Vincent Lane
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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Joined: Fri Jul 18 2014
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10-19-2014, 09:23 AM
(("Loverboy" Vinnie Lane takes a bathroom break in the mansion of Mastermind, eventually finding the gigantic restroom after a long search. Loverboy walks up to the sink and looks into the mirror.))
Loverboy: Damn I'm pretty. I really do have awesome cheekbones...
((Loverboy looks down at his waist, where only one of the Trios belts now sits.))
Loverboy: I kinda wish I had more gold around my slim waist, though. I'm starting to think giving those belts to Morbid and Peter was a mistake. I know! I heard an urban legend that you can summon that Evertrust guy by looking into a mirror and saying his name three times...
((Loverboy leans against the sink, gripping the edges and looking into the mirror with a serious expression.))
Loverboy: Evertrust...
((Nothing happens. Loverboy looks a little disappointed and then turns to leave, when he suddenly sees the X-Treme Champion squatting with his pants down over the golden bidet. Evertrust doesn't seem to realize he's been summoned, as he's still got his nose buried in an issue of Highlights magazine.))
Loverboy: Hey! Trust!
((Evertrust looks up, surprised, but is immediately blasted in the face with a superkick! Evertrust falls pantsless onto the tile floor as Loverboy carefully pins just his upper, clothed, body. Todd then wanders into the bathroom and gets excited at the sight of the magazine before realizing he has to count another stupid pin.))
T- Dammit.
░▒▓ ℰvεℛ ℑrušt™ ▓▒░
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Joined: Wed Jul 24 2013
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10-19-2014, 03:23 PM
" I cannot be held responsible for what is about to happen. "
The warning comes too late. Evertrust's lower and upper body switch places in the blink of an eye just in time for a massive surge of monkey urine to erupt out of him, so powerful that it acts as a kickout and is forcing Lane up against the ceiling. Confused by this turn of events, Todd counts that as an upside down pin while urine rages out of Evertrust's body and continues shooting upward as he flops around uncontrollably, screaming in what is either the purest form of agony or orgasmic delight.
1.. 2.. 3! On the count of three Lane is sent blasting through the ceiling and up into the beautiful rose colored sky. Still the undisputed champion of monkey urine propelling, Evertrust stops flopping around, gets to his feet and pulls up his pants calmly before going to the sink to wash his hands. Impressed, Todd reminds Evertrust that he forgot to wipe. Evertrust looks up into the mirror to lock eyes with Todd behind him and smiles deviously.
" When you know what I know about the laws of this land, there is no need to wipe, just so long as you keep those hands clean. "
