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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Drew Archyle Offline
Apex's Weakest Link duh

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05-01-2019, 03:02 PM

I've been sitting here racking my brain trying to figure out why I should care about this match more than my opponents will? Anyone who knows me knows that I am not the type of fella to look past anyone. You know what they say in football, "any given Sunday" and all but I gotta tell you, these two make it real difficult to be polite given the circumstances. Rain and Snow, team Perfect Storm, I have seen a few of their matches and I have yet to see them put in an ounce of work in ahead of time trying to hype the match. I literally put more effort into my daily constitutionals than Rain and Snow did for their last match. Especially this mornings, geez, I don't know what I ate but boy was that one a workout. It felt like I imagine giving birth feels like, only out your ass.

But I digress. Wait scratch that, I don't want to get a cease and desist letter from Peter Gilmour's cereal box attorneys. S

So look I don't want to spend all day bad mouthing my upcoming opponents. That's not really my style and I'm sure my opponents will have plenty to say in the coming days though likely not a word about our match because that's how they roll. These two are all over the XWF halls saying and doing whatever they can to get noticed except prepare for their match. A match that in this case they asked for. A title match at that. However if on the off chance they stumble in front of a camera and cut something that resembles a promo they will likely do all the work to verbally undress themselves for me so again I ask, why bother?

Instead I am going to spend this time addressing the pre lap band Peter Gilmour sized elephant in the room and that is James Raven's dualing loyalties and how it may or may not effect our upcoming match. For those not keeping track at home James Raven is a friend of Apex. Some might call him a member, some might call him an ally, Robert and I, we call him a brother. And that isn't a word we through around lightly either. I can count on one hand with two fingers left over how many people I consider my brother. James Raven stepped up to help Apex out when we needed help and he will forever be a brother of mine and because of that he has my absolute trust. Now, and forever, or until he gives me a reason to think differently.

However, James also has a loyalty to a once upon a time "legend" named Centurion. Now before everyone goes on twitter and hashtags #ArchylehatesCent I don't say once upon a time legend as a way to disrespect the guy's legacy. He does that himself when he steps in the ring. I am simply saying it to denote that the Centurion James Raven grew up with in the Prophecy is not the same guy who stands next to him now. James Raven knows, even if he won't say it, that if shit were to hit the proverbial fan it's Apex that he would go to to help clean up the mess. Not Cent and certainly not Roxy Nova. But James being the swell fella that he is, he believes, and rightfully so I might add that he owes Cent a debt of loyalty because it was Cent that saw the greatness in James when he was just a young pup. It was Cent that took Jimmy Bird under his wing and helped mold him into the People's G.O.A.T. that stands before you today.

Now why am I bringing this up? What does this have to do with my upcoming match with The Perfect Storm? And the answer is simple...


And everything.

Someone asked me the other day while I was waiting in line at Whole Foods to pay for my Chocolate Almond Milk if I was concerned at all that James Raven's divided loyalties might cost Apex the tag team titles and the honest truth is...I'm not and here's why, James Raven's competitive spirit is unrivaled in this business. There is no one who will put in more time and effort to perfecting their craft than James. There is no one, myself included who will put their body on the line more than James. There is no one who will do fight harder than James. It is for those reasons that I know without a shadow of a doubt that I will emerge victorious in any match I have where James Raven is in my corner.

And to that end, James is an adult, he is free to be friends with whoever he wants. It's a big world and if James wants to spend sometime with his friends in Prophecy he's more than welcomed to do so. And should there ever come a day where James truly has to pick between Apex and the Prophecy, well, I know James will make the right decision. Now if you'll excuse me I am lately for my monthly date.

The camera zooms out to reveal a shot of F.L.O.C.K. which is an acronym for "For the Love Of Cats and Kittens" a non profit, no kill cat sanctuary located in Las Vegas, Nevada. As it turns out XWF tag team champion and total sweetheart Drew Archyle goes there once a month to volunteer some of his time helping to care for the cats who have been abandoned and abused by their previous scumbag owners. If you ask Drew he'll tell you it's because he loves giving back to the community but the truth is, he likes it because he gets to sit around and pet cats all day long and no one looks at him like he's a weirdo.

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
w/ Robert "The Omega" Main and and James Raven "Apex" Longest reigning tag team champions in XWF history at 241 days.
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[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

February 2018 Superstar Of The Month
March 2019 RPOTM For Captain Americhyle - The First Apexvenger
Winning Team War Games 2017 w/Apex
XWF Federweight Champion
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Atticus Gold (05-01-2019), Kuda (05-01-2019), Ned Kaye (05-01-2019), Rain (05-18-2019), Robert "The Omega" Main (05-01-2019)

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