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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Friends: RP #2
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-04-2021, 06:42 PM

Woolworth Tower || Tribeca – New York City || 11:58 PM

Still alone in this bar, besides the bartender, my thoughts turn to my best friends. Corey Smith and Dolly Waters. The amount of love that I have in my heart for those two irreplaceable humans, at least when I stop and really think about it, almost manifests in physical pain. It really can’t be understated. Corey is everything I wish I could be and Dolly does everything I wish I could do… except Corey… you know what I mean. As I’ve mentioned several times, the life I lead just doesn’t afford me with those life perks. I don’t have the same kind of freedom that they enjoy.

When they came to my place awhile back after I lost Frankie and after I told Liz to go home to North Carolina… I don’t know… It’s strange. So often I have no problem whatsoever about showing feelings or emotions, but when I’m the needy one, which isn’t very often, I have a hard time reaching out. I have a hard time explaining what’s on my mind and in my heart. Fact is, they came to me. I didn’t ask them to and it’s doubtful that I would have. Corey has like a distress beacon somewhere inside him. If someone he loves is in trouble, it’s like a fucking Bat Signal and he comes roaring into the picture like the worlds most adorable action hero that he is- ready to take on the world to help you feel better.

Dolly? She’s the same way.

In the months she’s been at Coreytopia she seems to have found a purpose in her life. As her friend and someone that loves her, I’m happy for her. Dolly is the first friend I ever had that wasn’t part of the life I was born into. In a way, I know I resent her and I feel fucking terrible for thinking that. She’s abandoned me more times than I can count but as Liz once told me: ”She didn’t leave you, Thad… she went to find Dolly.” And maybe that’s true, but you know what? It doesn’t change the fact that every time she left, she took some of me with her. It doesn’t change the fact that every time she left, it hurt like hell. It isn’t that I resent her for leaving a bunch of times to find herself. I resent the fact that the life she’s lead afforded her the freedom to do it. I resent the fact that I was born into a life that I only control so much.

Finding Thaddeus sounds like a great plan in theory, but I’m also in the middle of a war. I just don’t have the same kind of freedom as Dolly or Corey. My freedom… just isn’t free.

”Fancy findin’ you here,” comes the voice of Dolly Waters, catching me entirely off guard just as I’m taking a swallow and causes me to just about choke on it.

”Dolly!?” I call out as I finish choking down that swallow. ”What the hell are you doing here?”

”Gee Thad,” she says as she climbs up on the bar stool beside me. ”Nice to see you too.”

”No I’m glad you’re here, I just didn’t know you were comin’,” I readily admit. I’m surprised but at the same time, so happy to see her. It’s been a really long time since we’ve spent any time together, just her and I. ”How’d you know I was here anyway?”

”Went to the Penthouse first, Berta told me you were down here,” she answers. ”Sooooo what’s new?”

I smile in response. ”Havin’ a boy AND a girl. I think we just named them.”

”Don’t tell me, lemme guess… Thaddeus the third annnnnd...” she ponders in thought for a long moment before bringing her eyes to meet mine as she forces herself to hold back a smile. ”And Mary Jane.”

I know precisely what she’s referring to and it causes me to bust a gut. ”That was an accident,” I say lightheartedly, causing her to shoot a smile. ”I didn’t know they were edibles.

“But no, Talon and Caitlyn.”

”I like it,” she says after a short moment. ”Talon is different… and Caitlyn, for your mom?”

I nod.

”It’s kinda sweet.”

I shrug in response.

”I’m really glad you’re here,” I say to her as I polish off this beer. ”I really missed you.”

”Well, I just thought it was time to repay the millions of favors,” she says. ”How much have you had to drink anyway?”

”Only a couple,” I say with a sigh.

”Is this what you do now?” she prefaces. ”Sit down here alone, fuck around on Twitter and drink all by yourself?” She almost echos Elizabeth from earlier.

”No,” I answer with a scoff. ”Bad day at the shrinks office so I’m just kinda takin’ a load off.”

”Is that shrink really helping?”

”Ummmmmmmm… Maybe in some ways,” I answer her. ”DeVille thinks we’re getting close to the root of my anger.”

”Gee I wonder what might that be,” she mocks.

”Well, DAWK in your learned opinion, what do you think it is?”

”I’ve known you for years Thad,” she says as she grabs my shoulder. ”The one constant, the one thing that never changes is how you don’t believe what you’re supposed to believe about your mothers death.”

Deep sigh.

”It just doesn’t make any sense,” I say quietly.

”You didn’t need a shrink to tell you that’s what your primary issue is,” she says as she unhands my shoulder. ”Have you talked to your dad about any of it?”

”Have you met my dad?” I ask after taking a final swallow of beer. ”We’ve talked about it and he doesn’t believe that Jake would have aided my grandfather in deceiving him. Cuts me off every time.

“Can we talk about something else?”

”You know, your XWF viewers are gonna see this and start talking… again,” she says with a slight smile.

”Oh my god you remember way back when we first became friends? The entire roster was accusing us of fucking like ALL the time,” I say with a roll of my eyes.

”There’s something inherently sickening about grown men and women making suggestive remarks that a couple of teenagers are screwing,” she says with a little bit of a laugh.

”They were clearly well adjusted adults,” I joke as her and I both step off our stools and head toward the lobby. Suddenly and quickly, she grabs my face and pulls it down to hers, kissing me. The kiss lasts a few seconds before she pulls her face away from mine. I look into her eyes for a moment longer.

”See? Nothin’,” she says as she steps out into the lobby, causing me to chuckle.

”I mean it was pretty good,” I admit as I hurry to catch up to her.

”Yeah you weren’t so bad either kid,” she says with a playful smack on my shoulder.

”I think Corey was better though,” I joke.

”Yeah for awhile there I was thinking I might have to turn the hose on you two,” she replies playfully.

”Where’d you learn to do...”

”Shut up Thad,” Dolly interrupts.

”Yes ma’am,” I reply as I hit the ‘up’ button on the elevator. ”I have another appointment with DeVille in the morning. After that I need to go to Connecticut… and… I don’t really want to keep you from the commune or anything but...”

Suddenly uncomfortable, I begin to stammer and stumble over my words.

I’m asking someone I love… for help.


”You mind sticking around a few days? Keep me company a little bit?” I ask as the elevator doors open.

”Yeah sure,” she answers quickly as she steps onto the elevator.

”Really?” I ask, still standing in the lobby.

The elevator doors start to close and Dolly stops them. ”You coming aboard? We’re about to leave without you.”

”Yeah,” I answer as I step inside. ”I just don’t want to interfere with your work.”

”Silly boy,” she says causing me to chuckle. She whips out her cellphone. ”I have people now.”

”Oh, you have people now?” I ask facetiously. ”Sounds serious.”

”It is serious, thank you,” she says with a little smile as the elevator closes.

The next morning, the sun beams in through the windows on the top floor of Woolworth Tower. My eyes flutter, trying and failing at the moment to adjust to the light. The smell of sizzling bacon infiltrates my nostrils and for a second, I forgot I had a house guest. Dolly is still here. That thought makes me smile a bit and there’s not a ton of that going on these days.

After showering and getting dressed, I head downstairs to eat whatever the hell Berta is cooking.

”Berta, breakfast smells delish...” I begin as I enter the kitchen to find only Dolly. No Berta. ”Where the hell is Berta?”

”What?” Dolly asks as she flips a few eggs in a frying pan.

”I pay someone for this, where is she?” I ask with a smile as I lean on the counter top just a couple feet away from her.

Dolly doesn’t answer right away as she’s feverishly mashing the keys on her cellphone. ”What’d you say?” she asks as she lays her phone down for a second.

”Where is Berta?”

”Oh I sent her ahead to Connecticut,” she answers as her phone dings and she starts feverishly typing again. ”How do you like your eggs?”

”I don’t care,” I reply as I grab a mug and pour myself some coffee. ”Surprise me.”

”Good, they’re done then,” she says causes me to chuckle as she turns off the stove. She quickly fixes us both a plate and sits down beside me at the island bar. Barely touching her own food, she continues relaying orders to her comrades in the deep south.

That too makes me smile. Seeing her with a purpose does something to me that I can’t really explain.

”Hey,” I say before taking a bite of my eggs. ”Are you sure I’m...”

She interrupts by holding up a finger, telling me “one sec.” Even that makes me smile.

”Okay, go,” she says as she lays her phone down… then immediately picks it right back up again. ”Wait one more sec…………… ANNNNND go!”

”If you need to get back I’ll understand,” I say to her as I finish eating my eggs. ”I really don’t want to keep you from doing whatever it is you do down there.”

”It’s all taken care of,” she says as she shovels a fork full of egg into her mouth. ”It’s a well oiled machine!”

Moments later, she lays her phone down for good, having relayed all necessary orders to her comrades back at Coreytopia. We eat together. Joke together. Laugh together. For a time, it takes my mind off of everything in my life that has gone horribly off the rails.

One day at a time, one step at a time, I’ll pick up all the pieces and put it all back together… with a little help from my friends.

Far be it for me to assume I had opponents for Warfare trying to get themselves over as a legitimate threat within this company and in this industry. Far be it for me to assume that these two sidekick lackeys doing Ned Kaye’s bidding, doing Ned’s dirty work, would somehow think that maybe promoting the fact that they have a match on Warfare with the XWF’s resident Lionheart is kind of a big fucking deal.

Because I’m a big fucking deal.

I’m not a big fucking deal because I say I am, I’m a big deal gentlemen, because I’ve talked the talked, walked the walk, and I’ve been to the top of the fuckin’ mountain. And when push comes to shove, regardless of who my opponent is in any given match. Regardless of what title is involved or even if there’s none at all… when you face Thaddeus Duke, you face an entire nation. When you’re in the ring with me, gentlemen, you’re in the ring with god’s gift to a fuckin’ wrestling ring and I know how that sounds. I know that sounds conceited and arrogant and whatever adjective you want to throw at the wall. The fact is, in this business, no one’s gonna come right out and say ‘hell, Thad’s one of the best I’ve ever seen’ so forgive me for the perception, but I have to do it myself.

It’s something I learned from a friend of mine. No one is gonna put you over, so you have to do it yourself.

Try it boys. You might even get a little good at it with some hard work.

Speaking of hard work, I guess that’s not in the modus operandi of Avalanche and EXP. It’s not the method of operation for Eobard Stone and Steven Cooper. No see, the fact that they’ve failed to release a single fucking promo for this match tells me exactly the kind of people they are. As if it wasn’t already obvious what they were, but I’ll humor you by spelling it out. This band of disgruntled nothings that Ned Kaye has put together intends to try and skate by not by putting in work, not by putting in hard work like ninety percent of the roster, but by using their numbers game to their advantage.

Distraction here.

Interference there.

Little of this.

Little of that.


Hope they pick up a victory the easy way instead of… you know… trying.

Try, try, try as you might, Avalanche is neither big enough nor good enough to stop me. I have my mind set on something and the people of the XWF, the roster of the XWF, the powers that be in the XWF know that when I set my mind on something, there’s nothing that will stop me and it’s unfortunate that I have to go it alone tomorrow night in Seattle because what’s gonna happen is that lonely ole Thaddeus Duke enters into a handicap match where on paper, his back is against he wall. On paper, I should have no real chance in winning this match. But like so many others have before, you’re gonna find out what it’s like taking on a man with laser focus.

Warfare is comin’ soon fellas.

I’m comin’ to Seattle.

I’m beating the both of you and it’s gonna be an embarrassment on your part. Two of you can’t beat one of me and while I know I’m gonna take my lumps, I can absolutely guarantee you both that when I win, I’m goin to Leap of Faith and I’m gonna take Ned Kaye’s Hart title because winning championships is just one more thing I fucking excel at.

Here’s hoping you guys excel at anything at all except converting tight ends to wide receivers.

[Image: yIk6jXf.png]

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 7 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:
ALIAS (05-05-2021), Andre Dixon (05-04-2021), Corey Smith (05-04-2021), Dick Powers (05-04-2021), Marf (05-04-2021), R.L. Edgar (05-05-2021), Sil (05-05-2021)

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