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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Lion's Tale: RP #1
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-14-2017, 11:35 PM

[duke]Monday, July 10, 2017 | 5:19 PM | On Board Illuminatus One | The Skies Above Germany [/duke]

[duke]"And he's not talking?"[/duke] Thaddeus asks from his private office on board the jumbo jet. Lincoln and Jim have joined him via speaker phone.

"No sir, he's not," Tritter replies.

"He keeps insisting that he'll only talk to you."

[duke]"Lincoln, any update on the Dolly Waters situation?"[/duke] he asks as he takes a seat in the big chair.

"Not yet. We're getting close."

[duke]"What's the hold up?"[/duke]

"It's Smalltown, USA, Thaddeus. We have to use a personal approach in order to get people to cooperate, but even then," he explains before being cut off.

[duke]"Yeah, I know. Keep working at it. Sooner or later we'll get a breakthrough."[/duke]

Dead silence from all three.

"How would you like to proceed with the defector?"

[duke]"Keep working on him,"[/duke] Thaddeus orders. [duke]"Worst case, I'll be there tomorrow anyway and I'll talk to him then."[/duke]

"Tomorrow? I thought you were over Germany."

[duke]"I am,"[/duke] Thaddeus replies. [duke]"German PM invited me to their famous circus."[/duke]

"They have a famous circus?"

[duke]"I guess. I never heard of it though."[/duke]

"Alright well enjoy yourself, relax a little bit."

Thaddeus doesn't respond.

"I wasn't able to catch Savage, how'd that go?"

[duke]"Lost. Fucker actually managed to pin me."[/duke]

"Shit. First time for everything I guess."

[duke]"Took the title back after the show though so all is not lost,"[/duke] he says with a feigned smile.

"Get some rest tonight and I'll see you tomorrow."

...1 Hour Later...

Thaddeus is guided through the backstage area of the circus. Being a huge animal lover, its like a dream come true for him. To be so close to such amazing creatures- lions, tigers, elephants- it leaves him a bit awestruck. His guide, the seventeen year old granddaughter of the German PM points to various animals and explains how they're trained, only he barely pays attention. a cattle prod is used when the animals disobey," she explains. The mention of a cattle prod gets Thaddeus' attention.

[duke]"Wait what? Cattle prod?"[/duke]

"Yes," she responds with a smile. "These are dangerous animals and they must know who the boss is. The use of the prods which send a jolt of..."

[duke]"I know what a cattle prod is. It's a bit inhumane,"[/duke] he says, with the smile disappearing from his face. [duke]"We're in Germany though, your people have proven to rather enjoy inhumane treatment of other living creatures."[/duke]

The girl forces a smile as she tries to ignore the slight of her people. Thaddeus looks around and watches as a lion tamer jolts one of the lions with a cattle prod, causing the lion to 'yell' out in pain. Thaddeus shoves passed the girl and approaches the lion tamer.

[duke]"Could I try it?"[/duke] he asks as he approaches.

The man takes a double look at Thaddeus. "No, you must be a trained professional," he answers.

[duke]"No, not the lion. The cattle prod,"[/duke] he clarifies.

The man deliberates for a second then gives Thaddeus a demonstration before handing him the prod. Thaddeus looks the prod up and down then activates its charge. He can feel the pulsation in his grip as the electricity charges through the prod.

[duke]"Interesting instrument. Do you think it hurts?"[/duke]

"Yes. It hurts a human being. It has barely any effect on a wild animal."

[duke]"Really? Because I'm fairly certain this big cat here yelled out when you gave him a jolt."[/duke]

"Its just a natural reaction."

Without any warning, Thaddeus prods the lion tamer. The man shakes and convulses before Thaddeus deactivates the prod. The tamer falls to the ground, then loses his bladder control. [duke]"Natural reaction, right?"[/duke]

"What have you done?" his escort asks, shocked at what she's just witnessed.

[duke]"Take me to the owner of this atrocious affair."[/duke]

"You did not have to do that to him. He's merely doing his job!"

[duke]"Prodding a lion that is resting in his cage is hardly doing his job. Take me to the owner."[/duke]

Nevertheless, she resists at first before finally relenting and leads Thaddeus to the owner of the circus. The owner is a short stocky middle aged man with graying hair and a receding hair line. "Mr. Petrov," says the young girl as she enters the owners tent that serves as an office. "Mr. Duke insisted that he meet you," she says as she holds back the opening, allowing Thaddeus to enter. He has to keep his head ducked slightly as he stands to avoid hitting his head off the top support of the tent. Petrov stands and extends his hand toward Thaddeus.

"Mr. Duke, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Thaddeus hesitates initially, but accepts the mans hand. [duke]"Likewise,"[/duke] he lies.

"What can I do for you?"

[duke]"How much for everything?"[/duke]

Petrov stops whatever he's doing and looks up at the young kid that doesn't look a day older than 16 and he bursts out in boisterous, hearty laughter. Thaddeus though, is deadly serious.

[duke]"Is something I said supposed to be funny?"[/duke]

The laughter dies and the smile fades from Petrov's face. "The circus is not for sale, son. If it were, you wouldn't have the money."

[duke]"Try me."[/duke]

"Look, I don't know if this is supposed to be some sort of joke, but it isn't funny and I'd appreciate if you left my office. I have work to do in order to prepare for tonights show."

[duke]"Do you know who I am?"[/duke]

The man removes his glasses and lays them on his table. "Should I?"

[duke]"I'm Thaddeus Duke, sir,"[/duke] he says to an unimpressed owner. [duke]"A few years ago, my family ran this country."[/duke]

The realization hits Petrov slowly, but he does the math and it adds up. "I see," Petrov finally responds. "And what interest would you have in running a circus?"

[duke]"None whatsoever,"[/duke] he answers quickly and emphatically.

Petrov leans back with a puzzled expression on his face. "Then why mine?"

[duke]"Because I've seen it first hand. I'm a lover of animals, Mr. Petrov. I saw enough in the few minutes I've been here to know I don't like what I see."[/duke]

"So now you want to buy up all the circuses?"

[duke]"Just yours for the time being."[/duke]

"75 million, U.S.," he replies, thinking it an ungodly high number.

[duke]"Done."[/duke] Thaddeus starts to leave.

"You're serious?"

[duke]"As a heart attack."[/duke]

"I rattled that number off the top of my head. That's about ten times over what it's worth."

[duke]"I don't care."[/duke]

"It's a deal then. Tonight will be the final show."

Thaddeus shakes his head. [duke]"No. You'll cancel this show and refund the patrons. I'll have my people get in touch with yours to work out the details. I'll throw in a few extra bucks for the inconvenience."[/duke]

Finally understanding the seriousness, Petrov's smile glows, realizing he just became super rich. Thaddeus exits the tent and heads out toward the animals with his young female tour guide hot on his trail. He whips out his cell and dials.

"Yes boss?" Jim answers.

[duke]"Find an animal preserve."[/duke] Thaddeus orders.

"What'd you do?"

[duke]"I just bought a circus."[/duke]

Jim laughs. "You can't save everyone and everything, Thaddeus."

[duke]"No, but I can save this one,"[/duke] he replies. [duke]"Find somewhere reputable. Preferably in a location that's a natural environment."[/duke]

"Anything else Massa?"

[duke]"Ha! No."[/duke] Thaddeus hangs up the phone as he looks over at the lion enclosure. Two male's lying down inside. He approaches the cage and reaches for its latch. The lion tamer appears out of nowhere and places his hand over Thaddeus' wrist, stopping him. One of the lions jump at the cage and lets out a roar, causing the lion tamer to stumble backward out of fear.

[duke]"Down![/duke] Thaddeus says to the large beast. The lion sticks his nose through the bars and sniffs as he growls lightly before stepping away from the cage door. Thaddeus opens the cage and steps inside. Both lions grow a little antsy. The one Thaddeus told to get down approaches him and snarls as he stares him in the eyes. Yet he stands, fearlessly in the face of great danger. The lion roars, throwing saliva onto Thad's face, but he continues to stare down the lion. The lion takes a step back and sniffs the air surrounding Thaddeus. [duke]"Shhhhhh,"[/duke] he whispers in a soothing tone as he reaches his hand out. The lion sniffs his hand then licks it gently. The other lion approaches him and he holds out his other hand. Just as the first did, the lion sniffs Thaddeus, then gives a gentle lick of his hand. Both lions sit near Thaddeus and he slowly reaches up for each lions head and pats. He runs his fingers through their mane's and the lions appear to purr contentedly.

"I've never seen anything like it," Thad's escort says from the outside of the cage.

[duke]"Do they know commands?"[/duke] he asks, almost forgetting they were circus lions until ten minutes ago.

"I don't know," she answers honestly.

"They do sir," answers the lion tamer.

[duke]"What is your name?"[/duke]

"Marx," he answers. "Clovis Marx."

[duke]"Do these animals show love, Clovis? Toward humans, I mean."[/duke]

"They do, sir. You just saw it."

[duke]"Do they love you?"[/duke]

"Yes sir, I suppose they do."

[duke]"Do you love them back? I mean, when you're not electrocuting them."[/duke]

"I do, sir. The prods, sir, its to let them know that I'm the alpha male. No other reason."

[duke]"Are you aware I just bought this circus and you're out of a job?"[/duke] he asks, continuing to stroke the lions faces.

"I was just informed."

[duke]"Did they just let me into their cage and allow me to pet them?"[/duke]

Clovis, a smallish man, looking to be in his early thirties, nods in response.

[duke]"And what does that mean?"[/duke]

"You're the alpha."

[duke]"That's right. And I did it without electrocution.

"Do you know how to properly care for these lions?"[/duke]

"I do."

[duke]"Do you have a family, Clovis?"[/duke]

He shakes his head. "I was an only child. My parents were only children. My grandparents are gone and my parents were killed in an accident seven years ago."

[duke]"I'm sorry to hear that.

"Would you like to continue working with them?"[/duke]

"More than anything," Clovis answers.

[duke]"Would you have a problem moving to the United States?"[/duke]

"No sir," he says with a smile.

[duke]"Get the lions and yourself ready to travel. We depart at midnight."[/duke]

The man thanks Thaddeus excitedly. He steps inside the cage to extend his hand but one lion lurches forward with a growl and Clovis backpedals out of the cage. Clovis nods his head in thanks and hurries off. [duke]"Pffft,"[/duke] he scoffs. [duke]"Some lion tamer."[/duke]

[duke]Things... have not exactly gone according to plan of late. Not for me. Not for many. High Stakes II has come and gone and I am NOT the Universal Champion. That much is quite evident. Warfare has come and gone and so has Savage. And I did not beat James Raven. Raven pinned my shoulders to the mat in what some call an instant classic and let's be real fuckin' honest for a second and admit that every match I am in has instant classic written all over it. Nevertheless Raven wins, I lose the Xtreme title and I start all over again. After the show I rolled him up backstage and I am now a three time Xtreme champion and Jack Cain... it might not be reflected on the card, but this match at Warfare is absolutely for my Xtreme title.

So the work goes on, and the dream never dies. The work toward the 24/7 briefcase carries on anew and my dreams of carrying the Universal title have not and will not die. Admittedly I've hit some snags of late but I suppose that's to be expected from time to time. Do not get me wrong, I don't like it as much as anyone else does. But indeed, they happen. You can ask Jack Cain. He's a guy that is no stranger to having things work out not in his favor. Make no mistake, I'm in no way admonishing him for his failures as it relates to the Television title.

As good as I am and as good as I will undoubtedly be one day, there's certainly something missing. The resume is short, but the list of five star matches grows longer with each passing week. This week against Jack Cain will no doubt be another thriller. Again, something is missing. There's something going on that I just can't explain, that I can not find the words for. I've been so close to a few memorable achievements thus far in my XWF tenure, close enough that I could taste them, feel them, smell them. Yet here I stand as a three time, reigning defending Xtreme champion and former number one challenger to the Universal title. And I have no Universal Championship. And I did not defeat James Raven. I was so close to both of those things but things did not work out in my favor and here I am, accepting both defeats as I always have. Believe me when I say this, I wanted to accomplish those things more than anything I have ever set my sights on.

So it becomes a balancing act. Be the star of the show and continue putting on five star clinics in the process of not getting what I want and not getting what I feel I deserve. Contrary to some opinions, I do not feel that I am ENTITLED to anything I have not earned. I enjoy the process. I enjoy earning my way through the ranks and I've done that. I may publicly get ridiculed by certain people around here, but privately, I know I've earned a shit ton of respect. When cards get announced I know when they see my name across from theirs, I know they take a deep breath. Not out of any kind of fear or anything like that. They know I work hard. They know in order to defeat me, they also must work hard. They know I am the real deal and a true test of their mental and physical ability. They know they have to be at the top of their game to compete against me, because I'm almost never off my game.

So what's next for Thaddeus Duke? Is it a career of being second best because that's not in my nature to move over. Is it a career of winning the second most prestigious title in the industry all the while failing to bring him the big one? Don't misunderstand me. I'm proud to be the Xtreme champion. I'm proud to be one of the hottest acts in the business and certainly this company. I'm proud of being mentioned in the same breaths as past Xtreme champions like Raven. Like Mark Flynn. Like Unknown Soldier. Angleus. My uncle Theo Pryce. And yeah even my father.

I am proud of what I have achieved but at the same time, I want more. I aspire to be more than playing second fiddle to the Universal champion. I want to be more than that. I need to be more than that.

The next stop is the King of the Ring. The tournament begins on Warfare where I will defeat Jack Cain and I will advance. I will begin the road to the King of the Ring with a victory. I will retain my Xtreme title and I will advance because I want it more than the rest of the field. As archaic as royalty and crowns and Kings and Queens really are, King Thaddeus, sure as shit has a nice ring to it.[/duke]

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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