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Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

04-09-2021, 10:58 PM

Few things possessed by a couple hold more sentiment than that place they lay their heads at night. A place of security for people in general, where all guard is let down and they let themselves, unprotected, go to that place of dreams. It's that place private conversations are held, where those small yet significant moments happen. That place where is love is shared as well as families made. It's not the walls that we should listen, but the pillows, sheets, and mattress were hearts intwined have left their imprint.

Like life, what was born in fiery flames of desire so to died in hells unrelenting torment. While those spirits may lament in Hades Kingdom or drink and make merry in Odin's hall, the body was left behind. A reminder of what was, a thing for those still living to mourn over. The memories of her bed were no different and like a emptied corpse Atara had make quick work of burying the remains. A chapter of life she never wanted to revisit in thought or in speech. A new bed had been delivered.

Free of his stinch, his memory, his fucking bullshit Legacy, it was time to start anew and what better way to break it in than share it with that god of dreams, Morpheus himself. Wrapped snug in sheet and comforter, it had not taken long for her to escape to that place free of the constraints reality imposed. Her minds eye was soon lit bright with all the vivid imagery her imagination could piece together and as should be expected our story begins proper up on high Olympus...


It was with no small degree of leisure that she sat perched at a scrying pools edge. With feet dangled over so that her toes could touch the crystal clear, water below. Languid, she seemed to have little care in the cosmos. Skin kissed by the rays of Helios' sun was wrapped in the opaque folds of a chiton and a golden laurel crowned her head, she was over dressed per her norm, she had been advised to be on best behavior while in the palace lest she earn the ire of Hera and of all the wives and companions of their pantheon. Zeus had been rather heavy handed with Aphrodite as of late, all her tampering causing a stir, and so Aphrodite had relented to the request.


It was boring to no end and the mortal world had been abuzz of late. Heroes it seemed were coming from thin air and the worst of humanity had made a mess of the stories the fate had deemed theirs. She wanted to be among them, all of them. Wanted her own legacy weaved with these sure to be legends, but rules were rules and so she watched from afar. Aegean blue orbs peered down to pool at her feet and with but a touch the water rippled revealing yet another moment she could not be apart of. A flick of her foot and the scene changed...


The bastard children of the Furies, she much enjoyed watching them. Aphrodite watched as they sacked one of the mightiest and cities ever and plundered gold.


A nefarious nymph with the most beautiful hair, scheming and plotting it's next plot.


A traveller, hair gold as Apollo's, preaching to the masses new religion, shame this heretic couldn't feel her wrath.


Another girl, in possession of a Pegasus, spouting blasphemy left and right. Better than the gods she thinks. Aphrodite could feel the heat rising within herself at the thought.


A coronation? A new King of Sparta crowned and already they planned to over throw him. Aphrodite sighed at this, so much potential to shape history their....


Corinth. Her city, her temple had taken shape, but why? She turned and layed on her stomach to reach down with slender finger and swirled the waters. Waiting anxiously her eyes grew wider and wider as picture took form and below her eyes from the past the looked back.

"War ender," she whispered in awe. A face not his nodded back, but the eyes told her what had already been confirmed and the plea in his gaze told her he was in trouble.

"You defied Zues?"

He nodded and looking deep into her eyes then spoke, "I need you, I'm trapped, help me...

In a fit of fear and panic, Aphrodite had already started to her feet when a sudden realization hit her. She looked back ever suspicious thinking this some trick contrived to incriminate her before the king of gods.

"Say your name." She commanded. An insignificant thing to most, but the war god would know why it was asked.


"No...your true name."

"I can't. He'll know. They'll know. I'm caged now, powerless. They will surely kill me if they learn I'm in a mortal shell."

Aphrodite, still unsure, remained silent. She looked around the palace in thought considering if she stay or go on so little. Her husband, Hephaestus, crippled cuck that he was held considerable influence and if he found she and went to help her former lover...

She looked back to the shell containing him then to the palace. There was no one so she once more looked to him, "Who holds you?"

"Men afraid of true monsters, non believers, help me be free..."

Aphrodite said nothing but had made her up her mind. Zues and Hephaestus be damned, she hadn't chose them. She started towards the portal to descend upon mortal earth when suddenly the patter of footsteps was heard behind her.

"Aphrodite! What are you doing! The truce!"

She looked over shoulder at met the gaze of Eris, Goddess of Discord, "What do we care of these goat herders? He needs me..."

"If you go, there will be no hope for you should they find out."

[Image: 03UzXue.gif]

"Fuck Hope."


[Image: 7xuZ9Zt.gif]

At the reigns of a Dove drawn chariot, Aphrodite darted across the sky. Looking up from their fields, theirs homes, their thrones, mortal men and women witnessed what seemed a blaze of fire streak the heavens. Already their priest and prophets, their oracles had started to try and decipher meaning. They weaved portent tales and tried to decide bane or boon little knowing they where insignificant to the divinity above. He was the only reason any of this mattered he was and had always been the target.

Towards her city she flew, never slowing, her chariot taking another form altogether before landing at the cities walls with a thunderous explosion leveling all in the vicinity of its concussive blast. The world was a cloud of dust and debris but through it all she heard the familiar blast of war horns.

How dare they. This was her city. She their goddess. All while defied would burn. It a matter of moments whole phalangxes had formed. Bronze spears, shields, and helmets gleamed in the sun as they waited for what threat had come to their walls and once the dust had fully settled piss would down legs. Fear seeped in and already ranks started to break.

[Image: xklpI8o.gif]

"The Shell!" They cried.

"The Goddess!" They cried.

"Aphrodite!" They cried.

Men scrambled to get inside the walls as commanders knowing of the prisoner they kept tried to reign them in. A brave few would stay thinking the Goddess of love harmless and soon they would learn diffrent...

[Image: p6DcZLC.gif]

Mouths agape, they stood in awe of her beauty as the cockle opened and those same commanders would again have to regain their army's will. The horns blasted and the march began. Aphrodite stood unphased and allowed them to encroach and once they had gotten into shot she looked them with Aegean orbs settling her gaze on a single hoplite in particular.

A scruffy fellow with a shield baring the Minotaur. Smiling Aphrodite spoke before stepping from her dias...

[Image: USNdQYr.gif]

He smiled back and in that moment a silent exchange may have been given. He was no threat to her, she was no threat him. Placing spear and shield to grown he knelt and so the goddess disregarded him as she moved towards the marching legion.

Lifting her left hand, the goat bearing shield of that flank were suddenly frozen were they stood as some plague of the flesh took them. Writhing and screaming in pain, they watched as tongues rotted out of their mouths and fell once the skin of their loins began to fester and boil. Helpless they as flocks of doves of carnivorous doves descended down and began to peck like vultures.

Lifting her right, the shields baring Ravens fared no better. The ground tore beneath them, all the wealth of Hades spewing forth in jagged golden spears impaling the unlucky, elevated them into the sky as if on blood stained pedestal. Baited hooks for even more carrion to have their fill.

And that was it. Minimal effort, and the voices were silent. Aphrodite marched towards the gates to claim her prize.


Atara suddenly snapped to reality and lurched forward from her new found comfort place. Looking around, she had to convince herself she was awake and once satisfied let out a heavy sigh....

"Fuck how does Alias do this shit...eff that belt. I can do it again."

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[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
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1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-18-2021), ALIAS (04-10-2021), Andre Dixon (04-11-2021), Corey Smith (04-10-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (04-10-2021), Theo Pryce (04-18-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-10-2021)

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