Chris Chaos
Corporate Chaos
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jul 12 2016
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Hates Given: 14
Hates Received: 67 in 59 posts
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12-21-2016, 09:12 PM
Steve Sayors sits down with the Universal Champion Chris Chaos, who had requested and interview to discuss the "State of the XWF".
Chris is sitting in a folding chair in what looks like a hotel lobby. He has a black silk dress shirt on, and the Universal Title draped over his right shoulder. Jenny wasn't seen, but she was there, somewhere.
Chris's hair was worn down, white Oakley Sunglasses perched on his head. There was a big window back drop behind Chris, with a view of a beach and a giant body of water. The Gulf of Mexico?
Yes. Steve Sayors had traveled to Chris. He was the Universal Champ, he did things on his time, where he wanted and when he wanted.
Steve was seen sitting across from him in a short sleeve shirt, black as well, with the XWF logo on the right breast.
"Chris, it is so nice to be here in wonderful Clearwater Beach. I have never been here before. It is truly paradise."
Chris smiled. "Of course it is, Steve. Did you expect anything less than perfection from me?"
"No, no, of course not. Well, I have some prepared questions for you. But I was told there was something you wanted to address? You aren't going to be at Savage this week, so this was the only way to talk to you I am told."
Chris smiled again, laughing a little.
"Yes, Steve. Savage is on Christmas Eve. I am the Universal Champion. I will be out celebrating the holiday while the XWF mid-card beats the hell out of each other on the biggest holiday of the year. I have no need to be there. Vinnie knows that."
Steve smiles awkwardly.
"But, the reason I called you here today, Steve, was to address some of the issues that I have been experiencing lately. Have you ever heard of a "Bucket List", Steve?"
Sayors nods.
"Okay, well, I have, or should I say had, quite the extensive bucket list coming into this company. Many of those items I have checked off. One of them was this past week on Savage. Let me touch on Dolly Waters real quick.....and not like that Steve, get your mind out of the gutter."
Steve looks down, awkwardly.
"Dolly waters was a thorn in my side for months. I sat back and I watched her get SuperStar of the Month honors, I saw her win two belts, defend them both successfully, and even become the so called 'face' of XWF. All of this happened while I was fighting nobodies or washed up hall of famers on my quest for this belt. But I sat back, I let it happen. But Dolly couldn't contain herself. She couldn't keep my name out of her mouth. So I laid her out. I thought that would get the point across. But it didn't. Again and again and again she talked about how she 'beat me'. She hadn't. I wasn't going to let a rumor like that spread. I am a man, Steve, who handles his business. I am not about talk, I am about action. So I was in a non-title match in Savage to prove a point. I would shut Dolly Waters up for good. As Savage went off the air she was laying in the ring, staring up at the lights with a glazed over look in her eye, as her little jew nugget manager was screaming about injustice. There is no justice in chaos. There is no right or wrong. Dolly waters had a mouth bigger than her body. And I silenced that mouth. So I don't want to hear another thing about Dolly Waters and Chris Chaos. That chapter is closed. I have beaten her and her father. I own the Waters family. And how much do you want to bet, Steve, that this little 'announcement' on Warfare has something to do with what happened on Savage. I will take that bet."
Steve went to say something, Chris cut him off.
"So, you can effectively say that Dolly Waters is off my bucket list. And the only reason I am not a double champion right now is that Vinnie felt bad for her. You know this and I know this. She's crossed off, and I am on to another annoyance."
"Who is that?" Steve asked.
"Gabe Reno. Reno has had an interesting run here, hasn't he? He came in and took this place by storm. He was supposed to be the next big thing. He won Doctor D'Ville's Shove It! pay per view. He was the Xtreme Champion, albeit it for about 24 hours, but he was one and I can't take that from him. But he couldn't leave well enough alone. His head got too big for his body, much like Dolly's mouth. He was on fire, but he ran into a buzz saw. He had a chance to take my spot in the chamber, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't beat me. And it ate him alive. He was given everything since being here. He was acclaimed. He was patted on the back. Everyone was talking about 'The Radical One'. I silenced those rumors. It drove him nuts. So nuts that he threatened Vinnie Lane. So nuts that he had to turn his back on me and try to screw me over at the last Warfare before the Pay Per View. He was plotting to take me out the cheap way, because he couldn't the real way. So what did I do? I put him in his place, yet again. Since his suspension he has resorted to cheap shots and match intereferences. Trying to intimidate me. He tried to cost me my match with Dolly. He attacked me after the Pay Per View, after I became the top champion in this industry."
He taps the belt with his finger, making a thud noise.
"Gabe wants to be me, isn't it clear? He is jealous. He wants what I have. Well let me go on record here to say that Gabe Reno---I will face you any time, any where, in any kind of match you want. But for this title? I don't think so. You go to the back of the line, buddy boy. That is how it works. You lost to me, and you will lose again. So let me tell you now....and I will only say this once...I want nothing to do with Gabe Reno. I will not give him the time of day outside this interview. He wants a shot at me, at this belt, he is going to have to EARN it. He wants to straight up fight, I have no issue with that. But Gabe doesn't want that. That ass kicking isn't worth it to him. Gabe is still holding onto any shred of hope that he can muster up that someone still gives a shit about him. They don't. I made sure of that. Gabe Reno's little 'run' here, is over. Hell, he couldn't even beat Thomas Nixon. What the fuck makes him think he belongs in the ring with the top super star in professional wrestling? Get out of here with that noise."
Steve nods. "So Chris, what is the State of the XWF" as you called it?"
"Ahh yes, I thought you would never ask. Well, I simply wanted to put the entire XWF roster on notice. I am going to be the champion here for a long, long time. And therefore, I have precedence over them. The XWF is about to get a lot more chaotic. It all starts on Warfare. That is another item on my bucket list. That cheating piece of shit Robbie Bourbon. He is all I have left, before I have to start a new list. I will extract my revenge on him. Then, I will lock the sharpshooter in on XWF's resident Escort Shelby Cobra and twist her spine so far out of proportion that Vinnie will be paying her workers comp until his grandchildren are adults. I am warning the roster now, I will do what I want, when I want, to who I want. Scully was a paper champion who only fought every harvest moon. Gilly, I don't even count him as champion. I am going to be the new gold standard here in XWF. I dare anyone, ANYONE, to step up to the task and try to prove me wrong."
Sayors huffed, "So you are putting your title on the line?"
"Did I say that, Steve? I don't mind a little gold on the line if the competitor is worthy. But, let me ask who, who on this roster is worth it? Maybe Trax? And even that is a maybe. So I am putting the roster on notice. I will be in the building. I will be in the shadows. Ask Jervis Cottonbelly why I broke him in half through a barricade at Wildcard. BECAUSE I CAN.........So as of the state of XWF....I can simply say this........Welcome to Chaos....and I hope you enjoy your stay."
Chris gets up, adjusting the belt as Jenny walks over, handing him a cocktail as the two kiss.