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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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"Mark! We need to cook!"
Author Message
Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-06-2014, 02:39 PM

*Gator is seen in his kitchen at his home in Boston, he is wearing a chef hat and stirring a wooden spoon in some kind of pot or pan*

*Ding-Dong ... That was the door, I didn't just say ding dong, that'd be weird*

"That must be Flynn, I told him to come round again this week as was mentioned in my promo 'Warriors come out and play...' Todd, do you mind getting that"

T: "Uuuh... Okay."

*Todd takes the camera and walks down the hall towards the door, his hand goes to turn the handle and Todd takes a deep breath and exhales*

T: "I hope he doesn't kick me in the head again"

*He opens the door to a smiling Mark Flynn holding a bottle of Sweet Goddamn Fine Wine vintage, 1977. Pretty fucking good stuff*

"Hey Todd."

T: "Hey Mr. Flynn. Nice coat."

"Thanks, I think it's Gators"

*Mark Flynn puts the coat on the coat rack and walks towards the kitchen as Todd follows. Flynn enters the kitchen and greets Gator*

"Hey Gator."

"Hey Flynn, glad you could make it. We're having carbonara, hope you like it! You mind grabbing me the pepper from that shelf?"

"No problem for Free Win Flynn!"

*Flynn hands Gator the wine and reaches up to the pepper but it's just out of reach. So Flynn stands on top of the counter to grab the pepper with ease. Whilst this is happening Todd sets the camera on the floor as he ties his shoelaces, Gator is reading the label of the Sweet Goddamn Fine Wine*

"Got the pepper! A-chu!

*The power of Mark Flynn's sneeze forces him off the counter! Flynn falls onto his back on the floor, Todd thinking Flynn's powerful sneeze was a gunshot he jumps on top of Flynn hoping to guard him from the 'gunshots' Gator continues to read the label out loud unaware of the current situation*

"Okay it says here that to enjoy the wine to it's fullest you need to count before opening it, preferably opening the bottle on the count of 3, how strange. Okay here we go!"





[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-06-2014, 04:18 PM


"Ah... CHOO!"

Gator turns over to Flynn and Todd lying on the ground...

"Bless you."



Gator points and yells at the pair.


Todd however in his own mind... Was surrounded by gunfire...

He was trapped in... Vietnam. Hiding in the long grass with a machine gun...

Charlie seemed like he was everywhere.

Charlie. His Vietnamese landlord back when he had an apartment in Ho Chi Minh city in 1997.

He looked down and saw Private Fields lying in the grass, bleeding from the skull...

Killed by Charlie...

Via incidental injury... Technically.

Fields had died of shoddy carpentry, a splinter launching into his skull after he had intentionally slammed his head into a retaining wall...

Fields hadn't been a clever man, he was in fact quite mentally ill, having changed his name two years prior from 'Dave' to 'Private'. He fell to his knees...

Where Flynn was lying... Congested from the sneezing bout.

"...Could really use a tissue, Todd..."

Todd picks up Flynn, cradling him in his arms... Stroking his face...

T: "It's okay, buddy... You'll be okay... Shh..."

Flynn is... quite confused...

"...Yeah, I know. I just need a tissue..."

Gator, feeling overwhelmed with this recipe, turns the corner around the counter.

"What's going on here?!?"

Todd looks up, horrified!


Through Todd's mind's eye, he sees Charlie.... his landlord... A stingy balding man of Caucasian descent.

What, just cause he's a landlord in Vietnam, he can't be a white guy?

Fuck you.

"You will pay for these damages..."


"I do not have insurance for this complex... You will pay... You will pay..."


Todd leaps off of Flynn and sprints out the door taking Flynn's coat... And striding out the front door.

Gator and Flynn both call after him.


Both look at each other.


And freeze frame high five.

"These wacky antics are brought to you by 'XWF's The Best of Gator and Flynn' Volume 1 now on DVD and Betamax tape! Comes with special bonus feature. One bonus feature. Just one. BUY NOW!"
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