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'Let's Pin Flynn!' an XWF original show
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

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08-08-2014, 04:16 PM Big Grin  'Let's Pin Flynn!' an XWF original show -->


*A Lost style intro plays as different scenes begin to play*

*Flynn kneels next to a bomb with pliers in his hand, Gator is somewhere on a walkie talkie. The scene shows both men with a parting between them*

"Which wire do I cut!?"

"The red one dammnit!"

"They're all red!

"Mother of God.... Flynn, the doctors never told you?"

"Told me what?"

"Flynn... Mark, you're colorblind."


*Flynn and Gator are in a high tech car driving down a desert highway. Both have open Hawaiian shirts and magnificent perms*

"How long til we get to Mendoza?"

"I don't know, we'll ask T.O.D.D. How long til we get that child stealing, drug dealing and overall drag Mendoza, T.O.D.D?"

*The camera shifts to some bars and meters in the center of the steering wheel*

T: "By my calculations it will take 4 more action packed episode Gator."

"You know what this means right?"

"Yeah. Enough time for mai tais!"


*The pair high five and freeze frame driving off a cliff*

*Screen wipe to an isolated street. Mark Flynn is wearing some classic 80s clothes and his arm around Todd in a blonde wig wearing a women's Canadian tuxedo. Lightning flashes on the road and a DeLorean appears as if from thin air. Gator steps out, smoke following him, he looks down at his cool as fuck Casio calculator watch and looks up to Flynn and fem-Todd*

"MARKY! You have to come back with me!"

"Woah Gator I just got back, go where?"

"Back to the Future!"

"But Gator why? Slow down, what's happened?"

"Nothing's happened yet but it's your kids Mark, Mastermind pins your kids!"

"WHAT! ... Wait what about Todd? I can't just leave her... him? here!"

"Well bring it with you, Todd's involved too! Come on!"

*All three cram there way into the outdated time machine as Gator starts the engine*

"Wait Gator! Shouldn't I advertise something before we go?"

"Advertisements? Where we're going we don't need, advertisements."

*The DeLorean speeds off as the Back to the Future theme plays and the gang drive through a giant Pepsi logo sending them into the not so distant future*


*A studio audience claps*

*In Gator's living room, the three men sit on the couch*

"Don't you usually wait a week before trying to pin me again?"

"Yeah but you actually didn't leave last night so I thought might as well try again... By the way, good to have you back Todd"

*Todd fidgets on the couch, he is still trapped in his nightmare, surrounded by Charlie. His landlord back in Vietnam, Todd looks at Flynn sat beside him*

T: "NO! I won't let Charlie take you again my love!"


*Todd dives on top of Mark, pinning him with his flabby belly and noodle like arms*

"For fucks sake, not again.... Todd get off him!"


"Flynn kick him off!"

*The pair lay still on the ground as Gator watches over them*

"Holy shit. You can only get up when it's a dramatic three count! Is that right!?"


"... Fine!"





[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Gator's post:
(08-09-2014), Vincent Lane (08-08-2014)

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08-08-2014, 11:43 PM

THRE-NO! Flynn wrenches a shoulder off the ground!

"C'mon, stop messing around."

Gator waves Todd off and stands over Flynn. Now, Gator hooks Flynn's leg.

"No one's counting. Kick out."



T: ...

"...It's not that easy..."


"Some people can't whistle, some people can't turn left, I can't kick out of a pin until the moment becomes dramatic."

"All right... This is a problem... And Todd and I are going to help you through it..."

Montage Scene 1: Gator points with a wooden stick to a chalkboard, first to a stick figure lying prone on the ground, then to one with its shoulder off the ground.

Flynn squints confused between the two. Gator then breaks the stick over Flynn's head.

Montage Scene 2: Flynn lies on the ground, Todd lying on top of him. Gator counts 1....2... FLYNN KICKS OUT! 1...2... FLYNN KICKS OUT...

Gator stops counting!


Flynn stays lying on the ground.

Gator takes another wooden stick out and breaks it over Flynn's head.

Montage Scene 3: Flynn, Todd and Gator watch the montage scene from Rocky IV. Gator nods knowingly, as if this is the turning point in Flynn's training, even though they're just watching a clip from a movie.

Montage Scene 4: Flynn does sit-up after sit-up as Gator stands by. Gator then whistles and Todd dives on top of Flynn...

Flynn does a sit-up with Todd on top of him! FLYNN KICKED OUT WITHOUT NEEDING TO BE DRAMATIC!

Flynn stands up, fists triumphant in the air!

Gator pats him on the back... Flynn hugs him like Apollo and Rocky did in Rocky 3.

"This story of inspiration is brought to you by Rocky V. The terrible one. Don't buy it, but just deal with the fact that it exists."


Gator is in a lab coat, reading a bunch of papers attached to a clipboard.

"According to my calculations... my God..."

Gator pauses, then reaches into his pocket, pulling out a pair of glasses.

Which he puts on... Then dramatically takes them off!

"I have 20/20 vision, and don't need these glasses at all."

Flynn stands outside on a road... in the rain... On his knees... Defeated... Trapped in 1955.

Man: Mr. McFlynn?


Man: Is your name Marty McFlynn?

"Nope. Mark Flynn."

Man: Oh. Well... I have a letter for you anyway.

Flynn: "A letter to me? That's impossible! Who the hell are you?"

Man: Western Union. What are you, a cop?

Flynn: "No."

Western Union Man: Then never you mind who I am. Take you magic time letter and read it.

Flynn's hands quiver, as he folds open the paper... His

Flynn: "It's from Gator! "Dear Mark, If my calculations are correct you shall receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning."

"I'm dead. I was stoned to death. Thanks for nothing, asshole."


"I...oh. I guess I just stay in the past then."

Flynn turns to the guy who gave him the letter.

"What's good in 1955?"

Man: Racism and beating your wife is socially acceptable for ten more years.

"Well, guess those are the two things I'm doing now."

Flynn and Gator click their drinks together.

[-] The following 2 users Like MarkFlynn's post:
Gator (08-09-2014), Vincent Lane (08-08-2014)

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