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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Board 2021
More Words and Stuff.
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Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

09-24-2021, 09:57 PM

So you guys remember in my last one how I went on about narrative right. How I've realized my inconsistency and when it comes to the theatrical vignette or super serious expose stuff it's a jumbled mess.

You do.

Well I'm not changing that. Instead, having watched all the Alias promo's I'm just gonna take his thing but instead of ominous quotes or whatever I'm just gonna plug all the random ass ideas I get during the week. Anthology kind of ..I think. Anywho. Promo.

The Following Promotional Material
Was Brought To In Part

[Image: IHdnzuJ.jpg]

"Hood Honey"
The debut record of Atara Themis
From Panic Records.

Night time, Athens Greece. Nestled beneath the Parthenon at the base of the Acropolis sits the oldest neighborhood in Athens. Plaka, also affectionately known as 'The Neighborhood of the Gods. Fitting right? Because lo and behold guess who lives here. Atara. The Goddess. Light of so many eyes and the feature of this piece of obviously.

Her home is dark so we won't get into the details of it's, believe it or not, rather plain decor and besides its her home. She doesn't exactly need a ton of lighting to navigate. We will mention the echoes and reverberating bass of rap song meandering through the walls (the above song) and the almost perfect match of voice that accompanied it. Atara's voice.

Singing along seemingly oblivious to the camera in her face she sways and bobs her head to the music. Having a real moment for herself she's lost to the rhythm.

λες "να τη πάλι αυτή
Δεν την αντέχω πια στιγμή
Έχει κορμί φωνή
Και από φωνή μουγκή"
Έχετε γίνει γραφικοί,
Για αυτό σας γράφω μόνο εκεί
Που μια θέση κενή πάντα θα έχει
Έτσι πρέπει, η γλώσσα να τρέχει
Και τα φώτα και την προσοχή
Σε μένα να στρέφει
Γαμιολίκια να σε κάνουν να ξερνάς
Να κοκκινίζεις, με γελάς!
Ή μήπως προτιμάς, ε;
Να αλλάξω τόνο στην φωνή μου
Να γίνω ευγενική
Να κρύβω δήθεν την ντροπή μου
Δηλαδή μου αρέσεις
Και λόγια που όλα μοιάζουν ίδια
Αυτά θα ήθελες να ακούσεις; αρχίδια!
Και τώρα μόνο βρισίδια για όλους όσους ενοχλώ
Για αυτό δεν θέλω να ακουστώ σε ελαφρολαϊκό σταθμό
Που ψάχνει μετρητό
Για αυτό θα κάνω πως κοιτώ αλλού
Και εσύ μείνε καλού κακού με στόμα ανοιχτό

In the seconds it takes for all to be completely dismissed the camera zooms closer to Atty and accidently makes a noise that jars her from her revelry. Aegean blues snapped to the lens and in in painfully obvious pretend shock she gasps before snapping immediately to her normal self.

"Oh! Oh...Hello Doves!"

"Is it promo time already?"

*The camera shakes yes*

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't realize it was time. Did Vee let you in?"

*The camera shakes yes*

"Awesome. Let me finish and we'll....I'm sorry? What was that?"

"Who is Vee?"

*The camera confirms*

Atara's light bright as sapphires beneath an afternoon Greek sun and she beams wide, a lustful curl of her lips.


The scene blips out suddenly for just a second. Enough time for a brief image and a sudden porno-ish uuunh or whatever. I'm not describing it. If John doesn't have to. Me either.

[Image: qkJBOZG.jpg]

Back to Atara's face. Bottom lip tucked gently under teeth she's nodding in self satisfied approval.

"That's Vee. Victoria Strader. One of the OCW people and before anyone says anything yes I know. We're at finger quote war finger quote with that company but I...."

"....I'm sorry? What?"

"Oh right, of course. That question."

"Always. Aphrodite remember, patron of prostitutes, lesbians, and whatever else gets your dick hard. The Goddess really encompasses the whole sexual spectrum, Doves and symbolizes all the things that motivate man and woman alike to get off their ass and achieve. Not just a pair of boobs for you to stare at in the museum and not feel guilty. You'd know that if you weren't so 'pegged' down by conventional patriarchal dogma that weighs you with the moral decency yada yada and whatever I don't have the vocabulary to explain."

"But the whole thing you do anyway. I'm not the one sleeping alone or with a guilty conscience. Annnnyyywho....

"We'll get to John in a moment, but I'm a little busy and a little bladder shy."

Before the scene can fade out a the steady sound of water hitting is heard.

[Image: VaPNcS1.jpg]

Inspired by Noah Jackson's classic parody of Die Hard, which we still haven't seen a sequel to...

That I'm aware of. Sorry, love you Step Son.

...Aphrodite Incarnate is a less dated parody of a better action movie than everyone loves. Especially the ladies, because Keanu Reeve's and we love action! So much action. Give us all the action!

Yes, John Wick! I have no idea what the plot was going to be but it was going to be based on John Wick and lazy and install parodies of you people as characters. Parodies in a parody! It would have been groundbreaking! A promo tour de force! Cannes! Venice!

[Image: SHalaYi.png]

I would have gun-fu'd that Oscar from Meryl Streep's bloody broken and mangled hands and you would have openly weep'd while recording your dumbass reaction video on whatever social media you fucking are stuck to even though pretend you're too good for such things.

You're not sheep. No shit, you're not. You're the almighty Farm God looking at the sheep and thinking to yourself

"If only I knew I wouldn't caught."

Then you would have been caught and John Wick Atty would have hunted you down and jujitsu you into an early grave because Animal Cruelty.

I'm on to you John Black. No one fucks that many pornstars and doesn't get their own channel on the Hub. You mother fucking liar. I seen so many disgusting things looking for the truth. So many sheep's ...I'm gonna kill you.

Oh yeah Brother. An Ultimate Ass Kicking.

Back to Potty Break Atty. She's face first into her phone. Tweeting, as she does. She looks up. Shrugs.

"My bad. Got distracted. Do another one."

Scene Transition.

[Image: 4F540fq.png]

Holy Christ Blood! A zombie thing! A thing with zombies doing undead zombie things and being general not alive, brain dead, festering, rotting, prolly wouldn't last a day realistically, nuisances. With a super bad ass heroine in the lead. So bad ass it's like she's max level running through a effin tutorial flexing on noobs because she has spent way too much time killing zombies and collecting all the XP. Collecting all the swag and nobody in the multiplayer gives a shit because they've done it to.

She would have slain so much zombie ass. So much ineffectual irrelevant to match ass and it wouldn't have stopped there. Just a bloated sense of self ego slaying zombies. Did I say zombies.

Soooooo many sequels. So many goddamn sequels. many. Why are there so many dumb ass zombie horror sequels. Don't reboot. Don't sequel. They're mind numbing.
The genre is dumb.

So many versions the idea has been lost the scenes even seem to stop changing. Just a heroine in a room with her soundboards slaying zombies. We don't even need the same actors. Plug and play. Rinse repeat. Zombies eat defeat.

Just like every John Black promo. John meets girl. Girl dislikes John. John says mean things about girl or some variant of the idea.

Hold up, wait...this bit was for a different one. Fuck, my subtle digs have been exposed. That conniving wrestling genius is going to foil my plans now. I've been lured into his trap. I'm the brain dead zombie.

No one ever gets the subtle digs in my promo John. Or maybe they do but just aren't clever enough to rebuttal because they get so distracted by what's going on with my vagina they can't focus on anything else.

Woe Is Me. Why God? Why I'm I cursed with thou only tool for procreation. Why God did they touch me with heavenly pussy popping power?

Why these hips rock dick towers.

Why these lips suck for hours.

Ungh. Ungh.

Why my lady prefer this tongue to flowers.
Why I eat booty, sweet and sour.
Why I drop bars that castrate they nuts.
Why my legs drop jaws when I strut.
Why my ass flat but hands reach to touch.

Yeah, ok that's going in the album.

Thanks God.

[Image: fjgtnLi.jpg]

The scene transitions back and catches the brief end of Atara pulling delicates back up and she turns. A brow quirks.

"Perv much? I gotta wash my hands. Do another one.

Scene Transition

[Image: ChjAoZb.jpg]

Alright, I've got nothing for this one really. I know a lady who's kid listens to the Doom soundtrack relentlessly and was like eff it. Because Hell. Who doesn't like a good story set in Hell right.


Like the hell I have been through watching John Black promos and matches....the suffering was actually underrated to be honest. Not gonna too the scales in it's favor on TripAdvisor or anything but hey. If your in a bind for a dark and spooky. Hell I guess.

Look I'm getting bored and really don't watch that shit again for inspiration.

Just put me down, please. Bullet to the head and bury me. Literally.

 I can come back as an Undead Zombie Goddess Nightmare Supreme Being and Eff Everyone Up!

*Scene transition*

[Image: NVWJZ8N.gif]

*Scene transition*

[Image: VkuwluO.jpg]

*Scene Transition*


*Scene Transition*

An Irate Atty stares back. There's was no transition. Or was there. Pinch yourself. Spin the top. Smack ya face. Wake the Fuck Up John Black. You're dreaming. In no world will you ever beat me. Be a wrestling is not being a skilled wrestler. Being educated is not being wise

Effing porn stars does not make you Casanova.

Fighting and sex are alot of like Dove and if you have anxiety in that bother with me in the ring. I love the cameras as you know.

#HardOnForAtty. Try that one.

You can't blame be for in tune with the fans? What? No shit, it's kind of the gig and I like being paid. I like being praised. I like being adored. I like the adulation it's why I do it. It's why alot of us do it and when we someone try and fail so miserably time after's our job to let them know.

In brutal castrating fashion, on live television because drama sells ticket. Not the bullshit you're trying to sell apparently, but for most of us.

I'm just hitting the bare minimum in these responses John because if you can't watch those tapes back and pick out your ignorance, the hypocrisy, I'm sure as hell not going to point them out. I really thought I was reaching for something to say in the first one

I mean, who are we going to walk on to get the hype and our names spread around the locker room or however you butchered that sentenced.

You know what. Eff it. I'm not pretending I did any research to have anything remotely relevant to say. Relentless I best you for a third time and if there is a fourth time we'll see John Black to the same exact thing and get beat again

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[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
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2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
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#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
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