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Good bye all. I had fun :)
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 07:52 AM

I just wanted to post a quick thank you to everyone I have worked with and talked to since my return in September. It really was great to jump back into writing headstrong and see how I would fare against the writers of today's xwf.

Thank you to Dr. Zero for all the fantastic co-op work we've been involved with together. I've never had more fun with somebody!

Thank you to Jessica Diaz and Tri Bute for teaming with me and helping to come up with our stable idea.

Thank you to management for allowing me to partake on the level that I have been for these past couple months.

I'm really sorry to my stable mates in the Science Alliance but as I'm sure you've seen in another thread, I can no longer compete here due to some conflicts I am very uncomfortable with now that I know how serious they really are. If I ever return, it won't be for quite some time and nobody will know it's me. I really do hope I see you all again soon. This is an amazing community of writers and competitors.

-ESP (current)
-Black Jade (past)
Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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12-29-2013, 08:01 AM

Damn. I read your other post, and I still don't know the whole backstory, so I'm clearly ignorant to a lot of this, but this sucks to see you go. I really hope things get worked out and you change your mind. You're one hell of a writer and opponent, and the fanboy in me wants to see you running through the XWF over the next few months. This is sucky for me to see end.

If you're truly leaving for a while/good, then I wish you well. You were fun to face and pushed me to levels I didn't think I had in me. Good luck, ESP.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)
John Raide Offline
We can chase the dark together

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Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

12-29-2013, 08:08 AM

Sad to see you go, but I won't question your reasons. Best of luck in whatever comes next. I had a great (and brief) time working with you. If you do return let's have that rematch. See you in another life, ESP. Wink

[Image: John_Raide_zpsc05d7d5c.jpg]
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)
Dr. Zero Offline
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12-29-2013, 08:21 AM

I said this in the PM and I'll say it here as well. I really do hate to see you go. You've consistently been one of my favorites to read and I don't think my character or writing style could have meshed with anyone better. If and when you ever come back and you don't see me, post an OOC and ask if anyone used to be Dr. Zero so we can start something new.

[Image: 7uXcTyU.jpg]
Co-Winner of the Lethal Lottery Tournament with Egyptian Snow Pharaoh
1x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
December 2013 Star of the Month
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)
Barney Green Offline
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12-29-2013, 09:24 AM

I'm sad to see you go but sometimes it's best to step away and clear your head instead of doing something you might regret.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 09:28 AM

Thanks, guys. It's a real bummer to have months worth of work thrown away in the blink of an eye like this but I should have seen the hints I guess... Maybe I wanted too much to be one of the people "doing" the jaw dropping antics instead of one of the people looking at them happen while others do them each week. Maybe I hadn't earned my spot as one of the people who should be able to do something out of the ordinary and get away with it? Not sure... At the end of the day I think I just let myself feel too comfortable and I dropped the ball by assuming I had a full understanding of how the XWF works today. My fault.

I've had so much fun this time around that I can't see myself staying away for too long. I just think I need to let this bad air clear and then maybe if XWF is still looking good in a few months I'll consider a return, assuming there are no managers who still have a vendetta against me that stems from an in character argument 2 months ago. This is more of an unwilling seat on the sidelines than me wanting to take a break. Kind of the last thing I wanted to do after forming a stable with such amazing writers... but it is what it is. Sad
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 10:17 AM

If John Madison would like to lay out the course of events that led up to this, he is more than welcome to. Just know, Theo, that this is in no way one solitary event. This was the straw that broke my back.

It also might be more fair to other parties if you had some experience with what they were going through before you tell them they would not be cut out for this place. I'd be interested to see your reaction if you and several others worked on a segment all for the purpose of starting a stable and possibly even starting a feud with the others involved, but then you are blindsided by a thread on the DF that highlights your segment as some kind of abuse and that thread is posted by one of the admins even though you already had gotten approval by the guest GM and the owner.

I want you to stop for five seconds and put yourself in that spot, and then imagine you had it really happen instead of imagined it for 5 seconds. Now imagine that the reason you were doing it all originally was because of a passion you have... a love you have... and you are the type who wants to see that all play out in written creativity. Imagine being that excited about something that is your passion and then having somebody not only badmouth it but accuse you of breaking rules, and using you as an example of why new stricter guidelines need to be put in place. Your entire segment just got ran through a paper shredder, set on fire, and the ashes buried 6 feet under. It's not as fun as it sounds... trust me. Smile

It may come down to how much you value your own time, effort and ability. I guess I value mine so highly that when I'm made a mockery out of by somebody on the staff who had a personal issue with me already, I am gone.
Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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12-29-2013, 10:25 AM

I was hoping for an eventual fight between us, but I guess it will be put on hold for now. Good luck with everything ESP. I enjoyed all your work.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 10:46 AM

I appreciate the advice Theo but this would be like if you wrote a book and then instead of receiving positive feedback you are scolded by one of the figures of authority who work for the publishing company you're involved with... You expect to get a phone call with an update on how well the numbers are looking, but instead you are torn apart verbally for a scene in the book that was already approved long ago by the same company. Imagine how hard your jaw would hit the floor in astonishment.

Would your desire to continue onward at the same level of participation with that same company suddenly dwindle? Will that company even be allowed to come anywhere near your next book? Would you start considering other options? I didn't say I was done with e-fedding; I said I was done for now with a company that uses a pre-approved segment as an example to throw somebody under the bus. It's insulting as anything else imaginable that our already approved segment should be the spotlighted piece in a discussion about what should and should not be allowed. I don't appreciate having such negative attention drawn to a piece of my work, especially when others helped out too and it was something more than just I was involved with. Trust me; the ugliness of the situation hits you a lot harder when you are the person who wrote most of what's being called an abusive piece. Do you remember how seriously you were taking it when you and I were both new and not very many people were clicking like on your work? I do; I remember a guy who is passionate enough about his own work to care in what manner it's being spotlighted or perceived by the others around. I remember that person very clearly and I remember reassuring that person, encouraging him to keep up... and look at him now. King of XWF. Smile You care just as much about your own efforts as I do about mine. In October I told you that I see you going very far even when you weren't so crazy about what was going on here... and I was right. I just hope you never are put into a spot where you have to feel the way I feel today, because I can tell you'd be affected too.
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Barney Green (12-29-2013)
Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

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Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

12-29-2013, 11:04 AM

Well this is unfortunate. And while I don't agree with your reasons to leave I respect them. You'll be missed that's for sure.

[Image: ecwv.png]

XWF Record

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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 11:09 AM

.@Theo; You're trying to sound like the voice of reason and kind of tell me how I should feel about a situation but I very clearly recall you caring about things that are even more trivial in most peoples opinions. I'm pretty sure the discussion we had about you being concerned about your reception your first month was never supposed to be a secret; in fact some sites call it a Direct Message or other various names. Private Message doesn't equate to secrecy as far as I know... It just seemed odd for you to try and sound like somebody who could shrug off this kind of thing when in reality you take it just as seriously, if not more seriously than myself. It's like you think I'm believing I was abducted by aliens and you, knowing I'm just an idiot, has to try and comfort me and tell me how I must not be cut out for this place if I could even believe in something as crazy aliens. You do not have a higher understanding of this situation than I do; you do not have the right to tell me I shouldn't take something seriously when it involves my own work.

I'm not sure what the problem was between you and Sid Feder but as far as I know that should in no way relate to this. You're talking about having learned your lesson and talking about headaches in my thread, which suggests to me you are beginning to stress out over this as we speak and blaming me for that...

Sorry, but when somebody cares even more about their own work than I do and talks about it with me in a message, I'm going to bring it up if you try and act as the voice of reason telling me I shouldn't take my work and efforts so seriously. If this offends you I am sorry but you'd care just as much or more than me if this happened to you, and if you already have bad experiences with ooc problems wouldn't it suggest not looking for new ones with people you were previously on good terms with?
Paul Heyman

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12-29-2013, 11:25 AM

I can tell you John Madison was not trying to be offensive toward you in what he posted. Soldier was ticked off that his character was mind-controlled and I think he had legitimate reason to get upset over it. Only because I know the Soldier character fairly well. I guess, as well as one can know that character since its a giant bag of crazy. As I said in my own post, I didn't question anything. When Shane sent me the main event with the segment already in place and included, I ran it the way I received it which told me that Shane approved of whatever was going on in that segment.

I don't think this is something to up and quit over. It was a pretty cool segment, as most ESP related segments are. A lot of thought and work goes into your segs and roleplays and I understand now, why that one time when I changed some of your coding and what not, you got a little miffed. That was a cool seg too, by the way, even if Duke was the victim.

Anyhow, back on track here. The only thing I can say is that no, this is not something to quit over. In the future, when something of this nature is coming down the pike, it would be wise to get approval from other handlers before putting their characters into a position like this. ESP, you have to realize that as much work and thought that you put into your character, most of us put into ours as well. If it were me, in Soldiers position, I would be upset. Being mind-controlled, hypnotized, or whatever the case is, absolutely DOES have an effect on the characters. If you've built up a character over many years that has been controlled by Satan and Satan only, it could become detrimental to all of his work when some smokin hot Egyptian Godess is also able to control him.

Think of it this way. What if I ran a segment where Duke Illuminatus had ESP in the middle of the ring and she just laid there willingly while Duke and his 200+ "brothers" ran a train on her? It'd be kind of shitty that I didn't get your approval first. Also, I really wouldn't do that, I was just trying to create an example for you.

Certain thing need to be approved of by handlers. Taking creative liberties in minimal cases is cool, like simple attacks and things of that nature, but I can see where mind-controlling could be a major concern. So, as I said earlier, I don't think it's anything you need to leave town over. It's just something to keep in mind in the future, that perhaps some kind of approval or permission should be sought before things of this nature are run.
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)

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12-29-2013, 11:30 AM

Heyman, we just posted the same thing basically in separate threads. Is there some real ESP going on here? Lol
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 11:30 AM

(12-29-2013, 11:25 AM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:Private Message doesn't equate to secrecy as far as I know.

You seem to smart to make such an ignorant statement such as that.

I'll let those of us who realize the irony here laugh silently for a second or two...

Anyway I apologize for revealing your secret. I didn't know I was the only person you told. Are we cool again? I'll let you come and talk to me like I'm stupid and I'll just thank you for the advice. That's how this was supposed to go right? I'm doing it now. Smile
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


XWF FanBase:
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12-29-2013, 11:35 AM

Also Theo you still don't get that I'm bringing up how Madison being a part of the same staff that already double approved the segment is in itself a big part of the problem. I didn't sit here and say I am quitting because some random guy told me he doesn't like my work. I suggest you stop doing what you're trying to do because you're drifting further and further away from what matters here...

I was wronged by a member of the staff and had my piece highlighted as the example of what is so wrong that new guidelines should need to be written. Please tell me you are smart enough to understand this concept? Or are you "to smart" to see it?

I'm going to send a request to a few staff members that you have your account watched or whatever they do now to people who can't seem to act properly. If you're in so many ooc arguments that other ones get brought up in your new ooc argument with me, then something is wrong and it's not on my end. Good riddance, creep.
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-29-2013, 11:50 AM

sad to see u go ESPY. Was hoping for a rematch for those trios titles but I understand your reason for leaving. Hope your future brings you something and you can come back here anytime..

so what becomes of those trios titles? does someone take her place or will they be vacated?

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-29-2013)
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 12:04 PM

(12-29-2013, 11:50 AM)Theo Pryce Said:
(12-29-2013, 11:35 AM)Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Said: Also Theo you still don't get that I'm bringing up how Madison being a part of the same staff that already double approved the segment is in itself a big part of the problem. I didn't sit here and say I am quitting because some random guy told me he doesn't like my work. I suggest you stop doing what you're trying to do because you're drifting further and further away from what matters here...

I was wronged by a member of the staff and had my piece highlighted as the example of what is so wrong that new guidelines should need to be written. Please tell me you are smart enough to understand this concept? Or are you "to smart" to see it?

I'm going to send a request to a few staff members that you have your account watched or whatever they do now to people who can't seem to act properly. If you're in so many ooc arguments that other ones get brought up in your new ooc argument with me, then something is wrong and it's not on my end. Good riddance, creep.

It's a shame that someone whose work I considered to be so great that I literally hoped to be able to reach the heights that you have in terms of writing and story telling would reduce themselves to name calling and snide remarks.

The act is a cute one, but this thread still stands and everybody can see who said what. Everyone can also see your cute remarks about how I should be "to smart" to say what I just said. Add another o. It's spelled too.

Everyone sees that, but for your own amusement I will say to you this: "Yes, I am very sorry I somehow offended you and I am probably wrong just like all the other people you had OOC problems with must have been wrong. Please forgive me."

Really though, are we cool now? By that I mean are you done with your doubletalk and your veiled insults? Stop being a creep, man. It's not cool. You are just arguing to argue and this had nothing to do with you other than that you are probably Madison's buddy.

So yeah, this is me smiling and nodding while thanking you for the advice. Smile (please be done giving me advice tho? please?)
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh Offline


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12-29-2013, 12:05 PM

(12-29-2013, 11:51 AM)Theo Pryce Said:
Quote:so what becomes of those trios titles? does someone take her place or will they be vacated?

I think that question is better left for another thread, or none at all and just let Shane and management handle it.

Why would you need to answer this?

Stay out of my thread! You are not management!
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Peter Fn Gilmour (12-29-2013)
Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

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12-29-2013, 02:32 PM

Holy shit Theo! Her too? Jesus H. Christ you need a life man. I don't even know what this is all about and I can tell you were in this thread being a dick. I'm still waiting for that apology for the horse shit you pulled on me by the way, Theo! Any luck with that pal?

Sorry to see you go, ESP. I was told by some that we have striking similarities and had my eye on eventually shoving your head into a toilet filled with shit. If you stick around or come back as another name, send me a PM and let's work on something together. Good luck.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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Giovanni Ferrari

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12-29-2013, 04:56 PM

I really don't think this is an issue that you need to quit over and I'm certain things can get smoothed over. People speak out when they're upset and while I don't think you should have been made a spectacle for your segment and I believe this matter should have been handled privately, I don't think you should quit over it. I believe this can be moved passed and worked out. Now regarding the segment...characters get messed with all the time and I don't think this is such a big deal. No characters were killed, or permanently changed in a way that totally fucks up their story. I've had major character mess ups happen before and I didn't complain, I just rolled with things or let it blow over. I do hope this thread proves as a reminder to us all to 1 - talk problems out with the people involved in private, 2 - Don't interject with issues that aren't yours; especially when it's made clear your advice isn't wanted and 3 - realize this is JUST A GAME!

Oh and I'm closing this thread. That's enough of this drama.
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