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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Trax is a <img src=""> rookie monkey Part 6: False Idols
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Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-08-2017, 11:20 PM

The scene opens to NOCMM standing in the ashes of a monkey family's home that would still be standing if Trax had a conscience and wasn't just some monkey that learned how to log onto 4chan.


NOCMM: Instead of apologizing, this SJW went on /pol/ and found their favorite word. Nice try Trax, but if I had a wife and then a monkey fucked her I wouldn't just watch. I'd fucking choke it to death, and then I'd ship the body to my client so he can burn the fucker and send him to hell where he belongs. Knowing you and your interest in "testicular fortitude" you'd be the cuck. You'd eat the monkey's shit and cum, then have him go straight up your asshole.

NOCMM can't help but laugh at this twink monkey calling him of all people a cuck. A guy who as soon as Disney channel stars turn 18 are begging him to fill their three God-made holes and then later their invisible man-made holes with invisible semen.

NOCMM: Which reminds me, I'm going to spare Raven Symone since she's a feminist and you seem to hate those so much. Game Girl won't be happy either.

NOCMM remembers the time he shot down Raven because he doesn't fuck monkeys. From that day forward she thought racism should be punishable by death.

NOCMM: Anyway, I'm in high spirits, so let's bring them down with this rookie's piece of shit. Trax dies a monkey death and meets "God" some Morgan Freeman look-a-like who hangs outside Home Depot hoping to get an odd job. Is it the same guy that Peter Gilmour got when he tried to pull this shit? It's yet to be seen, but it's still plagiarism.

NOCMM yawns at this unoriginal loser. Seriously, ripping off a like Gilmour? Who'd do that besides ALMOST EVERYONE. Fatback, Payback, Scully, Gabe Reno, Guppy Parsh, Broken Hart, Unknown Soldier, Kevin Owens, Chris Chaos, Theo Pryce, Adam Cole, Ezekiel's AIDS, add Trax to the list of unoriginal fucking losers.

NOCMM: So anyway, he can't even seem to get impersonating God correctly. Sure, my client could take any form, but he has standards. He'd never take the form of a monkey let alone two monkeys. Then just like Gilmour's fake God he has the audacity to call me the faker, well I'll tell you what I told him you lying monkey piece of shit.

A quote from this promo ( plays.

Quote: God wouldn't talk to you because you're a green as shit rookie, so that's obviously a fake. If you think that was really God you'd have to be ]

NOCMM: There it is you green monkey. I didn't even have to change it like you did with your recap in your first promo.

NOCMM smiles recalling the huge mistake Trax made by reminding everyone that he lost to a because he was too stupid to close his eyes when something was being thrown at them and then edited in people chanting for him because he too much of a loser to have any real fans.

[quote]NOCMM will be shown to be the false God he is

NOCMM: I never claimed to be God, . The real God would have picked up on you being , but this one just pretended you didn't say the wrong person, and it's obvious why. He was afraid to speak up because he wanted to make sure he got paid for acting in your promo. You're a liar, a fraud, and a faker, but we already knew that.

Quote:Your client is totally fucked and this match is a forgone conclusion, burying me in promos trying to psyche yourself and your client up is not in any way shape or form going to stop your client from getting mollywhopped.

NOCMM: I'm well-aware that nothing I say will change the outcome of this match. It won't psyche up my client either. If my client were to watch this promo he'd have no idea who or what I was talking about. He doesn't give any fucks about rookie monkeys. Get it through you skull, .

NOCMM gives the camera an invisible scowl.

NOCMM: You're right for once, this match is a foregone conclusion. My client is in control of every aspect. A week from now every action you take will be met with my client's performance. He will put on his show for the old skool fans. There will be action, maybe a near-fall, maybe some veterans will appear on his behalf, he might perform some magic, and when it's all said and done the person Hero Xtreme 7.9 decided should be taking the fall will be pinned by the person he decided should be a main eventer. Lacking one he'll pin one of you himself. That's what was always going to happen. Boo hoo if you thought for one second you were capable of doing anything more.

Quote: Well accolades do matter

NOCMM: Not to my client. This is just projection by you. Shiny things are all you can think about, because it's in your biology. Monkeys love shiny shit. Look at you, married to a monkey, the furthest thing from something shiny, of course you want something better than your wife. Why not something that's the complete opposite of her worthless ass? The old skool fans know why you're here. They just don't fucking care about the shiny thing you want so badly, and why would they? Only three real main eventers have held the shiny thing you want so much. The only time old skool fans stuck around long enough to see any title matches was the night you pretended didn't exist because it didn't fit your fake news narrative.

NOCMM is almost overwhelmed by Trax's projection.

NOCMM: My client is above accolades, and you'll never understand that because you're so far below them. My client has been there and done that. You're inexperience is your own problem, rookie. You can redefine what a main event is all you want, but at the end of the day, God already decided what a main event is and what a main eventer is. I already explained the criteria. Lying about what it takes doesn't mean shit to anyone. Neither does your fake science.

Quote: You can't see much of anything though can you? You're blind as a bat in fact whether you admit it or not, because you're invisible, light passes through you, which means you're effectively blind since you need to be able to absorb light to be able to see.

NOCMM: An invisible person has never given over their body to science. So no one has any idea how I can see. You may be an expert on being blinded, but that was just down to your own stupidity. The fact that I can see despite this is an anomaly that Mastermind has already tried to point out. I didn't think you would find someone worse than Peter to plagiarize. Color me surprised. Anyway, the facts don't take magic into account. I was magically created by God himself, of course your human science doesn't apply to me. According to your science I simply don't exist. Science is wrong.

Quote: Now please, talk about how the word "Triggered" hurt your feelings some more, pussy.

NOCMM: It didn't hurt my feelings. It hurt every other veteran's feelings except for your butt buddy. It did more than hurt their feelings. It hurt their reputation. It hurt their families too. On the plus side, I got a great excuse to kill these monkeys. I got to kill Snoop Dogg and Sasha Banks. I killed a bunch of monkeys in Detroit. I got to be the Xtreme Hero this time. Now there will be less monkey on white crime. Don't get me wrong though, no matter how many more of your worthless brothers and sisters I get to kill you still did more harm than good. Nothing will repair the damage you and the Alt-Right did to veterans.

A Trump supporter and huge Trax fan rapes and kills a veteran, mistaking them for an SJW as the scene fades to an Xtreme shade of black.

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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