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Aw, Shut the Fuck Up - JimCaedus - 06-05-2017 CAEDUS REWIND: It was revealed through Jim's backstory in "Killing the Comedy, Combusting the Curtain" that during Jim's senior year attending Mayfair High School, two of his friends (one Sean Bankston and one Dusty Evanson) had conspired to betray him by manipulating his 2nd time girlfriend Heather Harris (with whom Jim had traded virginity in '95) into publicly humiliating him by screaming "I CAN TALK TO WHOEVER I WANT!" in response to his asking her not to talk to Dusty, who had feelings for her. This consequently had led to Jim snapping and raising his hand to Heather, effectively decimating his social standing on campus as well as adversely affecting his self esteem for years to come. At the time, Jim had been far too despondent to retaliate... -Late 2002- "Oh my fffuckin' God that feels so good.." I extend the F on "fuckin" and peter out on "so good" involuntarily, the overwhelming pleasure inspiring the wont for dirty talk while simultaneously robbing me of my breathy attempt to convey it. Nicole (Faustino; introduced in backstory in "#8" and revealed as a constant friend with benefits/adulterous partner of Jim since '96) stops slobbing as much length as she can and starts sucking hard, focusing on my circumcised head with consistent, quick forward and back motion, using her soft tongue to stimulate the sensitive underside. I can't help but match her motion with my own. I grunt. I notice the crinkle as my face contorts in a snarl and I furrow my brow with that ironic it-feels-so-good-you-little-whore-I'm-gonna-look-like-I'm-disgusted expression. "Fuck, baby, _get_ that head!" She doesn't use her right hand on the shaft and head with the typical corkscrew motion, she's all mouth. Her hands grip my cheeks and I can feel her instinctively begin pulling the right open with her left hand and creeping in with the right, her intent being sticking a finger in my ass. She always tries. I never let her, sheepishly squeezing them together. For her, it's a game at this point since the first attempted intrusion back in '96. She never takes it negatively. She just squeezes my cheeks hard and helps me thrust into her mouth a bit harder than I am. "You wanna mouth fulla hot cum?" She responds nasally, "Mhmm." "Yeah?" "Mmm_hmm_!" "Oh fuck, here it comes baby-" I stop my motion altogether and thrust myself forward. She further intensifies. "Oh..._shiiit_! _Fuck_! ..._MM_! ..._MM_!" She swallows it all without gagging then refuses to let up. "_MM_! Haaaa- Stop, stop, stop-" She doesn't of course, this is more of the game. She likes to make me dance for my nut...kinda like The Kings with Cadryn 17 years into the future from this point in time. I dismiss the digression and return to recollection... "Nicole!" I start to laugh and jerk but I sure as hell ain't gonna be the one to pull away. She deep throats what she can, eliciting a massive exhale from moi, before backing off with suction so great on my head it hurts, and then- SMACK -it springs from between her lips like a lolly. She smiles up at me, running her hands from my navel down my deep v. I smile back down at her, bend down and lift her to her feet by her underarms. She tries to kiss me. I dodge it. After 6 years her tool of infidelity, especially as a wrestler already capable of pulling pussy, I'd begun to grow bitter over the fact that she never wanted anything more from me. No boyfriend since her first, neither of her two husbands (both the fathers of her two children), were immune to whatever it was she saw in me. On the flipside...whatever it was she saw in them, I didn't have. Is it my height? True, Nicole IS an inch taller, always has been since I've known her...but is that what invalidates me as relationship material with her? "No cummy kisses," she asks rhetorically, playfully? "Nope, that's husband territory," I respond with a pinch of dick attitude. I retrieve my boxers and dark blue Dickies shorts from the end of her and her husband Trevor's bed and pull them up over the black DCs and socks I hadn't removed for our oral games. She snags my black Independent T before I can, irritating me, and pulls it down over her bare top. "We should get more," she says with a smile. She meant meth. Nicole had always been down to get drunk and faded since high school. After I'd returned from Cypress with a shiny new addiction to shit, I'd discovered Nicole was down for that too. Unfortunately, where I'd already graduated to the pookie, she remained adamant in doing lines, which I found to be a waste. Snorting hardly did much for me anymore. In true addict fashion, however, that didn't stop me from inhaling my half ravenously so she didn't hog what I'd purchased. And now she wanted me to buy more. Fuckin' sprak sluts...they're all the same. "That dub was the last my connect had." "Hit up Dusty, he has a couple connects," she offers. A splinter of forgotten rage pierces my brain. "Dustyyyyy...Evanson," I question carefully? "From Mayfair?" (Our alma mater) "Yeah." There's a name I've not heard in a long time. And come to think of it...I believe we have unfinished business to attend to. Still, I- "Don't have his number." "Desi does. Let me text her..." Desi tweaks too? Jesus. I should hit 'er up. I remember she liked me in school, bet I could fuck that now. Several minutes later I'm texting a former best friend who'd stabbed me in the back for a shot at my bitch. 3:07 PM Jimmy? Is that really you? 3:08 PM Yeah man. No hard feelings, ok? Hey, I was wondering if you knew where to get any shit. 3:09 PM You do that? 3:09 PM Yeah. Trying to get a 20. 3:10 PM For sure, I have some right now. Can we meet up? Yeah...we can meet up 3:11 PM Absolutely. Come to my house in Long Beach. 311 E 65th Street. Right by the 91 and 710 overpass. 3:12 PM Ok give me 30 minutes 3:12 PM No worries. "So what's up," Nicole asks eagerly? "I'm gonna go pick up and I'll be back." "Promise?" "Of course." I lied. I have no intention of coming back today. I'm not even sure what I'm gonna do when I have Dusty at arm's length. "I'll be back, Waffles." I step out her front door and briskly walk to my '98 Ford Taurus. Whatever it is I'm gonna do...I better decide quickly. Dusty betrayed me. I don't give a shit how long ago it happened...I hold grudges for a lifetime and now the universe is placing this Brutus in my path. I should kill him for what he did. He and Sean Bankston. Two traitors deserving of a traitor's death... I slide into my ride, still shirtless, fuck it, shove the key into the ignition and twist. TBC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Aw, Shut the Fuck Up" "Action Jim." I look to the camera lens and deliver my lines. "For a guy like me, the XWF Universal Champion, it takes a _monstrous_ amount of energy to keep on top. So I drink Java Monster, available in _6_ energy boosting flavors. Loca Moca, Kona Blend, Vanilla Light, Irish Blend, Mean Bean and my personal favorite: Salted Caramel." I pause to take a swig from the Salted Caramel Java Monster can in my hand. I down the contents swiftly then crush the can, as directed, on my forehead. I dramatize a boost in energy and I roar. "Who can keep up with me now!? Java Monster! Coffee done the MONSTER way!" "Aaaand _cut_. Nice job, Jim." -Monday June 5 2017, Burbank, CA- I ignore the idiot director and walk off the simple white backdrop set. The irony isn't lost on me. As of late, my work ethic can HARDLY be compared with the 11 setting I'd been on during my first three months, not that it's purely my fault. But NOW these people come to me with this? Goddamn advertisers...always late to the fuckin' party. Whatever, more money for me as the new Java Monster spokesman. I'd even received ten free cases of Salted Caramel after agreeing to the job. Not so bad. "If we're good for now I have an obligation." Promo...I NEED to fuckin' promo. Chaos and Thadly have both uploaded multiple times...it's my turn. "Go right ahead Jim, that's a wrap. Great job today." It takes me five minutes to get to my Star Wagons trailer. I wonder momentarily if I should ask to _borrow_ a cameraman then decide against it. No more time to waste. Those two traitorous twats have been chompin' at the bit for days. This needs to be done here and NOW. I prepare my phone... ................................................................. ((responding to Duke's first two promos and Chaos's first)) "What kinda cowards haven't the balls to stand opposite their intended target rather than beside? Chris Chaos and Thaddeus Duke. That kind. But that's what you get with Jim Caedus as Universal Champion: a testosteronal drought from never was and has-been hacks hyped as top contenders. A pair o' pussies so frightened in context with takin' the Star Killer head on, they decide instead to sidle up and take advantage of His well-known platonic pursuits backstage so as to cruise to a title shot. Practical? Perhaps. Positive precedent for that strategy's success in this the pinnacle promotion? Ask Cadryn Tiberius, Robbie Bourbon and Gabe Reno. They all feigned friendship to get what they wanted from me at one time or another...now they all represent Ws on my tally sheet. Coincidence? Only if you're a fool. There is no greater sleight in my world than betrayal...and it never goes unanswered. Ever. Chris, there is no question you are indeed a saboteur and a traitor. And Thadly...while I do like you and you DO remain an approved member of Ax3, your apathetic approach has left much to be desired...and I heard no dispute from you when your uncle Theo Pryce of The Kings, _our_ ENEMIES, announced you'd be taking part in the 60 Minute Iron Man Match with my Universal Title on the line. Besides the fact I knew both you and Chaos would eventually be challenging for my strap anyway, were you truly my brother and loyal ally of Ax3 you'd have never agreed to a stacking of the deck against me. That, my young friend, exhibits traitorous tendencies...and I'd wager, despite being seen as paranoid by some, in light of what you did to Dolly, the possibility that you'd stab me in the back for my title is far less than far fetched. You now tread the line between Ax3 and oblivion, Thaddeus, while you, Chris, have been BEGGIN' to be made an example of. As a result, gentlemen..." I feel all emotion drain from my person as I level the lens with a dead gaze. "...consider yourselves fucked." I sustain the stare for several seconds in silence before continuing. "Thadly, seein' as you've been the more active and outspoken of the two o' you thus far, it appears prudent to throat fuck the attitude outta you first. For starters......is that the best you've got? Matter of fact, I point the same question to you, Chaos. Is that it? This is what I've been waitin' for?" I crack my knuckles. "No sweat, ![]() I caught your little mind game play at my ego there, Thaddeus, claiming I'm the true leader of Ax3. S'amateur shenanigans, geek, what'd you think I was gonna do, kick Graves and Main in the nuts and say "yeah, that's right, fuck those guys, _I_ say what goes"? I stated plain as day in the middle o' the ring in Raleigh who the leader is. I made it clear as cunny juice what position I hold as well, I'm the founder of Ax3 and that's all there is to it. It's a shame you don't pay attention, even while IN ATTENDANCE, asshole, because in competition with me, in the squared circle...that kinda shit translates to an ass kicking courtesy o' Caedus. And don't get cute, kid; you say you don't need any fingers to count how many fucks you give? Somethin' tells me by the time I've finished flayin' your feeble figuring and flattened you at High Stakes II you'll give more fucks than fingers you've got LEFT to count on once I've bitten 'em off. Speakin' o' countin'...when you're done criticizing Cuck Chaos and myself over so-called "bloated" tally sheets, give yourself a nice, solid kick in the royal rectal eye for not possessing the drive that douche and I do to have accumulated as many wins as we have regardless of the victims who, by the way, were not CHOSEN by us but by the booker. We can hardly be blamed for that and godDAMN you to Hell for makin' me by proxy defend that dick... You then invalidated my victory in the Lottery claiming, and I'm paraphrasing here, there was no talent in it? Really? The Doc. Dolly Waters. TRAX. Robbie Bourbon. Not to mention my brothers Micheal Graves and Robert Main. Each o' those names could crush your itty bitty barely legal balls, lil' bro. Furthermore, if you even HAD the theoretical testes of which I speak, you'd have BEEN in the Lottery to begin with and I STILL would've emerged Mr. 24/7. Fuck have you done in the time you've been here? Very little. Like your impact on the XWF. Shit, if I hadn't extended an invitation for you to join Ax3 there wouldn't even BE a Duke Nation fan base. Everyone basically ignores you and for good reason: you ain't entertaining. Skilled...but unentertaining. We gave you much needed spice, a platform...and yet, like your career thus far, you didn't do much with it, did you? Pathetic. Don't blame you for my not knowing your relation to Theo you say? Fuck that, I WILL blame you, youngster. The moment Theo kicked in the door on Boss Lane, the man responsible for giving me the opportunity to turn my life around, and announced his designs on taking over the XWF, you became obligated to share that with any at the time current and future comrades. ESPECIALLY those TARGETTED by that twat. You kept that info from Ax3 and while you didn't necessarily LIE...you CHOSE to remain silent on the subject and that's hardly conducive for a trusting atmosphere is it? As for your remarks on bein' too busy to answer or return my calls, lemme make this as blunt as possible: if I call, you drop everything and fuckin' pick up, uppity prick. And unless you WANT Main, Graves and I to jump you outta Ax3 I'd suggest you watch your motherfuckin' mouth with that talk of rectifying your membership. You're on thin ice, pal. Oh, this "wrestling thing" is just somethin' you do for fun, is it? That right there's gonna cost you, you spoiled rich lil' bitch. This "wrestling thing" is my LIFE, my SALVATION. When I approached the XWF brass and signed on the dotted line I had NOTHING. Now...I've collected more money and success than ever before. If you think, for one second, I'm gonna let someone like you take all that away from me you're outta your mind. Your "fun" is my lifeline...and you'll find I'll gladly garrote you with it 'til the veins in your eyes pop, you expire and fill those princely pantaloons with death-voided bowels. On the subject of killing you...what the fuck did you say to me? Did you...did you THREATEN _ME_!? I make the outta-match threats around here, ho. Now you're pissin' me off and we definitely have a problem. A snake are you? I'll hold you up by your tail with one hand, rub you the wrong way with the other and de-scale you before pullin' that herp' head off with less power than it'd take to open a new jar o' pickles. In fact, hell with a metaphor, you ever talk tough to me like that again, we can handle this shit backstage. I'll beat your ass to a soundtrack, snake, right before I rip your limbs off and MAKE you live up to that figurative fuck-around, fuck-o and that ain't a warning, that's a promise. Don't force me to make an example outta you, Thadly, I'll jump you like checkers and have your nation king me. You boast you can't be intimidated. I disagree. Sure as fuck didn't hear you mannin' up during my callin' out of you and Chaos, you ranker sumbitch. But for argument's sake, let's pretend you ARE "unintimidatable". It ain't because you're brave, bitch, it's because you're too stupid to realize your "staring down barrels", "surviving war" and whatnot means absolute shit when compared to tanglin' with me. Whether I frighten you or not makes no difference, I'm gonna rearrange those pretty femme features o' yours anyway. Ask yourself this...did _Bearded War Pig's_ harrowing history with the military save him from Katabasis? No and neither will yours. Keep your stiff upper lip; all it'll do is make hittin' and splittin' it that much easier. Any other brilliant conclusions you wanna arrive at, anus? Be happy to wipe my hole clean with those too...and on that shitty note... Ain't no even odds here, horse's ass, you're gonna be all alone out there while I enjoy the company of both Graves as ref and Main just for the helluvit. Or WILL you be alone, Thadly? It's not too late to show your loyalty and FALL. INTO. LINE. I've been silent for over half a week. I've given you an opportunity to see past your own arrogance but all you've done is flood the XWF airwaves with subpar sass and hackneyed heresy much in the way NOC and Dolly did durin' the Lottery. You give bullshit excuses of not havin' the time to answer my calls while you flap your fellatin' lips non-stop in defiance of my championship status. Well Caedus is here now, motherfucker...and I won't let up until I've caught up. If you thought I'd not be able to handle the pressure...review the tape of the LL4 finals, fuckstick. Which brings me to you, Chaos..." My eyes narrow as the faintest of lopsided grins tugs at the left corner of my lips. "Chris...you've already got this all assbackwards. You ain't elevatin' Thadly Fluke's flacid fisticuffs and it's apparent to everyone you ain't bringin' your A game either, if you even still possess it. What's happenin' here is, without me uttering a single word before now in promo, the two of you are suffering from the Caedus Effect. The one difference is, the kid's overcompensatin' with goofy gayroddery while you've been wiltin' like a whipped woman. Why? Simple...you've feared me since my arrival. It's a fact. Shall we investigate the matter? Paul Heyman's companywide pep-talk on the Lethal Lottery 4 tournament that devolved into a verbal altercation spannin' several days as things usually do at HQ. I submit to the court the evidence in hand..." ::Edited into promo prior to uploading, footage rolls dated January 23-24, 2017, exhibiting then Universal Champion Chris Chaos threatening Paulie. Respectfully, as a mere month-old name on the roster, awaiting a break in the commotion Chris's words cause, Jim takes his opportunity to respond directly in defense of Heyman (( http://xwf99.com/showthread.php?tid=26263&pid=116074#pid116074 )). By the time the argument has concluded...Chaos has declined to answer back. Fade out Caedus once more appears before us, a knowing glare levied at the viewing Chris Chaos wherever he may be.:: "Now Chris...knowing you and how you'd never own up to sincere cowardice, I'll go ahead and solidify this damning proof with precedent. As the Universal Champion you always...ALWAYS...engaged in debate with whomever you deemed beatable and for the most part, you were always right. How many times during your reign did some giddy greenhorn call you out with you responding? The answer? Often enough that The Doc himself found it necessary to ask something to the effect of "Must you answer every puppy scratching at the door?". And yet..._I_ stood up, hit YOU with a threat and received no such sass-back. I've been holdin' onto this Ace up my sleeve awaiting what I knew to be an inevitable showdown with you, Chris. You. Fear. Me. Which means... I O W N Y O U and have from that moment on. Hell...when you DID start conversing with me publicly it was right around the time you were joinin' Ax3 and no longer felt a REASON to fear me, bein' accepted into the fearsome fold with my misplaced friendship. You didn't respond before our alliance because you didn't think you could beat me. Period. And guess what? You still can't, you won't...and if you bring that thot o' yours down to the ring, after what she did to me on the Ax3 Takeover of Savage, I'll force that whore to give you head, live, with that superior suction I know she possesses, and suck you inside out through your own urethra. You pointed out my usage of verbal anal penetration against opponents in promo...this is why. I've figuratively fucked you up the ass with one swing. At this point...there's NOTHING you can say to counter, Chaos. Nothing. I have no need to beat a dead horse...but I'm gonna do it anyway. You're beggin' for it, tryin' as hard as you can to project your own lack of balls onto my incomparably superior persona. You know how you dedicated the majority of your ammo aimed my way on the subject of "studying me for some time" and unveiling my "lies" and "hypocrisy"? Not a thing you've offered up predates or beats the homerun I hit but I'll gladly retort. You claiming not only the collapse of Ax3 but blamin' me for it? Zero weight. 6 titles. 3 double champions...none of them Chris Chaos. It would appear you're the liar here, hack, and that's just the FIRST fraudulent flounder. You say, basically, that I'm a fake who acts tough in the ring but is a "passive punk bitch" always "doing the right thing outside of the ring". Uhhhh...setting aside my unfortunate past drug abuse and...my much less savory actions, _all_ enacted outside the ring...have I not become entangled in several altercations both in person and in promo, threatening actual physical violence towards the likes of, for example, NOC, John Blaq and Colton Kato? Did I not attack Drake and The Revival out of the ring, effectively setting up the very match in which Ax3 attained the Trip Tag Titles? Am I not KNOWN for my comments of tearing up my contract in favor of following certain names home and cuttin' their fuckin' throats while they lie in bed? Fucking imbecile. That's strike two, twat. Allow me to Gilly-digress for a moment to point out how hilariously you stated in your first promo that you had more respect for me before my becoming "consumed with power" (fuck am I by the way, Emperor Palpatine?) only to say a minute later how proud you are of me for my callin' you out on Warfare which would stem from my so-called current "power drunk" status. You're an idiot. Contradictory cocksucker. Anyway, you continued by attempting, and failing I might add, to make a point of how what I say doesn't match what I do, callin' me a "CO-TV Champ", whatever the fuck that means, moron, in the process, using my first match with Cadryn as your example. Beyond the amusing fact you never got around to bookending that argument, you attack the match conclusion of a draw as well as my tactics in promo, those being homosexually violent in nature. Chris, if you studied me as in depth as you claim to, you'd have had to actually peruse every promo I've had since that match and if you had, you'd have stumbled across not only my admitting being distracted and unable to focus on that first TV Title defense but my purposely attempting to fight fire with fire...or rather, faggish with faggish in context with then heavily assumed ass-fan Tiberius, trying to mirror his comedy as well, and I admitted it all during promos leading into my second bout with TNix. At the time I was experimenting with adapting my strategies to those of my opponents. Next time, don't lie and say you did your research, just do it or don't, dipshit. As for your comments of my continued use of ass rape metaphors in promo and your challenging of their toughness...toughness has nothin' to do with it, dumbass. It's mental warfare. Seeing as I have fewer losses than you do on my tally, I'd say it works pretty well for me, wouldn't you? And don't bother comparing your time here with mine in context. I'll always have fewer losses than you, loser, I guarantee it. Finally, your weak volley accusing me of fondness for male ass is about as believable as a fat dork on Skype uploading pics of all the models he knows and fucks amidst claims of, shit, I-D-K...workin' for a magazine, bein' a rapper and also runnin' a regular podcast interviewing pro wrestlers while he takes part in that weird ass hobby some smarks out there enjoy called "efeds". It's a good thing I just randomly pulled that outta my ass 'cause if that were an apt description of YOU, Chaos, I would've effectively BURIED your bitchass for the second time now. Strike three, B-T-W. Fuck it, I'll let you step up to the plate again... What I did to Reno was a bitch move was it? No more so than that pussy pretending to be my pal to avoid my cashing in on 'im, I'd say. In fact, that's what everyone ELSE has been saying, Chris, you're the only one actin' as if Gabe didn't deserve it the way he got it. The Big Dick Daddy way. A dick WILL fuck an asshole, no? Indeed. So your bullshit assumption that a Big Dick Daddy would've chosen to give a scheming scumbag a fighting chance is about as inaccurate as the rest of your words have been. With that one, justifiable exception, everyone else I've faced HAS had me on as level a playing field as one can hope for against me. Strike one. "Same tired routine. Same Caedus" you claim...while undergoing the same tired routine, bein' the same Chaos, dredging up your opponents' histories. How's that workin' out for you thus far? Strike two. You "tear shows down"? I agree, the ratings had never been lower, interest never less intense, during your reign as the Universal Champion. Look at the roster since I've taken over. Swollen like my cock, RIGHT NOW, as I swat down every. Single. Argument you make, in anticipation of crushing you in our match. Feast your eyes upon the viewership and approval of both Savage and Warfare cards. Huge. Yes Chris, I AM the ruler of this shit right now. It's under _MY_ term these changes have been made, motherfucker, not yours. Strike three. Fuck it, step up again. I only have this title because of my "strength advantage over Dolly and a weakened Gabe Reno"? Didn't Dolly and Gabe both kick your ass, Chris? Do I currently hold a 1 and 0 record against both? Oops. Strike one. I "haven't been through the grind you have"? I've been "pampered, sheltered and praised"? Three months Chris. Three months competing on every goddamn card, every extracurricular event, fightin' to ultimate glory in the Lethal Lottery tournament while I did it. Unless I'm mistaken...didn't it take you 6 months to get the Uni strap? Shit...even if I am wrong, you weren't even able to attain the TV Title and I held AND defended that the ENTIRE TIME I pushed through everything else. You ain't SHIT compared to me and my work ethic, dumbfuck. You're unaware of what a grind truly is. And all that praise? I earned it. No one praises you because you're a joke. You go so far as to dishonor your own OTM accolades. Mine? Badges of pride. I'm grateful for what I've achieved, you believe you're entitled to it all. Strike two. "You don't need anyone, including Jenny Myst"? That's why you used her to run interference with ME as guest referee on Savage to carry out your own agenda of sabotaging Ax3's plans. Where was this tough guy shit YOU claim? Where was the chaos? That was a textbook run-in, ![]() That's three times out, ![]() XXTXHXAXTXSXXJXEXNXGXAXXJXAXGXOXFXFXSXXXXXXX No sooner than I end record, a rapping of knuckles sounds from my trailer door. Curiously I open to see a man of Italian descent. "Jim Caedus, the boss wants a sit down." My silent partner in the medical marijuana grow. What's this all about? TBC |