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Post Warfare 5.19.21: The White Judas And The Blackend Messiah
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-19-2021, 06:35 PM

After the show went off the air, we see that there was one cameraman picking up some stuff in the locker room, where it shows JB packing up his stuff while Tommy and Reggie try to cheer him up. JB then turns his back on the camera, as they speak to him.

"You got fucked over, and you knew it from the start of this match since last week. You are the messiah of knowing when you'd get fucked over by others."

"Yeah, so what if I knew... Salvino, and Page, and half of these wrestlers knew what was coming. I can sense the bullshit a mile away, thankfully there was no Montreal screwjob in the mix, or i would have done more than spit in the face of Theo in the ring."

"Well thankfully that he wasn't around to make that call, or else it would spread in the wrestling news sites quickly. John, i'm proud of you... shit, me and Reggie are proud of you trying to dismantle the XWF corporate slog like Page."

"I know fellas, I think it's time for me to realize this... it might be my time to quit the fed, and move on to other things. My time has been limited, and this match kinda proved that I don't belong in this system which only favors the rich and strong, not the poor and recklessness mindset."

"JB, don't say that kinda shit.. we had this discussion before on this... if you bail out of here, then I am coming along with you."

"Me Too. You were responsible for bringing me back into this shit. If you go, then I have nothing else to do in my life."

"ALRIGHT FINE... shit, i'll stay in this... i'm just soo fed up with feeling like I am not getting ahead... but it's just my negative thoughts looming over this match, I seem to forget to not take this shit seriously, and have fun. But, I guess that's how Page is since he knows how to push people's buttons, and emotions. Now, he's dead to me and is someone else's slag to deal with. He's the White Messiah, who needs someone to ice him out of his place... but fuck it, its over now."

"Yeah JB!... fuck Page and his slag like mindset, you got some bigger fish to fry in the moon soon... anit you got a shot at the net title against Atara or something?"

"Guess I do... but for now, i'm staying out of XWF affairs until the PPV comes around. So you both can do whatever you want, i'll need some time away to keep my head out of this wrestling bubble. At least, I can sleep at night with out that Corey's boytoy face haunting my dreams."

Then all three of them start to laugh, and JB get's on his feet and carries his bags. Then he looks into the camera, with a huge smile on his masked face he bares for the last time.

"XWF.... Page... I have done the right thing, and gave the broken Universal Championship to a fan during the matches prior. So to those 24/7 briefcase holders... please, oh please make Page's life a living hell. Make him regret to hold that title, and that includes any future Universal title holders too... be cursed and shit from that, i'll be laughing ass off as I attempt to tweet about it one day. This is the end of metal masked John... it's time to break away from the hidden man, and become a man of action, and fun.. a previous degenerate... this isn't a goodbye, this is me saying... IT'S ME BITCHES!"

Then all three men walk out in unison, as the Warfare logo shows on the screen.
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JimCaedus (05-20-2021), Lycana (05-19-2021), Marf (05-19-2021), Mr. Oz (05-19-2021), NorthKoreanWarCriminal (05-20-2021), Osira Themis (05-19-2021), R.L. Edgar (05-19-2021)

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