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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Carnival of Fun
Author Message
Asylum Offline
Father Knows Best.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; always angry)

01-18-2014, 10:31 AM

Steve Davids is walking to his car in the parking lot when he gets side swiped by a large force. The force hits a huge lariat on him then proceeds to pick him up and hit a powerbomb onto the pavement. The camera focuses in and the newest addition to the XWF, Asylum, stands above him. Slow clapping is heard off camera as the pudgy ringmaster known only as Father walks on screen. He pats Asylum on the back.

Father: Hello there, Steven. Now, don't get up I've got a few things to say before you go about your temper tantrums and such. You sir are the premiere model of that X-treme championship. You have the look of an X-treme champion, you have the guts and you have the glory. You even managed to cause the mental breakdown of a certain former champion. At least, that is what I see it as. He's certainly not moving up in the ranks back to that title. Alas, no matter how good you are and how much respect I have for you and The Brotherhood, Asylum needs to make an impact. With the rumors swirling that his first opponent is injured we have nothing to show off his prowess. So, that's where you come in. We strike, then he gets the pin and Asylum takes his first XWF championship. It's that simple.

Well, enough with this jibber jabber. Asylum?

Asylum nods his head slowly and pins Steve Davids.

Father: Allow me to locate a striped official for the count. Hello!! Yes, over here my boy. Come count the three for the new X-treme champion won't you?

He calls out to a referee who has just got in his car. The ref sighs out of frustration, he was so close to leaving for home, and steps out of his car. He rushes over to the pin and makes the count.


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Frodo mother fucking Smackins (01-18-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-18-2014)
Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-18-2014, 03:08 PM

Davids kicks out and hits Asylum with the Shock Wave before running off.

OOC: Enjoyed this read though, nice work.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Asylum (01-18-2014)

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