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Shove-It Rules
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The Judge Offline
Saturday Night Robot

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-05-2016, 11:22 AM Question  Shove-It Rules -->

Okay, since the biggest difference between Warfare and Shove-It are the rules, here are the clear cut rules regarding Shove-It.

The High Stakes Chips:

1. No more than one chip can be on the line at a time in a match. If one person has two chips and they manage to get a match with the other chipholder, only one chip between them can and will be on the line. If a three way happens between all three chipholders, only one chip between them can and will be on the line. This is to prevent a "clean sweep" of the chips in one swoop, and makes the process of collecting all three far more difficult in that way.

2. Once cashed in, either for the baseline 2500 Xbux or used in tandem with the other two chips to get a title opportunity, the chips come back to the house, and the following Shove-It will feature match-ups for the vacant chips. If you cash in a chip for the 2500 Xbux amount, you will not be able to compete for the vacated chip you cashed in (you may challenge whomever won it at your leisure).

3. Chips can not be traded or given to other superstars. For a chip to change hands it must be won in a match on Shove-It or on PPV.

4. Chipholders who no show a card they are booked for (specifically opted in for as well) without contacting either Shane, Madison, or myself will forfeit their chip. A match-up for the vacant chip will occur at the next Shove-It.

5. Any champion that wins a chip or any chipholder who wins a championship immediately cashes out the chip at double it's worth, 5000 Xbux. This is to keep a champion from keeping a stranglehold on the chips/a chip.

Past that, try to loophole us!

Word and RP Limits:

While we can respect those who wish to completely go balls out and post 10 rps in a week at 3000 words a piece, the major aspect to Shove-It will be RP and word count limits. Firstly, this presents a different way to play than Warfare; true, you won't be able to post your opus for all of us, but you will be on a level playing ground that is condensed. Whatever kind of hindrance you see this as, your opponent is under the same rules. This is not to stem creativity by any means; we have simply presented a specific canvas with which to paint a picture, not dictated what colors you can use. Simply put, there are players out there who don't feel they have the time or even talent to post up more than 3 rps, and if you can't say something succinctly within 2000 words, then by all means, please stick to Warfare where I feel you will get more enjoyment over the freedoms they have there.

We will also be offering a very special match type that relies on word count limits: The Spitfire Challenge. 500 word limit, unlimited amount of RPs. To post a follow-up RP (any RP past your first), your opponent must have posted (quid pro quo posting rules; you can only post an RP if nobody has or an opponent has, max lead 1 RP, no time cap on the max lead). If you have not posted by the last day for RPing, your RP limit on the last day is zero, so don't sandbag because, well, you can't. This is to capitalize on the feel of house shows and the Federweight title by giving it a place on an actual show/card, possibly with interesting implications, and generally should be roleplayed as though you're opening the show itself with these promos and your match. However, only one of these types of matches can happen at any given Shove-It.


Booking will be a little different than for Warfare, as will be noted in the future. The key difference we have is we will fully allow IC banter within a booking thread; the exchanges within can often lead to very interesting and heated match-ups. Furthermore, responses to Shove-It results can and will get you booked. That is officially coming onto the broadcast and having a word, and if some lunatic wants to have a little fun by being a heel or playing a storyline out, they can do so via the segments/attacks button on the top of the page and contribute to the card itself (more on that in a moment). If you wonder who I mean, this means you. Also, as seen, occasionally we will reach out to ask if you'd like a match, or if we can book a match on short notice (IE: Dillinger vs. Marvellous Keith from 4/2).

Segments and Attacks:

We love these things, they are the absolute bread and butter to a good show, and all are encouraged to submit them. However, we are not beholden to use every segment/attack submitted, though you are free to try to bribe us with Xbux to force a segment through (If you decide your wrestler should run into a match to attack a rival, that's cheap as free, if you decide your wrestler should run over half the roster with a steamroller for no real good reason, either grab your wallet or get ready to be booked). Enough segmenting/attacking will get you booked; the purpose of these things is to drive a story, so we will be happy to oblige and help drive the story too.
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Peter Fn Gilmour (04-05-2016)
Travis McCoy Offline
The Real McCoy

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-05-2016, 12:38 PM

Loving you making a shove it stand out more with different rules and such. Keep it up buddy.
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