Ever Guy, don't expect to not get scarred for watching this...
7 Billions Of fluids everyday....
Sexy Pain Within the dinner room...
You Screwed over and pinned Hunter Payne with no 123...
Also, You Just Some Big Ol' Nipps....
Victory Rollinto afriut Roll Upin dis
Mix it in with an Extra Gannosuke Clutch...
Thats how you can make a person twitch in a dinning position...
Enjoy this Video, Evertrust guy!....
1:Pin was blackened
2: 123 the numbers required to gain a pin
3: Victory Roll is a pin position (I think)
4: friut(misspelled which is suppose to be fruit)Roll(a pin) uPIN(nice try though)
5: I am sure that is some form of a pin in there
6: dinning position can be a pin in wrestling
Why don't you wait for mine to be legitimized before you start your own bitch