Kid Kool is walking down the road, bangin' his head, boom box held over his shoulder as he hums to the song 'Rowdy' by K-Kwik and Road Dogg Jesse James. The day is fantasmagloriously gorgeous, sun overhead, clouds hanging beautifully in the bright blue sky. The former Federweight champ is in a wonderful mood, his video having produced a highly positive reaction from the XWF Galaxy. Now, he's more ready than ever to whoop ass and pick up the strap. He continues to get down with his funky self, when a cat crosses his path. He sets the stereo down, petting the orange tabby with his right hand. The kitty-kat purrs softly as The Kid, Darren Gardella, gazes up at the camera...
KK: Hello Kool Kidz!! It is I, the one and ONLY Kid Kool!! ^_^ .... The world is anticipating my big time, big money match at March Madness. I will be squaring off with five deadly dudez, but I'm coming prepared. Eratik is nowhere to be seen, most likely afraid of the inevitable winner thrashing him mercilessly... of course I speak of the former AND future champ, me myself & I. So, it seems as if Eratik has made the right choice. John Rogan is totally full of himself and has under-estimated me, which will be your downfall, buddy. Speaking of which, Kuda has SEVERELY under-estimated me, while uberly over-estimating himself. Kuda... let me give you a tip, free of charge; sleep with that championship. Kiss it goodnight each time you get beneath the covers, and spend every waking moment with it...
KK: ...cuz it won't be yours much longer.
Kid Kool picks up the cute cat, holds him within his arms, and continues to walk along the road, the boom box left on the ground. Suddenly, Kid Kool's Uncle Bernie appears on screen, picking up the stereo and following his nephew... He meets up with The Kid, and the two begin to speak...
UB: You ready for yer big match, Kiddo?
KK: More ready than I've EVER been in my life!!
UB: Anything left to say for yer little promo video??
KK: Sure...
Kool turns to the camera, holding his new pet, his uncle holding the boom box, as it continues to thump with 'Attak' by Rustie & Danny Brown;
KK: Justin Sayn... what can I say? Kool name, dude, SO creative!! XD ...If ANYone 'sucks' in this match it's you, Mister Originality. And if this is the Special Olympics, and you're involved, what does that make you? King of the

? Stop stealing Scully's gimmick!! XD .... And finally, Ned Flanderz. Dude... you're my numero uno target-o. No one else in this match is putting in the work we are. This title bout is between you and I, and I wish you all the luck in the world; cuz you're gonna NEED it!! XD
KK: ...see you in the ring, pal. Bring your A-game. ^_^