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Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-07-2025, 08:10 PM

Dolly and Madison are sitting across from one another in a narrow locker room backstage in Edmonton, wrapped in quilts. Their faces are purple, bruised, their gazes, zoned out elsewhere in stereo. The tag team championships at their feet.

There’s a thick silence between them as they each ponder what these hunks of gold at their feet mean for their future.

If Misty still had your body Her words vibrating through her chattering teeth, as if it only dawned on her again that Dolly wasn’t her MAGA sister We’d already be in a limousine, breaking into an eight-ball and a case of bubbly.

Dolly’s pondering and distant gaze rises to meet Madison’s eyes

Other than that I’ve gotta say… Madison gives a small half smile, half smirk. proved your adequacy in the ring out there and I am, thus far, pleased with our arrangement.

Dolly returns the half smile, half smirk, and adds a slight eye roll for good measure. Now don’t you go gettin’ all warm and fuzzy on me.

Perish the thought.

Dolly withdraws a hand from beneath her quilt and points at Madison for emphasis. Let’s not kill it just yet. I DID see another side of you in the run up to this match.

Madison scowls.

We’re doing good things. Just look at you! You did something selfless!

Madison dry-heaves

Look what it’s gotten us! She gestures towards the championships.

Ahoy-ahoy! A male voice cuts in, and none other than interviewer extrordinnairre Steve Sayors enters the shot. Congratulations ladies on the hard fought victory! I gotta say I did not have Dolly Waters and Madison Dyson teaming up to win the tag team championships on my Bingo card, but here we are.

Madison looks up at Steve. That’s great. Now go blow.

He’s just here to do his job, Maddy. And besides I’m in the mood to crow about our victory.

Actually, I can do you one better. I’ve just received word that management has already settled on your first challengers for those very titles!

Madison and Dolly both look at him expectantly.

The American Storm!

Dolly and Madison look at each other, than at Steve, and back at each other. And then the garrulous belly laughs commence. Well, the laughs commence from Dolly at least. Madison does not look the least bit enthused.

Why the stick up yer ass, Maddy? We just got lobbed the softest of soft balls.

Madison shakes her head, looking incredulous. Then, turning to Steve, Well, no surprise that you’re excited about this development seeing as how those two glue huffers are single handedly keeping you employed, Steve, but I for one am FUCKING LIVID.


Yeah, Madison, why?

Steve sticks a microphone in Madison’s face, but she reaches out past her own quilt to bat it away. The mic hits the floor and Madison stands up, stabbing a finger at the camera.

First off, one immense “fuck you” to Thad Duke and the entire management team for giving these pit sniffing mongoloids yet another wildly undeserved title match! How does this keep happening?! HOW?! Does Razor Blade have dirt on you, Thad? Come on, out with it! What’s he got? Proof of your extensive homosexual liasons? Oh honey, nobody is surprised!


I mean, I remember when a championship match used to be something you needed to earn. It used to be a signifier that you were WORTHY. But both Latoya Hixx and Razor Blade lost their respective contendership matches at Snow Holds Barred and somehow failed UPWARDS into facing us!

Madison looks absolutely disgusted.

Now Dolly, I imagine you feel the same way I do. I imagine that you want these tag team championships to mean something. Coming hot off a team that couldn’t even be arsed to defend them for two months, it’s high time somebody put some “respeck on these belts”.

Couldn’t agree more, pardner.

But instead, what do we get? Two consummate jokes, two utter blithering failures, getting a shot at our gold “oh, just because.” Let’s call a spade a spade. This is nothing short of a slap in the face. Complete disrespect! Both for us as a team and for tag team wrestling in the XWF in general. Thad, you fuckwit, you could have literally paired up any two randos in the entire XWF and sent them against us and they would have had a better claim to the challenge than these two pinnacles of special education.

Focused wholly on Madison’s continued raging at the idiocy of being booked against idiocy, Dolly’s attention is diverted by the sounds of weeping. She turns back, her heart dropping as she notices Steve Sayor’s is crying in his hands.

And it’s people like YOU, Sayors! The infrastructure of the XWF, who allows this nonsense to go on unchecked! YOU’RE FAKE NEWS! You silly little bit-

Whoa whoa, cool it… she stops Madison mid-rant, raising a hand up. Genuine concern washing over Dolly as she pulls Dyson’s eyes onto Sayor’s state of despondence. Steve? What’s wrong, man? she puts a hand on his shoulder She wasn’t being especially mean, or-

You two don’t get it!

Steve Sayors jerks away from Dolly, and falls into a locker seat. The sobbing taking his breath, the warm tears turning his cheeks red as they run from his eyes.

It’s been stuck in this hellish cycle for nearly a year!

At first it was great. Do you remember Heather Halliwell? She hadn’t been on XWF TV in two years. The salary is different when you make it in promos and television slots.
She tells me about this new wrestler, Razor Blade. He’s going to give her an exclusive shoot promo!

It’s unheard of! Most of you wrestlers are so caught up smelling your own farts, you don’t even consider us little guys.

So I ask her to put in a word for me with this Razor Blade. My God, if I only would have known…if I only would have known!

Steve’s sobbing continues anew as Dolly snakes an arm around his shoulders and gives him a side hug. Once he gathers control of himself, Steve continues.

Night after night…event after event…it’s the same blisteringly imbecilic promos. You’d think that eventually they’d catch on that they’re in over their heads in the XWF. But they just DON’T. They DON’T! After every loss they’re like a blithely ignorant toddler stumbling ever forward into a thresher. They’re literally too stupid to understand that they cannot possibly win here. So I’m stuck listening to the same dreck over and over and over. And the hope…ye Gods!....the hope they have is the worst. The hope that a win, or a championship is just around the corner. It’s the hope of a naive child thinking that daddy will come back with those cigarettes from the corner store two years on. I just….I just…. Steve stammers before calming. They’re in my dreams at night. The American Storm. So pitiable and contemptible all at once, that sticks to you, you know? Sticks to you even in dreams. So even as I slumber I can’t escape it. I’m interviewing them. Sometimes….sometimes I feel like I’m still interviewing them. Even now. That this is all just a part of the dream and in reality I’m still standing there, with a mic up to Razor and Latoya’s mouths as they lit slip streams of abject idiocy that make me die inside just a little bit more every time. I….I…

Dolly tightens her grip on Steve and shoots him a sympathetic look. It’s okay Steve, you don’t have to say anything more. We get it. Dolly cants her heads off to the side, signaling to Madison. Madison looks confused at first, but eventually acquiesces. Dolly extricates herself from Steve and follows Madison to the corner of the locker room.

We gotta do something to help Steve. She speaks in a hushed tone, shooting a furtive glance back at the interviewer who is still lost in his own thoughts.

Madison puts her hands up and takes a half step away from Dolly. Nooooope! Giving Lux her own body was worth several lifetimes of good deeds. I’m spent! Steve dug his own grave here and now he gets to lay in it.

But you know what Razor and Latoya are like, and we’re just watchin’ it on TV! Can you imagine having to weather that storm…

Heh heh….

Not intended! Shut up! But anyway, he has to deal with that at ground zero, Maddy! Staring into those vacant eyes that don’t even bare a trace of human sentience! Can you imagine how mind numbing that must be? Dolly frowns in consternation. We gotta do something. The poor guy is traumatized.

Well what do I look like, Dr. fuckin’ Phil? I’m not a psychiatrist!

No one would mistake either of us for that she chuckles, but you know what we are?

Madison’s eyes are closed tight, her fingers crossed and held dramatically in front of her, shaking up and down

Oh god, please don’t say some corny altruistic line that’s going to somehow convince me to help Steve. PLEASE


She puts a hand on each shoulder.

We are capable of producing a coherent promo. We can show Steve that having to endure promos from a tag-team of unworthy, and arbitrary championship contenders can be good!

Oh goddamnit, you’re doing it.

But think about it, poor Steve watches the American Storm so we don’t have to. Like a brave U.S. patriot serving overseas, protecting our freedom, shielding us from terrorism…. And now he has PTSD from it.

I think the least we can do is try and be of service.

Dolly picks up the tag team championships from the floor, pushing Maddy’s half in her arms,

And we can take the opportunity to put the XWF on notice.

The two share a smirk as the scene cuts away

We see Dyson and Waters standing outside of a storefront, their XWF Tag Team Championships glistening under a streetlight. Standing next to them is Steve Sayors holding a microphone.

I’m Madison Dyson

and I’m Dolly Waters

And we’re the number one contenders to the XWF Television Championship

There’s an awkward pause before eh god, this could never work Steve Sayors is shown squinting at some note cards in his hand. His eyes widen, looking surprised. oh

Yeah, just read em dude

They’re… his features glow in revelation, like he’s just seen providence, they’re… spelled correctly! he weeps joyfully.

C’mon then! Dyson nudges Sayors with an elbow

Oh right! he composes himself, sniffling back the tears of joy and giggling in shock

That’s right folks! Tonight I am joined by the number one contenders to the Television Championship, Dyson and Waters!

You’re damn right you are!

And Charlie Nickles? We ain’t backing down from this opportunity!

That’s right fatboy. If this is the new gilded age, call us William McKinley.

We’re keeping the gold standard they both slap their championships,

Sayors eyes well with more tears of joy as he reads from the card

And could you ladies remind the viewers at home, just how you earned this Television Championship opportunity?

Dyson and Waters both point off camera. The camera turns where they’re pointing, it’s directly across the street.

We crossed the road and-

-AND looked both ways!

Amazing! The XWF would soon just hand out championship opportunities for doing virtually nothing?

You tell us Steve! All we had to do was beat up a couple of rookie twitter goths to earn a shot at our tag titles. The easiest of work.

But in the end, it doesn’t really matter HOW we won this opportunity.

Yeah! What matters is we did. And that Chucky boy is royally hosed. Ya see, some people might look on a man that has won the Television Championship three times and think “that there is a man with some moxie.” But me? I see some dullard who peaked in the mid card. I mean, just how badly did you get concussed when you hit your ceiling, Chuck? And a mighty low ceiling it is! Let’s face facts. Despite numerous other opportunities, Chuck is synonymous with that championship. And considering the man has a 4+ year career in the XWF as a singles competitor with little else to show for it, that’s pretty fuckin’ sad.

Capn’ Chuck… I’ve taken you to gold before, and now we’re taking gold from you.

Do you really think yer’ gonna’ withstand me and Maddy in a handicap match? It might seem unfair, but you can take it up with the booking committee. You know how these things go around here… You spent the first years of your washed out career in the XWF being booked in, and losing one championship match after the other. Like they were begging you to get good. Well, yer’ gonna’ have to be better than good, yer gonna have to get goddamn GREAT to beat us, and everyone knows that’s something you’ve definitely never been synonymous with!

I am in complete awe of how coherent that was! I had forgotten promo work could be like this. Steve’s eyes start to glisten over again with happy tears.

Oh, but we’re not done yet, Steve! Because we’re just getting to Sarah Wolf and the Xtreme championship, which we are ALSO inexplicably number one contender’s to! And Maddy, call me crazy….

You’re crazy.

...but I just think Sarah Wolf is so forgettable, so utterly insignificant in the grand history of the XWF, that her Xtreme championship run will be just as forgettable. Dolly claps her hands together. In fact, I’m making a prediction here and now! I’m predicting that her Xtreme Championship run will last a grand total of three days!

Wow! That’s a bold and remarkably specific prediction on this, the eve after Snow Holds Barred.

Eh, call it a hunch. Call it women’s intuition. Call it what you will. But I’m giving this bitch three days and not a penny more.

And what about the Universal Championship, which you ladies won a number one contendership to by….

....slicing bread.

Yes, slicing bread! So…

Suddenly, Madison grabs the mic out of Steve’s hands.

Oh, I got something to say to YOU, Prince Adeyemi! Yeah! I can’t wait to get in that ring with you! I can’t wait for us to start grappling, taut flesh pressed against taut flesh, grasping hands probing every inch of each other’s bodies! And when we bring each other down to that mat, as I sit atop those chiseled abs and all the blood in that sweet, sweet chocolate body surges to your….

Dolly grabs the mic out of Madison’s hands.

Ohhhhhhh ‘kay! I think we’ll table that for another time, ‘eh Maddy?

Madison suddenly looks very flushed. Anybody got a fuckin’ cigarette?

Dolly starts fanning Madison down as she stares directly into the camera now,

At the end of the day folks, the reason we’re so hot, the reason we’re getting all of these seemingly unjustified championship shots is because the XWF knows there’s not a pair of souls in this federation who could lay down a proper challenge to the tag titles.

Instead trying to find us worthy opponents, the XWF books 8-pack matches to contend for a laughably hot-potatoed TV title. Just don’t line up to get schooled in a tag team rasslin, and they’ll strap a rocket on yer’ back! It must just be easier to let me and Maddy win all of the championships, right? Rather than daring to find two individuals in this federation who aren’t solely focused on fellating themselves to challenge us?

The locker room watched what we did at Snow Holds Barred, and tucked a collective tail between their legs at the thought of having to contend with what they witnessed. We showed that the future of the tag team division was something to hold in high regard, a legacy worth fighting for. Not some self-absorbed, self-serving storyline. It’s a legacy of sacrifice, something that over half of this roster knows nothing about, and something that XWF management is afraid to test ‘em on.

If the XWF doesn't have the balls to find two souls worthy of these belts, we’ll just strip the whole federation bare until they do. We’ll make work of these primadonnas the same way we did Lucy and Ruora’.

The scene slows onto an elated Steve Sayors, fireworks in his eyes

“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air…”

The scene transitions and we see Steve now enjoying a milkshake at a 50s diner, surrounded by happy waitresses.

Then we see him giggling, making memes on the internet

[Image: qkvPI3G.png]

Then we see Steve at a gun range, unloading an AR15 clip into a Razor Blade action figure. It’s blown to smithereens. Steve turns and gives the camera a big smile and a thumbs up.

Now Steve is bursting through a banner at the end of a marathon. The banner reads “Steve’s New Life”, confetti raining down.

Finally, Steve is seen frolicking through a field holding hands with Madison and Dolly. There's a freeze frame just as Steve leaps into the air, clicking his heels and pumping his fist….

The image fades...

...and the scene materializes back in the locker room.

Steve sniffles one last time and exhales. His post-traumatic stress… GONE!

He looks up at Dolly and Madison with fresh, hopeful eyes.

I… I’m free.

Dolly and Madison exchange a knowing glance.

See, Maddy? I told you. When we won these Tag Team Championships, we sat here wondering what they meant for our future.

She gestures to Steve, who grins with childlike wonder.

It means making the XWF a better place. It means saving people like Steve from the plague of bad tag teams promos. It’s not really The American Storm’s fault. We all know they’ve done LITERALLY NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS! But even them, if they get in that ring with us and actually try to learn a thing or two, maybe, just maybe… they’ll get good enough to beat Da Bing Bong Twinz or something.

Madison smirks, crossing her arms.

You really are a bleeding heart, Waters.

Dolly throws an arm around Madison’s shoulder,

And we wouldn’t have it any other way

Thanks, champs! Steve wipes a final tear.

Fade to black.

4x XTreme Champion    (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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