A loud, horrendous screech puckers your butthole. The ground quakes like the wrinkles in yo mama's ass cheeks as walking through the 24/7 Corridor is none other than the Crown Prince of Pork(ing your significant other); the Grand Fucking Poo-
Boar; the biggest fucking hog in town (you know exactly what I fucking mean) who can make the one priest in the Catholic Church who doesn't diddle kids decide to up the ante on the fucked up front and spread those fucking ham hocks - it's Hotdog!
Oh, and he has the FXW Universal Consolation Prize. 'Cause he's the fucking champion of that Universe.
We interrupt this... umm... something... to fist the asshole of the fourth wall without lube, and bring you this completely irrelevant statement.
"Every fucking Universe."
No idea what the fuck that was. On with the show!
"Oink oink oink oink Oink oink oink oink? Oink ooiinnk Oink oink oink oink oink ooink! Oink oink, oink oin'k ooiink. Ooink oink oink oink oink Oink Oink oink? Oink ooink oink oink ooiinnk oink oink!"
"How the fuck did I get back here? I thought I was back in my home world! Ah well, this one's better. Where the fuck is that Ned Kaye cunt? I wanna get my fucking dick wet!"
Down the corridor, a glimmer of silver catches his eye, and his swine dick gets harder than Thaddeus Duke trying to pretend to be a nice guy. Alongside the shiny X-Treme Championship, he sees someone bending down and facing the other direction. Presumably to try and suck their tiny fucking pecker.
"Oink oink ooiinnk oink! Oink... oink oink oink oink oink oink, oink oink oink oink oink oink ooink ooink! Oink oink oink ooink ooiink ooiinnk oink oink ooiink oink oink oink! Ooin'k oink oink ooiink oink Oink oink oink oink!"
"Here he fucking is! Wait... that ass is far too fat, and that hair is far too white trash! Look at the bacon grease pooling at the bottom of their back! That's a pig fucker if I ever saw one!"
"The fuck?" Thunder Knuckles says, as he turns around to see the mammoth beast.
"Oink oink oink oink ooiink, ooink! Oink oink oink ooi'nk ooiink oink oink oink oink ooiinnk oink! Oink oink oink!"
"Time to turn the tables, bitch! The only pig you're eating any more is my fucking ass! Get over here!"
Hotdog charges. And immediately trips over his erect cock, tumbles into TK, and whacks him in the face with his pork sword. It's enough to knock a motherfucker out, which it does, and from whatever voyeuristic hidey hole they were beating off in, a ref appears. One blade of Hotdog's really long asshole hair - wait, I think that's called a tail - is covering TK's shoulder!