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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Mad Dog: Strip Club Anarchy!
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"The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler Offline
Oceanic Cowboy

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-26-2017, 01:27 PM

Scanning the crowd of the strip joint Mad Dog and myself are at enjoying a few lap dances while having a few cold ones. When the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on is giving a suit one dominate and aggressive table dance. I'm talking high heels pressing into shoulder sockets while pussy is gyrating in his face. His eyes wide, could I blame him? Hell no. She had to be the most supreme specimen the place had to offer. Suddenly my euphoric fantasy of the young lady is shattered into a million pieces. Just like Jim Caedus' jaw come Anarchy. Bout time someone shuts off that over used microphone! Shattered by the likes of a man, every man should strive to be like. General James "Mad Dog" Mattis' voice could break the concentration of the most disciplined Buddhist monk.

"What the fuck is on your mind? Please don't tell me that turd banger Caedus is the culprit?"

"Fuck no man. It's that girl over there. She is really stirring my thoughts."

"Her back side does scream fuck me raw and from behind that's for sure!"

"You don't say that, she's a saint!"

Mad Dog looks at me like I just put flame to a crack pipe in the middle of the club. I slam a shot of crown royal and lick my lips. Mad Dog points toward the girl, my head turns in the direction. Damn! Guess calling her a saint was a little much, but she is so damn sexy. The special stripper now has the Suit out of his seat. Her left hand aggressively pulling his hair while pressing his face into his ass cushion. Like an alpha ass motherfucker she is thrusting her hips into his back side while taking turns spanking his left and right ass cheeks with his own belt. His pants are still on, she is wearing nothing but a black G-string and bikini top. That ass. Making my mouth water, sitting there like a rare three inch thick NY Strip. Almost begging me to take a bite.

"So what fucking church does she belong to, because sign me the fuck up buddy. If that's how their saints act, I wanna meet some of their fucking sinners! Damn it's great to be an American!"

"Very fucking funny Mad Dog! I should go over their and buy her attention for the night, keep shit gobblers like that suit from ruining the delicate little creature."

"What the fuck is wrong with you boy? Never put the pussy on a pedestal. Rule number fucking one. Don't tell me a hard charging motherfucker like you is going soft, losing his inner killer? Looking for a life partner is definitely the first step to loosing that inner devil dog, just waiting to spit on his hands, break fence, and start sorting bastards out. Right now is not the fucking time. We maybe basking in the glory and comforts of American freedom right now, but we are constantly a blink of an eye away from complete Anarchy! Always remember."

Mad Dog takes one of the many already poured shots of Crown Royal and pours it into his mouth. Followed by another. His hand reaches for a third, I smile and quickly slam one and grab my second before he reaches his. We take the next shots together simultaneously. As my hand grasps my third he smiles and waves me on to continue without him. I slam another and another. Passing him up by one shot, brings out a younger devil in him. Mad Dog continues matching shot for shot, until we hit about ten and we both look as if one more may cause us to puke. Not even allowing a full two minutes to go by before finishing ten well shots a piece.

"Damn looks like I still can drink with the best of them! Drinking does run deep in our DNA, doesn't it?"

"Damn straight! We were born in a bar for crying out loud. Many of nights filled with copious amounts of booze, grass, and ass all the way into morning physical training. Never let it slow me down one fuckin' bit though. No, always in my head on loop was you're the fucking best. A Fucking Marine! No one nor anything can stop you! Now I bet tomorrow morning I will barely be able to do my weight training routine let alone get my HIIT in."

"Sure the fuck you will! Devil you may be out of the Marine Corps but you're still a fucking Marine. That means while in the XWF you are our representation and you have matches out the ass to give it your all. So if you want to continue the high flyin', stylin', and profilin' alpha life style. You're going to have to dig down deep and find that stank eyed, snarl toothed, and razor clawed Devil Dog that fucked shit up! We aren't asking victory all the time especially not if you are enlisting your body, heart, sweat, tears, blood, and soul into every event the XWF offers. Nope not at all but we do expect you to be bustin' ass and showing the world Marines can do anything at a professional level."

Mad Dog is right, it is time I quit being a retired veteran and start being the Marine I was born to be. No more easy road. Nothing but the most difficult and obstructed paths life has to offer from here on out. Before grabbing my bottle of St. Pauli's Girl, I take a quick glance at my doll, who has disappeared, as well as the Suit. Not letting her rapid disappearance divert my train of thought. I raise the beer bottle into the air to conduct a toast to Mad Dog for his motivational words that were much needed.

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(12-27-2017), Drew Archyle (12-26-2017), JimCaedus (12-26-2017)

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