What is the point of having am RTX title, when there isn't an RTX show anymore? Why not just make Guppy like the European or US Champion instead. It almost makes as much sense as someone coming from a defunct Fed amd bringing their championship to the new new federation with them. Again I could be completely wrong, but just wondering.
I was wondering about this too! I don't know if it's good luck or bad luck that I end up with the belts that never get defended.
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I think the RTX can just be another title to win and fight for. maybe it can be like the 1500 minimum title where each person does one roleplay that has to be at least 1500 words for the match and the best single roleplay wins…that’s just my idea
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1500 words isnt that long. Its actually about average, maybe even a little below. So, that said, its not length versus length, added to that its not number versus number. It's always quality over quantity.
Vincent Lane
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In that case I'd wonder what the difference is for that title then, you know?
The original idea posited by Morbid Angel was for it to be about longer RPs - so it's just not for those who do short ones? I dunno. Just doesn't seem all that special.
Maybe we don't need another title? Maybe just unify it with one of the other existing ones?
Or the tourney idea, it could be more of a cup than a belt - or a trophy.
Or, extend the titles show-wise, like WWE did for a while - three different champions, one for each show, and then the over-arching titles like Xtreme and Universal.
Instead of having 10 bad roleplays that are 700 words do one really well thought of and well written roleplay that has to be at least 1500 words. For this title it is not meant for people like Steve Davids or Frodo Smackins who do better with multiple roleplays This is a title for those people who are trying to work on their writing abilities and I think it is a decent idea. It makes people think harder for that one roleplay because it is their only chance to be victorious, if you have 14 chances to get the gold then it really isn‘t a challenge. I see a lot of people that want to go for titles but do not have the skill to get one unless they are Xtreme or Ark and that is not a slight against them it‘s them getting their footing . Not everyone can do 1500 words easily and I see a lot of new people unable to reach that number. Know what I mean?
I see a lot of people hate the idea and probably don’t understand what I was saying. Minimum of 1500 words and a maximum of 35000 words…limit that creativity. The sky is the limit!
Now that I said my part and made it more clear…boo that! lol
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Oh, ok, so the show title thing didn't really work then.
I don't care about the word count thing, man, I didn't mean I thought it was too long. I just read it as him suggesting essentially a title specifically for longer RPs, which doesn't make sense to me. That's all. I just posted my first RP and it was around that length, so, yeah, it's not too long for me.
Do a "KOTR" style tournament with the winner declared ________ (whatever name).
Let it be done once a year.
Maybe even have it to where you can cash the ring in for any match you want, or you can just hold onto it and keep the name "____(king of the ring)".
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I don't think people should be forced to reach a certain length to go for a championship. It is quality over quantity, yes... so why be forced to write a certain amount?
OK, so lets look at it like this. The new XWFer Demonic Penis (for example) is good at doing maybe a two paragraph roleplay and the scenes are weak but he posts 14 roleplays for a match. What if we allow Demonic Penis to do one roleplay that is at least 1500 words. He will have to work on everything and have time to read and re-read and tweak and all the little things that you do so easily. The RTX was to help people and I think the title can still help people. We have a lot of people that have trouble breaking 1000 words and 1500 is the usual here. If they push themselves and see how much better that one roleplay was over 14 rushed bad ones they will strive to do better. This way once they get to a certain level they can proceed for higher titles. Its not a matter of trying to put a cap on creativity, it’s trying to expand others creativity. Besides I hear the motto “Quality over Quantity” and that’s one I can agree with.
If so desired for the title a given GM can give feedback on those said roleplays so that is can farther help those in need of guidance. The feedback could be delegated to others in the federation and of course it should be encouraged that others here offer advice to those hard working but struggling e-fedders.
I know you dislike the idea but know that it isn’t something for people like Eli, Enigma, you, me, Frodo, Duke, or even Peter, its for the new comers that are trying to start roleplaying.
1500 words isn’t much to quite a few of us…hell, if I don’t break 1500 words then I think I wasn’t trying hard enough. It can be a title for the new and improving people here in the XWF. The future of the federation.
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Let me add this…I don’t want to convince anyone that this is a superior idea. Everyone has a right to their opinion and I respect that. I always thought the RTX was a great idea but I think people didn’t take it seriously at times. The idea does not need to die with the show
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See, I don't think you should aim for a certain word count in an RP. I think knowing when to stop in an RP is SO important. The amount of large RPs that I struggle to get through because they haven't kept me hooked all the way to the end is ridiculous.
Sometimes I think, wow if that ended two paragraphs back it would have been so much better. I always TRY to leave my story on a cliffhanger, where the reader wants more, whether that's 1200 words in or 2000 words in, getting a grasp of knowing when to stop is really, really important. The number of words in the RP doesn't make it a good RP. So anyway, what I am getting at is that a shorter RP isn't necessarily rushed, in fact I would say sometimes it can be on the contrary. I would much rather focus on my 1200 words being of a higher standard than simply reaching a certain word count.
So again, I don't think forcing someone to hit 1500 words should be encouraged at all.
Also, whilst I know the championship wouldn't be aimed at people like us, I do think it would be easier to make it another highly respected belt.
Guppy is one of the best writers in the federation so I don't think the belt has got to be clung onto the newcomers.
I like both Morbid and Frodo's suggestion, but if you dont mind me asking, why did the RTX show get eliminated in the first place. It seems to me that it would have been the central hub for all new members, and once management gave feedback and felt they were good enough to challenge some of the more accomplished rpers, then they would move on to the "show" rosters, but I feel like some of the quality is lost when you h acc e a clear mismatch in rp talent level. For example, Pauls new comer invitational was a great match, it put six new wrestlers in one match. Being in that match, I would have loved to have heard after the match some feedback so that I can develop more you know? No one wants to be a jobber for life hahaha. I think show dedicated to new RPers or stuggling RPers that was instituted, there might be more parity in the Fed.
I felt like people didn’t take it serious enough. With that being said, I am also guilty of not doing a good job on the show.
Personally I think this title and the matches it involves can still help better role-plays for those wanting to do more and go farther.
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Well I get that which is why i was saying instead of assigning new wrestlers to Madness or Warfare, assign them to RTX if they win 3 or 5 matches they get "offered" a contract to madness or Warfare
Intercontinental Champion
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Yeah, I mean that's just a suggestion . I know this forum started out asking about the tite and I have now gone a tangant about a new show. But something like NXT minus the dumb ass game shows on NXT