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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 5/07/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-09-2020, 06:51 AM



"Big Beautiful" Bobbi London
- vs -
Barney Green
Internet Rules!

Russian Rose
- vs -
Jamaican Jimmy

Both Russian Rose AND Shooter Syn will roleplay for this bout, with the best RP getting to further their end of the feud and come out on top in this match.

- vs -
John Black

"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Leather Strap Match!

The opponents will be attached at the wrist with a leather strap, and the winner will be the one who touches all four turnbuckles in succession.

Ruby & Osira Themis
- vs -
Vita Valenteen & Calvary

[Image: gR8affl.png]
Fireworks go off and fans in MAGA masks and toting AR-15s fill the seats (six feet apart) as ANARCHY hits the airwaves in Nebraska! LIBERATE OMAHA!

The camera finally settles on Vinnie Lane, who sits at ringside with a gasmask on. Can’t be too safe in these difficult times.

Vinnie Lane: “Holy crap! Omaha is LIT! You should have seen the tiki torch parade they held for us outside the building tonight, dudes… they were chanting all sorts of rad stuff like ‘you will not replace us’ which I assume was about not wanting to lose their place on the XWF tour!”

One last pyro can fires off and the load flies out a window, burning down a historically black church. The crowd cheers.

Vinnie Lane: “Gotta love the passion of these hard working Americans!”

The lights drop down low then and the Anarcho-Tron lights up with the sights and sounds of Anarchy’s own BARNEY GREEN!

Vinnie Lane: “Looks like we are ready to ROCK! Let’s get to the ring!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Big Beautiful" Bobbi London
- vs -
Barney Green
Internet Rules!

"Death March" By Motionless In White starts to play as the fans boo throughout the arena. Out comes Barney Green as we see that figure with him. The figure cackles as he sees Barney Green start walking down towards the ring. The fans look frightened as the figure follows him. He makes it to the ring as we see the figure pull out a car battery and jumper cables. Green just exposes his thumbs to him as the figure sparks the cables and then places them on Green's thumbs as Green just grunts. He removes the cables and Green climbs into the ring. Green just stares into space as his music fades.

Vinnie Lane: “Barney Green is a lot of things, but a coward isn’t one of them. Not many people would have had the balls to do what he did to me!”

“The Sickest C*nt” by Enkay1er begins to play as the lights turn up all through the arena. Bobbi emerges through the crowd, microphone in hand as she sings along with the words to her rather obnoxious and crude theme song. She prompts the fans to sing along with her, to the delight of the young fans and shock and embarrassment of the older people and parents, who attempt to cover their children’s ears. Bobbi slowly rolls over the barricade as she finally climbs into the ring, continuing to rap and dance terribly as the fans go wild.

Grabbing a mic, Bobbi starts her trademark rap.

“Yeah, you’s ready for- UNFF!”

Vinnie Lane: “Barney just assaulted Bobbi London from behind! London’s mic and Internet Title just flew out of the ring, and Barn is going full MUDHOLE STOMP!”

Barney is a house a-fire in the ring as referee-in-training Ari Silverstein calls for the bell. Barney follows up his stomps by hitting the ropes and flying off with a running senton onto the back of Bobbi London’s head. He shoots the half and rolls her onto her back while screaming for the official to get down and count.



London gets a shoulder up!

Barney gets in Ari’s face, clapping his hands together fast to show how he wants the ref to make his counts. Bobbi comes to her senses behind him and clobbers Green with a forearm shot that sends him stumbling into Silverstein! Ari falls out onto the floor through the ropes!

Vinnie Lane: “Uh oh, the ref is out! Ari has a history of concussions too, this isn’t looking good!”

Bobbi keeps clobbering Barney in the ring, but soon enough he shoves his sweaty palm right between Bobbi’s thick thighs! They save lives! Bobbi doubles over in pain, grabbing at Barney while he grabs at her nethers.

Vinnie Lane: “The Labial Claw! Barney has it in DEEP!”

Bobbi London howls and tries to break the iron grip of Barney Green, but she just can’t pry his fingers off of her Kangaroo Toe.

Just then, Roxy Cotton runs out from behind the entrance curtain!

Vinnie Lane: “Rox!? What are you doing here??”

Cotton races out to the ring and dives in, grabbing Bobbi’s Internet Championship before she enters the ring. Roxy then slams the belt into the back of Barney’s head, dropping him unconscious to the mat face first.

Bobbi looks confused at Roxy, who’s just screaming at London to hurry up and pin Green as she exits the ring.

Roxy then turns her attention to the KO’d carcass of Ari Silverstein. She rolls her eyes and then stands directly over his upturned face, one ankle on either side of his face. Like magic, his eyes pop open and his pupils dilate like someone staring into a Stargate or something.

Vinnie Lane: “Jesus Rox! He’s memorizing your undercarriage!”

Ari Silverstein, re-invigorated by seeing Roxy’s parts without having to buy a bunch of tokens on MyFreeCams, pops up and slides into the ring to make the count for Bobbi London!




Winner by Pinfall - Bobbi London

Vinnie Lane: “Well that was a weird one! I don’t think my fiance’s vagina has ever helped defend a title before!”
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Russian Rose
- vs -
Jamaican Jimmy

Jimmy strolls out from the back and walks to the ring like a pimp. He doesn’t have a care in the world.

Vinnie Lane: “Folks, Jamaican Jimmy is probably the most laid back man to ever grace the XWF. He looks like he’s asleep on the beach as we speak!”

Medved quickly struts to ringside with a black rose in his left hand and a thick 4ft length of chain wrapped around his clenched right fist. He wears a long sleeved hoody overtop his one piece red wrestling suit. Following behind him is brother/manager Alexei Medved wearing a black fitted suit and sunglasses. He runs a hand through his slick blonde hair and stops at the bottom of the ring while watching his much more massive brother walk up the steel steps and into the ring. He immediately drops the chain and uses the rose to imitate knife slashing his throat and whips the rose down to the mat. He removes his hood from his clean shaven head and removes the sweater. Alexei collects his brothers items from ringside and watches his brother as Evgeni continues the look of intensity and anticipation.

Vinnie Lane: “Rose is a calculating man. He will probably take things slow and… oh.”

Russian Rose explodes out of the corner like a man possessed. Jimmy stands there cool as a cucumber. When Rose gets close to him, he trips him, sending the big Russian tumbling. Rose looks at him with disgust as he gets up, charging him again and again Jimmy trips him.

Vinnie Lane: “Jimmy is a cooooool customer. Rose looks like a fat kid trying to run with his pants falling down here.“

Rose gets back up, but seemingly is learning. He charges Jimmy again but this time stops short before Jimmy can trip him, dropping to one knee and firing an uppcut to knock the islander backwards. Rose uses his speed to lock in a sleeper hold, full nelson, and begins yelling something in Russian as he does.

Jimmy is fighting to get out of it, but Rose has it locked in tight. Jimmy kicks back like a horse, a few times, connecting with the shins of the Russian and forcing him to break the hold and grab his throbbing shins.

Jimmy then hits an arm drag, flipping Rose over and comes off the ropes with a drop kick right to the lower back.

Vinnie Lane: “That's a free chiropractic appointment all in one. Rose should be thankful!”

Jimmy covers.




Jimmy stays on the attack, picking Rose up by the head. He fires a few punches off, backing him into the corner. Rose shoves him off. Jimmy comes back at him, Rose slides to the side and slams Jimmy's head off the turnbuckle, then wraps his arms around and hits a big suplex. Jimmy is on his back and Rose drops to one knee, shaking off the effects of the early onslaught.

Rose scrambles over for the cover.

Vinnie Lane: “Back and forth match here, somehow. Both of these men are ridiculous, I love it.”



Jimmy gets a shoulder up.

Both men are slow to get to their feet. They both do, and Rose clotheslines Jimmy over the ropes and to the outside. He tumbles to the mat and throws his arms up. "Why ya got' be so violent, mon?" Rose doesn't seem thrilled, and rolls out to go meet him.

Rose gets to the outside and Jimmy kicks him in the nuts.

Vinnie Lane: “Oh, right in the motherland!”

But instead of going down, something seems to snap inside the brute Russian.

He doesn't go down but rather begins to rage. He punches Jimmy hard in the face, and then grabs his head and begins to slam it off the steel steps.

Over and over Over and over Over and over Over and over Over and over Over and over Over and over.

Jimmy has a big gash on his head. The ref's count is at 8. Rose rolls the busted open Jamacian into the ring. Rose gets on top and begins to rain down blows to his head. He gets to 30.....his hands are covered in blood and his face is splattered with Jimmy's blood too.

Vinnie Lane: “Note to self, don't kick Russian Rose in the nads.”

Rose gets up, yells something in Russian. Picking up the now bloody and unconscious man, he gets him in position for a fireman’s carry.

St. Petersburg Slam!

Jimmy is out cold.

Rose covers, expressionless.




Winner by Pinfall - Russian Rose

Vinnie Lane: “Well, that escalated quickly. Can we get some EMT's out here, perhaps some rolling papers?”
[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
John Black

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldnt be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring, with the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk, walking not far behind. Followed by Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs and Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn.

Vinnie Lane: “Ol’ MM has had a pretty different attitude lately, I think because of his new friends. They’re a bad influence!”

As soon as Ice Cube blasts on the X-Tron, the smoke arises on the entrance way and the camera pans around the arena, and then it pinpoints Black who's coming out of the entrance stage. He stands there, and walks down to the ramp, and gives some high fives to the fans. He climbs to the ropes, and enters it and gives out a fist around the ring, then he stands in the middle of the ring as his theme cuts off.

Vinnie Lane: “JB the OG of XWF! How can you not root for this guy?”

Mastermind stares a hole through Black. He seems distracted, however. Like he really doesn't wanna be there. Mastermind turns and points to Vinnie at commentary, saying that he is above this and this is all Vinnie's fault that he is even here.

Black stands there with his arms folded, looking less than thrilled. Mastermind, however, seems to be more focused on berating the owner.

"I was the Television Champ for 129 days! I am a Main Event calibur wrestler! This is where you put me?! On this show! Against this........" He begins to step through the ropes, still yelling at Vinnie.

Vinnie Lane: “Last time we saw you, you were getting your butt put through an announce table! Get in there and back up your smack talk, big boy."

Both misfits now stand on either side of the table. They look ready to pounce.

Mastermind continues yelling at Vinnie.

Black has had enough and unfolds his arms, taking a few steps to end up directly behind Mastermind.

Mastermind waves off Vinnie, ppssshting, and turns around........


John Black drills Mastermind with Blacklisted!

He hooks the leg.




Mastermind gets a shoulder up but it's too late!

Winner by Pinfall - John Black

He rolls over wincing.

Vinnie Lane: “WOW! Just like THAT! Black only needed a single moment to catch MM off guard and steal a quick win here tonight!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Leather Strap Match!

The opponents will be attached at the wrist with a leather strap, and the winner will be the one who touches all four turnbuckles in succession.

A thick fog rolls onto the entrance ramp as the opening riff of Unholy blares throughout the arena. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the stage and in the flash, Micheal Graves appears seemingly out of thin air. Graves walks down the ring to a mixed reaction. At the bottom of the ramp, he takes a running start and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Graves stands up and raises his arms out to his sides like a cross. He slowly lifts his head up, looking to the sky as the lights fade in.

Zane simply rises from underneath the entrance way, and walks down to the ring. He climbs in the ring, and simply stares at his opponent as his theme fades off.

As the bell rings, we see Zane and Graves wrist being strapped on by the ref, and both of them have a staredown with one another. Then they circle around the ring, trying to find and opening. Zane then tries to lock up on Graves, but Graves pushes him off. Zane does it again, but shoves him off again. Zane then gives a deliberate low blow on Graves, and then proceeds to strangle him with the leather strap.

Vinnie Lane: "Jeezus, this match is getting a bit crazy. Zane is not holding back in this match!"

Graves then Elbow’s Zane in the head, and Zane stops choking him; then Graves then locks in a headlock, and does a Side Headlock Takedown, while holding his head. Zane manages to get on his feet, and launches him to the ropes, and connect with a Uppercut. Zane then uses the strap to whip Graves as hard as he can, and he ended up whipping Graves bad knee with it.

As Zane kept on whipping his bad knee, Graves is in pain. Zane then locks in a Single leg lock, and tries to apply pressure towards it; but Graves overpowers the hold, and kicks him on the chest. Graves then lifts up Zane on his feet, and wraps the strap on his throat, and decides to do a hangman challenge at the Apron on Zane.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh my god! Zane is hanging for dear life on the apron!"

Graves kept on putting pressure on the strap, but the ref told him to break it, which he does. Zane is laid out on the apron, and Graves drags him into the ring. Graves then hits the First corner, and he hits the second corner, but gets stopped by Zane pulling the strap away from the third corner. Zane is on his feet, and starts punching Graves. Graves punches back, and lands a Backhand on Zane. Then he grabs Zane, and tries to hit a Trapping Headbutt, but Zane bites him in the forehead.

Vinnie Lane: "Uh oh, Zane is about to feast on Graves tonight! Better close your eyes, because the freaks come out at night."

Zane then kept on biting his forehead, until Graves started to bleed. Then Zane Irish whip him to the ropes, and connects with a Roundhouse Kick. Zane lifts up Graves, and hits him with a Scoop Slam. Zane then goes to the First corner and hits it, then before he could even hit the second corner, Graves manages to pulls the strap that caused Zane to hit the outside floor.

Vinnie Lane: "Such crazy feats of strength of Graves to toss Zane out like that."

While Zane is on the opposite of the post, Graves then rolls to the outside and pulls the strap to the post on Zane’s face. Graves does it again, but Zane stops the momentum; and slams his face on the corner post with the strap. Zane rolls back into ring, while Graves is slow in getting into it.

Zane then wraps the strap into his fist, and starts to wail on his head, but Graves laughs evilly as Zane kept hitting him. Graves Headbutts Zane, and he climbs back into the ring; he then hits a Hook to the body, and manages to land Pulling Piledriver on Zane.

Vinnie Lane: "Whatta maneuver by Graves, dudes."

He then pulls out his homemade Spike from his boot, but Zane grabs his hand, and kicks him in the gut. He Drops the spike, and he picks it up and stabs him with it in the chest. Zane then tosses the spike out, and he hits a Facebuster out of nowhere. Zane then goes to the First corner and hits it, he hits the Second corner, before he could reach for the Third corner Graves gets on feet and spit the Graves’ Mist (Green Poison Mist) on Zane.

Vinnie Lane: "What is that move? Oh yeah, it’s Graves dead breath that totally knocked him out."

Graves then looks down on Zane, and stomps on him. He then waits for Zane to get on his feet, then once he does he kicks him in the gut and hits....


Vinnie Lane: "Oh my god, Zane’s broken in half! Will the Dark Warrior dude hit all four corners? Or will Zane come back from the dead, and stop this madman from hitting all the pillars?"

Graves then hits the first corner....

Hits the Second corner....

Graves gets to the third corner and slaps his hand down on top of it, cackling like a hyena as he continues to drag the lifeless form of Zane Norrison around.

Vinnie Lane: "Not so fast, Micheal! Zane just popped up like a haunted house scare!”

Graves sees Zane standing behind him, pulling on the strap to keep Graves from getting to corner number four. Graves begins to seethe with anger, and he charges at Norrison, grabbing him and then slamming him hard to the canvas with a FLATLINER!!!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh crap! Zane just exploded like a Lego mini-fig!”

Indeed, Zane Norrison’s arms and legs all popped off from the impact of the move, essentially drawing and quartering him… but his limbs all fly in diagonal directions, bouncing off of each corner at the same time!


Vinnie Lane: "WHAT??? That counts? Oh MAN this place is weird sometimes…”

Winner by Corner Contact - Zane Norrison

Graves can’t believe it, he knows he had the match won. He looks ready to protest, but he starts to get queasy when he sees all of Zane’s body parts starting to crawl and squirm back toward the torso and head.

Graves bails out and heads toward the back, giving Vinnie an earful as he passes by the announce booth.

Vinnie Lane: "Dude I agree! I didn’t even know he could DO that! Let me just send things bacstage and see if I can clear this up...”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
Backstage, sitting by himself in catering is Boris, who is not scheduled to compete tonight. He has a plate of food in front of him, which takes up all of his attention. A shadow appears over Boris as he looks up. Standing in front of him and the table is Russian Rose. The mammoth Russian wrestler crosses his arms and just stares at Boris, who does not say anything. After a few seconds, Russian Rose's manager and brother Alexei steps out from behind him. Boris looks back and forth between the two of them, and tension fills the air...until Alexei raises a bottle of vodka from his side.

Boris: ...COMRADES! Come! Sit!

Both Russian Rose and Alexei smile as they place the bottle of vodka onto the table and sit down in front of Boris.
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vinnie Lane: "Folks, I've reviewed the footage... check this out!"

Vinnie rolls the tape, showing the explosive final moments of the Graves/Norrison strap match. At the moment Graves hits the Flatliner on Zane and Zane's parts begin to fly apart... we see a single tooth coming from the mouth of Graves. The tooth, which is NOT in great shape, and probably only needed the slightest impact to come loose, flies through the air right along with one of Zane's legs, hitting the turnbuckle at the same time as the zombie limb.

Vinnie Lane: "As you can see, part of Graves DID hit all four corners just like part of Zane did! I am therefore using EXECUTIVE POWER to declare that match a DRAW!"

NEW RESULT - Micheal Graves vs. Zane Norrison - EXECUTIVE DRAW

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Ruby & Osira Themis
- vs -
Vita Valenteen & Calvary

Vinnie Lane: “Ladies and germs it is MAIN EVENT time! Last Anarchy we saw Osira Themis increase her STEALTH attribute to 100 overall as she deceived Vita Valenteen and shocked the world with a win in the battle royal to determine a number one contender… so THIS time around we decided to team her up with the CHAMP! Because why not?”

Ruby emerges with her gold title belt, and the fans go nuts. She makes sure to give every single fan at ringside a high five as she goes to the ring, which makes it take quite a while… but she doesn’t mind!

Vinnie Lane: “And here’s the champion now! Ruby, the first and only two-time Anarchy Champion, has come to the ring first… she loves setting a good example for everyone!”

Vinnie Lane: “Heck yeah! DUBSTEP!”

Vinnie pops up and suddenly has glowsticks. He dances badly.

Osira slinks out and gets the men in attendance hooting and hollering. Heck, most of the women in the crowd are just as thirsty for the sexy goddess making her way to the ring.

Vinnie Lane: “This is going to be a heck of a team! I wonder if their upcoming match will make working together stressful?”

As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roared through the arena the crowd jumped to their feet as Vita ran onto the stage. Vita walked down the stage in a zigzag pattern as she slapped hands and tried her best to get the crowd riled. At the foot of the ramp, Vita took off and slid under the ropes to enter the ring. Vita hopped to her feet and struck her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight!

Vinnie Lane: “Vita came SOCLOSE to winning that battle royal last time out! A lot of people think she should be considered the real winner… well, she’s got a chance to even up the score with Osira here tonight, as well as prove she can hang with the champion!”

Vinnie Lane: “And now for Vita’s partner… the controversial metahuman who apparently is really into white people rapping! Calvary had a pretty great showing of his own in the Battle Royal, but he got wrapped up with Amjetkun Socio and couldn’t get to the end… hey, what’s this?”

At the top of the ramp, Calvary, flanked by his sidekick Salvation, has simply stopped walking toward the ring. Grabbing a microphone, he holds up a hand to silence the crowd.

“Good citizens!”

“In this time of crisis, as you all know, the world needs a hero! The world needs CALVARY… and it needs SALVATION! There is no time right now for trivial sporting matches. Not when a greater enemy to life, liberty, and the American way are elsewhere… and I’m talking about YOU, Amjetkun Socio!”

Vinnie Lane: “WHOA! Calvary making a call-out! But Socio isn’t scheduled to be here tonight!”

“With that villain free to roam, no one is safe! Therefore, Vita Valenteen, I must go. I must protect society! Forgive me, Vita, but… I know what’s best!”

Calvary smirks as he turns to head back up the ramp. Vita Valenteen looks PISSED, and she exits the ring and starts jogging up the entrance after Calvary and Salvation. Vota catches up to Salvation and grabs her by the shoulder, and Salvation spins around with a back fist that sends Vita sprawling!

Vinnie Lane: “Vita just got DROPPED! Here comes Ruby to check on her and help her out… “

Ruby checks on Vita and helps her out. She helps Valenteen walk to the ring, and she then starts talking to referee Chaz Bobo about it being unfair to let the match go on as planned, since Vita is outnumbered two to one.

Bobo seems ready to throw the match out, but Vita doesn’t want a handout! Also, Osira Themis is chomping at the bit to get things going. She certainly doesn’t seem to have any problem with the odds being forever in her favor.

Vita heads to her corner, brushing off protests from Ruby. Chaz Bobo calls for the bell!


Vinnie Lane: “Seems like our main event is a little uneven right now, folks… Vita is a great competitor but how can she expect to overcome both the Anarchy Champion AND the top contender?”

Osira starts for her team and she and Vita tangle up. Valenteen uses her expertise in leverage and an uncanny ability to manipulate her center of gravity. She counters and re-counters everything Themis throws her way, demonstrating a high level of amateur wrestling know-how.

Themis sees an opening during one exchange and rams a forearm into Vita’s face, right where she caught that spinning back fist from Salvation. Vita drops to her knees and Themis sizes her up, then bounces the ropes and comes off with a shining wizard to the back of the head that plants Valenteen on her face.

Ruby can be heard shouting at Osira to take it easy, but Themis has other plans. She grabs Vita’s wrists and stretches her arms backward, then plants a foot on the back of her head and wicked stepsisters her into next week! Vita is laid out, and Ruby does not look happy about the way things are playing out.

Vinnie Lane: “Vita seeing stars now! Osira is NOT going easy on the opposition here, even with a huge advantage in the numbers game!”

Themis struts to her corner and tags in Ruby. Ruby hesitantly enters the ring and approaches Vita, shaking her on the mat and making sure she’s not in need of medical attention. When Vita stirs, Ruby just nods her head and points at her own shoulders, then drops backward onto the mat, lying there with her arms and legs spread out.

Vinnie Lane: “Ruby now trying to just wrap this match up… she looks like she’s willing to take the L here just to get it all over with and protect her friend!”

Vita sits up and sees what Ruby is doing and shakes her head, refusing to cover Ruby so easily. She stands up and gets in a fighting stance, calling for Ruby to do the same. Ruby throws her hands up in dismay as she stands, but does what Vita wants.

They lock up, and Ruby takes control with a headlock takeover. Vita nips up and locks up again, taking Ruby down with a hiptoss. Ruby sits up and Vita sinks in a reverse chinlock. Ruby looks like she’s going to just immediately tap out, so Vita lets go of the hold, leaving Ruby there on the mat looking more and more frustrated with Vita’s stubbornness.

Vinnie Lane: “Respect to what Ruby’s trying to do, protecting her good friend, but Vita does NOT want a handout here!”

Ruby and Vita lock up again and Vita shoves Ruby backward into her own corner. Osira Themis tags herself into the match and Ruby looks helpless. Themis runs at Vita and is taken down with a drop toe hold, which Vita then floats over into a crossface. Osira is QUITE bendy though, so she is able to withstand the hold using her double jointed spinal column to weather the pain until Vita’s arms gas out and she has to let go.

Themis goes low and chop blocks Vita, then leaps into a jumping double stomp to the back of Valenteen’s head. Osira then pulls Vita up and whips her into the corner front first, leaving Valenteen staggering back and clutching her sternum. Vita turns, and Osira starts blasting her in the chest with vicious chops and strikes, backing her into the ropes with double handed ax chops that leave Vita dangling off the rope.

Vinnie Lane: “F Your Tits!”

Vita stumbles away from the ropes and Osira clobbers her with a running forearm strike to the face, then hops on top of her and drives a series of hard right hands right into her orbital socket, pushing it all the way until the end of the referee’s five count.

Vinnie Lane: “F Your Face! Osira is not pulling any punches here!”

Vota finds herself strung over the second rope, sucking wind with her head hanging outside of the ring. Themis exits and stands on the apron, giving the crowd a thrill by rubbing her hand on her rear end and iving it a wiggle before charging at Vita and throwing her butt right at her head… and Vita dodges! Osira’s backside slams into the ring post and she falls down to the floor wailing and grabbing at it with both hands.

Vinnie Lane: “We have an actual tragedy on our hands, folks! Osira Themis has injured her booty!”

Vita exits the ring herself and runs across the apron, leaping off with a cactus ebow that connects fully on Osira Themis… it looks like it took almost as much out of Vita to execute the move, though.

Valenteen and Themis get to their feet, and Vita is in control. She sends Themis into the barricade, then drops her with a hard clothesline. A whip to the ring steps follows, and Osira is in full retreat mode, crawling away from the fired up Valenteen.

Vita follows Osira around the corner of the ring and Themis then dives back into the ring, scrambling to her corner to make a tag to Ruby. Ruby once again is hesitant getting in the ring, and Vita enters to meet her face to face.

Vinnie Lane: “Vita is putting up one heck of a fight here, but it’s obvious she’s in bad shape. She’s limping, breathing heavy, her eye is swelling… Ruby is 100%. This just isn’t fair!”

Ruby tries to talk it out with Vita but Vita isn’t having it. She wants to win or lose fair and square. They lock up, and Vita whips Ruby to the ropes. Ruby rebounds and Vita lifts her for a side suplex, but Ruby frees herself and then whips Vita into the ropes instead. When Vita comes off she sees Ruby ducked over looking for a backdrop, and she leaps… into a Canadian Destroyer!

Vinnie Lane: “WOW! Vita hit it perfectly! Ruby’s head just bounced… this could be it!”

Vita with a quick cover…



Osira Themis breaks it up!

Themis grabs two hands full of Vita’s hair and drags her off of Ruby, throwing her like a sack of vegetables into the corner.

Osira gives some words to Ruby, a mixture of encouragement and insistence that she put more effort into winning. Ruby holds her head and ignores Themis, instead again checking to see if Vita is okay. When she leans in, Valenteen grabs her and rolls her up in a small package!



Ruby kicks out!!!

Vinnie Lane: “I’m shocked Ruby didn’t just stay down there! Has she decided to give Vita the fight she wants?”

Ruby looks frustrated, she punches the mat, obviously annoyed at herself for kicking out. Must have been fully out of pure instinct.

Ruby tags out to Osira, not wanting to engage Vita anymore. Themis rolls her eyes and enters the ring, but turns back to her partner to give her a talking to. From behind, Vita slams into Osira which makes Themis and Ruby collide, sending Ruby falling to the floor.

Vita snatches Osira in an O’Connor roll… but the official isn’t counting! He’s saying the collision counts as a tag and that Ruby is the legal participant once again! Vita had Osira down for a five count there, and she is NOT happy with another technicality getting in between her and a victory.

Ruby climbs back up from the floor and is informed she has to get into the ring. Themis tells her to get it done while checking her own nose to see if it was broken when she and Ruby went head to head.

Ruby holds her hands up for a test of strength, but Vita is out of patience for Ruby’s games… even though Vita’s tank looks like it’s on E, Vita finds the fumes to slam a fist into Ruby’s jaw! Ruby’s knees buckle and she falls down, giving Vita the chance to go on attack!

Vita lifts Ruby up, but she’s shaky… she looks for a suplex…


Ruby doesn’t look thrilled about having used her finish on her friend, but the reversal instinct was too strong to resist. Ruby drapes an arm over the finished Vita Valenteen.




Winners by Pinfall - Ruby & Osira Themis

Vinnie Lane: “Vita did everything she could, but she never had a chance once her partner hung her out to dry, dude… hey, what’s going on… “
[Image: gR8affl.png]
After the match ends a masked figure is spotted attacking Ruby. The masked figure climbs to the top rope and jumps off hitting a twisting senton.

Vinnie Lane: “That move looks familiar!”

The figure removes the mask to reveal Geri Miller.

Vinnie Lane: “It's Geri Miller! The former Anarchy Champion! I thought she was going to be gone WAY longer!”

Geri grabs a microphone as Osira tries to get Ruby to come back to her senses. The partners share an uneasy glance as neither truly trusts the other fully.

Geri: Hey there Ruby, Osira. I don't care which of you is the champion. I...Got..NEXT! I want MY title back!

Geri drops the mic and heads off through the crowd, leaving Ruby standing in the ring. Osira heads off on her own after seeing that things had calmed down.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vita seemed to have injured her ankle as trainers helped her backstage to seek medical attention. Calvary and Osira also left the ring, leaving just Ruby to celebrate with the crowd.

Vinnie Lane: “The crowd tonight aren’t ready to go home, but Ruby can only celebrate for so long.”

[Image: thugs.jpg]

The X-Tron fired up to an image of Mr. After Hours standing in a dimly lit red-hued room. He is wearing his red suit and black shades. Then he held up a picture of Ruby and lit them on fire as he laughed wickedly. His image faded out of the X-Tron, and the lights came back on to see two men in hoodies standing behind Ruby as she tried to make sense of what she just saw.

Vinnie Lane: “LOOK BEHIND YOU!”

The two hooded men jumped Ruby from behind!

They whipped her to the rope and hit a DRIVE BY on Ruby in the middle of the ring!

Then two men peeled back their hoods and revealed themselves as John Black and Tommy Wish! As the fans boo they have a wicked smile on their faces.

A thick fog rolls onto the entrance ramp as the opening riff of Unholy blares throughout the arena. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the ring and in the flash, Micheal Graves appears in the ring out of thin air.

Vinnie Lane: “As soon as I find out who let that freak out of the closet, they’re so fired!”

Graves jerked at Ruby’s hair as he slowly pulled her up to her feet. Tommy and JB grabbed her from behind and held her up. Graves placed a hand on each of her cheeks and whispered ” Your time draws near... Hero.” before licking her face.

Vinnie Lane: "Okay, that’s enough of that!"

Lane tossed his headset and started for the ring, but a masked woman dressed in white and pink clobbered him across the back of the head with a metal briefcase! Lane dropped to the floor and the mysterious Ms. Direction stepped over him and climbed up onto the apron.

Graves continued to spit out directions to the T.H.U.G.S. They pulled at Ruby to set her up as Graves ordered. Ruby tried to break free, but Tommy and JB’s size advantage proved too much.

Ms. Direction tossed the briefcase to Graves and grabbed the top rope, springboarding into the ring!


With the added stiffness of the T.H.U.G.S. holding her in place, the impact from the springboard dropkick managed to break Ruby’s nose and blood began streaming almost immediately.

Ms. Direction jumped up and circled her prey laughing maniacally while Graves and The T.H.U.G.S. look on. Suddenly Ms. Direction dropped on top of Ruby and quickly locked in the Rings Of Saturn! Ruby cried out from the pain, but those cries quickly gave way to silence as she fell unconscious.

Ms. Direction eventually released the hold and called for Graves to pass her the contents of the briefcase. He obliged and passed her a single sheet of paper from the case. Ms. Direction grabs a fist full of Ruby’s hair and lifts her head out of the pooled up blood on the mat. She rubs it across Ruby’s blood-soaked face before slamming her face back into the mat with all of her weight.

The camera zooms in on the paper.

[Image: bobnote.jpg]

Ms. Direction, Graves, and The T.H.U.G.S. taunt the crowd as Anarchy signs off the air!

[Image: BOBis-HERE.jpg]


Vita Valenteen
Chris Chaos
John Black

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 8 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Alexei Medved (05-09-2020), Atara Raven (05-09-2020), Miss Fury (05-09-2020), Ned Kaye (05-09-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-09-2020), Tommy Wish (05-09-2020), Vita Frickin Valenteen (05-09-2020), Zane Norrison (05-09-2020)
Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-09-2020, 08:09 AM

"So much to talk about, but I'm going to keep it short."

"Calvary and Salvation, while I can understand your frustrations with me from a few weeks back, what you guys did tonight was not very hero-like. I'm really trying to do better, to be better. For that reason and because you are known to the world as a hero, I will not be seeking any sort of revenge for your actions tonight."

"Be warned though, the path to self-destruction starts with the smallest of actions. I implore you to correct your course before it's too late."

"Ruby, it may have taken some coaxing, but thank you for coming at me hard. My days of looking for the easy way out are over, and even though I faced insurmountable odds tonight, I'm happy just knowing that I gave you and Osira everything I had, and I look forward to the next time our paths cross."

"With that said, the events that played out after the match were quite disturbing on a couple of levels. It truly boggles my mind to think that someone as good and sincere as Ruby can't get a frickin' hand when she's ambushed by four sadistic buttholes, two of them known sex offenders. I really wish I hadn't been hurt, because if I were out there, B.O.B. wouldn't have succeeded in their attack tonight!"

"With that said, I'm already sick of this group of misfits and their doppelganger version of me! I don't know who is under the mask of Ms. Direction, but I do realize that it appears to be me. I also realize that Graves has continuously dropped not so subtle hints that I am somehow involved with these people. I'm not, and I can only think of one way to prove it."

"Next episode of Anarchy, I want Ms. Direction ONE on ONE!"

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on my friend!

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

Match History
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[-] The following 2 users Like Vita Frickin Valenteen's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-23-2020), Ruby (05-09-2020)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-09-2020, 08:56 AM

"The side kick that's so irrelevant a mangy mutt can fill her role wants to face ME!!?"

"I accept!"

"It's going to be YOUR funeral..."

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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Alexei Medved Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

05-09-2020, 05:45 PM


[Image: M8HN8TM.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-23-2020)

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