moved over her. She was giving way to fall on her face, but without saying a word, and without making much of a sound, Dolly stopped her.
She pulled the junkie version of herself up by her greasy hair, and bludgeoned her in the gut with the broken ceramic shard. You could discern a faint wailing through the gurgling asphyxiation. Dolly pierced into her own eyes, holding herself close as she ripped the shard away. With a shaky chuckle, she rams the shard into the old Dolly while never breaking eye contact… over and over.
She didn’t stop until the path was clear, until her keeper was conquered, until the cuts didn’t itch.
” Excellent!”
Minutes later, the body dropped from Dolly’s arms
The Monstrosity released a malicious cackle as he kicked junkie Dolly over, staring into her cold dead eyes. The
real Dolly, painted in blood, blithely pulled a cigarette from her fallen self’s body and lit it. She drifts away in silence, as if nothing happened.
” This soon to be rotting pussy reminds me a bit of Jim Caedus…”
The Monstrosity scoffed..
” Jim thought it would be a wonderful idea to fire the first shot at a man who wears a bulletproof vest… The Teflon don of the XWF… This should be a moment where Robert let bygones be bygones… Have a moment of clarity and let the water just roll off the ducks back… Maybe that’s what would have happened if Robert Main was in control at the moment… But he isn’t… I AM… Shooting The Monstrosity with a B-B gun just wont work when I have the nuclear launch codes ready to go… And I damn sure am not afraid to launch... Fuck Jim Caedus and all his bitch made bull shit… Now everyone believes shooting their wads on the theory that Jim is heads and shoulders above Robert Main seems to be the trend… That very notion is ludicrous, the man is one bad day away from never returning to wrestling again… Robert glad-handing Jim is over… After Wargames there isn’t going to be an I’m sorry… Just a gigantic middle finger saying I told you so… After the final nail is drove into Caedus’s coffin, Robert Main will never apologize for exposing the fraudster that Jim Caedus is… Everyone remembers the past Jim Caedus, not the current version who has had his hand held since his return. Coddled with kid gloves... Caedus, is nothing more than a want to be carrying the weight of his past hoping it gets him over like it used to in his glory days… Days gone by… Yesteryear doesn't mean a fucking thing and never will in the right now… This is a what have you done for me lately type of business and Jim Caedus hasn't done a Goddamn thing besides write cheques his ass can't cash... The guy is like a rat racing to get into the gas chamber and once the bell sounds at Wargames he will not be able to avoid the fumes… Robert Main, is the wrestler Jim Caedus is jealous of… Why? Because when Jim left Robert had no choice but to pick up the pieces that the fainthearted Caedus left behind and construct something Jim never could… A fucking empire built of Championships... Jimmy, never could handle all the critics or hack it in the ring when it really fucking mattered… Nothing more than a circus act and when it left town business picked up ten fold... Robert picked up the ball and had to run with it when the spotty Caedus could not take the heat… In that few year timeframe Robert did everything Jim dreamed of doing in half the time… Fuck Jim Caedus, fuck his fragile disses.
Jim’s issue is the fact he despises the fact that Robert Main succeeded where he could not. Robert made more in a single fucking night of work than Jim could pull in on his entire paycheck. And Jim doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to admit that Robert is one of the most gifted men in the wrestling world today. Robert made the business decisions that propelled APEX into the future and overcame every obstacle that was ever tossed in his path, including hearing that Jim Caedus carried APEX… WRONG! Robert Main created APEX with Drew and had a much different vision going forward without the hapless Jim Caedus... The moment APEX dies is when Robert and Drew both decide it’s time… For years Robert had to carry the ball, he had to carry the weight on his shoulders and make all the strenuous decisions while Jim was nowhere to be found… The man who claims he's a great friend and then stabs you in the back the first chance he gets… The moment Jim reared his ugly head Robert should have known better... Drew was skeptical and asked Robert a thousand times, are you sure? Is he locked in? Is he a part of this? The answer is clear as a bell… No… No he is not… And because of those trespasses Caedus is going to pay a price.”
Back inside the Funhouse… |
Marf and Charlie round a corner and a large poster on a wall shows the scene they had the misfortune of just stumbling upon: Geri Vayden inappropriately strip-teasing in front of a young child while Ned Kaye watches in the corner, masturbating and crying like a cuck. Marf shakes his head while Charlie spits a snot-filled loogie and hits Ned directly in the head.
What a team…
You know something, we were a pretty good team back in the day. Way back of course, I remember we had to fight some tough sons of bitches too, and while we didn’t win em’ all….we won all of the times it mattered most. We always found a way to come out on top when we absolutely had to and at least we walked away from them all on our own two feet. Millions of steps later, here we are…
Marf smirks and spreads his arms towards the wild and mysterious Funhouse while Charlie gives his head a shake and then nods with some brief signs of recognition racing across his face. He stops and stares at Marf for a moment, noticing he looks twice the size he was earlier, his head nearly hitting the roof...
Charlie follows the oversized Marf through the winding hallways of the Funhouse trying to find an exit. After several twists and turns they both enter an open room with nine red doors and one blue door. Before they can even try the doors, Marf and Charlie are surrounded as all the red doors open and dozens of Geri Vaydens and Ned Kayes pour out. Charlie looks over at Marf who is seething with actual steam coming off his pale white skin.
What the fuck is going on man, you good Marf?
The Notorious failure and the Dethroner of safe sex...we gotta kill em all Charlie…
Okay hombre, now we’re fuckin talking baby!
Charlie grins as the giant beast that Marf has become begins to swing wildly, leveling any Geri or Ned in his way. Charlie takes out several of the clones with ease before dozens of them tackle him and start a dog pile. As he becomes buried in bodies Charlie punches, kicks and even bites to free himself. He hears an earth trembling roar and the giant Marf bowls through the mountain of bodies. He begins tossing at he Geris and Neds like old discarded toys before dragging Charlie free. Marf and Charlie battle their way through the many clones; blood and flesh clinging to both men, until they reach the lone blue door.
Atta fuckin boy you’re a monster!
The fuck is happening…
Charlie points at one of the remaining Neds as it pulls out a device from his shitty Lan coat and presses a button. Hundreds of footsteps are heard as more clones fill the red doorways. Marf grabs one of the nearby Geris and uses her like a battering ram, crushing her skull first into the blue door. He does this a few more times until the door breaks down in a shower of splinters. Charlie smacks the device out of Ned’s hand and it strikes the floor, beeping ominously now. Marf grabs Charlie and they dive through the blue door, finally escaping the Funhouse just before it explodes into a massive fireball.
...You saved me Marfy…
Shut up…
As they both get to their feet and dust themselves off, Charlie and Marf spot the transformed Main and Dolly a few yards away. They all stand in silence as smoke blows around them and ash from the burning Funhouse rains down to make quite the iconic backdrop.
-to be continued-